View Full Version : Training at Sunrise.

Kineas Grimm
Dec 16th, 2002, 07:17:43 PM
Kineas was descending the stairs towards the lower part of Bast Castle, the part the Dalethria explained to be abandoned. Interesting. He could already see the cob webs become thicker as he went further and further downwards the stairs. He looked around with a sigh, recalling last night.

Why had she stared at him for so long? It was odd, however, that she was the one staring that time. After that when Kineas had went to his chambers, he had a restless night, thinking of why she was staring, and of course, his thoughts revolved around her. He snapped to as the stairs ended and he looked around, his green eyes looking about..

"....Hello? Master?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 17th, 2002, 10:03:52 PM
Nothing was heard. Silence beckoned Kineas and he only had the comfort of the chilling wind that found its way through the cracks of broken stone. Parts of a cobwebs came loose from invisible hands that fluttered about his face and eyes in a teasing manner.

Kineas Grimm
Dec 18th, 2002, 11:15:06 AM
Kineas' hand came up to move the cobwebs away from his face. They were a slight annoyance. How odd. He must be early. He looked around and looked along the length of the area that he was in. It was rather dark, and that was to his liking. He tried to read things through the cobwebs and dust.

"I must be early, very early..."

He sighed as he leaned against a wall, dust rising as he did so, he sniffled his nose as it tingled, and he sneezed.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 18th, 2002, 10:00:34 PM
Dalethria had found a home against the cracked wall behind Kineas with arms crossed. She was going to let him wait around for a good while but it would be fun startling him.

"Bless you."

Kineas Grimm
Dec 24th, 2002, 01:40:14 PM
He turned around quite surprised to say the least. He whiped his nose as he saw her and tried to make the feeling go away, he kept on until it did and he breathed comfortably. He looked at her, hs green eyes studying her form quickly.

"Thank you, Master."

He stood where he was, awaiting her to tell him what to do if she planned on it, that is.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 24th, 2002, 10:37:23 PM
It please her immensely that Kineas quickly became on alert, though still trying to calm his scared heart. With tight lips, she looked him up and down slowly.

"Carrying anything?"

Kineas Grimm
Dec 26th, 2002, 02:29:37 PM
Kineas eyed her back as he calmed himself down. She had startled him quite a bit, and he had to calm down...

"Other than my lightsaber, and myself, no."

He brought a hand up to push back some of his green hair from his face. He looked at her always, waiting her next move and statement.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:39:44 AM
She still did not move nor change the unreadable expression upon her face.

"Know how to use it?"

Kineas Grimm
Dec 29th, 2002, 06:30:35 PM
He held his gaze upon her as he answered. His voice was sharp.

"Yes, I know how to use it."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jan 7th, 2003, 12:46:40 AM
Her face became smug and almost instantly, Dalethria's sabre came alive with a resounding snap-hiss. The purple blade came cutting through the air in a sideways arc, ready to cleave Kineas in two.

Kineas Grimm
Jan 18th, 2003, 04:35:03 PM
Kineas acted quickly, reaching for the saber hilt at his side. He ignited the lime green blade and swung it in the direction of Dalethria's. The two impaced upon each other and Kineas' face was that of determination as he held it there with his Masters, curious and unknowing of what she was doing..

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jan 21st, 2003, 05:45:23 PM
"Hmm ... not bad," she said off-handedly. Dalethria took a step back for better leverage and brought her sabre downwards, circling it around Kineas'. She easily disarmed her Apprentice, sending his sabre far behind her, deep within the darkened corridor. Metal hit upon stone moments later and both heard the weapon roll to a stop.

Dalethria merely smiled and extinguished her blade, clipping it back to her side.

"And what about when you don't have it?"

Kineas Grimm
Jan 28th, 2003, 08:25:03 PM
Kineas looked to the direction which his saber now lay, then looked back to Dalethria. He smiled as he lowered back slowly, as if to prepare for an attack. But he didn't want to look so obvious, so he loosened up some...

"Just as well...if not better.."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Feb 6th, 2003, 11:41:59 PM

Dalethria took a step back, relaxed in her posture.

"I'd ... really ... like to see that."

Smiling coyly, she leaned forward with arms outstretched wide, revealing more of her cleavage.

"Come give us a kiss then ..."

