View Full Version : A toy for you, Kajeela

Sanis Prent
Dec 20th, 2002, 01:52:10 PM
<pre>Aisheerra - "Huntress"
Designation - Cizerack Intelligence Kei'Ai'Rrei Warship Class
Length: 1400 meters
Girth: 1000 meters
Armament: 200 Turbolaser batteries
100 Heavy Turbolasers (with redundant backups)
80 Anti-starfighter laser batteries
60 Missile launch tubes
Shields: Four Redundant generators - Output equivalent to MC-80
Engines: Four Ion Drive engines, Four vectoring thrust Ion Engines
Hull: Armor rating equal to an ISD
Crew: 18,400
Fighter Complement: None
Troop Complement: Basic ship security force
Additional Support units: Eight transport shuttles
Additional hardware: Cloaking Device</pre>

The only true Warship built by the Cizerack to date, the Aisheerra is a product of an increasingly paranoid and ruthless Kei'Ai'Rrei - the Cizerack Intelligence Bureau. It is the second largest starship in the Pride, next only to the immense three kilometer flagship, Oorru'Gurre'Gurre'. It differs from all other Cizerack capital ships in that it is not a galleon. Its cargo stores are only large enough to ensure the ship's operation. It lacks the fightergrapplers, tractor beam projectors, bore-tip assault ramps, and gorroka particle cannons that adorn more traditional capital ships in the Hunter fleet. In exchange, barrage power over three times the strength of a Star Destroyer is packed into the Aisheerra's lean prow, giving the warship a dizzying amount of destruction available in a single volley. The cloaking device allows the ship a stealth option, enabling it to maneuver undetected, and giving it a high chance of a first strike in an engagement.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Dec 21st, 2002, 12:31:45 AM

Kajeela Tarruurri
Dec 21st, 2002, 09:04:31 PM
At fjirrrssst, jI thought Sssanjisss wasss gojing to dance for me!!

But thjisss jisss sssooo much betterrr (jI wjill have a Sssanjisss dance anotherrr dajy!)


*Grabs Keerrourri up in a hearty hug in her excitement*

(ROCK! what a nice surprise, darlin)

Sanis Prent
Dec 21st, 2002, 11:50:03 PM
I'll try to find a pic when I can

(It's the Scimitar, from ST:TNG - Nemesis)