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Navaria Tarkin
Dec 18th, 2002, 09:56:03 PM
Musing and alone in the back of the bar, Navaria went over once more the information she had received from Bothawui. Nersk Daer'lan had personally invited her to spend some time on the mountainous planet while the Senatorial elections were underway. It would show a great sign of unity and strength that a member of the Jedi Council would be present. It would also serve a good time for Navaria to pay a visit to the infamous Bothan Spynet that the New Republic employed.

There was also another reason. Time alone to herself... but as she glanced at the comm link on the table, Navaria knew that this time did not have to be spent alone.

How many times did Sanis and herself talk about getting away together? How many times did they say they 'had to talk' but never could? Between his business meetings, rendezvous to various locations in the galaxy, and her Council Meetings, diplomatic missions, training Padawans ... etc ... it was a wonder that they still considered themselves dating. The last date they had was on The Layla... so very long ago.

The memory felt like an eternity but it did bring a smile to her face. There has yet been a time since Sanis and Navaria could truly relax in each other's presence. They had drifted so far apart and she had to admit, all the various what ifs kind of questions permeated her thoughts at times. Her eyes still lay upon the comm, all the while flipping the unit between her fingers. When would an opportunity like this fall into her lap again?

She flipped it on to a channel that was known intimately.

This is Navaria calling The Layla. Marcus? Sanis? Are either of you there?

Sanis Prent
Dec 27th, 2002, 03:18:46 PM

(The comm chimed up in the pilothouse, but I was waist-deep in the bowels of starship engine. It was hotter down here, and I'd removed coat and shirt. Grease now stained my skin and undershirt, as I worked against friction with a hydrospanner)

Sonufa! I just got you installed!

(I smacked my tool against the bulkhead, causing an echo in a ventilation conduit. The "new" hyperdrive was becoming a chore. The amount of work invested in increasing speed output by .08 percent was hardly proving worth it. Marcus could barely communicate with the motivator, and although the engine was powerful, it was bleeding excess energy so badly that the lights dimmed. I'm an easygoing guy, but nothing turns me into a penny-pinching miser quicker than a power drain.)

Alright...lets try it again. Set to Zero Seven.

(The pink cyllinder paused for a moment, as if waiting on me)

Sanis, there is an incoming call.

(I gave an exasperated sigh)

Can you take a message? We've got a helluva lot of calibration left, and I don't want to blow another coupling.

Sanis, it's Navaria. Do you still want me to take a message?

...hang on...

(I wiped the perspiration and grime from my face with the bottom of my shirt, and hauled myself up on the engine manifold.)

Ok...transmit down here.

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 30th, 2002, 12:22:12 PM
It took two tries to get through but eventually the charming voice of Marcus picked up the comm.

And hello to you too. Is Sanis busy?

Navaria found out through a very long winded explanation that Sanis was trying to fix the hyperdrive ... again. They were far from finished and were doing delicate work at this moment. She had to stop Marcus from going into the story of how they got the hyperdrive in the first place. She really didn't want to find out if Sanis acquired the merchandise legally or not ...

Ask him if he has a moment. Something important has come up.

The line went quiet momentarily but then the pink droid came back online, saying she was patched through.

Hello, Sanis. It has been a long time since we talked.

Which was true. She hadn't seen him in months and her voice reflected the heaviness in her heart in not seeing him.

Sanis Prent
Jan 2nd, 2003, 01:24:00 PM
Yeah, it has.

(I rested against a support pylon, mindful of keeping away from the exhaust lines, which were pretty hot.)

Seems we're just a pair of workaholic casualties, I guess.

(A hiss of steam from behind diverted my attention, but already, a swarm of cyllinders was skittering to check it out)

Frell...we're venting exhaust. Marcus, shunt that valve to secondary, or we'll lose pressure in the manifold.

(The droid modules were hard at work, rectifying the situation, and it gave me the time needed to talk to Nav. I smiled, through the sweat, grime, and weariness.)

Hey...I've got a supply run to Coruscant in a couple of days. You wouldn't happen to be in the neighborhood, would you?

