View Full Version : A Late Night(Open)

Dis Katon
Dec 16th, 2002, 08:40:16 PM
Dis just came from one of his favorite bars. It was his favorite because everyone in there was a theif or a killer and always wanted new weapons.He always made tons of money when he went.

He took an alley way home that not very many people took. It was all ways much safer than being around people. He was only armed with 2 or 3 of his favorite weapons because at that moment its all he needed.

He made his way down the alley. One side of him wished he would get home with out being stopped but the another side was hoping for a fight.

Dec 16th, 2002, 09:43:46 PM
I activated my shredders and jumped down. The pepples barley cracked beneath my feet, and my shredders were the only things to be heard. I turned to face my first student. I laughed to him, "Still with those pathetic Jedi, I see?" I lifted my shredders showing him my new weapons, "You know if you want their is a spot next to my throne for you. The next great Fuma Ninja. It could be very rewarding if you accept." I said to him with an insane grin on my face. "Or if you decline, I could kill you where you stand and then you would have your life wiped from this Earth." I looked at his eyes. They burned with a fiery rage. "So what will it be?" I chuckled as I said this. I knew I was going to have to beat some sense into the boy. That was okay though. At least this way, Kwiet would have an older brother.

Dis Katon
Dec 16th, 2002, 09:55:54 PM
He raised his arm and then jerked it back. 3 small blue lights no longer than 1 foot long and about 30 centimeters wide came from a thick bracer on his wrist.
He then smiled as he said

"I wouldn't say I'm with the jedi. I'm with no one besides my self."

He watched Ansatsu very closely.

"This request for me to join you..its very interesting but its not some thing I'm going to enter into without at first seeing your skills"

Dec 17th, 2002, 04:01:49 PM
I laughed and threw my arm up blocking all three shots. Each one went to a diffrent blade. I jumped and flipped and landed behind Dis. I lifted my leg and brought it to meet the side of Dis head. He flew over to the side. I did not even turn my head, "Impressed yet?" I jumped onto the wall and bounced back down. I headed straight down towards him at great speeds. "Here I come!" I put my shredders in front of my face and pointed them down in a stabbing motion.

Dis Katon
Dec 17th, 2002, 04:17:00 PM
Ansatsu as running toward Dis at great speeds and there was only one thing he could do so he did it.

He yelled "Flash bomb". Then a blinding burst of light came from the armor plating that was under his open coat.

Dec 17th, 2002, 04:21:52 PM
I was blinded! I could not run anymore. My legs locked up, and I slammed into the ground. I waited for them to realign and stood. One of my shredders was ruined. I pointed at him with my remaining shredder and drew my sword. "You will join me or die!" I leapt forward at him and slashed with my sword.

Dis Katon
Dec 17th, 2002, 04:32:00 PM
As he ran at me I pulled one of my least favorite weapons from off my belt, a light saber. Then swung it up to block his sword but I was to slow and his sword tore into my shoulder. Trying not to think of the pain I was feeling I took my right foot and kicked into the middle of his chest hard enough to push him back.

Dec 17th, 2002, 09:56:34 PM
I stumbled backwards from the force of the kick. I looked up to see him holding his shoulder. He was so pathetic. I would have to beat that out of him. I placed a mask on my face. It was one of those that cleaned out the air. I pulled a small bag from my pockets and released the thousands of tiny spores inside. They were designed to cut up his lungs, and soon he would feel their effects. The mask was underneath my sash, so he would never know it was there. I laughed and shot off a dart at him. I followed closely behind the dart, and swung at my soon to be student.

Dec 18th, 2002, 01:50:30 PM
Kariss walked into the alley way by mistake and jumped, startled by the fight she came upon. She was about to turn away when she stopped and leaned against the building, crossing her arms over her chest and watched with interest as the two men went at each other like savages. Her eyebrow raised and she smirked.
Her yellow eyes flashed from the violence she was enjoying and she let out a soft laugh.

'Now this is a fight!' Kariss thought to herself.

Dec 18th, 2002, 03:02:46 PM
Someone had come over in the sidegrounds. I stopped and turned to her while my student got up. "Who are you?" I asked her. She was quite beautiful. No matter, "More importantly can you fight?" I thought if she was good enough maybe she too would want to join the Fuma school. It was all up to her abilities though. I stood with my sword ready and waited for an attack from either of them.