She pressed her lips together and blew a kiss to Kineas ...

Kineas Grimm
Feb 7th, 2003, 03:58:35 PM
Kineas' brow arched at this sight. It was glorious indeed, but a trap. He was not so love sick to not see this. He smiled inwardly to himself as he took an offensive stance that mimicked Zasz's exactly.

Kineas slowly approached. Dalethria had an edge, not only being a higher rank, but she knew Zasz's moves. Kineas sped up his movements rapidly to where he was right infront of her. He spinned inwardly, his leg coming up in a fierce kick towards her head. She easily dodged it to only move in with a move of her own.

A powerful hit to his chest caused Kineas to stagger backwards. His lime green gaze looked to her with anger, and pain. He grinned as he stepped forward, throwing a punch. She blocked, but Kineas held his arm / fist with hers, pushing against hers.

He moved his face inward as they were locked together, he smirked, exactly as she had seen Zasz do many times before, and he spoke with the same voice.

"Promise me a Kiss?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Feb 25th, 2003, 04:12:35 PM
Impressively enough, Kineas did lock both of their arms together, much like how Zasz would have done in a similar situation. Even his banter was mimicked superbly. So far so good he was in control of himself but Dalethria couldn't help but notice the look of pain on his face when she hit him previously. It wasn't just because of the physical contact that caused it.... She was sure of it.

"I don't know. So far you seem all talk to me."

The passion within enhance her strength exponentially. Kineas was taken off-guard by how easily Dalethria pulled his arms down. Balance was becoming quite the issue for her Apprentice... But the Dark Jedi decided to help keep Kineas standing by head butting him squarely on his chin... Of course, that did cause him to fall backwards ... not fowards.

Kineas Grimm
Mar 6th, 2003, 07:45:24 AM
Kineas groaned as he fell backwards from the attack from Dalethria. He hit the ground and looked to her. But she made a mistake, he was far too close to her. He took advantage immediately.

As he was on the ground, he moved his feet so that the slammed into Dale's. A sweep kick, and it was successful. Dalethria was moving quickly towards the ground and she hit her back rather hard....

"Pity you think so..."

He gave her a wink after he stood up quickly, and she was still on the ground...

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 6th, 2003, 03:41:17 PM
So she hit the stone with a loud smack. The pain shot up her back, which was quite annoying, yet there was no grimace, grunt or any outward signs of pain.

There was only laughter. In between breaths a sentence was made out, barely, by Kineas.

"I had forgotten! But they reminded me!"

Her left foot snapped into action, caving Kineas' kneecap inwards.

"You liked it on top!"

He was the foot that stood there after all and Dalethria swore she heard a 'pop' of a ligament. Her Apprentice fell backwards, but in a much more painful manner then he tried to inflict. Then in a fluid motion, she kipped up and rolled forward so she was firmly sitting on top of Kineas herself. She leaned forward, not too low, towards his face.

"I like it too."

Her smile was seductive and her words warmed Kineas' heart. It had to be torture for him having his Master's body pressed up against him in such an intimate manner, having more then just emotions 'stirring' inside. Such a perfect distraction of pain and pleasure that it was quite the surprise when Kineas found it hard to breathe suddenly as Dalethria choked the life out of him with her bare hands.

Kineas Grimm
Mar 12th, 2003, 01:21:48 PM
He did find it surprising. He inhaled, but with trouble. He stayed there for a second and then moved quickly. His hands came up under her elbows and he pushed her arms back, thus making her hands leave his neck. He pushed her back, but kept their hands and arms locked. He leaned his upper body up somewhat and his head upwards. As he did so, his lime green hair flicked the tip of her chin and nose. He grinned as he inhaled...

"You smell good today...now how about that kiss?"

He winked once more as he kept her there, despite her trying to move out of his grasp.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 12th, 2003, 07:08:21 PM
Now she was sitting in his lap and a small shiver went down her spine at the simple caress of his hair. Dalethria tried to suppress a growl, and failed, frustrated at this position and not wanting Kineas to know that he finally was getting to her ... albeit slowly. It was just that this position was a reminder that it had been too long since Ogre and her were together intimately. And his hot breath pushed against her skin didn't help things either.

Still, her arms weren't locked as well as Kineas thought they were. He was too preoccupied in savoring her scent. She wondered ....

