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Andrue Dimitri
Dec 19th, 2002, 08:48:40 PM
"Don't fight with your brother," he said, mimicking his mother. "And don't forget that we love you, always."

Lies. All lies! If his parents had loved him, they wouldn't have left him all alone. Even if he did have a brother, that didn't mean that he had someone to confide in. He still remembered the perfume Mother wore, and that same happy grin on his Dad's face. It seemed like the perfect family ...

"Memories, all memories," he stated outloud as he looked up at the Roonestone Inn. The twelve year old scratched the back of his neck before pushing the door open. Maybe they'd give him a free glass of water before he hit the road again, trying to avoid his brother.

Cautiously, he looked around before having second thoughts. Even though the inn was well lit with the many exotic candles carefully placed, the ominious shadows that lurked in the corners made him shudder.

"But I'm not one of them," he mused quietly. "I'm not what the vampires prey on."

Then, after reassuring himself that everything would be okay, Andrue shoved his hands in his pockets and cleared his throat.

"..Hello? Is anyone there?"

His senses were still developing since he was growing, so the boy was quite susceptible to anything, or anyone.

Dec 19th, 2002, 08:53:39 PM
Samantha stepped quietly into the inn, straightening her dark blue dress. Her long dark hair hung lossely around her shoulders and a small secretive smile was on her lips. She had snuck out to come and get some food here, not telling Dalamar she was going.
She saw a boy standing in the middle of the room.

"Hello. Are you lost?" She asked, walking up to him, still smiling.

Andrue Dimitri
Dec 19th, 2002, 10:06:40 PM
The little girl had startled him, seeming as if she had come out of nowhere, but a confident grin appeared on his face.

"Nah, not lost. Just kinda thirsty. Do you live here?"

Dec 19th, 2002, 10:11:49 PM
Samantha walked up to the bar, climbing up onto a stool. "I guess so, I was lost, but the Vampyres helped me."
She smiled back at him.
"Did you want a drink? I was going to get some food, if you wanted, you can have some too."

Andrue Dimitri
Dec 20th, 2002, 05:29:12 PM
Vampyres ... helping? There just had to be a catch, such as making her "immortal".

"Uh ... Yeah, I'd like a drink."

Slowly his muscles began to loosen up as he relaxed, realizing that the girl was no possible threat - unless there was something about her he was missing.

Following the little girl, he looked at the bar and then back at her.

"But there's nobody here ..."

Dec 20th, 2002, 07:16:47 PM
Sam looked around the bar - there really was nobody here. She frowned a bit. "Someone should be here..."

She got off her stool, walking back behind the bar, into the kitchen area.

Andrue Dimitri
Dec 21st, 2002, 07:30:40 PM
The little girl hopped down from her seat and walked behind the bar into the kitchen. Curiousity raised, Andrue followed her, making sure his footsteps were silent. Were they really alone? Or was he just being observed? Already he had made up his mind about the purple haired girl being strange - what if she was just ... leading him on?

Miranda Dunleavy
Dec 23rd, 2002, 05:26:03 PM
And as much as Samantha had expected, there was someone lurking around unseen. Piercing emerald eyes watched the two within the darkness, but then slowly the rest of the Vampyre, known as Miranda Dunleavy, melded out into plain sight behind the boy.

She stroked at her chin in thought, observing the boy as casually as she walked until Miranda was sitting next to Andrue. Never did the red-haired vixen make a sound. Not until she spoke.

"Appearances to the contrary. There is always someone about, watching in the darkness."

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 23rd, 2002, 07:29:49 PM
Across from Miranda Dalamar also melted out of the shadow's his black glossy armor shining even in the pale light of the inn. "How true Miranda." Dalamar whispered. "But the bar and inn are closed today thats why there are none about. Usually the Inn is so crowded you can't even find a seat. So allow me to serve.

Moving behind the bar Dalamar pulled off his black velvet cloak. The shadows seemed to cling to him as he moved. His crimson eye's flashed in the dimness. "So what will it be my guests."

Andrue Dimitri
Dec 24th, 2002, 10:11:02 PM
If it was possible, he would've had a heart attack when a red haired woman - or vampyre, rather - simply stepped out of the shadows that cloaked her. Her emerald eyes glittered dangerously as she observed him, causing Andrue to swallow nervously. He could only nod when she spoke, feeling his heart race faster.

"How true, Miranda," came a dark, sinister voice, causing the boy to tear his eyes away from her to the source of the voice. A man with white hair and equally pale skin stared at him, his black armor reflecting Andrue's image.

