View Full Version : A Cold Night's View (Nemesis)

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:44:29 PM
The suns had set on restless Coruscant, and with the darkness came a usual chill that filled the night's atmosphere. Residents scurried from their stressful work enviroments and hurried home for a good night's rest, only to wake up next morning and repeat the same routine day has the last. Such was life.

It was also the end of Ki Adi's day, only nothing was ever about normal in his daily schedule. In the life of a Jedi, the only thing you could suspect was the unsuspecting, and oddly enough he had grown used to that fact. Most nights he would probably be home by now, eating a warm meal then getting some sleep, but on many occassions he would go out somewhere alone and reflect on things going on in his life. This was one of those times.

Kindo stolled across the roof of one of of thousands of skyscrapers, admiring the breathtaking scenary the view provided. The planet seemed so crowded and busy during the day, but the night, the night was much different. Nothing could be seen but an array of lights that stretched for miles and miles on, and though most of these buildings didn't appeal to the Jedi during the day, for some reason he loved them at night. It was so different, less crowded and less noisy it seemed, almost like the planet itself was calling it a night. It was truly a beautiful sight, one many people were attracted to.

Has he gazed outwards, he quietly reflected on all the things he had been dealing with recently, some stuff he had coming up, and like usual, his friends.

Dec 19th, 2002, 02:42:53 PM
The Jedi’s serenity was suddenly broken when a young woman frantically rushed by him. Her exodus bore such undeniable fervor she quite nearly knocked Kindo down, though the Knight was much larger than the fleeing lady.

She appeared to be seventeen, perhaps eighteen at most. Her clothes were torn and hung in large, tattered strands about a quivering frame. The girl’s fair, slender face lie stained with tears and clouded by mats of hair soaked in sweat. Deep seeded terror bleed her features dry of all color, as her eyes gave testament to a nameless horror.

Only a few yards away, a crowd gathered; growing with every passing moment. Shouts, cries, and curses filled the air about the swelling mass. The frightened woman never once looked back, placing as much distance between her and this gathering.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 19th, 2002, 04:51:07 PM
Indeed it only seemed to prove itself more true; the only thing you could suspect was the unsuspecting. Out of nowhere it seemed, a teenage girl, overwhelmed with fright, nearly knocked him clear off his feet. Before he could even utter a word, she dashed past him frantically, not even giving him a second glance.

Filled with concern for the terrified young girl, he ran in her tracks, trying his best to catch up with her. She was obviously in an extreme frenzy, for she was quite hard for him to get, even though he was more athletic than most. At last he got a firm grasp of some of the already torn fabric, yanking her backwards and getting a tight grip on her arms to keep her from falling.

" Ma'am, I am a Jedi and I'm here to help you. What is the matter, and who exactly are you running from? "

It was then when he got a clear view of her fatigued condition and dirty attire. She looked, to say the least, like she hadn't had a shower or a nap in years, and her panic was of some of the worst he'd ever seen. Whatever it was that was bothering her, it was serious. Has his eyes met hers, she began to feel a little more secure than she had been, but still scared nonetheless.

Dec 19th, 2002, 09:14:16 PM
Gradually, the young girl slipped away from a solemn hysteria into an open fit of tears; burying her face in the Jedi's collar.

The teen's earnest pleas were difficult to understand, being that her words were both muffled and disjointed. "Six......of 'em.....tried.......rape me.........man......big........black......he...... he....he saved me." She raised a shaking finger back toward the tumultuous crowd.

Without warning, her head abruptly snapped away from Kindo's garments, dampened by her crying. Her fear had not dissipated, but had been replaced by a whole new breed.

"You must stop them! They'll kill him if you don't!!!" Though spoken with more clarity than before, her tone brimmed with desperation. "Help him!!! Please!!!" Again she motioned to the multitude of spectators.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 20th, 2002, 12:47:38 PM
Big black man? The short description made him seem like one of the thugs himself, however the young woman spoke otherwise. This man, whoever he was, had rescued her. Kindo gave an inaudible thanks to the unknown savior.

With his hands still latched to the girl's arms, he glanced toward his right. He caught only a brief glimpse, but what he saw worried him. Looking back at the still frightened adolescent, he released her from his hold.

" You stay right here. "

She gave a slight nod has she wiped her tear stained cheeks. Ki Adi wouldn't let anything happen to her, but has for the crew of brutes who attempted to rape her, well that was a different story. He had grown up being taught that mistreating a lady was entirely unacceptable and immoral, and still he held those same ideals. These men who went out searching for a so-called good time would find more than they bargained for. They had crossed the line, went too far, and it wasn't going to pass with him.

The Knight began sprinting in the direction of the huddled onlookers. His saber hilt dangled from his belt, and there it would stay. He wasn't about to use a live blade, or any weapon for that matter, when he didn't need to. His deep-blue eyes didn't look anywhere else but forward, to the crowd gathered before him.