View Full Version : Have I lost my mind? (Complete)

Andraq Novkar
Dec 17th, 2002, 01:46:29 PM
Oh how long it has been! Andraq looked down from the rather small restaurant building. Small being an understatement. The building was rather huge, but it mattered not, it was small in the scheme of things. He was balancing with his hands out to each side of his body, his short raven strands of hair lightly dipped into his eyes, but he maintained his balance.

How lively the market place was this night! He watched the commerce intently and he looked around. He saw people arguing. He crouched down and look to those that were buying things, and the like. How the petty thieves were running around, stealing things. How glorious this galaxy was!

The whiteness of his face parted with his wicked and rather insane smile he put out. He saw something in the crowd with his keen eye-sight. He narrowed his eyes. A couple was being beaten and robbed.

Well, how rude!

Andraq stood up immediately and ran towards the edge of the building and then fell. He wound up falling back first to the ground, but slowed himself with the force and landed on his feet gracefully. He violently moved his head towards the left to the men that were beating up the man and woman...

"Oh come come Is that really necessary! And to think, your doing it all wrong!"

He grinned as he somewhat skipped forward to the men. They were obviously confused and becoming rather perturbed that this man had found them.

"Let me show you two men how it's truly done!"

He walked up to the man and spoke again..

"Give me all your belongings..."

The man didn't do anything, he just stood their, trying to be valiant, and he was being stingy! Why to think, he's hoarding all of his things and not sharing! He narrowed his eyes and reared his hand back and punched the man in the face as hard as he possibly could.

Needless to say, the man fell down unconscious. He kneeled over him and reached his hand into his pockets to pull out his money, his wallet, and all his belongings he had there. He stood up and handed them over to the men. The man's girlfriend or whatever was just standing there in shock.

"Are you gonna offer me the same trouble missy?! Or do I have to clock you in the face to?"

The woman only too quickly handed over her things to the men and they started to push her down and walk off before Andraq caught their attention...

"What, no thanks?! Rudeness never gets anyone anywhere!"

Andraq's hand went to his lightsaber hilt and he moved with speed not known to a normal being. The blue blade was bright against the walls inside the partial alley-way and he cut the first man down, and then the second. The woman screamed as Andraq spinned with his lightsaber outstretched...

"Impressive eh?"

But when he turned, the woman had fallen. Apparently when Andraq had spinned, he removed the woman's head. How foolish. He looked to the man and sighed as he walked off..

"Sorry about that old chum!"

He walked off with a smile and glee that he hadn't felt in a long time. He walked into the midst of people of the crowd. Immediately there was a scream as Andraq cut someone's leg off...

"Does that hurt? It must, cause you scream rather loudly..."

He smiled as he yelled out loud at the top of his lungs....


Jeran Conrad
Dec 17th, 2002, 02:32:08 PM
"Perhaps you will be better entertained with someone of your own prowess," the voice spoke from behind the man. Through his insane laughter and wicked chatter, the vocalization of the Hunter rang out in the street. He could no longer stand to see this man prey on the innocent like cattle. It was despicable--too easy, he thought. If he was evil, he thought, he would at least kill those who could give him some sort of challenge.

This one stank worse than many he had faced recently. The Darkside was strong in him, and it was sickening. Jeran could almost taste it in the air, like flies swarming over garbage. It was plain disgusting. Afterall, wasn't that the point?

His cloak and hat shielded his body and face as his medium-sized, slender figure stepped into the courtyard, seemingly emerging smoothly from the shadows. His eyes pierced into the dark eyes of the strange man who stood inside of the crowd, focused on him and only him.

"Get out of here," he spoke to the crowd as it began to scatter. It had already started too, but now it did so with more purpose and haste than before. The tension hung heavily in the glow of the evening moon as the Hunter stood before the murderer. The last of the crowd emptied the square, leaving the two men, 8 or 10 meters apart, alone in the square.

Dec 17th, 2002, 02:36:30 PM
"You seem to have a fetish for amputation." Mocked the chilling depths of a harden masculine voice.

A man, clothed in pitch black, sat beside a circular table; his piercing white eyes glared at Novkar. His crude, yet sturdy, wicker chair was angled, permitting a relatively easy view of the other man. Well defined muscle could be plainly seen in the assassin's frame, though masked with ebony.

"Care to try your skill at limb removal.....with me?" he continued.

Light from a neighboring lamp glistened off the protruding handle of a single blaster. The weapon lie safely nestled in a hostler which hung at the shoulder blade and just below the first rib, as it rose and fell with every breath.

