View Full Version : Gangs of New York

Dec 21st, 2002, 03:56:57 AM
I give it my thumbs up. 3.5 stars.

It's not what I consider a great movie, but it's close, it's very good, better than I had feared, about what I thought it would be at best. Daniel Day-Lewis is much better than I expected, even. He steals the show, IMO. That is Oscar-worthy acting.

I'd be happy if Gangs of New York does well at the Oscars because it is a very good movie, unlike last year's slate of trashy films that were not only NOT good, but were actually poor.

Scorsese is such a great director that it's hard for him to create movies as good as the ones he has already done. I mean, how do you compete with Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, Casino, and Mean Streets?

I've not seen the latter film yet, but the other four are all not only great movies, but among the best, so that level of filmmaking is tough to duplicate over and over again. Gangs of New York is a valiant attempt, anyway. I very much enjoyed it and the 2 hours and 45 minutes passed relatively quickly.

Still, the film has nothing on The Two Towers...

Dec 21st, 2002, 09:35:54 AM
Jon, where is your review of TTT ? or have I over looked it ?

Dec 22nd, 2002, 07:03:29 AM
I am not updating my site for about 3 weeks, until I return from winter break. I don't have the software here at home or the Internet speed.

I gave Two Towers 4 stars, I reviewed it already, but my review remains unedited and here on my computer. It is 3.5 pages long as I recall, almost 4 I guess.

Dec 22nd, 2002, 12:25:57 PM
i was going to go see it but stinking town didn't bring it in pissed me off

like i want to go see 2 weeks notice instead no thank you

Dec 22nd, 2002, 03:55:53 PM
No kidding, how unfortunate. That kinda blows.

Dec 23rd, 2002, 12:37:49 PM
well they are bringing it in on wednesday but i am way more pumped about catch me if you can

Dec 27th, 2002, 11:12:59 PM
i thought it was a very subpar movie

Movie Review: Gangs of New York (2002)
Drama and Crime/Gangster 2 hrs. 44 min.
MPAA Rating: R for intense strong violence, sexuality/nudity and language
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz, Daniel Day-Lewis, Liam Neeson, Henry Thomas
Directed by: Martin Scorsese

In the mid 1800’s the streets of New York were a war torn, crime invested hive. The natives fought against the immigrants, and the criminals and low lives made their living off of everyone. Tamanany Hall and Mayor Tweed were the rulers of the day as they used the crime lords and gangs to keep a hold of their political offices. The worst of the worst was Bill the Butcher who had his hand in almost every single unlawful act happening in the city. When a rival who represented the immigrants challenges him to battle he obliges and kills the leader of the resistance the so named Priest. Priest’s son watches his own father die on the hands of the Butcher and swears revenge but he is first sent to a penal colony for youth where he spends 16 years plotting his revenge. Now 16 years later he is free at last and has returned to New York in the midst of the Civil War that is beginning to tear the city apart with the first ever Draft. Once he arrives in the city he quickly gets himself into the Butcher’s organization where his father’s murderer befriends him. Now he finds himself conflicted as he falls in love with a street hustler who was once a lover of the Butcher also. So he plots his revenge and fights the conflicts of his soul.

This movie is already getting a lot of Oscar buzz but I am confounded on why. The movie is nothing more than one violent and blood-strewn scene after another with nothing to hold them together except their own violence. The plot is almost non existent as the only thread that holds it together is the one and only plot line and that is revenge for Leonardo DiCaprio’s character. They tried to mix in other elements of plot such as the fight between the immigrants and the natives, the draft of the Civil War, and the Mayor Tweeds corruption but these plot lines were underdeveloped and only used as a side not most times as the movie moved from one violent scene after another. Also the gratuitous sex scenes added nothing to the film only contributing to an already decadent film as they served no purpose in the plot or the story. The actors like Day-Lewis and DiCaprio might have saved the movie except the movie never really took time to develop their characters as it was more interested in blood, gore, and sex. They lightly brushed on why the Butcher was the way he was but it was too little to late and still left a ton of unanswered questions. Movies can be filled with violence and battles if the story makes up for it, which this movie didn’t and then most movies will try and mix in a little romance and love to break up the action. This movie is no exception as Leo and Cameron have there own little love fair that is contrived at best. There is no spark between these two characters mostly because the movie did not bother to develop their relationship or their characters to begin with. There are plenty of movie out there that are action packed and full of violence like Lord of the Rings and Braveheart that do not forget to develop their characters and the plot, there is no excuse that Gangs could not have done the same. If you want to see one violent packed scene after another with nothing holding them to together this is the movie for you, otherwise wait for the video and save your money.
2.5 stars out of 5

Dec 28th, 2002, 12:56:52 AM
To each his own. Almost everyone enjoyed that film, though, and it is competing for awards at most organizations.

Dec 29th, 2002, 12:45:42 PM
I was QUITE impressed. IMHO it was one of the best films of the year. I know it seems like I just said that a few days ago with S. Spielberg's new flick, but this one is as well.

A 4 star film for me, no question.

Dec 29th, 2002, 04:44:09 PM
I can see how you'd say that, I was CLOSE to giving it a low four stars, but did not personally feel it was quite as good as that. I don't think it was one of the year's very best movies, but it's an honorable mention and I enjoyed it immensely. I am glad you liked it too, CMJ.

All of these great movies have been coming out at the end of the year, my god. I've given FIVE four star ratings this month. The previous record was just 2, and I hadn't given a four-star rating since August. They just opened the floodgates in December and let it all pour out, hehe, and there are still many left I need to see but they have not opened here yet at all. The Hours, The Quiet American, Adaptation, and About Schmidt come immediately to mind.

Dec 29th, 2002, 10:27:56 PM
I know..it's great stuff. I didn't go see anything today(been watching some stuff I got for X-mas...after my plane landed this morning) but I plan on trying to catch some of the stuff I have yet to see.

This is usually my favorite time of the year for films.

Dec 30th, 2002, 04:58:22 AM
I'm also kind of looking forward to "Narc" and of course Hero.