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 5th, 2003, 03:45:35 PM
It was only because of her extraordinary hearing that she could even pick up that hiss of steam over the comm. Very few would be able to. She was going to suggest calling back another time. Navaria didn't realize just how bad repairs were needed on The Layla but Sanis beat her to the punch and surprised her.

I think the odds that I will be in the neighborhood are definitely in your favor, Sanis.

Her voice dropped lower and she took her time in saying each word, making sure Sanis got the point that Navaria wanted too see him.

Sanis Prent
Jan 10th, 2003, 12:39:31 AM
(Despite the mayhem in the background, a smile spread across my face.)

That...is the best news I've heard in a few cycles. I'm really on the grind out there. A bit boring and tedious, and all I've got for company is Marcus.

If I had the capacity for feelings, Sanis, I believe they would be hurt.

Shut up!

(I looked back to Nav, and laughed)

At any rate, I've got other freight jockeys that can do this stuff on commission. I'm really just treading water. Once we get the hyperdrive calibrated...whenever that is...we'll set off for the Core. I need some excitement in my life, Nav.

(The smile faded a bit)

I'm starting to wonder if I really want to be on top of all this.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 12th, 2003, 09:43:21 PM
His tone over the comm caused her to frown as well. She knew vaguely what Sanis was referring to. In reality, Navaria really had no clue to what was going on in Sanis' life. That is why they needed this time away desperately.

Well, we will talk about that when ... we are together. I promise you that ... and more.

Her mood shifted as evident by her voice raising happily.

Bothawui is having their new Senator elected soon. I have been invited to attend to represent the Jedi. I figure that might be just enough excitement for us for a change?

Hopefully this would help sooth the concerns that Sanis had until they would meet up on Coruscant.

Sanis Prent
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:37:26 PM

(Aside from Bothans, the scenery was great. Of course, there was really nothing for me to worry about, since I wasn't the one at work on this. I didn't like Bothans much. Who did? They didn't trust anybody. I don't get along well with untrusting people...probably because I'm a bit untrustworthy myself. But I was over-amping my brain on this. No business trips. I was going to play the tourist this time.)


(I smiled, tossing the rag aside)

That sounds great, Nav.

(A look of embarrassment crossed my face, and I mumbled)

...we'll probably have to book a flight. I think I'm gonna have to put Layla in the shop for the duration.

(With a sigh, I shrugged)

Stress I don't need right now.

(I spent a moment studying Nav's face, and smiling...without words exchanged. A flashing alert indicator caught my attention, and broke the moment.)

Nav...we just lost a power coupling. I gotta go replace it, okay?

(Standing up, I fumbled for the hydrospanner in my tool belt)

Two cycles...I promise....wait for me. I'll see you soon.

(With a wink and a smile, I turned back to work, and closed the channel.)

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 24th, 2003, 11:27:54 AM
I am looking forward to it. Two cycles it is then.

The link was closed and Navaria's mood was quite uplifted then the beginning of the conversation. For once things were actually starting to fall into place and there was a lot to do before Sanis arrived.

She packed up her few items and made her way to leave the bar, making a mental list of things to do. Calling, Bothawui, getting a room, chartering a flight to and from, packing ....

The list continued as the Jedi Knight left the bar, smiling to herself.

Sanis Prent
Jan 27th, 2003, 07:42:24 PM
(Two cycles later, I managed to limp Layla back to my Coruscant docking bay. She wasn't in great shape, and I was a bit frustrated from it all. Maybe I did need a vacation. At any rate, I called in a local crew to take care of the easy parts. I'd work on other things later. Opting out of using Layla's reclaimer, I took my speeder back to my highrise suite, for a decent shower. Rinsing away grease, grime, sweat, and whatever else this draining trip had accumulated on me, I felt reborn. The hot water melted away my mundane concerns. I took a moment to get dressed, and pack a few things, then I hopped in my speeder and hit the skylane towards the Jedi sector, letting the cool breeze dry my hair as I went. It took only a few minutes, and then I touched down on a pad outside of the complex.)