His left arm rested atop the leg, a gloved hand against his thigh, while the right strummed fingers upon an inky cloak; stretching itself lengthwise across the aforementioned table.

"Well...?" he spoke, attempting to goad Andraq into action.

Andraq Novkar
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:16:10 PM
Andraq looked around curiously to all the scattering people. The crowd was leaving? Why would they run away from him so fast? He was a nice guy. He followed some of them talking to thim while swinging his saber wildly, but that for some reason made them even more scared of him. How sad. No one to talk to.

He stopped moving around for a second, then had an idea! He walked over to a building and then started to carve out his initials in the metal. How interesting! Then he heard it, he turned his head to look at the man who said...

"Get out of here"

How rude. Well if he wanted him to leave, he would!

Andraq turned on his heel slowly, holding his lightsaber in handing, spinning it back and forth in his hands, seeing a small child in front of him he gave off a wicked grin...

"Child come here! Let me help you!"

Jeran Conrad
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:39:07 PM

The familiar sound was heard behind the man as Jeran ignited his lightsaber. The blade glowed an dark blue color as the weapon hummed idly in his hands. A beautiful weapon, to be sure, as the blade of light outstretched from his right hand, held at his side pointing outward.

"Leave the child alone." The voice again hung in the air, firm and concise. It commanded the other's attention. This one was odd, to be sure, but that did not sway the Hunter. He had seen crazier and dealt with very dangerous foes before. He would use the most extreme caution possible in this case, assuring his own safety at all times.

"Turn to face a real opponent, coward." The final call-out. If this comment was not considered a direct challenge, Jeran didn't know what would be.

Andraq Novkar
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:57:00 PM
Andraq's eyes re-focused as he stopped dead in his tracks. He let the child run away in fear as he held his lightsaber out to the side, still as it could possibly be. His mind was jarred for a second, but he shook his head back and forth, his face went to a grin as he turned around to look at the man...

"...For what is your meaning of coward!? I could have just killed that little nice piece of innocence and you would have watched, then avenged the child. Are you not a coward for remaining in shadow? If anything I'm not the coward, for I act upon my feelings you puny insignificant fool!"

He was laughing as he looked down to the ground, his blue lightsaber blade's light was gleaming off the black duracrete that he was standing on. He went forwad a few paces and then out-stretched his hand. Immediately a surge of energy was sent out, a force blast was aimed at the man with such intensity that in it's wake, it left a shock wave that destroyed shops and shacks...

He was still laughing that wicked, sinister laughter as he held his blade, waiting to see the man taken aback.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 17th, 2002, 04:11:34 PM
The energy blast had been unexpected--he wasn't exactly sure how resourcefull or powerful this warrior was. Time slowed in his mind, the blast surging toward him at an amazing rate. Shards of broken carts, glass, and other material flew through the air as the wave of energy tore towards the Hunter. With an uncanny reaction time, only in use due to his training in the Force, the Hunter dropped his body back, onto his left hand, to avoid the blast. Trying to duck under it, he was too late--


It was almost as if a sonic boom had blasted him directly in his right shoulder. The force of the blast was intense, and he felt it like a punch from the air, jarring his body, twisting it into a violent spiral of rolling less than a meter above the air. Finally, his momentum carried him donward and into the light wood wall of one of the marketplaces there. He crashed through it with astounding force, crushing the wall as it collapsed around him.

"Ungghhhhhhh," he groaned. It was a well-executed attack, and the Hunter had paid for not anticipating it. Though, he did thank the Force that he was able to avert some of the blast by dodging the best he could. Coming to a crouched position, he could feel the ache in his shoulder and back from the crash. He reignited his blade--

Oh no. He had lost his saber in the fall, and his mind raced for a moment as he tried to locate it. Force-users felt a special connection to their weapon, and he would be able to feel out it's presence in the rubble. Just as he spotted it, he also spotted the warrior making a break for the weapon. He must have seen it leave Jeran's hand as well. He had to beat him to the weapon--there was no doubt about that. If he didn't...well, failure was not an option.

Leaping towards the weapon, he called the saber into his hand whilst in flight. Iginting the blade, he came down towards the moving Dark one into a strong slash, connecting sabers with the man. A blast of light and a few sparks spurted outwards as the saber blades met. Breaking off of the attack, the hunter spun his cloak off, allowing for maximum movement from here on out, and stood a few meters from the warrior. He held his saber with both hands, in a defensive position.

He beckonned the man to attack.

Andraq Novkar
Dec 17th, 2002, 04:30:19 PM
"Now who's the coward? Apparently you. For you are the one who is afraid to attack."

