View Full Version : Long Forgotten: Rendezvous

Ishan Shade
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:12:31 PM
“It’s a complex situation, one that calls for discretion…your style of discretion,” Ishan said, his back to his guest. He sniffed the beverage in his glass, a vintage of the late planet of Alderaan. The bottle it came from had gone up over 500% in value since the destruction of the planet by Grand Moff Tarkin. It mattered little to Shade, money was a consideration for lesser beings. Ishan measured wealth, like an
ancient devil, in the souls he possessed.

His guest, a bounty hunter known as Ramshi, was a being he knew he would never control. Ram was a force of nature at times, wild and unpredictable, and yet there was a beauty to his methods, much like a storm in the summer. How well he would serve his purpose. Lok’tey should have shut her mouth long before the Senate hearings were she openly fingered Shade Industries for the industrial monopoly of an Outer Rim planet. No matter.

Ishan waited for Starr to finish filling his glass and then sent her back to her corner. “Oh, this is no folly or fool’s gamble, my dear Ramshi; it is the bounty of a lifetime. It involves a Senator.”

“I’ll pass,” Ram said, turning to leave.

Ishan expected as much and pressed a small button on the arm of his ebony chair. Instantly, an inhibitor field surrounded every exit from the apartment. Ram slowly turned around and drew his blaster rifle. He aimed it at Ishan. “I wouldn’t do this, lord,” Ram said. He could see Ram’s finger twitch at the trigger, daring to insult him as a coward.

Ishan nodded to Starr.

She stepped towards him, quickening her pace into a low spinning kick, throwing the bounty hunter on his back. The blaster rifle fell at his side as Starr gracefully turned, throwing her knee into the much larger man’s chest. He grunted with pain. She reached for the rifle while he lay pinned. All the while Ishan watched, amazed. She was truly a masterpiece.

A rather large shot could be heard echoing through Ishan’s Courscant home.

”Clean this mess up. I have business in town.”

Jehova Eaven
Dec 18th, 2002, 11:58:22 PM
Coruscant, Deep Core System
A shot in the dark, that's what coming to this planet felt like for Jehova Eaven. The former Imperial super city was now only a shadow of its former self. The New Republic had taken this city from the once mighty Empire, now the Imperials fought amongst themselves.

"Blast!" Jehova cursed under his breath. Now he would have to convert his Imperial credits into New Republic credits. He had come here to see the ancient artifacts that sat in the great museum, now he couldn't even get into the museum to see them.

The night air was cold, and the temperature just continued to drop. The respectable citizens were all going home and the criminals were soon to come out. Who would give him the credits he needed tonight?