View Full Version : The Name of Ships

Zakatiel Rhinehart
Dec 20th, 2002, 01:47:38 AM
What are the name of those Star Destroy like Landing Craft in AOTC? And what about the Trade Federation Ships, what are those ones named? And while we are at it, what about those Begaining Walkers? Or those Atomsphere Attack Craft the Clones used? AHHHHH! Not enough Info!!! Someone Tell me!!! Please?

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 20th, 2002, 03:02:02 AM
Beginning Walkers: AT-TE (All Terrain Tactical Enforcers)

Star-Destroyer like ships: Republic Assault Ships, designed to deliver 8,000 clone troopers to the surface.

Those giant round TF ships are the computer cores of Trade Federation Battleships/Freighters.

Atmosphere attack craft are Republic Attack Gunships, by Rothana Engineering

The giant turbolasers on 12 legs are called SPHA-Ts, which stands for Self Propelled Heavy Artillery-Turbolasers

Zakatiel Rhinehart
Dec 20th, 2002, 05:04:28 AM

And BTW, that charachter in your Avator is already being used by someone else... Yeah, The Dyzm account

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 20th, 2002, 06:52:54 AM
Actually, I think Dyzm uses another character from the same game. Dyzm's character is a Dark Elf...

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 20th, 2002, 12:49:47 PM
No, same character...unfortunately, for technical reasons, I can't get rid of that avatar for another 3 days, since I only have a hotel computer to post from, since I'm on vacation.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 20th, 2002, 02:04:24 PM
Yeah, I don't really mind, i'm currently searching for a new charachter... problem is, I have stuck Dyzm in a older evil guy image (25+) and all the charachters I been finding are young... stupid video games, why they got to make everyone like 16-18 years old???

Sanis Prent
Dec 20th, 2002, 02:06:36 PM
Because the Japanese are made of the element Retardium?

Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 20th, 2002, 02:16:08 PM
I mean, just look at this Alt Charachter Sig I have! He looks young, and freaky... Crazy Japanese and thier Dragonkind RPG


William Neir
Dec 20th, 2002, 02:33:30 PM
Oh trust me, I'm very picky when it comes to the entertainment sent to us by the Nippon Empire. Some of it is really really bad :x

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 20th, 2002, 05:56:58 PM
It all depends what kind of anime you like... they have some very realistic ones, and some very unrealistic ones. It's just like movies here in America: more than not you're going to find that the main characters are young and attractive.

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 20th, 2002, 06:45:49 PM
"grabs thread from hijackers.


The destroyer-like vessels are Acclamator-class Cruisers. They are the direct predecessor to the Victory-class Star Destroyer, the vehcile which gave birth to the impressive line of Imperial-class Star Destroyers.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 20th, 2002, 09:30:35 PM
These Cruisers... So, I guess they bout the size of a Interdictor Cruiser?

Sanis Prent
Dec 20th, 2002, 11:27:14 PM
I believe they are smaller than an Interdictor.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 21st, 2002, 02:04:44 AM
That's the name I was searching for. They were made by a Division of KDY, I believe...

Also, Dyzm, I know what you mean. All of the cool older heroes are from 80's anime series...:lol

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 21st, 2002, 10:23:30 PM
560 meters long.

I read somewhere that they are still sued by the Empire and are in the eighteenth new class. The newest are 600 meters long and sport heavy weaponry, but are only sued by the Imperial army to transport troops onto hostile planets.