Andraq held his blade pointed away from him in an odd fighting style. He was crouched and poised for an attack. He held his wicked grin, the marking's on his face made him look even more distorted. He reamained circling the man.

The fool had fallen subject to his force blast. Took him long enough. He was a weakling. But Andraq knew never to be over confident. He grinned...

"Or are you too self righteous to attack? Cause if you don't I will go play."

He moved his head in the direction of civilization..

Jeran Conrad
Dec 17th, 2002, 04:48:15 PM
"...for you are the one afraid to attack."

Jeran stood, undaunted by the words of his opponent. Talk was cheap, and Jeran wasn't much for words anyway. Taunting or mocking would not affect him. His emotions were of his own control, and he would not fall subject to their power. His face, however, sharpened a bit as he thought.

If it was attack he wanted, it was attack he would get.

It seemed that perhaps his opponent was the coward. He would not advance on the Hunter's position, and calling it out on Jeran did little. It was no matter--in one way or the other, he was right. This battle had been started with the Force blast, so it was indeed Jeran's next move.

"...Or are you too self righteous to attack?"

This deserved a verbal response.

"Perhaps you have mistaken me for a Jedi," he spoke, bringing his saber into an attack position above his head. "I am not here to protect these people or defend some code. I am here to see you to your death." With the last utterance of those cold words, the Hunter swung his saber downward toward the man. It was blocked as he prepared to swing again. Two more slashes--both blocked by the Dark one. But--he had him moving back.

Coming around with a spinning slash, it was caught by Novkar's saber in another well placed block. Just where Jeran wanted it. As the sabers locked, he kept them there, thrusting his opposite leg back into a sidekick, pushing the other one back a bit. It probably didn't hurt him much, but it would put him off balance. Attacking while he was unbalanced, Jeran spun around and thrust the saber at his midsection, attempting to stab it through him.

Andraq Novkar
Dec 17th, 2002, 05:35:47 PM
Andraq moved his feet against the ground and pushed. He had successfully moved out of the way of the mid-section stab, and grinned as he twirled his saber back and forth quickly. He moved closer to him again. And then again. Jeran hit the blade both times, causing Andraq to grin.

"Talk. talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk! Bored Now!"

Andraq ran forward like he was going to charge him, but when he was about 5 feet away from him, he jumped into the air and he twirled, letting his saber twirl over this hunter of sorts. It never came near him, it was somewhat of a show off maneuver, which Andraq was very proud of. Anyways. He landed behind the man and made an X slash at his back, cutting his clothes but not hitting his skin at all.

He kicked forwards, sending the man staggering. He laughed as he stepped back, twirling his saber back and forth and stopped pointing at the ground. But accidently he hit the Duracrete and it sinked in somewhat till he pulled it out....

"Oops...They're gonna have to bill me...yup."

"So you aren't a Jedi? I am. I am a Jedi Padawan. At least I think I am... Pretty nifty eh?"

Riley Chambers
Dec 17th, 2002, 05:42:09 PM
Riley had been quietly minding her own business when all hell broke lose. Seemingly this one guy was a total nutcase and was just swinging that lightsaber around like a baseball bat. She, of course, ran. She was no match for a saber, and judging by the well known knowledge that only Jedi and Sith(and all the inbetweens) have those, this guy was NOT one of the good guys.

How do I always get myself into these messes? I'm lucky I managed to live the last time!

She looked behind her to see if there was a lot of room between her and the lunatic, but it seemed that there wasn't that much leeway any longer. But luckily, something was inbetween him and the path towards her...


She ran straight into someone else that was running away and fell backwards, landing on her elbows.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 17th, 2002, 09:37:28 PM
He was a fool for letting this man leap into the air and glide over the top of him. Even more a fool for letting him land behind him, having enough time to tear his shirt with his saber blade. It wouldn't happen again. Jeran's strength was defense, and he would not be caught unawares another time.

He took the ripped tunic off, exposing his bare chest. The bagginess of the torn shirt would do little to help his movement, so he rid himself of it. His tattoos--the black tribal ones across his upper chest--shone now, signs of his training with the Mogahdi of Gias. An intense hunter/tracker tribe with an impeccable history of honor, the tribe's fame generally started and stopped on the planet of Gias. Little was known of the tribe outside of his home planet, but records could be found in the better quality databanks.

Again, he ignored the man's words. He was some kind of lunatic--no Jedi Padawan killed innoccents for fun. Not any that he knew of, at least. He stood still for a moment, letting the man finish his ridiculous rant. The man had performed some type of arial manuever that was intended to show-off, he imagined. It was rather skillfull, but was indeed just that--a show. It was time for Jeran to flex his real muscle now.