Taking a step back, he watched the man as he continued to speak, and nearly kicked himself. So that's why it seemed so empty ... it was closed!

"Well, I, uh ... A glass of water .. please ...."

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 26th, 2002, 01:49:33 PM
The child did not see Dalamar move but there before him was a glass. Reaching behind the counter the Warlord poured water from a frosty silver chalice. "It's nice and cold I hope you like it. Would you like some blood wine Miranda?" Dalamar asked. He felt a tug on his sleeve and there stood Samanatha. The Dark Lord bent down and she whispered in his ear. "Of course Sam." The Vampyre said.

Pouring Sam a red concotion that smelled faintly like strawberries he handed the drink to her. Then turning his attention back to Miranda he waited for her responce.

Dec 27th, 2002, 09:48:51 AM
Sam took her drink and smiled, taking her seat beside Andrue at the bar.

Miranda Dunleavy
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:43:07 AM
A small nod answered the question Dalamar asked while her eyes stayed upon Andrue, though taking note of Samantha coming up beside the boy.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 27th, 2002, 06:52:26 PM
Pouring the blood wine he slid it gently to Miranda. "So my lady I have met you briefly would you care to tell me more about yourself and where you've been all this time....."

Andrue Dimitri
Jan 1st, 2003, 09:52:54 PM
He cautiously took his drink and looked at the water, sniffing it to make sure the Vampyre didn't put anything in it. After he was satisfied, Andrue took a sip of the water and 'swished' it back and forth in his dry mouth before swallowing.

"Thanks ..."

He remained standing stupidly, feeling quite out of place, and then took another drink out of the chalice.

"You know, I should get going. Thanks for the drink."

He placed the beautiful chalice on the bartop and then looked at Samantha.

"See ya," he added, then darted a glance towards the red head before turning, ready to leave.

Jan 1st, 2003, 10:08:25 PM
"Bye" She grinned widely, watching him go.

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 1st, 2003, 10:39:56 PM
Alana stepped into the doorway of the inn just as the boy was leaving. She held her arms out to catch him lest he stumbled back. She smiled at him as he looked up into her face. Her ever changing eyes shifting from green to blue in the flickering candle light.

Why in such a hurry young one? I would not advise you going out alone right now. There are things that hunt this night, other than us." Her soft voice was hypnotic and gentle. Her hands still gripped his small arms. Though her grip did not hurt, the power of her hands could be felt.

Alana nodded to the others in the bar. She rested her eyes on each in turn. “Come child, we can offer you food, and a nights rest. Then we can go from there." She said as she pulled him back into the Roonstone inn. "It is for your own safety." Alana glanced down at him with a reassuring smile. Her beauty aiding in the lulling of his senses...

Andrue Dimitri
Jan 1st, 2003, 10:54:25 PM
As soon as he was about to exit through the door, a woman came out and grabbed him. He looked up into her face, brown eyes wide, and felt as if he were paralyzed.

Her face was beautiful, as was to be expected, but he swore he saw her eyes change color - something he had never witnessed before. Her hands that were holding his arms were gentle yet firm, another reminder of the power she possessed. As she pulled him back inside, he found himself trying to answer her, yet only a croaking noise came out.

"B-but, I -"

He sighed, feeling his cheeks turn slightly pink as she stared down at him. Her voice, along with her gaze, seemed to be hypnotizing him, and he felt himself nod dumbly.

"Well, okay ... If you say so."

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 3rd, 2003, 01:20:33 AM
Dalamar smiled Alana always had that effect on him. He was glad that she was there her prescence was always a welcome one. They had not been spending to much time together of late and he had missed her. Sliding a blood wine to her softly he said only one word "Alana." There eye's locked briefly as something tangible passed between them. "So glad you could make it."

Miranda Dunleavy
Jan 5th, 2003, 02:41:08 PM
Her mouth was opened in response, whether to Dalamar or to Andrue it was uncertain, but Alana had appeared to coax the child back into the fold. She smiled thinly, enjoying the boy's swinging thoughts as Alana led him back inside.

Attention was focused elsewhere, so Miranda kept quiet, sipping at the blood wine provided by Dalamar.

Lord Soth
Jan 5th, 2003, 07:11:36 PM
The Death Knight watched her intently since her first arrival at the Shrine of the Damned, doing so out of her sight. In some odd way he was glad to know she had finally found her true home amongst them. He knew how long she had wandered in anguish from a past that haunted her relentlessly, day in and day and day out for so many year's. Indeed, Soth knew her pain well...