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:21:04 PM
It was about a half hour ago when Navaria received the call from Marcus that The Layla had touched down, albeit barely, and that Sanis would be on the way after cleaning up. This gave her ample time to finish up a few last minute preparations for the trip, more or less confirming arrival and departure times. Satisfied, Navaria put on her brown outer cloak, covering her head with the hood, and walked down to the general reception area outside the Academy to where she would meet Sanis. It didn't show in her face, as she passed by her fellow brethren, but Navaria was quite excited that she was going to see the man she loved ...

Sanis Prent
Feb 23rd, 2003, 09:15:28 PM
(On a course of habit, I reached to my pack of stims, and slipped one between my lips. I paused before lighting it...suddenly remembering that I wasn't hopping between business errands. I felt a bit guilty, riding back into the path of least resistance, whenever I wasn't in Navaria's good company. She couldn't stand the stuff. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I could, either. It was the price I paid for the choices I made. To see the things I see and do the things I do, it pays to be a little numb, to put on rose tinted glasses.

But all things great and small that "made" me, I'd leave them in a heartbeat for Navaria. That was never the question. It got difficult when I found that these things weren't willing to leave me for her.

But I tried to put these things out of my mind. Otherwise, I'd be just a little less of a happy man. And what was the point of that?

I tucked the stim back in the pack, and put the pack away, on my way to the Academy. I smoothed my hair down, now that it was dried from the wind. Through the hustle and bustle of Jedi, I looked for that one familiar one.)

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 4th, 2003, 03:56:56 PM
There was a lot of activity ... A LOT of activity at this time of day. So many aliens and humans coming and going caused Navaria to sigh. Ever since coming back to Coruscant, the Temple was a bustle of congestion. Between the resident Jedi, new Recruits, the NRSF and everyone else thrown in that worked here, it wasn't easy looking for that one person ... but it was easy to recognize that one signature that was very intimate.

Navaria brought down part of her fiercely constructed mental barrier, that kept her sane, and quickly felt the surface thoughts begin to flood her mind. It took a great deal of concentration to weed through the chaotic influx of thoughts for something specific ... but it didn't take long at all. Sanis was indeed here and pouring over her own dislike of stims. It brought a huge smile to her face.

She locked onto him and he was slowly meandering towards her direction ... the best he could considering the crowd of brown and beige colors that all looked alike. It took a little time to walk up to the point where she was only meters away of a clueless Sanis, He was heading off towards her right, seemingly unaware that who he was searching for was so close.

It would have been easy enough to speak out loud but Navaria missed the feeling of Sanis inside her mind ... something that was picked up from Daleethria.

Over here, handsome.

She said, calling out tenderly inside his thoughts as she pulled off her hood so he would be able to see her clearly through the break in the crowd.

Sanis Prent
Mar 6th, 2003, 12:13:22 AM
(I'd never gotten used to that. Thoughts in my mind, but not mine. That wasn't to say that it was uncomfortable. One telepathic sentence could wash away a dozen lonely nights. I turned immediately. She was clad in her traditional Jedi clothing, as were the hundreds milling around us. But somewhere in the crowd, the moment was ours. Maybe it was her eyes, her smile, or her reassuring presence in my mind, but it was a snapshot in time. I lost my breath, and barely found my feet as I closed the distance. She pulled her hood back and her eyes glittered like jewels in the sun. I paused, ran my hands through her brunette ringets of hair, as if afraid that her body would be as ethereal as her voice, and I'd be caught in a dream. Once satisfied, my hands rested at the sides of her head, as I leaned down to kiss her, for the first time in months.)

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 9th, 2003, 01:05:53 PM
Sanis hadn't change at all in the months that they had been apart. An emptiness that she had ignored for those longs days had begun to surface and Navaria remembered fully just how much she missed him. The link that had been severed was beginning to blossom once more between them the instant their eyes met. The loneliness began to ebb away as he looked at her, seemingly mystified.

Involuntarily, Navaria closed her eyes as he reached for her. The feeling of her silken hair against her skin, combined with his familiar scent, sent a shiver down her spine. She felt his warm breath beat close against her lips. It was then her eyes opened enough to see him for one perfect moment before their lips met.

At first she returned his kiss softly, exploring his mouth as if they never had shared such intimacy. It didn't take long for emotions to overtake the Jedi Knight. She pulled Sanis closer and deepened the kiss, pouring into it every ouch of love and devotion that she had for the Rogue Scoundrel.

