View Full Version : AOTC passed ROTJ

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 16th, 2002, 04:08:19 PM
AOTC made just enough to pass ROTJ it now has 309.5 compared to 309.3 for ROTJ I am glad now if it finishes at 310 I will be happy :)

Dec 16th, 2002, 04:36:23 PM
What figure is this? Million pounds taken? Is that for cinema or for Video and DVD or what?

Dec 16th, 2002, 05:19:30 PM
I guess the Imax release has done quite well for AotC. It nudged it up just enough. :)

Dec 16th, 2002, 05:21:35 PM
Do the IMAX numbers even count officially? Boxofficemojo has it counting as a seperate entity.

Dec 16th, 2002, 05:36:03 PM
i was hoping that AOTC could make 312 and pass lion king but that doesn't look like its going to happen

and why wouldn't they count imax viewings they counted the SE 20 years after the original

Dec 16th, 2002, 05:41:43 PM
From the beginning every BO website had the SE money couting towards the grand total of the OT. For this IMAX release every time I see the numbers, they show ONLY the money made during the IMAX release.

That's why I had to ask.

Dec 16th, 2002, 06:26:08 PM
I think in the end it should count. Same movie, albeit with some deletions, but still...

Dec 16th, 2002, 07:53:55 PM
We had this discussion before, it definitely counts.

Congrats to AOTC for passing ROTJ, hehe ;)

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 16th, 2002, 10:41:32 PM
Well every site but Mojo is counting it, and Mojo is counting it together actually (if you look under yearly you will see it added) I think they want to keep it seperate to see how well it does on IMAX personally. Also I don't think it will pass Lion King, it could if it stayed on IMAX through next spring but I don't think that would happen, besides Lion King will be playing on IMAX starting in January and I am certain that it wouldn't stay there long, most likely Lion King will also pass FOTR, still I don't think it will go beyond that maybe 315 or so.

Dec 17th, 2002, 05:51:56 PM
Don't be so certain, Carr. Beauty and the Beast in IMAX made a large sum of money. There is no reason why The Lion King, Disney's most successful film commercially, should not be able to make another $20 to $25 million. I hope it doesn't, OBVIOUSLY, but I'm just saying...

Anyway, no matter, the SW films will be re-released many more times.

Hey, speaking of which, I had a question for you guys. The other day, Saturday, I watched RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK (!) in theaters! Well, what happens with the box office gross? I assume it must be added to the film's box office take just like any other film. I remember people saying that Raiders often comes to various theaters around the holidays for just a week or so. It plays here through Thursday at this cheapo $3 theater. It was great, though! What a fantastic film, quite possibly the greatest pure adventure movie ever made (I consider LOTR fantasy/adventure) and the print quality they had was remarkably good. Not great, but good.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 17th, 2002, 11:46:17 PM
Its hard to say, it is only going to be in like 20 theaters or something so if it isn't heavlily advertised it might not do well, I have only read about it on Mojo so it is hard to say what it will do, hopefully it doesn't do well, the most it would do is 10 million which is still too much, IMO. I don't think its better than AOTC, FOTR, or Harry Potter for that matter.

Dec 19th, 2002, 08:04:46 PM
I am not a Lion King fan. Highest grossing or not, Aladdin is a much better film, so is any other classic Disney movie. The Lion King doesn't impress me. I've seen it once in English, once in French, and it's just not a very good movie.

I like Harry Potter much better, hehe.

Hopefully it tanks in its IMAX release.