View Full Version : An Ace in the Hole: Judas's Training II

Dec 17th, 2002, 03:13:16 PM
The previous evening, Sasha’s apprentice Judas had asked him several questions about the jedi. It was interesting for Sasha, because, as an apprentice, his master had hardly spoke with him of the jedi, other than to make clear her dislike of them. And to punish him when he had made the mistake of sharing blood with one of them.

In his teachings of his apprentices, he wanted to be as forthcoming as possible, and to help them to understand why, exactly, the Sith did not care for the jedi. It was simple, really. The Sith had a way of using the force that was….well, it wasn’t always nice. But it was often effective.

And the jedi had objections to this. The jedi, though defenders of the peace to some, were a threat to the lives of th Sith. The jedi were a threat to their freedom to use the force as they so desired. And so a hatred had been formed.

Sasha himself did not hate the jedi, really. But he would rarely pass up a opportunity to fight with one. He realized that the jedi were relatively easy to understand. They left you alone if you gave them no reason to bother you. If you did something that they found objectionable, then they would come a running.

His mission on this day was not a confrontation with a jedi, necessarily, but instead to give his apprentice some experience with one. Judas had asked if he would live if he faced a jedi. At this, Sasha had fond amusement of sorts. And so, he would take Judas to meet a jedi. And he would guarantee that the apprentice left with all of his limbs and vital body organs intact. So long as he didn’t do anything stupid.

And so they found themselves on this day on a planet far from Corellia. It was a place known to be occasionally frequented by jedi, and perhaps they would encounter one.

Sasha, with little effort, advertised his presence in the force. It did not carry a threat to it necessarily, but it did make it clear that he was of the dark side.

As they walked, Sasha turned to his apprentice.

“Did you do as I asked of you last night?” He questioned.

Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:04:34 PM
Judas looked at Sasha and nodded.

"Yes, my brother, I have come to the solution that most of my anger and emotions merge mostly towards my confrontation with this man. So I'll focus on these feelings and enhance them with my body's reaction when heated," he explained," I have practiced on a few chinas at home, I'll probably need a new set now but that's quite all right.

He cracked a small grin as he said that last line. He adjusted his cloak and hooded himself.

"So, what's our next lesson today, my master," he inquired as he continued to walk side by side of Sasha.

Dec 18th, 2002, 04:03:30 PM
So…it was defeat that bothered him. Perfect, Sasha thought. It would be easy to anger his apprentice then, if all he had to do was pick on him. And this he would do, if it would make his apprentice stronger.

At Judas’s question, Sasha shrugged.

“You wanted to meet a jedi,” He began, “So you will.”

As they walked, Sasha reached out through the force, feeling for the presence of others around them.

“And while we wait, we’ll work on developing your anger. You need to learn to make anger a part of you. To live it, breathe it, and feel it constantly. It should become, in time, and extension of you. Not something you have to work to summon. Your strength in the dark side, your power, will come from your anger. And it will be stronger if it comes naturally from within you.”

It was perfect, he thought, for a test of sorts. With little effort, Judas’s saber flew from its location on Judas’s belt and into Sasha’s hand.

With the use of the force, he gave Judas a hard shove. A shove strong enough to push the apprentice several feet away and knock him from his feet.

He stood looking at Judas, his head canted slightly.

“Use your anger.” He stated.

“Summon your anger and make it do your bidding.” He added, his voice becoming more of a growl as it issued what sounded more like a threat than an order. His voice carried a tone that suggested punishment if Judas was not capable of doing as he demanded.

Judas Escariot
Dec 19th, 2002, 08:15:17 AM
“Use your anger.”

Judas peered at Sasha visualizing has if he were that stranger he confronted. It laughed at him in as if he defeated him again.

Judas body heated up and his heart beat raced. His palms began to sweat and he gave a frown of rage. He flipped forward and screamed in rage.

He held his hand out and Sasha holding Judas' lightsabre, started to shake violently. Judas hair began to wave around as if there were a heavy wind around him.

His hood flew back and his cloak waved behind him. The lightsabre Sasha held flew directly to Judas' hand. A white beam lightsabre ignited and Judas charged Sasha, swinging his lightsabre.

Dec 20th, 2002, 09:21:28 AM
Sasha had actually grinned as the saber was pulled from his hand.

Excellent, he thought. Judas was using the skills Sasha had taught him. And he was using them well.

His saber came to his left hand, igniting in time to meet the swing of Judas’s blade. The sabers locked, the sparks flying as they faced one another.

“How does it feel, Judas?” He asked, though his voice carried a taunting tone to it. It was not that he enjoying taunting him, but he did it because he knew it would serve to feet his apprentice’s anger. Before they met a jedi, Sasha wanted Judas to feel the power that came with the dark side. The power that only anger could provide.

He used the force again, to shove Judas away. Though this time it was not as hard, only enough to put distance between them.

“Do you feel it?” He asked. Again, he gave Judas a slight shove with the force. It was taunting, mocking as he did it – a move designed to draw out the anger within his apprentice.

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 21st, 2002, 11:25:14 AM
"Well, my apologies then for your wasted time," the Jedi spoke, half-agitated, half-politely.