He was also aware of the high price she had paid for it all, the costly toll it took upon her Vampyre heart. The endless nightmare's that were always there, reminding her like the many unanswered question's that where just out of her reach,...But always there nonetheless in the shadow's of her mind. For he too shared a common curse much like herself...One without rest, one that loomed on the horizon of fate it's self...It was close now, very close and they both knew it...The "Great Blood War" was calling to them, gathering their kind as the Queen Mother assembled her young to fight off the oppressing hand of Chriton. If Chriton, the patriarch of all Vampyre's was to succeeded in his evil plan's, it would mean the death of their kindred kind forever as they knew it...

Tipping the finely tooled goblet to his ashen lip's, Soth savored the blood meed there in. For he had not fed as he should have due to other pressing matter's that prevented him in doing so.

Soth's allowed his mind to slip to that place were only the two had shared their dark lives together at one time, but the bitter image of his brother Thayin with her that night sat him cross.

Soth piercing blue eye's narrowed in the tavern's inky shadow's at that moment, his heated glare bore down on her like a predator with his intended prey. It was that look of satisfying revenge she had given Soth when he last laid eye's on her. Indeed, Miranda had hit her mark true that evening. However, it mattered little now, Soth thought to himself. The Death knight thumbed the rim of his chalice as he sat in the dark-side of the force, his angry eye's finally cooling to their natural hue...

"Your search is now finally over Miranda Dunleavy...And may the blessed darkness guide you and keep you,...Give to you the power to conquer what lay's ahead...M'lady." The Death Master's smooth, cryptic word's carried themselves on unseen tendril's of the force to the red head's mind. He wanted her to know...After all,...Blood was thicker than water...

H. A. Ferenczy
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:42:11 PM
Hannibal was returning from a stroll. But if one wished to be technical, it was more of a series of leaps and bounds instead of strolling. Hannibal was dissapointed: all of his gifts, save for the most basic, the ability to gain information from the dead's brains, were stripped from him. And that included the gift of flight. He rather painfully found that out. His head still had a slight ring from the impactful landing.

The blood of his prey fresh on his lips, he walks into the Roonstone Inn. It isn't very crowded, and in fact, he could count it's inhabitants on two hands.....that is, if he used his hands to count.....ever since the assimilation of the scientists' knowledge, it had given him an affinity to numbers and history.

In an attempt to rest a little, Hannibal passed everyone and sat at the furthest seat from everyone, which was only one seat away from the warrior....he looked like the Soth individual in which he had heard a little of. Instead of speaking, he simply listened intently to the conversation of the few.

Lord Soth
Jan 6th, 2003, 06:16:17 PM
Hannibal could feel the cold eye's of death resting on him as he casually glanced in the Dark Knight's direction. The dimly lit room only offered the man a subtle outline of the Sith before him and a deep chilling coldness seemed to reside with the silhouetted figure.

Ah yes, Hannibal...I don't believe we've been properly introduced..."Said the voice from the shadowy corner, the Death Knight's word's almost sounding hallow as he narrowed his gaze back at the red head that sat some distance across the room from him.

"So tell me brother,...What brings you to the Roon Stone Inn this evening?...Perhaps a taste for something different, something sweet to the palette?..." Came the smooth even voice not far from him, however, this time it was in Hannibal's open mind.

Miranda Dunleavy
Jan 7th, 2003, 12:27:57 AM
Her stature rose and slowly Miranda turned her head to looked upon Soth with a sideways glance. She was not in the least surprised that he made contact with her mentally, to avoid any questions between the other members of the Shrine. It was a private matter between them both. What did surprise the Assassin is why it took him so long to actually speak to her. She was sure that night at the Jedi bar stung him still and Miranda was certain she felt it hidden in the sweet words that were whispered by the Force.

Miranda shifted her attention back towards Dalamar and offered a polite smile before rising from the stool, the bottom of her glass resting comfortably within the palm of her hand. She started to make her way towards Soth's table cautiously as the Death Knight started up a conversation with Ferency, a member of the Coven Miranda had yet to meet. She was taking her time in making her way there, pausing to sip the delectable blood wine, mulling over what words would be spoken out loud to her former lover ...

H. A. Ferenczy
Jan 9th, 2003, 07:03:40 PM
Hannibal's voice resounded confidently throughout the bar.

"I have already partaken of something......that pleased my palate.....but perhaps later I shall sit and drink this bloodwine with you. But for now, I shall sit and rest or talk."

Hannibal straightened his legs, stretching them and popping the knees and his toes. He then brought them back to his regular sitting position.

"So, good brother Soth, how long have you been at this......establishment?"