Dec 18th, 2002, 03:22:01 PM
Kariss smirks seductively, pushing herself off the wall and walking towards the one who spoke to her.

"Name's Kariss and yes, I can fight. Are you interested in finding out?" She asks, the grin playing on her mouth. She moves her hands quickly behind her under her trench coat and two baelin daggers appear. She wiggles her eyebrows, taking a step back, clenching the daggers tightly.

Dis Katon
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:46:33 PM
Dis watched as the 2 talked. Then as the woman began to pull out the daggers he stood up. He took his coat off and thrown it over out of the way.

He started to notice that it was getting a bit harder to breath and a pain in his chest but he passed it off as nothing.

Dec 18th, 2002, 03:51:32 PM
So she could fight. Using a ninjas weapon. I had two new students in the making. I activated my claw, and jumped back a little. I pointed my sword at him, and my claw at her, "Both of you. Come at me. Give me everything you've got. If you both show good talent, then maybe you have a little suprise." I smirked. They had the talent to be fuma. I was growing. Fiend would be very pleased. I motioned my hands for them to come at me. "Have at you!"

Dec 18th, 2002, 04:01:10 PM
Kariss let out a cough, feeling it harder to breathe. She shook it off and grinned at the man daunting her. Kariss gripped her daggers tightly in her hands and moved quickly, spinning around and bringing one dagger up to place it under his chin. Her eyes widen, feeling his the tips of his claw under her own chin as well. Kariss looks at him and she smirks.

"Nice one." She growls, yanking her dagger away from him and moving back quickly. She takes a few deep breaths and then charges him with both daggers, anxious to see what this stranger's got.

Dis Katon
Dec 18th, 2002, 04:07:01 PM
He stood back and watched the woman, letting her strike Ansatsu

"this might be interesting"

Dec 18th, 2002, 04:13:56 PM
I threw my sword at Dis and charged at Kariss. She was quite deadly. Maybe she would make a good wife. I lunged forward with my claw activated I slashed at her face and as soon as my feet touched the ground I activated my leg boosters and flipped over her. I landed behind her as she passed through my double image. "Over here." I said smirking. They weren't half bad. "Come on Dis, get in the game."

Dec 18th, 2002, 04:20:13 PM
Letting out breath of annoyance, ducking just in time to miss being striked by his claw. I yank my coat off and throw it to the ground. My chest is getting tighter and I start to gasp a little for air. I look back at the other man, wondering if he is going to get in on this sooner or later. I throw him a deadly smile and turn back to the one I am involved with. 'He's impressive!' I think to myself.

I run at him, letting out a yell as I get close enough to him and before he can move, I slash at his chest with one dagger while I throw the other one with enough strength to embedd it into the brick wall to save for later.

Dis Katon
Dec 18th, 2002, 04:32:44 PM
"I guess this is as good a time as any"

Dis ran up to Ansatsu right after Kariss started her attack. As Kariss swung her knife at Ansatsu, Dis kicked Ansatsu Knee.

Dec 18th, 2002, 04:46:02 PM
I blocked the swing from the knife and felt the kick to the leg. I fell to the ground and removed a small metal object from my pocket. I pressed the button in the center, and the two ends had poles emerge from them. One went and hit Dis in the chest sending him flying. The other I swung quickly sweeping her feet from under her. I stood up and looked at her, "Ready to fight. I am done with my warm up." Those spores were cutting up their lungs severly. And now Dis was truly in pain. That rod hit him directly in the lungs. He would be lucky to breath soon. Thats okay, soon I would inject the fiend cells in them and administer the healing agent. The spores would evaporate, and their lungs would heal. I continued to fight.

Dec 18th, 2002, 04:54:51 PM
I glare back at him, grinding my teeth together to keep from crying out from the pain in my lungs. I glance at the other to see him clutching his chest. I shake my head and jump back up to my feet, tossing the my dagger to the ground. I walk around him, keeping the eye contact as he asks if I am ready to fight. I smirk at him, taking a few steps back.

We stand there staring at each other and I sense the other moving as well. I can see his attention is only momentarily distracted by the other man and run at him, leaping a few feet from him, my feet connecting with his shoulder and knocking him down. I quickly grab the pole from him, twirling it above my head and then bringing it down to my side. I clench my teeth again, staggering from the pain in my lungs. I send him a questioning stare, wondering what he had done to me.