He lunged forward with a quick slash, enough to divert the man's attention to blocking it. Leaning into the block, he threw an elbow up, striking the man's face, sending his jaw a blast of sharp pain. Then, to finish the attack, he unleashed a violent Force push, sending the warrior not nearly as far back as the normal type of push, but instead concentrating on shoving him fiercely and quickly downward, bouncing him off of the ground.

Andraq Novkar
Dec 17th, 2002, 10:04:35 PM
Andraq groaned out painfully as he was struck upon his face and he looked, now he was falling. He hit the ground with a thump, a bone chilling thump. He screamed in pain and then wound up laughing. He spat blood into the air and he flipped back up to his feet, he kept on laughing as he looked to the man...

"Touche' "

Andraq quickly moved toward him, moving his saber in his usual X pattern, to keep him back and then he stopped. He moved his saber quickly towards his feet, and he got the right reaction. The man had jumped into the air, only to be met full force with Andraq's boot dead center to his chest.

He stepped back, yet the man was still standing. There was a bloody footprint due to his such hard kick to the mans chest. How he was standing Andraq knew not.

...Just about the time Andraq heard a yelp, he turned his head to look back at the girl on the ground. He closed his eyes. He moved his hand out to her and let the force grip her in his hold. He lifted her up and threw her full force at the man. Riley went right into the mans already hurt chest, and it sent them both to the ground.

"And here I thought you were fighting. Looks to me like your making it with your new girlfriend!...K-i-s-s-i-n-g..."

He stepped back to look at the man. He moved the saber back to the position behind him, one of which he was so accustomed. It was kinda sweet actually. He coughed again, more blood coming out on his wicked cast grin...

"Come one! Come all! Watch the show! Only 1 imperial credit!"

Riley Chambers
Dec 17th, 2002, 10:09:53 PM
Riley had looked up just in time to see the insane asylum escapee's hand reach out to her. Another pathetic yelp clawed its way out of her throat when she realized that she was moving, that he was bringing her towards him with the force. Before she knew it, she was on her feet, and then flung at the man's opponent.

He had thrown her so hard that she felt the breath knocked out of her upon contact, but she didn't even realize what she had hit.

Dec 17th, 2002, 10:18:35 PM
Nemesis' eyes flashed with an almost unholy fire. He had remained immobile and calm throughout the duel, however, Andraq's latest assault on the innocent pushed even the dark assassin to his limit of patience.

The right hand rose from slumber atop his table, and hovered near the blaster's exposed hilt before finally coming to rest. Yet, as quickly as his grip upon the weapon was set it also released.

"Let Jeran handle it. This crazy one is that strong." He spoke inwardly.

He then resumed an ever steady vigilance.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:27:42 AM
The boot to the chest had been a rather strong attack, and it's sheer force had sent him reeling backwards. It was followed brutally by the body of another smashing into his own. Crushing his pained chest even more, the Hunter went flopping to the ground, rolling in a crumpled pile with the being. The wind rasped from his chest as he rolled away from the...girl. He could now see her face. Luckily, he had let his saber blade down so that she was not cut by it.

"Are you ok?" He spoke in a wheezy voice to the girl that lay at his side. He hoped she was--he didn't wish to see any more innoccent blood spilled today.

Coming to his feet, his breath came heavy as his chest heaved in pain. He was sick of these games, and the mad man merely babbled on. Nemesis had made his presence known further, almost springing to action. The Hunter watched him closely, feeling like he could be a bit less careful and on the attack with the Assassin's gaze on his safety.

His blue saber came back to life as he guarded his position well. He kept a close eye on his opponent so that there would be no suprise attack. Out of the corner of his eye, though, he watched the girl, hoping she would respond in a positive tone.

imported_Taja Loraan
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:14:28 AM
A faint, icy breath fell gently against the back of the Assassin's neck. The cold could be felt despite the thick material veiling his entire frame, and when he turned, Nemesis found himself staring up into the hazel eyes of a young woman, stood with her arms loosely folded over chest. There was a slightly reptilian air about her; her tongue darted out every now and then to 'taste' the air and her glazed irises dilated and contracted alternately, flashing scarlet as they did so.

"Why is he laughing..?" she whispered softly to herself, her head rising to look away from Nemesis and towards the enduring fight. Her gaze was transfixed on Andraq, who was chortling away wildly at his own antics. Without warning, the Dark Jedi's eyes widened with panic and a wave of apprehension washed over her features. She stumbled backwards over an empty wicker chair, then made a desperate grasp for the black-clad warrior's arm.