Sanis Prent
Mar 10th, 2003, 11:18:51 AM
(I held her close to me, and we shared the moment, prolonging it, and keeping our embrace tight despite the milling crowd around us. It had been so long since we'd had this chance that all the unseen, pent-up emotion nearly flooded back on me at once. I kissed her all over, then pulled her close to me, running a hand through her hair)

Krasst, I've missed you.

(Every day without Navaria seemed to be a deepening wound. I could only fill it with half measures that I knew would never do the job. No matter how successful I was, no matter how much I made, or what I did, I was incomplete, outside Navaria's embrace.)

Girl, we've got to stop going away.

(It was a hidden plea. I needed her stability. Maybe she needed my spontaneity, I dunno. I knew that away from her, I wasn't satisfied with who I was. The longer I was away, the harder it was to look her in the eye. I was ashamed to admit, that I was less of a man without her.)

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 11th, 2003, 01:06:05 AM
Navaria buried herself into his chest, savoring the warmth and comfort that she lacked for months since Sanis had been away. Her arms squeezed around his sides, trying in vain to bring him closer then what was humanly possible.

"I have missed you too."

She wished this wouldn't end. It would be so easy for her and Sanis to remain in each other's arms forever .... Ignoring the universe around them where everyone was jealous of the love they had for each other ... If only for the fact she was a Jedi.

But it was Sanis' shift in voice and emotion that caused Navaria to peel herself away from his embrace to look up at his troubled face. The months that they were apart took an unforeseen toll upon him. Her heart sank for being the cause of his unhappiness.

"I am sorry. I ... I wish I could change things so that are time away would not be so painful for us."

Sanis Prent
Mar 12th, 2003, 11:44:05 PM
(I shook my head slightly, taking a deep sigh.)

Look, lets not even worry about all that. Right now, at least. We got time right now, and I don't intend on wasting it.

(With a reassuring smile and kiss, I looked around)

You got any bags or anything? We'd probably better catch the outbound before they get any ideas. I put Layla in the shop, so we're truly at the mercy of someone else flying.

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 13th, 2003, 11:37:38 AM
"Yes ... later."

There was more to talk about then simply how much time they spent away. Navaria had not forgotten about Saarrreeaa and the explanation that Sanis said he owed her. But, he was right. There would be plenty of time later to catch up with each other.

"So you finally had to break down and get her fixed? No luck doing it yourself, hmm?"

She laced her arm around his with a small laugh and began leading him towards a hover-taxi that was already waiting for them.

"I had thought to prepare in advanced. I figured you wanted to leave right away."

Navaria reached into her outer cloak and pulled out the tickets, handing them over to Sanis. He would probably like to see that she had procured a first class seating arrangement.

Sanis Prent
Mar 26th, 2003, 10:47:00 PM
Well...its a mish-mash. I knew it was bound to happen, but I'd been putting it off. The ship's originally Corellian, but I've got hardware in her from at least two dozen different star systems. When things are good, she runs better than any ship this side of the galaxy. When they aren't good...I get grounded. I make sure that I can at least buy fare on a star ferry, just in case.

(I sighed)

Still, its frustrating. I guess I need to get away from being waist-deep in starship guts.

(Glancing at the tickets, I made a face)

First class? I don't wanna get too personal, but do they pay you enough on the Jedi council? I'm not breaking the bank, am I?

(We made our way to the star ferry, which was beginning to take in passengers.)

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 30th, 2003, 01:30:01 PM
She had to laugh. The image of Sanis wading through a sea of starship parts was still funny.

So was his reaction to the first class tickets and scolded him.

"Sanis. You know better. A Jedi's life is one of servitude, even with having a place on the Council."

Navaria cleared her throat while leaning in closer to Sanis so she could whisper to him.

"Let us just say, Dalethria did not get all the family fortune."

Sanis Prent
Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:26:20 PM
(Of course, my main squeeze was not only a Jedi Master, but heir to the Tarkin family jewels. That I had never been one to ask for financial assistance spoke volumes. I was just as prone to have money as I was to lose it. I took it all in stride, and wasn't so prudish as to let the rules of chivalry get the best of me. In the end, if she brought home the bacon instead of me some days, that suited me just fine.)