Dis Katon
Dec 18th, 2002, 04:56:30 PM
Dis bounced as he hit the ground. He was in a huge amount of pain and he had a deep hole in his chest. Ripping a chunk from his shirt he started to apply presure to wound with his left hand. With the right hand he Reached over and truned on his bracer..just in case.

Dec 18th, 2002, 05:00:20 PM
I fell to the ground and quickly rose again. I dashed over to my sword and took it from the wall. I jumped to the girl and slashed down at her with my claws and up at her with my sword. The claws cut her legs and my feet touched the ground. As soon as they did I dashe up to the wall behind her, and smiled. "Up here." I was clinging to the wall. I was grapping on to the small cracks using a type of suction cup on my gloves. I looked down at her, "Time to face the music." I jumped down and instead of coming toward her I leapt toward Dis. Both my feet extended, and flying towards his chest.

Dis Katon
Dec 18th, 2002, 05:10:23 PM
He watched as the man came lunging toward him with his claw ready to strike. With out really thinking of the pain this going to cause, because he didn't have enough time to think of it. He rolled over to face the way Ansatsu was coming. Then shot all 3 bullets from the bracer he was wearing on his wrist. Only one hit him but it still did enough damage. It went straight through Ansatsu right shoulder.

Dec 18th, 2002, 05:10:56 PM
Ripping the sleeves of my shirt off, I tie them around the wounds on my legs and collapse against the wall, yanking my daggers slowly out and then sliding down it, the pain in my lungs unbearable now.

Taking deep breaths, I watch with a smile as the shots ring out in the night and he is hit in the shoulder and staggers back. 'Good one.' I think to myself.

Dec 18th, 2002, 05:55:08 PM
I watch as the shot tears through my right shoulder, and my arm shuts down. It ripped through my robotics. I would have to fix that later. I fell to the ground and I stood up using myt sword. I pointed it at Dis. "Neither one of you have come at me at the same time. Scared, or just afraid to be beaten?" I laughed and jumped forward. I slashed my sword at Dis's chest and then quickly dashed over to Kariss. I slashed at her arm.

Dec 18th, 2002, 05:59:38 PM
:: I stand next to the girl and my red eyes flare or a moment. I kneel down to her face and my white hair is slowly brushed out of my face. The rest of the conflict about me didn't matter. I already had a hand in it. I looked at her wounds for a moment and smiled.::

No, I am a good one beautiful. Well... not really.

:: I stared into her eyes for a moment and then stood up smiling as I watched Ansatsu get ht by a harmless bullet. I looked at the other man and laughed.::

What do you plan to do silly boy? I mean really? Nothing hurts my Hell ninjas and you're meeting the first and the father in Ansatsu.

:: I turned to Ansatsu, holding his shoulder.::

Ansatsu, explain this.

Dec 18th, 2002, 06:10:48 PM
I stopped myself in air and bowed to my master. "They are great warriors sir. I want to make them Fuma ninjas. They are worthy, but only if you wish it sir. They could help to spread the fuma art. I beg you to please let me train them sir." I watched as the others got fear in their eyes. They really couldn't breath by now. If my spores had done their job, then they were breathing through a coffee stirrer. This was so funny. Fiend knew about my spores I was sure. He had to have been wearing a mask. I smiled and looked up at my master, "All they need are your cells sir, and then they will be ready to receive my training."

Dec 18th, 2002, 06:18:51 PM
:: I laughed shortly. The air through the filter not coming as fast as I had wanted it. I kneeled back down to the girl with a smile. I placed my hand under her neck and slowly talked, just in case the hyperventilation kept her from hearing me.::

I'm sure you are just breathless at the sight of me but I'd like to welcome you to my horde. I don't know how we're gonna save the guy over there but your salvation comes through me. Kiss me and breathe. Or I'll have just as much pleasure watching you die.

:: My eyes flared as I stared back at Ansatsu.::

Save the other man. Acceptable Ansatsu, both of them.

:: I looked back to the woman.::

Dec 18th, 2002, 07:13:48 PM
My breathing shallow and vision blurred from lack of oxygen, I feel my head spinning as his hand slips under my neck. I hear what I have to do to live and I flash my yellow eyes at him and smirk.