"I don't supposed you'll let go of my arms if I do?"

Kineas wasn't that stupid as predicted.

"Didn't think so but ..."

Dalethria's lips curled into a seductive smile, her voice deep and husky.

"Why not. Why not for old times sake, Kineas. Close your eyes and I'll give you what you want and more... "

Kineas Grimm
Apr 1st, 2003, 09:27:40 AM
"Or you close your eyes....And I will give us what we both want."

He had felt the slightest of shudders in her body a second earlier, the thought came to him that perhaps she liked it all. He looked at her eyes as he moved his face closer, his breath on her neck, then chin.


He squeezed her arms as he held her, which pulled her down even more harder onto him. He let his lime green pupils stare deep into her eyes. As he did so, he was somewhat unsure he could hold this type of face. Truly he wanted to melt into her arms and just hold her, and relish the moment, but he had to do it this way...

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 2nd, 2003, 09:47:00 PM
She almost sighed when Kineas brought her closer to him. Dalethria could definitely feel the affect she was having on him and damn him for noticing the he was doing the same to her. Especially with that thing he did with his hair. She always liked that.

Kineas was right. Her instincts were to forego this training and fullfill the desires that had been swelling inside her for months now. She craved release and her Apprentice was more then willing to give it. He just didn't understand that two things would always stop her. First, her love for Ogre. Secondly, her control. Though she wondered what would happen if she ever lost it.

Kineas did see his Master's skin rise in color as the goose bumps spread evenly along her bare neck and shoulders. Then she smiled, seemingly in defeat and rubbed her nose against his.

"All right."

She cooed and pressed her lips softly against his forehead .... and then head butted him so fast that Kineas didn't know what the hell just hit him.

The grip on her arms were released because of the surprised attack and Dalethria rolled backwards, standing on her feet. She looked down at Kineas with a devious grin, still cursing him mentally.

Kineas Grimm
Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:24:17 PM
He let her go right as she head-butted him, causing his head to snap back and hit the floor. As he did so, he but his lip rather hard as he clenched his teeth, blood enetered his mouth as he had his eyes closed. He started to laugh, then opened his eyes as he brought ah and to wipe blood from his lip. He looked at the stark contrast of red on his lime skin...


He looked up to her, as he stayed laying down, not to act in a hostile manner. He chuckled again at the pain and all that had just happened. He discovered something, she wanted him.

"I thought I would have had it...but what you gave me was enough. I trust I will remember it..."

He smiled, insinuating the head wound..but she knew he meant the moment they had there....

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 3rd, 2003, 08:56:27 PM
A low growl resonanted at the bottom of her throat, which then grew progessively louder until it reached her nose. The anger set aside had boiled over and the need to wipe that smug look on his face overwhelmed her.

Dalethria bared her teeth and snap kicked a boot directly into his face that sent him backwards again. Her growl grew louder and she swore outloud, angry at herself for loosing control like this.

She needed time to cool down and began to turn around and reached out her mind towards Bast, hoping that the chorus of voices inside the stones would drown out the emotions inside.

Kineas Grimm
Apr 4th, 2003, 07:47:33 AM
His smile went to a grimace of pain immediately after she kicked him. He groaned as he hit the wall. He opened his eyes to see Dalethria's back to him, but he rolled over, in pain. As he was on his stomach he brought his hands up to his nose, to see if he could put it back into place. As soon as he touched his nose, searing pain went through him and he whimpered somewhat.

He rolled back onto his back, forcing himself to pull his hands away from his face. The bone and cartilege from his nose was sticking out of the skin, and it was pushed to the side. Blood poured from his nose and lips, and there were several cuts on his face from her boots.

He opened his eyes, though blood was going down his forehead, distorting his vision. He looked at Dalethria through his pain. But it wasn't merely physical pain, it was the mental pain of loosing that moment he had....

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 8th, 2003, 03:46:44 PM
She was seething hard and audible through her nose and her eyes were shut tight in concentration. The blocks Dalethria had constructed out of necessity came down like a switch in her mind, to let the voices of Bast fully into her. At one point, long ago, such an act would cause her to grow completely mad as the voices jockeyed for control. Each one trying to become the loudest so the Dark Jedi would heed their cries first.