Lord Soth
Jan 9th, 2003, 11:42:40 PM
The Death Knight's eye's never left the red head that strolled his way, her seductive sway was most inviting to any onlooker. However, it was Miranda's fierce green emerald eye's that had always captivated Soth's attention...Indeed, she was as mysterious as she was beautiful, a deceptive trait she was well endowed with. For the unwary, she was a supple vixen that caught the eye of any male life form she came in contact with. Nevertheless, for Soth, she was far more then just a visual treat. For he could see past the enticing illusion's of her femininity and duplicity of a nature she had mastered long ago...A lethal killer who's sleight of hand could dispatch even the most harden of foe with little to no effort. "Yes, there lay the beauty of her clamminess..." Soth thought to himself with a crooked smile.

Soth's attention was then drawn back to Hannibal's question. Taking a long and slow sip of his blood meed, the Death Knight finely answered the curious inquiry.

"I come here often my friend...One never knows what he might catch in a trap well set..." Soth paused briefly, sitting his empty goblet to side before continuing on.

"One might say, the Inn is quite profitable to those who have invested in it's stock wisely." The Death Knight was making duel reference to the lucrative establishment and to the many patron's that inhabited this region of Roon that frequented the well known pub. A lavish tavern that was secretly owned and operated by the Shrine dynasty unbeknownst to the local populous just on the light side of the equator on Roon. Often, the children of the Damned would make the long journey to the Roon Stone Inn for one and one purpose only...To feed! And this blissful night was no exception to the dark Sith...He was here to cash in on the fattened bounty, to liquidate some of the ripened asset's in precious blood...

Andrue Dimitri
Jan 10th, 2003, 09:30:48 AM
[OOC: Guys, I would really appreciate if you would slow down ... I haven't been able to have net access and when I come back, I'm bombarded by posts.]

The woman who had persuaded him to go back in had become unusually silent, and so he did, too. It seemed that more and more vampyres kept appearing, and his nervousness grew.

"Uh .. Erm," he said quietly, not knowing just what exactly to say. Luckily, no one seemed to notice him, so Andrue simply forgot his manners and stared at them all. Silently. In awe.

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 13th, 2003, 10:21:18 AM
Alana watched quietly as her vampyre family filled the Roonstone Inn. It was not unusual for them to frequent the establishment but it was very unusual for so many of them to gather at one time. Her eyes sought each one in turn, wondering what force had called them together in such a manner. The Vampyre Lordess smiled slightly as she slid her cloak from her bare shoulders.

"What will come, will come." She whispered softly. She shot a bemused glance at Dalamar, and slid into the seat next to the child. She had been telling him the truth when she said the night was too dangerous to wander in. Alana turned her ever changing eyes on him, cocking her head to the side. "What brings you here little one? Where is your family?" She said in low tones, her silken whisper traveled to his ears alone.

ooc: sorry for the delay in my replies everyone. I have been sick so my rping is slow and yucky lol :p

Miranda Dunleavy
Jan 14th, 2003, 04:59:36 PM
At the end of the Death's Knight sentence came a slight tap of glass hitting the top of the table. Miranda had set her drink down, much as her eyes looked downwards at Soth with an unreadable expression. Just as he liked always remembered. Emerald eyes that sparkled so beautifully when the light cascaded off the iris' almost hauntingly.

Miranda offered a polite glance and smile towards Hannibal. It would be rude of the Vampyre to ignore a fellow Coven member though her interests remained on Soth. Perhaps the words uttered telepathically now would surprise him, or perhaps not. Miranda found it hard to read him since they were together. It's been long since we last spoke, Soth. Long, and also painful. My anger overtook me, as it does with our kind. I wanted you to feel what I felt .... .... My apologies.

And out loud it was simply, "It's good to see you again, Dear Soth."

Lord Soth
Jan 14th, 2003, 10:03:27 PM
Without any sign of movement or expression from the Death Knight, the oaken chair across from him slid smoothly out in front of Miranda on it's own accord. Soth nodded slightly, his eye's never leaving hers as he bid her to sit with him.

"Let the past worry for it's self m'lady...I wish to discuss a matter with you that's been on my mind for quite some time...You are the only one who could ever answer those question's...Perhaps you can enlighten me further this evening Miranda...You might say,...It's of the utmost importance." Soth finished coolly as he filled both of their half empty chalices.

As the red head slowly took the seat offered to her by Soth, the Death Knight leaned back in his chair, taking a long drink of the crimson liquid inside and giving Miranda enough time to get comfortable.

