View Full Version : Lost Artifacts

Dec 18th, 2002, 03:44:32 AM
OOC: This is only for Fiend, Wraith, Garmollo,Ansatsu,Mon Malfoy,Ra Hath,Drake Shadowstalker,Anuberis,myself, and any other's that are with Fiend i just so happened to forget. Ohh, an it is also open to jedi of course. All other's if you want to join then pm me so i can fill you in on what is to happen.

IC: Corsucant, the capital of the universe, or as ome would call it. It as always busy, always full of life. One could literally come here and get lost....never to be found again if they so choose to. Then again, if you wanted to be noticed by certain people, then this is also a good place for them as well. Such was the reason why Malice Draclau had chosen here to wait.

He had secretly agreed to join with Fiend and his band of rouge darksiders for some mission, or many missions to do. Before they could begin this desruction of the light however, Malice had gained info on something they might find very useful. His spies had managed to find an ancient sith temple on Endor, rumored to have been built for the late sith lord Exar Kun. Within was also said to hold tools of the darkside. Artifacts holding great dark power from ages past.

Malice knew that is they had gotten their hands on these tools.....they would an even greater force for the lightside to recon with. And so, the sith master, accompanied by his deciples of TSO awaited their comrades. Malice had still failed to fill them in on what was going on, where they were headed, and who they were to meet. He felt the mission would explain for it's self. But not even Malice would ever guess what would happen once they get there.

Dec 18th, 2002, 03:26:48 PM
:: I silently stood next to Malice. My bright red irises glowing softly as I listened to the cacophony of chaos in theCoruscant night air. I sighed slowly and turned around, walking off the balcony and into the private chambers that we had "acquired" for the situation at hand. It was only Malice and I for the moment, the others were waiting outsideor elsewhere, attending to their own agendas until we actually started. All I had told them was that trasure and powerful artifacts were involved, and tht was all they needed to know. Because actually, I didn't know that much myself but I trusted Malice enough that it would be fruitful. With our combined forces and power, we were a devastating force. All the support that each of us harbored, made us uncontestable. My shoulders shuderred for a moment as I laughed inside.::

Well Malice? Anything to tell me before I get the others in here?

Dec 18th, 2002, 03:36:32 PM
Malice looked up at Fiend, sipping from his whiskey before speaking.

*As a matter of fact i do. We are headed to Endor. My sources have discovered an old sith temple. By the looks of it, it probably belonged to Exar Kun. Within is supposidly two sith amulets....maybe more we do not know for sure. But there was a problem*

Standing up, Malice moved towards the balcony, looking out over the city.

*My men had run into a group of Massassi warriors that still live near the temple in a small village. They barely escaped their attackers. Those Massassi will be the first obstical to get by, as there might be traps within the temple to keep us from getting to what's inside*

Dec 18th, 2002, 03:59:07 PM
:: I slowly spun on one foot, absently staring at the ceiling.::

Aren't the Massassi loyal to Sith... couldn't we turn them to us by some display of power or something? From the articles that I retrieved when I was using Dios' body, Exar Khun had those people under a whip. What if we found that whip?

:: I laughed and stopped spinning, pulling a flask of some courscant beverage to my hand and downing it all at once. I licked my lips and then looked to Malice through the corner of my eye.::

About these amulets... do you know anything about them? And do we have an other force users to contest with that would know about them. I mean, if you found them now, shouldn't someone else have gone looking by this time.

Mon Malfoy
Dec 18th, 2002, 10:58:59 PM
*Finally, Mon Malfoy was able to catch up with his Master, Malice... He's not familiar with the place... and the reason why they are there but one thing keeps him confident. The thought of having a great Sith master by your side and the fact that this will be his first mission under the great TSO.*

*He doesn't have any experience yet with using his force or even his trusty saber which Malice had given to him... As he approached the balcony where his master stood... he held unto his saber, ready to activate it incase of any unwanted attention... Suddenly, two red glowing eyes appeared in front of him and because of Mon's inexperienced instinct, he activated his saber.*

"Who are you! I'm a Sith and I warn you if you don't tell me which side are you in... I'll be force to do the inevetable!"

*What amazed him is that Malice who is about 3 feet away from hiim is just ignoring what is happening.*

ra hath
Jan 14th, 2003, 01:11:52 PM
While awailting fore this whole thing to start .Ra was down on the steert standing near a fruit eating some stang fruit. he had just bought try to think of wear it came from. finaly he gave up and started to listen to the people thoughts. As they walked by and as he did so he thought to him self. this planet is pack full of some sad sick strang people. And he wanted to spened as little time there as posible.

Jan 14th, 2003, 02:10:45 PM
The Jackel's pup lurks in the shadows, unknown to the group gathering. He owes Fiend no alleigances. The only one he has any respect for is Malice, who he has fought. The only purpose for his presence here is to represent his mentor, who is Fiend's Research and Development team in it's entirety. He makes no move to join them, and goes out of his way to stay hidden. He'll follow at his own pace.