View Full Version : Looking for an old "friend" (Liam Jinn)

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 19th, 2002, 03:11:54 AM
The Sith walked up to Yog's Bar and chuckled lightly as the guard gave the same old 'No Weapons' speech. He forked over his lightsaber and two blasters, and proceeded to enter the bar. He made his way to a certain table. The one he met his very first master in the ways of the force. Before his so called 'fall from grace'. He ordered 2/5th's of Jack Daniels and sat. He touched his arm lightly, and a wizzing noise was heard from under his hood. He pulled the hood back as the server droid placed his drink on the table. There, was the man himself, Ket Van Derveld. And he spoke lowly through the force as he sipped his drink with a smile.

Liam...oh Liam Jinn...come out come out, wherever you are!

Estelle Russard
Jan 13th, 2003, 01:06:16 AM
Estelle heard the unusual "humm" as the armor retracted from beneath the lowered hood.

She found herself caught staring as the stranger flipped back the cloth from his head, and she averted her eyes, embarressed.