"You are the key to our success Miranda...For there is no other that knew him as you,...M'lady," Came the Dark Knight word's to her mind. Obviously Soth wanted to keep the conversation strictly between them both due to the cryptic implication's in his wording and the manner in which he chose to speak with the lethal assassin.

"As you know, everything is riding on it..." Soth finished in a mild tone, sitting his golden goblet to the table were he then steepled his long Vampyre finger's together awaiting Miranda's response.

To the casual onlooker, it would seem as though the two Sith held one another's gaze for a long period of time without a single word, however, nothing could have been further from the truth. They were about to discuss the future...A grim future that hinged on Miranda's first hand knowledge of her own bitter past...A terrifying knowledge that held the fate of all Vampyre's in it's deadly grasp!

Andrue Dimitri
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:27:16 AM
"What brings you here little one? Where is your family?"

The voice snapped him out of his daze and he looked at the Vampyress.

"Well ... I was just ... thirsty ...."

Her eyes shifted color once more as they bore holes into him, and he licked his dry lips.

".. My family? Oh, uhm .."

Damn. What was he supposed to answer to that? She was a complete stranger, and a vampyre at that! So naturally, a lie sprung to mind.

"They're on vacation, actually. I just drifted away from them and got lost."

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 28th, 2003, 12:02:04 PM
Alana's grinned at the stammering child. He had stumbled into the darkest part of life due to being thirsty. The irony alone was enough to make the Lordess chuckle.

"On vacation are they. Was it here on Roon that they chose to vacation, and that you happened to wander off and get lost from them?" Alana knew the child lied but she did not call him on it. "Would you care for anything besides water little one? Surely if you are lost you must need more. Perhaps a place to stay until they come in search of you?"

Miranda Dunleavy
Jan 30th, 2003, 02:47:11 PM
Close to two centuries, Miranda had been the personal Assassin of the being that Soth was referring to. Its name was one of fear and power for Critchon was the Father of all Vampyres. His blood flowed through her veins, the source of her Undead existence.

Miranda broke away from Soth's gaze and focused on taking pleasure of the blood wine that passed her lips. It soothed her; putting her mind at ease. The Death Knight was right in his thinking. She had a reservoir of intimate knowledge that would benefit her kind. But how much of that knowledge was still valid at this point? Critchon had to have set certain plans in motion since her defection. Or, perhaps, his hubris swelled his overconfidence.

Yes, I know. But I'm surprised that you haven't gone after him yet. Or am I mistaken?

There was much the Vampyre needed to catch up on before the serious talking began.

Lord Soth
Jan 31st, 2003, 10:37:36 PM
Soth leaned back in his chair slightly, his brow arching a bit at the red head's inquiry. They both knew all to well what a foolish venture and an unplanned attack on the patriarch Vampyre would surmount to...Utter defeat!

"As of yet...No. Only a fool would consider such a brazen and bold assault on him without careful forethought m'lady..." The Death Knight's eye's narrowed a bit, then softened as he continued on.

"I only ask these thing's of you Miranda,...Because I would like to think we still have a,...Curtain trust with one another...Do we not?" Soth word's were slow, but to the point. An almost caring tone if Miranda wasn't mistaken.

Andrue Dimitri
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:48:34 AM
Keep it simple.

"I j-just got lost."

A tremble slipped into his voice and he cleared his throat, feeling foolish.

"Water's just fine, Ma'am ... I don't think I need a place to stay.'

Not like he wanted to stay here. This place definitely gave him the creeps. The conversing vampyres that appeared out of nowhere weren't helping. Right now a part of him wanted to leave, but it was Alana's eyes that compelled him to stay. Every time he looked into them, he felt slightly drowsy, as if under a spell. Was she trying to enchant him?

Alana Stormcloud
Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:55:26 AM
Alana waved a hand to the waiting droid, sending it scurrying off to get the water the boy had requested. She did not remove her eyes from his pale face.

"Lost.... In a place such as this? I can see why that would put you ill at ease little one. But, I can assure you that you are safe here well under my care. Perhaps you would like to stay and entertain our other small charge. She grows quiet lonely at times, with no one about her age. I also have my young sister Nala, who visits, she to would enjoy your company." Alana smiled at the young one. Her eyes playfully glinting. She was enjoying his discomfort. Such was the evil of a Sith heart.

"But the vampyre lordess had meant what she said.... No harm would befall him while under her care. That was until she had decided other wise.

Miranda Dunleavy
Feb 25th, 2003, 03:56:53 PM
Her face shifted into a sideways smirk, Of course, Soth. That will always remain to be true between us.

The short time they were together swelled Miranda up with feelings of love, pleasure and kindness that was never shown under her enslavement. It was even still hinted that perhaps those feelings still existed in the Death Knight.......But, that was inconsequential to the real problem.

