View Full Version : my sig...

Dec 21st, 2002, 02:20:26 PM
I think that my sig is a little plain. Could someone help me please.

Sage Hazzard
Dec 22nd, 2002, 08:47:40 AM
I think you should 1 make the background something different. Maybe a picture or pure black, making the text white or perhaps a muttled green to match Solid Snake's outfit. Also, you could start rejuvinating the text by getting rid of the "name: Valic" and simply adding the word "Valic" in larger text and apart from the other info. Unless, of course, you're going for that "ID" look. In which case, it's cool.

Also, you can maybe resize the character pic and then crop off the sig. You have too much blank space around the text in my opinion. Crop to the left as close to the text as you can. Resize the pic so that the bottom and top fit withen the length of the text space. Then crop off the top and bottom to be close to the text. Than just eyeball the right side. That might make it look a little more neat and tidy.

Sorry if my suggestions don't work. It's not so easy to make a suggestion when you can't try it and see how it works on the thing in question. :)