View Full Version : I hope she's home...(Navaria)
imported_Terran Starek
Dec 16th, 2002, 06:47:17 PM
Standing before the door, the Jedi Padawan stood. Dressed in his traditional brown robes, he adjusted his collar so that he looked presentable. Brushing the loose hair from his forehead, he rechecked his datapad.
I hope this is the right one. At least, this is the room the Database listed.
Indeed, he was facing the door of Jedi Knight and Council Member Navaria Tarkin. Ever since the dissapearance of his Master, Verse Dawnstrider, he had spent much time meditating and keeping his skills sharp. However, they were not progressing. He knew that if he was to ever be promoted to Jedi Knight his training could not cease. So, the past weeks, he had spent time seeking out different teachers for thier different skills, learning all he could from the diverse beings of the Jedi Order.
Hope she's in.
His brain still raced, mind running in multiple directions. He had barely met Master Tarkin--only spoken breifly to her at the Temple when addressing the Council--and hoped she would understand his request.
Rasing a shaky hand, he knocked slowly on the door.
Navaria Tarkin
Dec 17th, 2002, 09:52:55 PM
For a moment, Terran felt the Force quite strongly around him, which then departed as quickly as it appeared. It was followed soon by a voice over the comm:
I will be with you shortly, Starek.
Several brief moments ticked away as the Padawan waiting patiently outside. It was rewarded by the doors opening with the familiar mechanical swoosh.
"You can come inside now."
He caught the furls of a brown cloak billowing out of view towards his left and heard the sound of a computer shutting off.
imported_Terran Starek
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:21:05 AM
Stepping inside of Miss Tarkin's room, the padwan watched her head into a different direction. He examined the room, its plain but homely quality standing out to him. As she handled whatever it was that she had to handle, he practiced his request.
Master Tarkin, I came to ask a favor of you. If you were willing, and had the time, could you train me in the arts of Force Healing?
No, no. Too plain.
Honorable and stately Master Tarkin, I, your humble subordinate, seek your guidance and infinite wisdom on the subject of which you are an expert, like all subjects of your knoweldge. That subject, your highness, is the art of Force Healing.
No, no, no. Much to extravegant and suck-upish.
Settle down, friend! No nervousness! His inside quieted him as he settled himself down.
"He-he-hello, Master Tarkin. I thank you for entertaining my visit on no notice." His voice was sincere as he spoke to the Jedi Knight. "You have a very nice room." Dumb thing to say! Dumb thing to say!
Navaria Tarkin
Dec 18th, 2002, 09:39:52 PM
Her fingers danced along the datapad, making sure that everything was downloading properly from the uplink she received from Bothawui. All was in proper order. The Bothans would be electing their new Senator soon and it was an honor to receive an invitation to the planet during this time. It would be a pleasant holiday away from Coruscant for a short time.
But that was for later. It was time to entertain her guest and Navaria turned around with a smile.
"Of course, Starek. I always make time for my fellow that Jedi that wish to see me."
Terran's next statement seemed rather forced to her ears and to the feelings she was receiving. She casually glanced about her quarters. It was simple and spartan; holding the simplest of necessities to entertain guests, a kitchen and the walls were garbed in paintings from the different worlds she had visited. As of now, Navaria was still standing in the small niche in the corner that served as her office.
"Ah. Well, I do like things modest. Please ..."
She motioned towards the living room ...
"... have a seat."
... and walked towards the refrigerator.
"Anything to drink?"
imported_Terran Starek
Dec 19th, 2002, 04:34:15 PM
"Water would be great," he spoke, finding a comfortable sofa to sit on. The room was nice and comfortable overall, and his nervousness began to ease. Leaning back, he made himself comftable and awaited Master Tarkin's return into the room.
"Though your company and hospitality is reason enough to visit, Master Tarkin, I do come with reason of my own." He spoke to her as she moved in the kitchen, near the refrigerator. He wondered how busy she was lately, and hoped that she would have time to help him with his request.
Navaria Tarkin
Dec 22nd, 2002, 05:26:39 PM
Most that came to see her wished something of her; be it counsel or more often then not ... a favor. The life of the Jedi was a life of giving and servitude so Navaria never had any qualms about helping those she called brethren.
She appeared in the living room with two glasses of cool water, offering one to Terran.
"And how can I be of assistance to you?"
imported_Terran Starek
Dec 23rd, 2002, 11:48:12 PM
"Well, Master Tarkin, I have done a bit of 'grapevine' research, if you will, and your name has come up on many occassion in conversation." She brought him some water. "Thank you." He took a quick drink before continuing. His initial discomfort with the place had faded, and he began to feel much more personable as it did. He was always nervous on ground he had never been before. He was a great socializer, but only on his regular stomping grounds--the familiar places he knew. Now, Master Tarkin's room was becoming familiar.
"And, well, I consider myself a lover of the living Force and the natural state of plants and animals. I find the living Force is very strong in me--the senses." He wondered how to explain himself. "I find my mind and heart to be much stronger than my saber." He knew she would understand. She was on the Council, and the Council memebers were very wise.
"I would like to further my training in the senses of the Force, and one area I would like to concentrate on is healing. I have heard that you are one of the experts here at the GJO on this subject. I would be most honored and appreciative if, and only if you have time to spare, you would train me in the arts of healing."
Navaria Tarkin
Dec 24th, 2002, 09:50:48 PM
Navaria's eyes were wide, listening in earnest, her water remaining untouched as Terran spoke. A causal ear would not pick up how his tone changed from the beginning of his request to the end. There was a relaxed beat to his voice which mirrored his frame that seemed more at peace on the couch then before.
What also interest even more was the honesty in his explanations and it didn't take too long to respond in kind.