Miranda eyes turned away from Soth, not relishing in the question she was going to put forth into his mind. Quickly she latched onto the wine stem and needfully drank down a healthy portion of the blood wine.

What do you need from me exactly?

Lord Soth
Feb 28th, 2003, 09:20:29 PM
"What do I need exactly?" The Death Knight thought to himself, his own word's came out in a growl inwardly.

Soth studied Miranda's profile intently as she sipped her drink in an almost nonchalant manner. A curtain fire kindled in Soth eye's at that moment, than subsided like the smooth wine they both drank in. Every subtle detail about her, the way she held herself and the way in which she looked at him when she spoke...It was still evident...The scars still ran deep. He could fill her emptiness even now,...something she could never really hide from him regardless of the time they had spent away from one another...

Soth gently sighed as he interlaced his long Vampyre fingers together. What she needed to hear and what he needed to know were two entirely different matters...The Death Knight would bury his feelings and emotion's for the time being.

"Miranda,...I will not sit here and pretend as though we both don't know what the future hold's for our kind. You of all Nosferatu should know what I'm getting at, what Chriton is capable of." The Death Knight glanced at the approaching bar maid, waving her off with one hand so Miranda and himself could talk alone. He then slowly returned his full attention back to Miranda. His voice became firm and his eye's seemed to glow with an inner heat as he continued in the ancient dialect only known to their coven.

"You were there, at his side...Dare I speak of the atrocities he committed against you m'lady,...Your beloved family?...Have you already forgotten what he did to me on Parton V?" The Death Knight eyes narrowed somewhat as he continued on.

"He will never stop Miranda until his goal and purpose are accomplished with the complete and utter destruction of our race." Soth casually pulled his raven black hair to one side, letting it loosely drape over his powered armor as if giving Miranda a better picture of the seriousness that was now written on his marble countenance. Miranda knew what Soth wanted, his reference to the brutality Chriton had perpetrated against them both told her that much. However, the red head was also aware that it wasn't revenge the dark master was looking for, it was the Patriarch's vulnerability...A possible soft spot in his almost invincible guise.

Miranda Dunleavy
Mar 6th, 2003, 10:08:13 PM
Only a small twitch of Miranda's lips even suggested that Soth's irritation with her question fazed her. It was actually odd that he would act in that manner. As she thought about it more carefully, it seemed that even Soth still harbored very strong feelings about their relationship then he was letting on. Then something changed. The fire in his eyes died away until Miranda felt naked under his gaze. He knew. There was no denying it. The Death Knight understood that even though his betrayal was deeply rooted inside her soul, Miranda still loved him ..... And always would.

By the Black Gods, she felt like an imbecile. Miranda could already feel the beginnings of a blood tear rim her lower eyelid. Gently she turned her head to the side, acting curious about the other happenings in the bar as Soth began to talk about Critchon and the role that Miranda needed to play.

First he began with the basics, as any good persuasive speaker should. Soth didn't need to convince her of Critchon's cruelty but he felt he needed to. She shot a cold stare at him and wanted to retort then but Soth continued to speak on last sentence.

'Our kind' ... He said. Something she never wanted to be part of but was forced into. Only recently was she beginning to think along those terms of being part of something bigger. A small part of those that called themselves Blood Drinkers, or commonly known as Vampyres.

The fortified resolution faded with the seriousness of Soth's gaze. It pained her heart even more of what once was and there was no choice anymore.

Her quarter filled glass clinked against the table and the words just came out of her. "He despises technology. He only allowed vessels for traveling but that is because he had no choice in the matter. He relies too heavily on his own Vampyric power and brawn. Not to mention is confidence is about the size of a small galaxy on its own."

She narrowed her eyes, causing them to look like tiny facets of emeralds. "Yes, he relies too much on himself and not enough on other sources of power. Magick, weapons .... The only real weapons he uses are ..." Soth watched as her eyes fell downward. "Are beings like me."

Lord Soth
Mar 7th, 2003, 12:21:21 AM
It was extraordinary how some of the smallest and most simplest of detail's about someone or something could be so easily over looked when starring directly at the larger picture. In vain, Soth had pondered over endless hour's as to how he could find just the one weakness that would bring Chriton to his knee's, the one element that would bring ultimate victory and the final end to an age old dilemma.

