View Full Version : Relaxing at the old bar (closed)

Drake Lonerunner
Dec 16th, 2002, 05:00:37 PM
Drale enters the bar and leaves all his weapons at the door. he sits down at the bar and orders some hard liquor. He opens up the televions and begins to watch his favorite show "SITH VS JEDI" :duel. As he is watching he notices someone in the shadows. The man or woman starts to walk towards him.

Rognan Dar
Dec 16th, 2002, 06:00:44 PM
Rognan was in the bar relaxing when he saw a man come in and start watching the televion, Rognan had never watched it before so he desided to see what he was watching.

"Mind if I jion you?" Rognan said as he walked out of the shadows, walking to Drake.

Drake Lonerunner
Dec 17th, 2002, 07:02:54 PM
Drake gave him a glance


Drake then turned to the bar tender

"yo bar keep some hard liquor for my friend here"

Mr. Happy
Dec 17th, 2002, 07:40:13 PM
"Nothing but the finest Courvoisier, Gaston!"

I twirled my cane as I made my dramatic entrance, popping the brim of my hat with the studded end, and causing my fedora to go flying...landing on the hat rack. Twirling like a Master of Ceremonies, I stepped to my own unique cadence, until I arrived at the corner booth beneath the viewscreen, watching the low-brow comedy.


My judgment decided, I stabbed upwards with my cane, and switched the channel to something much more appealing. Cartoons...the ham and cheese of civilization's sack lunch! A cat, chasing a yellow canary of advanced intellect and architectural know-how. Of course, the story was all the same, but the details were always what was important.

I kicked out a chair, and flopped my derrier onto it, kicking up my tired old dogs and resting them on the table's edge. The bartender then returned, chilled bottle of the Ol High Society at his disposal.

Drake Lonerunner
Dec 18th, 2002, 05:39:01 AM
Drake glance at the weird looking man and gave him an evil look. Drake always hated it when someone would change the chanel while he was watching his program.

"Who do you think you are coming in here like this and acting as if you own the place."

Drake got up from his seat grabed the mans cane and broke it into two pieces. He then threw it on the floor in the corner of the room. Drake then grabed the remote and flipped back to the program he and his friend were watching.

Mr. Happy
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:05:39 PM
"Well...that's one way to break the ice, I suppose."

Tit for tat was the order of the day, and I was more than happy to oblige. I angled my carnation, squirting a precise stream of its 'nectar' onto the remote sitting on the table. The remote began to smoke and melt, and as I downed a glass of Courvoisier, I dribbled the dregs onto the pile of melted electronics, diluting the acid in a puff of smoke.

"Dear me, I've made a mess! Let me get that for you."

I reached into my lapel pocket, and pulled out a handkerchief...no wait....another...and another. An endless rope of handkerchiefs, all the colors of the rainbow. How embarrassing! Would it ever end. I frantically began pulling with both hands, trying to get to the bottom of this fiasco, when suddenly, I pulled a brand new cane from the recesses of my pocket, tied to the last of the handkerchiefs. Passing the kerchiefs to Drake to deal with his mess, I untied my cane, giving it a twirl.

"Well I'll be damned. I did pack a spare...just for a rainy day. My old lady was such a stickler for redundancy. It was all such a broken record to Yours Truly."

Reaching up with the cane tip, I now returned to our regularly scheduled programming.

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 18th, 2002, 01:01:59 PM
He had to laugh as he watched Mr. Happy go at it again. His brother Vega had spoke something of him once before. Quite a charecter. and definatly someone he could drink with. He took a seat next to Mr. Happy, And chuckled lightly, the sound eminating through tiny portholes in the mouth area of his helmet. He tipped an imaginary hat to them all and then looked to Mr. Happy.

"Oh my...the riddles are abound tonight, wouldn't you say?"

He chuckled as the sapphire blue visor of his helmet slid upwards, allowing him a more clear, unenhanced view of things.

Drake Lonerunner
Dec 18th, 2002, 01:54:32 PM
Drake now furious, took his fits jumped onto the table and punch the screen. Sparks flew all over the place. Drake then grabed Mr. Happy from the cholar and picked him up 52cm into the air.

"No your not worth the trouble"

Drake then lets him go. Mr. happy feel down onto his back.

"If you want to start something i'll gladly finish it outside!"

Mr. Happy
Dec 18th, 2002, 02:44:38 PM
"That's the spirit!"

I hopped back onto my feet, dusting off my snappy get-up.

"Just might want to bring it down a notch, ol' buddy. You're Jedi friends are about as lively as wood chips on melba toast, and though I'm not one to judge, its quite possible you're making a scene. All the destruction, the shouting, the displays of psychological insecurity, maybe its about time you considered a change of career. The postal service needs good, unhinged folks like yourself. Why, all you need are some dark blue waders, an automatic rifle, and you'll be right as the mail!"

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:54:45 PM
Ket damn near burst out into laughter, and then his face went deadpan as he addressed Mr. Happy.

"Actualy, I think wood chips on melba toast would be more lively than Jedi..."

Ket winked and then leaned back into his seat, pouring some Courvossier for himself.

Drake Lonerunner
Dec 18th, 2002, 04:29:58 PM
"Big words for just small small boys"

Drake turned his back to the two idiots and sat back to enjoys his drink.

Mr. Happy
Dec 18th, 2002, 04:51:15 PM
"Sorry. Not too keen on high roughage. All that fiber goes through you like <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> through a goose! Well, at least the Jedi aren't candidates for colon cancer. Too bad they crapped out their sense of humor along with the rest."

Drake Lonerunner
Dec 18th, 2002, 05:20:05 PM
"well isn't that too bad"

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 18th, 2002, 06:25:10 PM
Ket addressed Mr. Happy.

"What a confused bunch, aren't they? I swear, it's like trying to ignite a charcoal grill with a baseball bat when it comes to talk to them..."

Ket then looked to Drake.

"Small? perhaps eyeglasses are in order?"

Drake Lonerunner
Dec 19th, 2002, 07:11:49 AM
"I have no time for this" Drake leaves the bar and takes all of his weapons with him.