"I would say so, Mr. High'n'mighty Jedi!" The library-keeper spoke in a nasal, whiney tone. "I don't appreciate such educated beings prancing around demanding information we don't have!" He continued his rant, ushering the man from his door. "Especially in paper form...ha!" He mumbled as the Jedi was finaly forced from the stairs.

"I will keep that in mind. Good day to you, sir." The Jedi turned, a look of frustration and exasperation on his face. He could have argued with the librarian--he had hardly 'demanded' anything--but it would have been no real use to do so. Instead, he simply walked away.

He had been researching here, as the library had an excellent selection of information. Why did he choose this place instead of the GJO's library? It was much quieter, a little bit more homely, and a lot more relaxing. Sometimes, he just needed to get away from the hustle and bustle of Coruscant.

He stepped into the small marketplace, admiring a merchant's selection of namanas. Xazor loved the fruit, and in turn, he had grown too as well. He felt one of the ripe fruits, it's soft skin and plump--

Like an animal, his head cocked to the side. He had heard something. Not physically, not with his ears, but in the wind and the life and the Force around him. He had felt something. A presence. A person. A feeling he knew very, very well. Too well, some would say, for the position that he and this other were in. They had called each other friends...Jedi and Sith...friends...

Sasha Kovalev.

He was controlling his aura, letting it reach out to anyone who even had a day's training in sense. It was an invitation. The strange part was, it was not an invitation of challenge like many would give. It was simply an invitation of presence...an announcement. "I, a Sith, am present." Almost an announcement.

Peeking around the corner, at the edge of the small town, Terran's eyes fell upon two men. One was indeed Sasha, and the other...he did not recognize him. No matter. He had felt the call and was there to return it. Stepping into view so that he could be seen, but not announcing himself, he watched what appeared to be a training session. He almost wanted to smile at the appearance of Sasha...but did not. Not when there were others who might judge their relationship.

Judas Escariot
Dec 23rd, 2002, 10:08:43 AM
“How does it feel, Judas?”

Judas grinned to this as he was pushed back.

“Do you feel it?”

He felt the anger in him as he spun in the air and swung his lightsabre executing his trademark attack.

Dec 30th, 2002, 03:36:20 PM
For a moment, Sasha was distracted by the sudden feeling of a nearby presence. It was one so familiar that the young knight almost turned to be sure his senses were not deceiving him. This distraction cost him precious moments in his spar with his apprentice, and his saber came up just in time to block the attack.

Their sabers locked, and with the help of the force, Sasha shoved Judas back, perhaps a bit harder than he had meant to.

The shove landed Judas at the feet of the jedi, Terran Starek.

It was difficult for Sasha to hide his grin. Despite their differences, Sasha rather liked this jedi. And of all the jedi that could have found them on this day, it amused Sasha even more that it had been Terran.

His violet eyes gazed across the distance between them, and a twinkle of amusement could be found deep within them. He made no attempt to move toward his apprentice in either attack or protection, but rather remained where he was.

This decision was solely to see how his apprentice would react. He wasn’t sure whether or not he would pick up on the fact that Terran was a jedi. Nor was he sure of how Judas would use the anger he had so recently begun to feel.

Judas Escariot
Jan 2nd, 2003, 11:04:25 AM
Judas flew in front of a mysterious figure. He noticed Sasha stop and his violent gaze shine toward the stranger. Judas felt something...something different. This man was peaceful, clear, and centered.

Obviously, Judas knew this was a force user but he didn't know him...but did Sasha. He didn't know how to react in this situation. He only followed his instincts.

He back flipped onto his feet towards this being. Worried to displease his mentor he only thought to attack. Judas screamed in rage with fire in his eyes and violently swing his white beaming lightsabre towards this character.

Jan 2nd, 2003, 11:54:20 AM
Calmly he watched as the attack began. He had fought Terran before and knew the jedi well enough to know he was more than capable of handling Judas. Not that the Sith apprentice wouldn’t put up a good fight, but the jedi was much more experienced, and Judas had much to learn about the force before he would have a chance at besting Terran.

The tip of his saber lowered towards the ground. Part of him was pleased – very pleased in fact that Judas was capable of such rage. That he had been an able enough teacher, and Judas an able enough student to learn from the lessons. He supposed Judas’s next lesson would be that of thinking before reacting – though, it was likely the jedi would teach him that one right now.

And Sasha would allow this. The most important lessons he had learned had been taught out of actual experience. By making a mistake, and learning to live from it. Sasha did not have a moment of doubt that Terran would allow his apprentice a second chance at life and this was why he did not move to defend.

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 2nd, 2003, 12:57:26 PM
The Jedi was unmoved as the young apprentice stood to his feet. He could see the rage in the man's eyes--not rage neccessarily towards Terran. It was anger in a pure form. He was using it to fuel his actions, letting it give him that rush of power that Sith sought. He was allowing it to flow through his body, taking hold of his instincts and giving him strength and endurance he get from no other energy.

It was the Darkside.