When the imparting word's tumbled out of Miranda's mouth, Soth in astonishment could only listen and absorb them as they fell on his ear's like a sweet melody he had yearned to hear for so long. He now had first hand knowledge from the woman who stood at his side, vital information that would give the Shrine family the much needed edge when the time came to confronting the Patriarch Vampyre. Nevertheless, Soth's thoughtless and pointed inquiry had opened Miranda's painful past, exposing the one thing she had always fought to avoid and forget...The legacy he had branded upon her soul.

The Death Knight's face became solum and flat as he watched Miranda turn her head away from him momentarily. Soth's Vampyre heart, the side of humanity that he had been forever cursed with cried out in his spirit as the tear's of blood welled in Miranda's green emerald eye's. The price for his information was costly indeed and Soth cursed to himself once he realized how the full toll of it fell upon her broken shoulder's.

Soth leaned in slowly to Miranda, his pale hand slipping softly over hers that still rested at the base of her chalice. A deep sense of melancholy that was accompanied by the familiar dulcet scent of fragrant rose's fell over the area where they sat quietly.

"Miranda,...Forgive me for my foolish and insensitive word's to you...I meant no harm." Soth paused as he could find no other word's to say to her within that moment. A fleeting span of time elapsed before he too found himself looking down into the half emptied goblet of bitter irony.

Miranda Dunleavy
Mar 9th, 2003, 09:40:34 PM
She felt so foolish, like a little child who couldn't control the feelings that assaulted them. The blood tears had finally lined her orbits to capacity and finally fell free. The trails of the blood tears were so vibrant against her porcelain skin, but Soth knew just how out of place those tears were. Only he had seen such emotion once from her and there, the tears did not flow so easily. In relaying the vital information that was truly necessary for the Shrine's survival, Miranda was reliving the atrocities that she committed in the name of her Maker, as well as those that were brutally and joyfully inflicted likewise to her.

Miranda wanted to run, to hide in the farthest recesses of the castle and carve out a coffin, burying herself away from the rest of the universe. Maybe then she could possible know what peace was.

Then suddenly, reality exploded around her with the simple gentle caress of Soth's fingers and the sweet intoxicating smell of roses. It pulled her solemn head upwards into the deep sorrowful eyes of her former lover. She was awestruck. Soth still cared for her. Even after what happened back at Arcan.

It was only on reflex did she swallow and carefully remove her fingers from the stem of her chalice. Timidly her fingers spread out, afraid that the Death Knight would pull away, and parted Soth's so theirs were interwoven. She just looked at him for many moments of indescribable time, feeling the remaining tears fall down both cheeks.

When the tears were all but dry, she spoke softly and honestly. Soth knew the walls were completely down with Miranda. "I know you didn't mean any harm. You had a right to know what I do. The memories were so deep and they came back so quickly." Again she swallowed down her emotions. "It wasn't your fault."

Mar 11th, 2003, 03:23:19 AM
Piloting the Empress Marva for Master Saurron from the Sanguine to bring him to deal with important matters at hand, Ezra decides to take a stroll as he waits and ends up in front of the Roonestone Inn.
Pushing the doors open he stopped just inside the threshold and grinned. Looking the place over, he nods in approval. His dark eyes slowly moving to take in the room and it's patrons. Only on the Sanguine had he been around a large gathering of his kind, or in the halls of his father's dwelling as a youngling. He stalked over to the bar and sat down on a stool.
Ordering bloodwine, something he hadn't had in a long time, not since his visit to his father's abode. He sipped at it first, then took a bigger swig. He smiled as turned his head to look at the gathered bunch.

"Oh yeah, definately liking this."

He said softly to his luck of pulling chauffer duty for his Master, which brought him here for the first time. Thinking to himself, he decides he needs to pull this duty more often.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 11th, 2003, 05:28:39 PM
Alana turned her eyes from the child she had been talking to. They settled on the new arrival. He had the smell of a Vampyre, he was not one she had seen before. She delved deeper, and saw the mark of master Saurron. Her sculpted eyebrows rose slightly.

"Interesting....." Alana stood from the table, and excused herself from the boy. "I will be back, do not leave." Her voice commanding but kind.

She approached in all her seductive grace. Her hue changing eyes catching the new arrival. "A pleasure.... I am Alana, are you looking for Saurron." She asked in a husky whisper.

Mar 11th, 2003, 06:02:06 PM
Slowly turning his head as the pale skinned beauty sauntered up to him, Ezra smiled, slightly showing his fangs.

"Greetings Alana, I am Ezra. Looking? No, I am waiting for him to finish his business he's attending to, then it's back to the Sanguine."

His brown eyes slowly taking in the woman before him. His left eyebrow arched a bit. Nope he thougjht to himself, nothing like this on the Sanguine. He sipped his drink and gestured to the seat next to him.