The glassy mask over Taja's eyes had disappeared to be replaced with dread, as she looked earnestly into Nemesis' stark white irises. "He's not laughing at me, is he..?"

Andraq Novkar
Dec 18th, 2002, 10:29:53 AM
"A lovers conversation! Oh it's so beautiful! And you said you don't care about people! You lied..."

He stood back as he skipped around the man in a circle, his saber moving back and forth in his hand like a childs toy. His emerald green pupils eyed the man as he watched his reaction. He somewhat laughed, and then burst out into his laughing fits. He brought his hand up to wipe some of the blood away from his blackened lips.

Andraq was quite aware of the other man, and now of the presence of the girl, and he heard what she was saying. He continued his skipping around the man, keeping him alert and on his toes. He stopped and then flipped into the air, but when he landed he landed on all four's, and he held his lightsaber out to the side. He crept around like that before he smiled a toothy grin..

"They really must clean these streets! Fill of filth! Much like yourself!"

He looked to Jeran as he pushed up into the air, using his aid, the force, he made a leap. He landed against the wall of a restaurant and he kicked off of it. Andraq was quite a skilled acrobatic, and he loved the thrill of it. He was aimed at Jeran as he came at him, his own blue lightsaber blade slammed into his own as he held it their, the sound was ear splitting, the connecting of the blades still held.

Andraq narrowed his eyes as he held them there. But them smiled. He moved forward. He head butted the Hunter and got his reaction, he stumbled back as he moved his head away from the deadly blades. He slash violently at the man as he was stumbling.

Riley Chambers
Dec 18th, 2002, 11:53:59 AM
Jeran: Are you okay?

Riley groaned, opening her eyes and looked up at the man. Had she blacked out for a few seconds? Or was everything going so fast that she couldn't keep up mentally?

She pushed herself up on her palms, hearing the crazed man going on and on about how she and this stranger were lovers. With a raised brow, she looked at Andraq and mentally compared him to that of a child.

Yeah.. I'm fine..

Her voice seemed dazed, understandably since she felt like this was not real, like it was just a nightmare. But, she's been in worse situations.. After all, a cannibal almost ate her once.

It wasn't until the physcho started to dance circles around the two that she began to really panic again. She wasn't cut out for this danger stuff, she was just a lowly no good thief, with no power whatsoever. And yet, she managed to get into these situations all too often.

Dec 18th, 2002, 12:17:31 PM
Without breaking focus or position, Nemesis eyed the woman with obvious distrust. The warrior found it difficult to place much faith in Taja, not that this was an odd occurrence for there were few the assassin did consider trustworthy. However, the situation seemed particularly odd in the fact she appeared more interested in Andraq’s opinion of her rather than the preservation of her own life. A test was now in order.

"I suggest you forego curiosity and seek shelter, madam." His words cut like sharpened steel, cold and emotionless.

imported_Taja Loraan
Dec 18th, 2002, 09:53:22 PM
Her grip tightened on his arm. "Shelter..? I--I have nowhere to go..." She glanced quickly up at the battle before continuing with a trembling voice, "He won't.. hurt me, will he..?"

Dec 18th, 2002, 10:11:25 PM
"Anywhere you go is sure to offer more security than lingering here…" his harsh tone held fast, yet to be moved by the woman’s plea, "…and no. I doubt he will harm you, so long as you keep your distance; which you appear to be having some difficulty grasping the concept."

The assassin’s gaze left Taja to once again take up a wary spectatorship.

"This man will be dealt with accordingly. Now go!" were his final, commanding words.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 19th, 2002, 04:51:21 PM
The quick strike from the head of Andraq had completed its goal, knocking the Hunter off balance and breaking the saber lock. As he stumbled, the other came hard with a strong slash towards the man. With a quick block, the Hunter met the slash and and rolled his body into a rather athletic manuever. He put his free hand down (his left) and cartwheeled away from the block, letting his body regain its balance.

With no hesitation, he sprung forward into another combination of attacks. Each slash was blocked, and the two warriors appeared as dancers, swift feet meeting the other's as they expertly fended off the strikes of their respective opponents. The sight appeared blindingly fast to eyes not trained in the Force, and finally, Jeran broke the combo.

It was time for a change in pace.

With an outstretched hand, he called several small sized wooden crates towards Andraq, the three boxes flying straight towards the warrior. He then took a few steps forward. His plan was that, while Andraq was slashing the boxes to pieces, he would move in for an attack. He prepared his movement as the boxes neared their target.

