View Full Version : Coffee-Get-Together/ The Sequel

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 17th, 2002, 07:34:28 PM
The door to the quarters of Zeke, Ki Adi Kindo, Jackson DeWitt swung open has a man walked in, toting several bags. He gave a light kick to the door to shut it, and made his way over toward the kitchen table, almost overwhelmed by the weight of all the groceries.

It was late night, about the time he would be arriving home from a long day that consisted of a Jedi's work, and perhaps more for him, for a good night's rest, however, he had different plans tonight.

A while back, a few weeks or even month after he entered the Order, he held an open party in which he offered various snacks and a whole lot of coffee products in order to get to know many of the Jedi. That was when he first met Zeke, Maia, Wei, Dios, Lion El', people who were to become his group of closest companions. He smirked, thinking of that time when they all sat around and got to know one another, discussing all sorts of things. In the long list of memories in his life, that party placed has one of the top.

Well, much time had passed since then, and though they had all changed and grown in many ways, they had never drifted apart, not once. They were a family, has they always had been, and always would be. Different faces were around now, and they deserved a chance to get to know one another has well.

The Jedi began removing multiple packages of cookies from their bags and unto the table, and all kinds of coffee were already heated and set out has well. He took a large breath and flopped down on the sofa, exhausted from all the running around he had done.

" So far, so good. "

Maia Tharrinn
Dec 17th, 2002, 08:07:35 PM
Maia wandered slowly down the hall's of the Jedi living Quarters. Her mind lost in thought. A small smile on her face. She was remembering all of the times she had spent with her friends. How many times she had laughed and worried over them. She had changed so much in the time that she had went from Padawan to Knight, and they were the ones who had helped her to become the calm self assured Jedi she was.

The love of Dios, and all of her friends made everything worth while. She had found a home and a family to belong to. She had reached Kindo's door. He had once been her Padawan and now he was so much more to her. All of them were, and they would always be.

Raising her hand she tapped lightly on the door and waited. Her mind still lost in the wonderful memories they had all created togeather...

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 19th, 2002, 03:37:18 PM
Not even a minute after he had sat down, a faint knock was heard. Taking in a deep breath, he rose from the couch and walked over toward the door, not even needing to open it up to know who it was. Maia Tharrinn, someone he could sense a mile away. It was needless to say that she was one of the most important people in his life, after all she was the very one who gave him most of his Force training.

Opening the door, there she was, standing there, staring at him with that bright smile. His face matched hers, and his was nothing out of the ordinary. He was quite well-known for that grin of his. It seemed to light up people who were having those gloomy days, and the reason was because they wern't fake or forced, but genuine.

" Hey Maia. "

Ki Adi embraced her with a warm hug, then stepped aside and motioned for her to enter.

" Hope you're in the mood for some coffee. "

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 19th, 2002, 10:30:01 PM
Lion was practicing his "sneaking" skills, and burst into the room behind Maia.

"Coffee! Whoo-hoo! What's up Kindo? How ya' doing?"

He flopped fown on one of the soft couches and starred at the coffee, like he expected it to explode if he didn't get to drink it.

Lion had known Kindo since he joined the order, and he still thought it was cool that he always had drinks. He was glad that he had a friend like Kindo. They'd been through quite a few adventures...Waterfall rescues, town rescues, Lion-getting-fried rescue...lot's of fun times.

"So, really...what's going on, dude?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 20th, 2002, 02:45:03 PM
" Oh you know... the usual, but what's ever usual in a Jedi's life? "

He grinned, chuckling to himself. Lion El' always made him laugh. They'd been good friends for quite a while, after all the things they had been through with each other it was hard not to be.

He trusted Lion with his life, a certain faith he didn't extend to just anyone. Jonson had fought by his side with him on the battlefield, on land and in the air. Both had came a long way since where they began, walked a narrow path, and they had the scars and skills to prove it.

" Feel free to snatch a cup of coffee whenever you'd like. "

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 21st, 2002, 02:23:21 AM
"Thanks, dude!" Lion said, and leapt at the drinks with a speed that usually wasn't even seen during lightsaber combat.

Within a few seconds, he had scanned the table's numerous beverages, and selected a flask that said:

"We proudly brew Earthbucks coffee."

Lion took the cup, and, careful to avoid the numerous burnings he recieved at Kindo's last party, put a cardboard sleeve. He took a sip, fought down the burning, and caught the flavor.

"Hell, this is good stuff...like Namana nector, without the fruity taste!"

He flopped back down onto a couch and smiled at Maia.

Maia Tharrinn
Dec 22nd, 2002, 11:40:11 AM
Maia had been about to answer Kindo when Lion had snuck up behind her and made her jump. She grinned and shook her head. Leave it to Lion to scare the wits out of her. Maia settled into the couch and sipped at the coffee Kindo had provided. She felt at ease in his home and in the presence of her close friends.

When is everyone else arriving. She had not seen Dios this morning and figured he was out on a morning mission. She nudged Lion and grinned back. "Stop sneaking up on me, or your gonna turn me grey." She chuckled softly...

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 24th, 2002, 09:43:15 PM
"No sneaking up? Where's the fun in that?"Lion joked, waiting for others to arrive

He took another sip, then sat back and asked:

"Where's Dios?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 24th, 2002, 10:41:03 PM
Walking toward the chamber of those he believed would have his answer by previous accounts with their name, he placed his hand behind his ruggid brown fabriced trench coat. Entering the coordinates, he placed his hand over in a gesture of a wave opening the door of the room as probably voice detection wouldn't let a canidate in. Motioning in he looked at the many Jedi Knights, and Masters conversate on normal issues of that of the Alliance.

"Hmm.." The boy's voice purred in a sense not of a prey, but that to interupt their conversating, so that he would be introduced. Placing his hand at his side, he bowed in respect and a smile came upon his face in a show of respect along with teh gesture of the bow.

"I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Jamel Croko'yn. I am here to conversate, or maybe even observe you of the heighest rank of the Jedi Order." When the boy's introduction came to an end, his smile faded and he stared aimlessly at them, wondering who would first react to his sudden arrival in their talk.

His eyebrow twitched up as he shifted his head tot he side, looking over at all of them, absorbing in their looks and style. They were all unique in their own fighting rights, and their views on the force and life. It was that they were all Jedi Knights that seemed to <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> his eyebrow up. He felt out of place in such a High Ranked area.

"Umm, I know I probably shouldn't be in these coordinates because of my canidancy, but I seek guidance in those of higher knowledge in the force, so it is a dire situation. I have Trails in only a week, and preperation is needed, so maybe I should join your discussion. It could become of help to my Jedi Canidancy and Trail.." The boy ended, still awaiting a response.

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 26th, 2002, 12:16:29 PM
Noticing the sudden hindrance in the situation, Jamel frowned in displeasurment as he swung around with his brown shaggy hair flowing over his youthful face. Venturing toward the door, he exited he was going to run from them. Something out in there open was beckoning him, and he needed to come.

Rushing down the halls, his brown ruggid draping back coating flutterd in the wind that was gusted up by the trotting of his feet. Dashing out of the quaters of the hallway, he was on his path to another station.