View Full Version : Spreading Out(Dis,Kariss,open)

Dec 21st, 2002, 01:39:31 PM
I was standing over a cliff overlooking the small village below us. The black dragon clan. They were soon to be Fuma ninjas, and part of Fiends army. Kariss and Dis stood beside me. "Well my children time to go to work. Take out only a few of the ninjas. The sensei and his family are what we want. After that then we rule another clan. Shall we go." I said as I smiled at them. I jumped off the cliff and my sash flew behind me.

I was falling upside down. I took out my sword, flipped around, and stuck it into the cliff wall. The friction slowed me down, and I began to fall slower and slower. I finally took out my sword and flipped backards off the wall, and landed softly on the ground. I was always quiet. I sheathed my sword and stood waiting for my two children to land beside me. When they did we began walking together to the village. Before entering I told them, "Dis you take the left side, Kariss you take the right, and I will take the center. Corner him, and then take the kill." After that the black dragon would be under my control.

I ran ahead of them, hand on my sword, and went to the center of the village. There was only a fire, and it was too quiet. I
listened and heard the shuffle of feet. I waited and heard something detach from someone. I turned unsheathing my sword to block a star heading for my chest. The star flew off my sword and hit the ninja in the chest. Two more came up to me and had no weapons. I sheathed my sword and one threw a punch. I ducked from the punch ad spun coming back up, delivering a foot to the mans face. The other threw his leg toward my head, and I blocked it with my forearm. I took my other arm and grabbed his leg. I grabbed his foot with my other hand and spun him from one side of me to the other. He hit the ground hard, and as soon as he did he became unconscience.

After the warm-up I continued through the village, looking for a real challenge. These ninjas would need training after we had taken over. More ninjas came toward me with their weapons drawn. I unsheathed my sword and waited. They never learn.

Dec 21st, 2002, 02:04:55 PM
I watch with a smile as Ansatsu takes out the Ninjas that think they can beat him. 'They do not know who they are messing with.' I think to myself. I look around to see a few of them running up to me and I pull my daggers out of from behind me and smile wickedly at them. The three of them surround me and I find the one that piques my interest first and wink at him.

"Come on, Tiger, let's see what you've got!" I hiss at him. He leaps out at me and just before he reaches me, I spin around and strike out with my daggers, slashing his chest open. He staggers back and drops. A second one jumps in holding out his sword. I laugh, blocking his strike with my daggers, bringing my leg up to kick him in the chest, sending him flying through the air and crashing into the wall. The third one leaps in, twirling two swords infront of him. I raise an eyebrow, watching his technique and then grin, dropping my daggers and strike out with my palm when I see the opening I am looking for, connecting directly to his nose. He drops immediately, lifeless.

I turn around, catching Ansatsu's attention and wink at him before he goes back to his fight.*

Dis Katon
Dec 21st, 2002, 02:07:08 PM
Dis had every weapon he ever used at his disposal, he had a feeling he was going to use all of them. He turned on his wrist cannon then his boots which made him run about 2 times faster. Then he launched toward the left side of the village. Ansatsu said to be quiet but quiet wasn't his thing.

3 ninja's jumped from the roof of one of the houses, with their swords drawn. Dis reached up to his chest and pulled a grenade from the holder. He thrown it behind him, the blood of the 3 ninjas covered the wall.


Then he shut off his boots. He stood there listening to the sounds around him. He tried to hear foot steps but heard none.

Dec 23rd, 2002, 09:35:56 AM
The first jumped and I slashed upwards, I activated the dashers on my legs and sent me toward the next two. I flipped behind one slashed, and then slashed at the other. The last ninja I threw a dart at and then salshed at his throat. I sheathed my sword, and all their bodies hit the ground. I continued down the village waiting for more enemies.

Dec 23rd, 2002, 08:12:47 PM
:: I silently stood before several of the ninjas with my eyes closed. They weren't facing me but their own clan that was right in front of them. Bodies lie everywhere and I smile. I had taken control of some of their ninjas and they hadn't known it until their first wave had been completely slaughtered by their own clan. They faced each other off now and the anticipation was almost too much for me to bear.
One of theirs moved forward and in an instant half of them were gone. Ninjas were so silent about it too. I was dissapointed... I enjoyed the noise of cutting flesh and tearing muscles, and cracking bones. I would have to inform Ansatsu of this. Silence is a virtue but style is a must. I began to whistle slowly as I opened my eyes. I had painfully beat the will out of these ninjas and now they were nothing but dogs that coould kill in shadows. I liked it that way. I could feel the other three moving about slowly. Ansatsu didn't know I had chosen to come but I figured it was a good oppurtunity. Ninja that were already trained in their own style and seemingly easily giving to the pain of the Fiend cells. I came around and stopped as Ansatsu stood yards away, heading in this direction. I waved as if I was little kid who had just seen his best friend. My eyes blazed in the darkness of the village and the eyes beneath the masks of the ninjas glowed with them too.::

Hi Ansatsu! Where are your "children?!" I wanted to ever see them in action! Gee wilickers... I hope they can play today.