Andraq Novkar
Dec 19th, 2002, 07:30:55 PM
Andraq back flipped into the air, but as he did his feet kicked a box, destroying it and the shards fell to the ground. As he landed and looked up to go on the offensive, another barrage of boxes was upon him. He looked past the boxes and saw Jeran. He had a plan!

Why must everyone have a plan but me?! I dunno, you tell me!

He had dodged yet another box while he was thinking to himself. He narrowed his eyes and smiled a grand smile to his adversary. He crouched down to the ground and landed on top of a small building, that was about 60 feet from the lower levels, and from his opponent.

"You really can see everything from up here. Well not everything. But you get a better point of view."

He let his eyes look to where the other girl was, with the assassin. He grinned and called out, trying to be funny..

"No no no! I wasn't laughing at you earlier! It's not my fault that I am so jovial!..Or is it?...Anyway! Why don't you join me? Perhaps we could talk, have dinner, maybe go back to my place?"

He grinned rather wide and then stayed crouching, placing his weight back and forth, he looked like a bird ready to fly...

imported_Taja Loraan
Dec 20th, 2002, 04:58:38 AM
She visibly flinched. Nemesis' indifferent mannerisms weren't doing much to alleviate her fears but, taking courage in the fact that he himself hadn't moved from his chair since the start of the conflict, Taja remained motionless. Her voice strengthened with defiance. "Why are you still here? He might hurt you too..."

It was then that Andraq spoke up. Taja canted her head to the side, staring back at him with a curious expression.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 24th, 2002, 12:05:02 AM
Jeran watched the lunatic flip up to the top of the building. Good, he thought. At least his troubles were now lessened by the fact that his opponent had concerned himself with acrobatics over combat. The end, for this man, would come.

He stood, readied, constantly keeping in mind the battlefield. Nemesis, the other girl, even the other girl, and his opponent. He would be ready for any attack as he waited.

Andraq Novkar
Dec 27th, 2002, 09:47:45 PM
"Oh quit staring! I'm not that pretty! But I am very pretty indeed!"

He craned his neck to stare directly at Jeran, to watch his movements, to see what he would do. Was that...over confidence in his eyes? Yes! He's overconfident that he can defeat me! Well maybe he can! No...He can't. But it's possible! Oh...Shut up! He brought up his free hand to scratch his head. He was doing this as he continued to think, his inner conflict playing out.


He looked to those watching him and then made a nervous grin, that turned into a wicked smile. He stood up from his crouching and twirled his lightsaber back and forth in boredom. He might even die of boredom. "Could I really die of boredom? How intriguing. One day I shall find out perhaps! As he came back to reality, once again from his thinking he pointed his saber towards Jeran.

"Round two? Yes, yes yes yes. Round two it is. So, coming dear?"

Jeran Conrad
Dec 29th, 2002, 09:13:51 PM
Jeran watched the man in a truly amazed stare. Few words could describe the look upon the Hunter's face. This man was...well, he was...he was off his rocker. It was quite obvious that he was insane, as was evident by his 'ghost' conversations. He seemed to speak to the air around him. It was strange...but somewhat intriguing. The man lived in a world totally unseen to the sane.

Intrigue quickly faded as Jeran focused his defenses as the man pointed his saber at the Hunter. Jeran's head cocked, steadying his gaze. Up until now, his opponent was quite squirrelly--all over the place, addressing numerous people at once. Jeran wanted his full attention. And, he knew how to get it.

"Round two? Yes, yes yes yes. Round two it is. So, coming dear?"

Finally...maybe. It depended. In most cases so far, this man's speech and his actions were very much separated. Hopefully he would take to some action this time. If he did not...Jeran would have to. He would. He would.

"Perhaps I should know the name of my opposing combatant today?" Jeran spoke, his saber poised to defend.

Andraq Novkar
Dec 30th, 2002, 10:34:30 PM
"My name? Bob Springer. Brother to Jerry Springer. Perhaps you watch his show? I was on it once, it was a huge ruckus. Something about men in white robes hating people of other races, manly people with black skin. Jerry blamed me for starting the fight, though I know I didn't. Did I? Anyway, what's your name? Are you related to someone famous?"

He stifled a laugh as he continued to skip and balance on the building's ledge. Then he felt his boot slip on a small patch of water and he fell. He didn't fall inwards to the building, no, he fell off of it, plummeting towards the ground.

This was definitely not good. He was twirling around and he closed his eyes. He was falling towards a lot of trash laying on the ground and he was still gripping his lightsaber. He wrapped himself up in the force on his way down and then a loud crash sounded throughout the area.