"Anything to get a kiss, huh?" I rasp out, watching as his eyes light up briefly in amusement and then change back.

Reaching up with a shaky hand, I place it behind his head and bring him closer to me, moving my fingers from his head to pull down his mask, our lips just inches apart. My eyes stare into his, knowing if I do this, my life is going to be forever changed. I take as deep a breath as I can manage and close the gap between us, our lips crushing against each other's.

Dis Katon
Dec 18th, 2002, 08:51:03 PM
I waited for this to be finished. All of it. I was pooring blood onto the street and besides that fact I couldn't breath. I could will out alot of pain but what I was feeling now was almost more than I could handle. If it wasn't for the breathing thing I wouldn't of stop fighting though.

Dec 18th, 2002, 09:49:53 PM
I walked over to Dis. "Welcome to the Fuma clan," I said, "Now it is time to become me." I pulled a needle from my uniform and stabbed it into him. After the Fiend cells were injected I threw him a gas mask. "Put that on it will save you from the spores. As for the ones in your system. Well I will have to stab this one into you." I stabbed another needle in him. It cleared out all the spores in his lungs and began healing them. I threw one to Fiend. "Inject that into her. It will get rid of the spores." I waited until they both stood, "Well then, time to go home," I said "my children." These were my first three Fuma students. They were my children. "Yes, and don't tell Kwiet what we do is evil. He is too young as of now."

Dis Katon
Dec 18th, 2002, 09:56:02 PM
He stood up and looked over at his new Master. Then put on the gas mask. He could still feel pain flowing from his body but he had it much more under control. Then he looked at Ansatsu and said

"Okay Kewiet won't hear it from me"

Dec 18th, 2002, 10:18:31 PM
Standing up, I put on the mask that is being held out to me and I move next to Fiend, as I gathered that was his name from the exchange of cells, staring at Ansatsu as he looks proudly at his new 'children'. I look at the other man and he too, is equally quiet. My attention goes back to Ansatsu as he talks of going home and I suddenly wondered what Fate has dealt me.

Dec 20th, 2002, 11:24:21 AM
"My children, you shall be the milestones on which Fiends empire has built. And maybe if my lord is gracious enough, our empire. The Fuma clan will rule all other ninjas. Now then we have a clan to destroy. The black dragon must die." I smiled and began to walk away my children close behind me. I turned before leaving, "Thank you very much, master." I turned to a building and lept to the top. I had repairs to go make, and then I needed to take my children to their first fight. See their skills they knew so far. Then they would get training. Rough training.

Dec 20th, 2002, 11:30:55 AM
I watch Ansatsu leap up the building and then I turn back to look at Fiend and then over to the other. I walk over to him, extending my hand.

"Name's Kariss." I say, watching as he looks at me uncertainly and then slowly takes my hand. Even though he can't see it through the mask, I smirk at him. "Guess we're 'family' now."

Dis Katon
Dec 21st, 2002, 01:15:45 PM
He watched as Kariss took his hand.

"I guess we are."

He looked around and wondered if this was my fate or just a pit stop to some thing greater.

Dec 23rd, 2002, 07:57:02 PM
:: I looked at the two and slowly smiled. "family" was an understatement. They had no bond like a family but they could consider whatever it was something of the sort. I watched Ansatsu go and then turned to the two, my glowing red eyes half opened, half closed from the sudden realization that I was going to be bored for the rest of the night.::

Guess nothing Dis Katon... call yourselves whatever you like, just don't call me daddy or I'll kill you and make Ansatsu eat whatever is left for dog food.

:: I nodded to the woman too.::

The same to you. Both of you prove yourselves useful in the name of destruction and I will make you titans in the Savage Garden. You might nont understand now but after long exposure to my cells, you'll hear the songs of the fallen angels in your sleep and you'll wake up one morning in Hell and say, 'oh my god... its just LIKE Heaven!'

:: I laughed as I ran a hand through my hair and slowly brushed the white strands away from my face. I turned and winked to the woman and gave the man a cold smile before leaping up a building and heading back to some bar where I'd kill everyone and drink their blood or snack on their entrails for a little while before playing dress up with all the dead people.::