"Please forgive my rudeness, It's not often I get to meet one of the Shrine. Then again, I've never had the privaledge. Both Saurron and his son Gavin keep me busy with other matters. This is my first time here, and I must admit....I'm very impressed.......very impressed."

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 11th, 2003, 06:10:36 PM
Alana slid into the seat next to him. Her eyes moving slowly over his face. She pushed her hair back over her shoulder, letting it pool to the ground at her feet.

"I see... Well than Ezra welcome to the Shrine of the damned. It has been a long time since I have had the pleasure of my masters company, Gavin also. They are very busy as of late." She ran her finger over the rim of her glass, appraising him.

"I will have to make a trip to see them soon, to enjoy there many charms." Alana's soft chuckle washed over him. The Vampyre Lordess leaned forward, setting her glass aside.

"I am pleased you like it here Ezra, perhaps you will not be a stranger now. But instead view is as family."

Mar 12th, 2003, 12:31:35 AM
Family ....' now thats a funny word ' He thought. Not even his own considers him as such. But then that in itself was a whole 'nother story.
He fixed the collar on his shiny leather trench, and relaxed a bit.

"Family....that is a word I have not heard in a long time. Not since my falling out with mine. Thats a word I dont take much consideration into."

He took another drink of the bloodwine and savored it. Then looked into those eyes that could capture the power of the suns itself.

"It's a long story, politics and diffence of views of being a vampyre. But I won't bore you with details on that subject."

He leaned forward , staring into her eyes. Looking to see if she could be one he could trust. To be one of the rare exceptions placed on his very short list. The people he fully trusted ,he could count with his fingers. And that wasn't alot.
Something told him she could, and that made him relax a bit more. Now if only those eyes weren't so alluring.......

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 12th, 2003, 10:14:20 AM
Alana lowered her eyes with a pained smile, hiding the hurt that lay deep within her own heart as she always did. She to had lost a family that had meant the world to her. Though her story was a bit twisted. A soft sigh fell from her crimson lips before she glanced back up, catching his own.

"Perhaps one day we can exchange our pasts." She said with a grin. Alana took her drink up once again sipping at the fragrant wine. The Lordess had made the Shrine and coven members her family, replacing the one's she had lost so long ago. Her Uncle Mockadane was all she had now, and though they loved one another, there was a fair amount of bitter blood. He being the one who had taken all she had known.

"This place is my haven, my security if you will. I hope you will find such pleasure in it. The Shrine holds many treasures, and wonders." Alana stated gently, her eyes reflective, locked onto his. He could sense she did not mean monetary value but something much more precious.....

Mar 12th, 2003, 10:22:16 PM
He slowly nodded acknowleging her meaning. This place is a treasure trove of knowledge. And the pain of lost he'd seen in her eyes, He has known many times over that lesson in life.
Especially that of the heart that runs deep. And one name speaks loudly in his head. Jazmina..... They couldve spent eternity together, but the life in darkness she could never overcome, and she gave herself to the light.....taking a large piece of himself with her.
He sighed as he caught himself staring off thinking about that loss. He smiled and then abruptly looked toward the door.

"He's ready, I must not keep him waiting."

He drank the rest of his wine and stood up. Taking her cool hand in his, he gently kissed it . Smiling as he released it.

"I look forward to when we next meet. I promise you a nice talk about my past and will be wanting to hear your's as well."

He pulled out a flat chrome and black emitter. And placed it her hand.

"If ever you want to see Saurron, tap this button. It's a straight contact to the Empress Marva, I'll come get you . Or even if you want to see my place of Haven and security. The twin moons of Calidor are most Intriguing during the fall seasons there. Fare well Alana."

He walked toward the door and as he opened it and stepped out, his long coat billowing from the wind, he turned and offered one last smile and curtious nod. Then he disappeared into the night.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 13th, 2003, 12:25:29 AM
"I look forward to when we next meet. I promise you a nice talk about my past and will be wanting to hear yours as well."

Alana nodded, smiling up at him. "I am glad that you found your way here Ezra. Please extend my greetings to Master Saurron, and Gavin." Alana said glancing down at the transmitter he had given her.

"It would be a pleasure to speak of things with you. You are always welcome at the Shrine brother." The Lordess stated in a gentle tone. "If you see my Uncle Mockadane.... Tell him I miss his company." Her mouth twisted momentarily into a bitter grin.

Alana watched him walk away, her head tilted slightly. She gave a small wave, and a smile when he turned back, her hue shifting eyes never left his. She wished she could follow, she missed them all....