Andraq was laying in a bunch of trash bags, his lightsaber deactivated, yet still in his hands. He wasn't moving. It was as if he was dead.

Jeran Conrad
Jan 2nd, 2003, 03:37:25 PM
Jeran eyed the fallen warrior suspiciously. That had been a pretty long drop, but with the aid of the trash bags and maybe even the Force, he could have landed safely. The fall, in itself, was odd. However, this new opponent was being to test his judgements on how far odd could go. Apparently pretty far.

Somehow, something told him that the man was far from dead. He could have been hurt, or possibly incapacitated. But not dead. If he was rendered unconscious, it wasn't fair to attack him now. It would be dishonorable. Though most darksiders would exploit any oppurtunity to stab him in the back or kick him when he was down, he would not.

"Well, Bob," he deactivated his saber. "I'll be standing right here when you deside to rise." He stood with his weapon at his side. He would not fall for some kind of trickery--he had fallen for it too many times before.

Andraq Novkar
Jan 3rd, 2003, 07:02:45 PM
"I would have thought you cared! You never cared did you!??!?!!"

He flipped up, his lightsaber already activated. He pointed his hand to the trash barrels and raised them upwards via the dark side and he then pointed his hand towards Jeran. They flew at him, several hit him, but others he deflected.

Now apparently the man had not activated his saber yet. Andraq saw this, and took advantage of this. His bright blue blade glowed as he rushed the man. He lunged, his saber aimed at the mans chest. Avoided and Andraq righted himself.

Moving to the left, he arched his saber over and then downwards towards Jeran's chest, aiming to cleave him in two.

Jeran Conrad
Jan 4th, 2003, 11:43:53 AM
With what appeared to those untrained to view with eyes in the Force as superhuman dexterity and quickness, Jeran somehow managed to dodge a few of the barrels which flew towards him at incredible speeds. One hit him square, though, sending him stumbling, as the rest still hung in the air. They were almost a smoke screen, because Jeran never saw what was coming next.

Seemingly bursting out of nowhere, his opponent--we'll settle on Bob for now--lunged out at him with a furious attack. His blue saber blade was a blur of color as it swung towards him. Frell! Jeran hadn't even reactivated his own blade. This was going to prove quite troublesome. It was gonna take a lot here...

Lowering his body, time when into slow motion. He clicked the switch on his own weapon, the blade seemingly letting out painfully slow. It wasn't quick enough--so on to Plan B. Using the Force to aid him, he pushed himself backwards--trying to avoid the slash altogether. His body dodged backwards, but it was too late altogether. The tip of Bob's saber barely grazed his chest--the hot blade searing a burning trail through his flesh. It wasn't too deep, but the pain was still there.

"Dammit!" Jeran shouted as he crouched to the ground. His hand instantly went to his chest, the wound aching. That wasn't pleasant. But the difference between he and the other Jedi that Bob may have faced before was simple--Jeran let anger and emotion fuel him. The difference between Bob and Jeran was that Jeran let his emotion flow into the lightside, not through the dark.

He stood, a bit of crimson snaking its way down his chest. His saber came to both his hands as he flashed Bob a dark look, his eyes intense. Playtime was over. He lashed out at the man, unleashing a powerful two-handed combo. He was tring to break his defenses down, allowing him to attack while Bob was trying to block. Three powerful hits were thrown.

Andraq Novkar
Jan 18th, 2003, 04:03:39 PM
As Andraq tried to defend each powerful blow, he did so rather well, until it came to the last one. It was a lunge from the man, though it was blocked, it was not a efficient one. The lightsaber pierced through his left shoulder somewhat, and it caused Andraq to stagger backwards.

He screamed out in pain, anger, and rage. His eyes seem to loose the glaze that they had. His green pupils seem to go straight through Jeran. He knew this man! This man slaughtered his family, and burned them alive! He howled in remembrance as he was taken back to when he took revenge on the men who killed his family..


His adrenalin was pumping as he took to the air from where he stood. He landed right in front of Jeran as he raised his saber, and brought it down quickly and powerfully into his. He kept on beating on his opponents saber with fierce ferocity. Seeing that he would not loose his weapon, but was now thoroughly struck with confusion. Andraq pointed his hand flat and thrust it towards his chest. It struck him, but it was force-enhanced. Causing the man to fly backwards into a wall...

"You scum! You piece of frelling scum! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE! And so you won't!"

He ran towards the man, anger and hatred taking hold...