I tend to forget that sometimes, sorry.

(Entering the starliner, our baggage was stowed away by a host of uniformed lackeys, and we were gestured towards the opulent fore-section of the ship, where leg room was four times as generous, not to mention, everything else. I paused, allowing Nav to go ahead of me, and catch the window seat.)

So, exactly what's the mission, Master Jedi...or is that confidential?

(I smiled, following her lead, and sitting down.)

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 3rd, 2003, 09:04:04 PM
"Oh, there is no need to be sorry."

She stopped momentarily and pulled Sanis in for a quick kiss before heading into the starliner. Navaria smiled in a silent thank you for allowing her the window seat and made herself comfortable.

"No nothing secret at all. Just Senate elections. They wanted a member of the Council to be present during this time and offered to pay for everything while we stayed on Bothawui."

While she was speaking out loud to Sanis, she was also spoke into his mind at the same time.

There is one thing that requires my personal attention but that should not take too long. And yes, that part of the trip is confidential

Sanis Prent
May 11th, 2003, 07:07:55 PM
I don't trust Bothans.

(My face turned dour, and I couldn't help that. I shrugged off a funny feeling in my stomach, and worked a half smile back on my face)

I dunno...you're the boss, Nav. Just...I've seen Bothans scheme circles around somebody, when they thought they could get away with it. This isn't one of those things, is it?

Navaria Tarkin
May 13th, 2003, 10:03:47 AM
She snuggled an arm around Sanis' and looked at him with big blue eyes filled with no concern.

"That is why I have you here. I might be able to sense intentions but your knack for doing it naturally will help me alot just incase. But, I really believe that this is a social call. I hope it is ...."

Sanis Prent
Jun 4th, 2003, 09:52:31 AM
(Her reassurance helped to ease whatever residual tension I still had. I smiled, and leaned back in my seat.)

Yeah. Hopefully a short social call, at that. A week on Bothauwi...we can't waste that on something like work.

(I slid my arm between Nav's back and the adjacent seat, drawing her a bit closer)

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 6th, 2003, 08:35:18 PM
She let herself be pulled towards Sanis, resting her head upon his shoulder.

"No argument there. Should only last a day and then the rest of the time is to ourselves."

To have such free time was a luxery. Absolutely nothing to do but spend time with Sanis. Her eyes narrowed at the thought, almost in a panic.

"What are we going to do? We have made no plans, besides when we are leaving. There is all that time ... free time."

She was beside herself as the Knight truly realized that she had no appointments, students to train, and no Council sessions for a week.

Sanis Prent
Jun 9th, 2003, 07:20:16 PM
"Is that really a problem?"

I gave her a funny look. Only somebody like Nav would be worried about free time on their hands. I consoled her with a kiss, and looked at her with a relaxing smile.

"You mean to tell me that you've never lived day-by-day, playing everything by wing? Don't worry, not everything needs a plan. I happen to like a bit of spontaneity."

I leaned back in my seat, away from her, as if I were getting ready to settle in for the trip. After a few seconds, I looked at her, arched an eyebrow, threw up the dividing arm rest and made a dash for her side, fingers working her ribs like piano keys. I'd never tried to give my main squeeze a tickle...and I wondered if she was the kind of girl to snort when she laughed.


The best kind.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 10th, 2003, 10:38:28 PM

Everyone looked right at the couple. Looks of annoyances, laughter, confusion and other colorful looks were thrown their way. Normally Navaria would be embarrassed but she was too busy being tickled to death. He was doing such a good job that it was almost impossible to defend herself. In between exasperated gasps of breaths and phrases like 'Stop it!', there was that little tiny sound of a snort that lasted briefly ... much to the reddening of the Knight's face. She swore she heard some child ask there mom if that really was a Jedi...

Sanis Prent
Jun 22nd, 2003, 07:50:10 PM
"Ah! Ah!"

