View Full Version : Drake,Ra,Mon....your calling

Dec 16th, 2002, 03:16:30 PM
Malice was waiting within the main hall. Where recently, all of Malice's deciples had met him here. This was the room where he had taken each one on as a deciple. Training within the darkside was not easy, but then again, today wouldn't be training. Instead, Malice woud take them on a trip.

He had formed a small alliance with a band of other darksiders, and together they would go in search for artifacts that would increase their powers. Malice figured this a great learning experience for his deciples. As such, he summoned them all to meet him here. They were told to have luggage and weapons. Everything else is not needed. For Mon however, Malice had a saber for him, and the other's should they not have their own.

ra hath
Dec 17th, 2002, 02:31:59 PM
while waiting in the main hall with his master .Ra wonder where they where they going. He was told to bring what he needed. including a weapon so it had to be a traning mision he thought.

Mon Malfoy
Dec 18th, 2002, 06:30:43 AM
*Mon came rushing through the chamber then after reaching infront of his great Sith Master... he kneeled*

"I just got your call master, I'm ready to learn under your guidance..."

Dec 18th, 2002, 03:43:04 PM
ooc: Ok, when you guys are ready, go here and post that you are somewhere near me. Could be in the same suite but in a different room. here's the link....


IC: Malice looked at Ra, then at Mon whom had just came running in. He studied them, looking at what they had brought, before speaking to them.

*We need only to wait for Drake, then i shall fill you in on a little of what is to happen.....maybe*

Malice grinned at his last statement. He did love surprises, and loved even more was keeping other's on their toes, and their curiosity on the rise.

Mon Malfoy
Dec 18th, 2002, 10:45:30 PM
Mon was delighted that he haven't disappointed his master for being a bit late.

"Sith Master Malice, I don't have any kind of weapon yet and I don't know how to use anything yet but I would gladly appreciate it if you'll let me hold unto the saber that you're going to give me..."

Dec 20th, 2002, 01:24:50 PM
Reaching onto his belt, malice unclipped a single bladed saber. Igniting it, An orange blade shot forth, searing the cool air about them. Thumbing it off he threw it back to Mon.

*We will be able to do some traiing while we are there........now, does anyone know where Drake is?*

The sith master was starting to get impatient.

Mon Malfoy
Dec 21st, 2002, 07:30:13 AM
*Mon Malfoy catches the saber and clasped it tight to his hand*

"Ahh... my first lightsaber..."

ra hath
Dec 22nd, 2002, 09:13:01 PM
ra read he peustion and responed no and sot to check his saber

Dec 23rd, 2002, 12:20:33 AM
Shaking his head, Malice turned to the other two.

*Well while we are waiting, do either of you have any questions?*

Without waiting for an answer, he continued.

*If not, then we can do some saber training.......if you two feel up to it*

Mon Malfoy
Dec 23rd, 2002, 05:23:01 AM
"I am more than eager to learn to wield my saber master Malice..."

*Mon Malfoy activated his saber and play with it a bit.*

"Now, should we start... Master?"

Drake Shadowstalker
Dec 24th, 2002, 12:41:15 AM
Drake knew that he was late for gathering in the main hall. He half hoped that his Master would be displeased with him and cause him pain. The pain he was so accustomed to feeling and dissolved after a little time at the Sith Academy. Drake needed to reawaken his hatred.

As he enterted the main hall, he saw his Master as well as two others engaged in lightsaber activities. Scoffing to hismelf, he knew he had not missed much. Walking up to them, Drake stopped when he was near and waited to be aknowledged.

Dec 24th, 2002, 02:50:11 AM
OOC: Ok the rp's dead so don't bother posting to it. Me and Fiend will make another later. But for now let us continue with your trainings for now. Mon, your training thread will be waiting for you in the TG.

Mon Malfoy
Dec 24th, 2002, 11:48:17 AM
OOC: OK, btw, Merry X-mas!