Instead, her control had grow increasingly stronger since returning to Vjun. Now the noise of a hundred souls were like a soothing song that helped to calm her mind. She stood there motionless as all the anger accumulated seeped away. Her anger was better served for other purposes, not to pummel Kineas' face in.

Then she turned off the voices; the last sounds of them cursing her name, and Dalethria looked over to where Kineas was laid out. He was able to get some leverage from his arms to move onto his back. He looked terrible. She'd forgotten how powerful her venom could be when released physically. Kineas' nose was broken in multiple places; not to mention the cuts across his cheeks. It almost looked liked the blood was tears and he was crying, and by the emotions she picked up from him, perhaps that was true.

She began to walk forward, all the signs of any anger were gone from her face. Whether or not Kineas could see that, she didn't know. Kneeling down, Dalethria cupped his chin and moved it to both sides, eyeing his wounds critically.

"Hmm. That break is bad." She settled his head to face forward and raised a brow at him in question. "I can fix that for you." It was hard to gauge why his Master was offering to help him because to him, it was like Dalethria was a completely different person then the one that just leveled him to the floor.

Kineas Grimm
Apr 28th, 2003, 01:54:38 PM
Kineas moved his hands away from his face so that she would be able to get a better look at his wounds. He had even somewhat moved hsi face up closer so that she could see what kind of damage she had done. And he moved back a bit as she said that she could fix it. He closed his eyes as he nodded.

He layed his body onto the ground fully, so that she would be able to indeed heal his wounds. He breathed in slowly, the pain somewhat subsiding, but still throbbing none-the-less.

His lime green face was covered by the red of blood, it had also managed to move up to his hair as it seemed to rub on her hand. He sighed as he laid his head back, letting it touch lightly upon the floor as he waited.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 30th, 2003, 07:41:45 PM
Her finger wrapped around a thin metal chain around her neck and pulled. Out came a circular medallion that had Kashirian archaic symbols etched into it. Those mystical symbols surrounded a double bladed axe that was tilted an inch counterclockwise.

"Don't get too close to this. It will burn you."

She slid over to his right side and placed her left hand to Kineas' temple. Some of his blood seeped out of his green hair and into her hand. Removing it, she wiped the blood across the front of the medallion and began to chant in a language that Kineas had never heard of before. For a brief moment, the medallion flared up in a brilliant red glow which engulfed Dalethria's hand. When the light diminished, only her hand remained bathed within the red aura and quickly she touched her hand to Kineas forehead.

Immediately, a searing pain washed through his body as the dark magick Dalethria commanded began to repair his damaged face ....

Kineas Grimm
May 25th, 2003, 04:45:21 PM
Kineas cried out for a moment, but then silenced his cries. He toughened up but the pain was visible on his face, as was the repairing of it. He closed his eyes and slowly the wounds were healing. He moved a bit though, trying to contain the pain.

A few moments later, he opened his eyes. He didn't feel such pain anymore. He looked up to her, weary, and not knowing if she would lash out once more...

..."Thank you"...

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 2nd, 2003, 04:39:59 PM
'You're welcome."

She answered, smirking slightly.

"I think that's all for today. You need your rest soon enough after the effects of the spell wear off."

Dalethria's lips grew into a full smile, a full knowing smile.

Kineas Grimm
Jun 10th, 2003, 10:08:33 PM
And with that, he stood. He watched her, carefully though as he moved through the room and retrieved his saber, and clipped it once more on the hook on his hip. He looked back to her and then moved towards the steps, saying nothing, keeping his thoughts to himself..

As he moved up the steps, the noise he created would be heard by her. He coughed lightly, as he thought. Why had she healed him? Was she taking a more liking to him, or was it something else?

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 11th, 2003, 09:27:01 AM
What a production...

She thought to herself, hearing every little detail that Kineas sent her way until finally he rounded the corner, out of sight. But not out of mind. Next time, Dalethria was going to have to control her temper better. He would be of no use to the Hand dead.

Thoughts for another time anyway. She was tired and wanted to return to her quarters to rest and spend time with Aliandra ... and the voices of Bast missed their beloved Mistress. Already the wails of the damned were trying to penetrate her mental defenses against them, a useful ability for training sessions and meetings. Now it wasn't really worth the effort and so they were lowered. Dozens of minds fought each other for Dalethria's attention as the Dark Jedi disappeared into the shadows ...