My fingers danced along her side like I was playing a piano, and I bust out laughing at her little snort. At that, I relented and sat back, laughing for the next few seconds. It was such a great release, and I felt like I was shrugging off all my worries as my laugh trailed off. I canted my head to the side and watched her as her face reddened and as she tried to regain her breath. She had an incredulous look on her face, like she couldn't believe I'd done what I'd done.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 23rd, 2003, 05:29:26 PM
She was flushed and her face burned brighter as Sanis' laughter filled her ears. Maybe Navaria should have been mad or at the very least, a little peeved but as her heart started to calm down. Breathing and thinking started to become easier, she realized something amazing. This was fun!

Her face lit up in an amazing smile and probably took Sanis by surprise by her expression and with that familiar touch of endearment when Navaria began to straighten out his hair.

"I love you."

Those three words came out naturally with her heart so loose and at ease. She never got to tell him that as often as the Jedi would like.

Sanis Prent
Jul 28th, 2003, 10:28:52 AM

We both calmed down, and shared a quiet moment and a tender embrace. It was the exact opposite of every kind of interaction I'd had with women in my life, until I'd met Daleethria. Navaria. The two were so indistinguishable now...it made my head spin. Part of me asked why I couldn't just find a normal girl, but between Navaria, and exotic dancers, call girls, and Cizerack she-pimps...Navaria was easily the winner. And what I didn't have in quick, easy physical affection, I had in a real connection. She was the only person I cared about more than myself, and it had a way of changing my whole latitude on things.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I've had a long flight in, and since I'm not flying this bird outbound, I'm going to get some shut-eye."

I played with one of her curls.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 29th, 2003, 08:04:43 PM
A gentle smile was her response before kissing him on the lips

"Understandable. Get some rest. I will wake you when we arrive if you are not by then."

Navaria reached underneath her chair and opened up the small compartment that came with first class seating. She pulled out a blanket and pillow for him, and they weren't those flimsy blankets or miniature pillows offered to the customers in back. No.. this was a full size pillow and thick cotton blanket.

Sanis Prent
Aug 4th, 2003, 10:58:09 AM
The trip passed just fine, and it seemed that by the time I woke up, we were on final approach to Bothauwi. I righted my seat, and looked across to Navaria, who had managed to get some down time herself. She looked perfectly serene as she slept, her seat somewhat upright. I debated on waking her up for a moment, but then decided that it wouldn't do to let her catch Z's on the transport. I kissed her cheek, and whispered in her ear.

"Nav, we're here."

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 11th, 2003, 09:43:21 PM

It came out more like a moan of annoyance because sleep felt so good. And then there was that pleasant brush of stubble against her cheek that made Navaria completely aware to what Sanis had just said.

Her eyes snapped opened and she was so in shock to having slept the whole trip, she dropped her datapad.

"I was asleep... the entire time??"

Sanis Prent
Aug 11th, 2003, 11:05:20 PM
"I don't know. I just woke up 10 minutes ago. At least it looks like you slept well. Probably needed it more than I did."

A Twi'leki stewardess approached our seat via the middle aisle.

"Zeez lande ona Bothauwi eena gatanox." (We land on Bothauwi in 20 minutes)

I smiled courteously.

"Zanki." (Thank you)

She nodded, and attended other passengers, and as myself and Navaria woke up, the starship made its way to the surface.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 18th, 2003, 07:14:11 PM
"Twenty minutes ... not long at all."

And she began to put away the few items out into her carry-on.

"From what I have been told, a driver is to meet us after we depart the ship and take us to the hotel."

She stole a glance at her chronometer and frowned. Hitting the button a few times on the side of it, the proper time was displayed.

"Ah .. that's better and perfect. The actual elections are tomorrow so we have the whole evening to ourselves. Little passed 1700 hours on Bothawui."

Sanis Prent
Sep 3rd, 2003, 10:47:22 PM

I was eager to hit the town, sure to have a good time. I looked at Navaria, and smiled mischeviously.

"So, what's a Jedi Ambassador like you doing in a place like this?"

Somehow, I hoped that tonight would be the opportunity to take the next step in our relationship. What that next step was, I had no idea. Navaria was every bit as enigmatic as Daleethria. Being able to speak was of no consequence. She was definitely playing the gatekeeper so far.

Then again, we were a bit different like that. Opposites attract, sure enough, but a little common ground every once in a while is a breath of fresh air.