A mysterious aspect of the Force, to be sure. At sometimes, it was so very tempting. It offered the brutal, physical domination that many Darksiders craved right now--in the moment. One could call upon the Darkside for instant results. Who wouldn't like to utilize it's prowess? But Terran knew the consequences.

Suddenly, the apprentice before him lashed out, his white blade slicing through the air as his voice shouted out in a gutteral war cry. It was well timed, but Terran was more than ready. He watched the blade whip toward him, holding his position until the last second, then gingerly sidestepping the slash as the Sith apprentice's feet moved him forward. With a strong hand placed on the back of the young warrior, Terran gave a small push, sending the young Sith stumbling forward a few meters. The Jedi did not draw his weapon.

"You attack so quickly, out of fear." He spoke finally, his voice soft but very firm. "Fear of the unknown." He had his back to Sasha. Many would say this was foolish--a Sith was never to be trusted. No one knew of the position Terran and Sasha had found themselves in. They had the utmost respect and trust for one and other. If the time even came that one was ever to slay the other, it would not be a backstab or a dishonorable murder. That was to be sure.

He is young. Still foolish. Terran spoke in the mind of Sasha. His voice had become stronger--Terran was gaining strength in the Force. Strong, though. That slash came a bit closer than I thought. He flashed a wry grin at Sasha. The young apprentice had regained his balance now and stood but three meters from Terran.

Jan 2nd, 2003, 01:15:55 PM
Sasha stared at Terran’s back for a moment. Another Sith would likely not have passed on this opportunity. But the young knight did. Passed on it for a variety of reasons, though he would tell his apprentice, or anyone that asked that he had done it because there was a greater lesson to be learned by Judas in Sasha doing nothing.

He is young. Still foolish

He heard Terran within his mind and slowly, in answer, he nodded in agreement. Yes, Judas was still young and foolish. But he would learn in time. Of that, Sasha had no doubt. Judas was a quick learner. Attentive and always inquisitive.

Strong, though. That slash came a bit closer than I thought

He did allow a grin at this, shaking his head in mild amusement.

He still made no effort to move. Judas had picked this battle, and now it was his to either end or continue. And Sasha would allow his apprentice to decide – whether the choice be wise or foolish.

He is full of surprises…. Sasha replied, speaking in the same manner that Terran had to him – within the mind.

His violet eyes looked to Judas, neither approving or disapproving of his actions. He could feel the anger of Judas bubbling inside him. His apprentice hated to be beaten in anything, and Sasha could feel the frustration within his fellow sith.

Judas Escariot
Jan 4th, 2003, 01:17:26 PM
Judas stared at this man ang glared at Sasha. He veered to the man again and gave a slight grin. Then, he gave a slight chuckle. He began to see himself in the position he was at the bar, with the confrontation with the strange one.

He did not accept defeat no way no how...again. He stopped and concentrated. His body heated up and his palms were sweaty. His heart began to beat faster and harder, enough to be heard by anyone around him.

He stood up straight and placed his lightsabre vertical to his body lining the blade between his eyes glaring at his foe. He felt the force boiling in power within his veins. His hair began to wave behind him, but there was no wind. He felt the force within him rise higher and higher. This increased his vision, hearing, and feeling around him.

He was centered. Everything was clear around him.

"Young, foolish, yes, but strong, absolutely", he said in his thoughts," now its my turn."

Judas was now full of pure darkness, anger, and power unimaginable. He even amazed himself. He held his lightsabre now in an elegant stance and stared at the man in a ready position. He waved his radiant hand and signaled with his fingers to the unknown man. He held his white beaming lightsabre again in his perfect stance and a blast of energy flashed around him.

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 4th, 2003, 04:13:43 PM
"You may put your mind and your body at ease, Judas Escariot, apprentice of Sasha Kovalev," Terran spoke, clasping his hands in front of him, nonthreateningly. He knew the name of his opponent because he had taken a vested interest in keeping up with the comings and goings of Sasha since their last meeting. He had his means of getting his information...didn't hurt, of course, that he happened to live at the Greater Jedi Order which housed one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date databases in the Galaxy.

Fiesty one...like you. Another silent comment to Sasha, mostly in jest. The two held conversations as easily as friends.

"I stand before you not to harm you, nor to pick some needless fight." Though his face was stern, it was inviting. His words were true, and he wished to convey the calm he felt inside to Judas. "Rather, our paths have crossed by happenstance." He paused for a moment, eying Sasha. Now would be the moment of truth. He was seeking out the demeanor and wisdom of Sasha's apprentice. Would he choose to fight? To clash sabers over nothing? This choice could always turn out ugly. One never knew exactly who he would meet. One of those days, one could end up picking a fight with the wrong person.

Would he chose peace? This was, by all Terran's own accounts and beliefs, was the right choice. There was no need for attack when there was no threat, he always thought. And even with a threat, attack was still something that should be well thought about before executed.

Terran posed not threat in his current state of self-control.

"The question, Judas, would be simply this: Will there be blood spilled today over nothing or shall I formally introduce myself?" He smiled--he hoped it was the latter.

Jan 6th, 2003, 10:49:27 AM

Guess this post isnt going to go much further.... ;)


I'll PM ya about another thread....