Jeran Conrad
Jan 19th, 2003, 04:00:41 PM
Jeran's body slumped against the wall, his back sore and aching. He came to stand--only to see the figure of Bob rushing him at an incredible rate. Something wasn't right here--something had been stirred up inside of him. A hidden rage, it seemed. He was attacking Jeran as though he thought he was someone else. He wasn't sure if this was a dillusion or what, but it was definitely dangerous.

"You scum! You piece of frelling scum! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE! And so you won't!"

His saber came up for defense, but Bob's strike was too strong. It slammed his blade against the wall behind him, the tip of Bob's saber stabbing through the wall. Jeran barely ducked to get out of it's way. He rolled to his right, keeping his distance from the enrage and unstable man.

"I do not understand what you say--I do not even know you or your family." Jeran was attempting to grasp some reality, get hold of some kind of reason in all this.

Andraq Novkar
Jan 22nd, 2003, 04:22:18 PM
"All sith do is lie, So I won't hear it! And you don't know my family! You raped my mother and sister! And then you slew them, burned there bodies! And when my father came to their defense you...you..."

Andraq was severely angry now. How dare he say he wasn't, who he was!? He growled loud with rage as he spun his lightsaber in an arcing motion. As he did so, he stepped forward, his blade met Jeran's own and he stepped back. He batted at Jeran many times, testing him, getting more aggrivated..

"Remember now!? My sister was only 15 years old!!!"

This man would pay! He roared out again and flipped backwards, he landed not that far away, but still a 15 foot gap. Andraq leapt into the air and kicked off from a wall. He landed infront of Jerran as his saber struck his. It stopped him. Andraq bore his teeth in angry defiance as he pushed off of Jeran.

In doing so, this gave him time to move forwards to the ground and spin his legs, in an attempt to take the feet out from under Jeran. It didn't work. Jeran had avoided. Andraq jumped up quickly, but then something happened... His anger subsided...

"Oh, my dear, I must have drifted off to sleep, did anything happen while I was away. A good death? Battle!?"

Jeran Conrad
Jan 24th, 2003, 11:09:45 AM
What in the name of the Force was happening here?

Jeran stood, an increasingly confused look plaguing his face. He could not understand this man--he tried to, he had patience--but now he was feeling very cheated by the forces of logic. One second, the saber of his opponent bore down upon him, a hot, stinging blade to sear and burn his flesh. The next...drifted off to sleep? As though he had no recollection of what had just happened.

Needless to say yet again, Jeran was confused on multiple levels.

"Sir, your ways are causing me many different and unconnected thoughts. I seem not to understand what is unfolding before me. Do you wish to continue this fight?" Jeran spoke, breathing heavily between words. He was still fatigued from the exchange that had just taken place.

Andraq Novkar
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:21:52 PM
"We fought!? Bah! Merely a scuffle! And I even told you about my good brother Jerry. Say, did I tell you that he was a talk show host?"

Andraq looked to Jeran. My goodness, what was he talking about? Andraq just smiled at him, his saber in hand, but he slowly clipped it to his belt. He moved closer...

"Were you drinking? I think your drunk! Say, you got any to spare!?"

Andraq moved even closer, but he didn't seem like he was going to attack at all. But he was an odd fellow. One moment he could be nice, the next deadly.... DEATH!!!!!!....What!? This guy is good, maybe we can go drink? Kill him!...No!

Looking to Jeran, Andraq seemed to be having a problem. He frowned and he started to get angry. He moved closer to Jeran and yelled....


Jeran Conrad
Jan 29th, 2003, 04:01:56 PM
At this point, Jeran had disengaged his saber, wanting to throw his hands into the air entirely and give up. He had lost all grasp on the situation and found himself wishing he knew exactly what was going on.

"I would agree that there is no need for killing," he spoke at last, giving Bob a funny look. Jeran backed up a bit. "I think I should be going." Not turning his back to the psycho, he backed away slowly. He made no motion to attack or to defend--he felt the bite of conflict seemingly dissapate. This wasn't a bad thing--he didn't know how to handle this man. He was fairly strong, but his unstable mental condition gave him quite an edge. Opponents had no idea what to expect from him. In that, he could count on being a tricky foe.

Jeran continued to exit, slowly--watching the man.

Andraq Novkar
Jan 30th, 2003, 05:16:17 PM
Andraq arched his brow and smiled. He lifted his hand into the air to wave him bye..

"Bye! I had fun! If you ever feel like talking or whatever, come find me. Or I will find you.. Which is it!? Just find me!!"

Turning, he looked at all the trash barrels, boxes, dead people, and crashed venders booths. He smiled and walked over to pick up and apple off the ground. He wiped it off and took a bite into it and walked away, his back to Jeran..

"Nice fellow. Little bit edgy though.."