"A few of our Order had come to me recently in the past, seeking what you have asked of me. Each request has yet to be turned down from the counsel sought from me."
She paused there to finally take a sip from her glass.
"I do have a question though, Terran. How did you come to your decision that you wanted to learn the healing arts the Force can provide?"
A small smile formed upon her lips.
"That is besides the one reason already said. To further your training."
imported_Terran Starek
Dec 28th, 2002, 02:01:30 AM
"The desicion came to me when I realized more about myself." His eyes leveled fully with her own as he spoke. "I wish to help in this galaxy, Master Tarkin. I wish to aid those that cannot aid themselves in the purest way. My path lies in the living Force, not in the power of might or the strength of muscles.
I wish to learn the healing arts so that I may serve those around me. That I may assist the hurt, service my comrades when they come upon injury, and reply on my own instincts and training to stabilize those in poor condition in battle." He was honest with the Knight, wishing only to be true to his heart and his caring soul.
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 5th, 2003, 03:53:21 PM
As he spoke, Navaria refreshed herself by drinking a healthy portion of her water. She set it aside and listen attentively to Terran speak by hanging onto each word; how it was said and where her stressed the syllables. It didn't take too long for Navaria to make up her mind and she answered him immediately.
"Well, then. I believe I would be doing a disservice to the Force and yourself by denying you this request."
imported_Terran Starek
Jan 8th, 2003, 12:10:54 PM
"Thank you for this oppurtunity," Terran replied, trying his best to shield his excitement. He bowed to Navaria, a show of respect of her desicion. Then he stood, his business completed. He did not wish to keep her any longer.
"I appreciate your help so very much, Master Tarkin. I will await notice from you when you have time to undgergo this training." He extended a hand to take hers. "Again, thank you. I am indebted to your kindness." He smiled broadly.
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 9th, 2003, 11:48:33 AM
She smiled at Terran's enthusiasm. To an Empath, trying to hide that much excitement was trying to hide that you were Force Sensitive to a Vornskr.
Navaria then rose as well, shaking the Padawan's hand firmly.
"I will let you know soon ..."
Her eyes drifted towards her office.
"... as soon as I know what my schedule will be like."
The Knight's free hand came up to cover Terran's and he felt her hand go gentle within his grasp. Seriousness had set into Navaria's eyes that beset the kind ones that had welcomed Terran warmly into her private quarters.
"I know you think you are keeping me but ... May I ask a favor from you?"
Her lips pursed momentarily.
"The matter is of a personal nature to you."
imported_Terran Starek
Jan 9th, 2003, 12:04:15 PM
Terran could sense the mood change within Master Tarkin's quarters. It became a bit more serious.
"Yes, of course. As you are willing to help me, I am willing to help you." He allowed a smile to show his kindness.
"The matter is of a personal nature to you."
Terran swallowed hard. He hadn't heard this phrase much, but when he did, it hadn't been good news. Perhaps this particular favor would be the one to change that unpopular trend.
"Hmmmm...what can I help you with?"
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 12th, 2003, 11:43:17 AM
She let go of the Padawan's hand and sat down again, resting an elbow on the arm of the chair to cup her cheek in thought. Navaria sat there quietly, the only audible sound was a small sigh.
"This personal nature to you is also one of mine."
Her eyes shifted over to Terran's.
"Xazor has come to me in confidence many times to deal with matters of the Force. I will not go into detail for that is between her and I. But ... I am concerned about her ... still. She has found her footing again but I am afraid of her loosing it. She is a very emotional being and ... I just wanted to ask if .. Well, if you would inform me of anything that seems out of balanced with her. I am sworn to help her but I cannot watch over her every waking hour. I would like your assistance in that."
Then her hand came down and returned to the familiar position in her lap, fingers laced together.
"If you say no, I will understand. I just wanted you to understand my position and concerns considering."
Navaria didn't need to explain further. Terran clearly got the message.
imported_Terran Starek
Jan 13th, 2003, 08:08:07 PM
"No, no, Master Tarkin. I feel the same way." He looked down, his heavy heart aching at the mention of Xazor. "I agree with you. It is beyond me, at times." He swallowed hard--he took no verbal nor written commitment he made lightly. Ever.
"I will do this for you. But please know--it will be at my discretion." He said this as politely as possible. "I will not spy on her or keep records of her actions--only help you with what I positively know through interaction and observation."
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 14th, 2003, 05:16:42 PM
"And that is all I ask, Terran. I would never ask you to invade the privacy of any member here. That includes Xazor's."
Navaria leaned forward in a more relaxed position to speak.
"I just want to make sure she is all right. Nothing more."
imported_Terran Starek
Jan 14th, 2003, 07:24:19 PM
Terran smiled.
"Your concern is greatly appreciated by Xazor, whether she will admitt it or not. She's nearly as stubborn as a bantha, but she values what she has." He was pleased to know that Navaria had just intentions. "It is also appreciated by myself, as well."
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 18th, 2003, 06:54:45 PM
She smiled, feeling the weight lifting off her shoulders that there was no misunderstanding.
"Good. I am pleased that I was able to make my intentions clear for you and that you agree. That was all I needed to talk to you about, Terran. If we are finished here ..."
Navaria left it open ended, just incase there was anything else that was unsaid that Terran had forgotten about.
imported_Terran Starek
Jan 18th, 2003, 11:44:19 PM
"I think there is anything else," Terran stood. "Thank you for your time, and please keep in contact when you have time to start our training."
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 19th, 2003, 10:31:13 AM
"I will contact uou at the first available convenience."
She escorted Terran towards the door, pausing to opened it momentarily.
"I am looking forward to your training. Have a good evening and may the Force be with you until we meet again."
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