View Full Version : Breaking Foundations: Command Structure (complete)

Dec 16th, 2002, 05:30:53 AM
There's more movement of fleet activities without your orders, the report read as I held it in my hand.

We're not sure why...also...Shadow Squadron is getting reassigned. Something I'm fairly certain you weren't told either.

It was a report from MISTLETOE, a contact within Emperor Tyrel Kiterix's administration. I didn't know who it was, only Taylor and Jaranda knew, and that's probably how it should be anyway.

I was working late, as usual, going over reports and trying to keep the Balmorran Military together, as it'd been my duty ever since Grand Admiral Millard left almost a year ago.

But I'd noticed something about halfway into my tenure. Emperor Kiterix had begun discussions with various military personal without my knowledge. This included Sarin Vorrann and Silus Xilarian. Both disturbed me enough to note it in a report, on its way to Taylor right now.

Something was up and I didn't like it.

Which is what surprised me when I was told Rear Admiral Vorrann wanted to speak to me, in my office.

What's this all about? I wondered as I stared at the portrait of Taylor on the wall. Then I looked at the picture of Jaranda on my desk, as the door chime rang in my office.

I had a bad feeling about this.

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 16th, 2002, 05:40:58 PM
Admiral Sarin Vorrann stepped through the durasteel blastdoors, his insignia different than the last meeting of the military minds of the Balmorran Empire. Six red pips sat atop six blue, the signal of a full Admiral in the Imperial Fleet.

" Rear Admiral, a pleasure," Tomar said as he entered the office.

" Admiral now. I've skipped Vice."

Vorrann smiled and moved into a comfortable chair ahead of the desk.

" Commodore, I have seen your records in the service of the Fleet, though entries and details of your time in the Unknowns is sketchy at best. I personally wanted to say that before I continued.

" Your service has been excellent, but I am relieving of your command."

The room was silent for a moment, but Vorrann continued after the weight of his words had set in.

" You see, Commodore, I feel you are wasted in the field. From what I have been told of you, I think your talents are wasting away. As such, I am transferring you to the Imperial Supply Command and placing you at the head of the Department of Logistics."

Dec 16th, 2002, 11:17:15 PM
Something was up indeed, I picked up a datapad slowly tapping a couple of keys. If Vorrann was going to be in command, he didn't need to know that my wife was the Head of Intelligence. Kiterix had never checked the Intelligence files on who led Intel, and neither Millard or I had told him.

A simple press of a button and the name 'Jaranda Piett-Tomar' was back to 'Jaranda Piett'.

I raised my eyebrow, trying to keep the surprise out of my voice.

"I see...on whose orders are you relieving me of command? Did you get a request from Grand Admiral Millard?"

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 17th, 2002, 07:38:38 AM
Newly promoted Admiral Vorrann sighed in a most un command like motion.

" Grand Admiral Millard is no longer in command. He has been placed on the missing in action list, and I have sent searches out for him. As such, I have been rodered to assume to the role of Supreme Commander, and I am thus doing so.

" Remember before you accuse me of usurpation that Millard was my friend."

The Admiral then was snapped from his reverie by a tinge of subconscious Imperialism.

" And, Commodore," he bit out, scorn returned to his voice," that I outrank you. If my orders are brought from the reactor a Star Destroyer with the words that you go, then you shall do it as they have the power of the Admiralty behind them. I have given you an order, and I expect my order to be obeyed. Do not think simply because I am battle scared and the Vong took the majority of my dignity, I shall let some high rank non flag officer rob me of what remains.

" I am an Admiral of the Fleet. You will follow my orders or fin yourself painting the hull of my flagship without a protective suit!"

Dec 17th, 2002, 11:44:08 AM
This is definately something for MISTLETOE, and I bet I know who promoted him...

"I was simply asking who gave you the orders, Admiral," I said respectfully, "Not demanding you tell me."

I handed him a datapad with all the proper codes.

"That is what you will need to perform your duties as Military Commander. All the information will be transferred there.

"Is there anything else you need?"

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 17th, 2002, 01:05:48 PM
The Admiral kept his gaze stern and his face xpressionless.

" Yes, actually. As new head of logistics, you shall be required to be the holder of all manifests. As such, I shall need a completed updated listing of all military formations: armies, divisions, squadrons, and fleets. And most Importantly, I want to know the last known location of the Superior! I will find Millard and bring him back from whoever stole him!"

Dec 17th, 2002, 03:31:10 PM
He's asking me where the Superior is?, I thought as I pulled another datapad out. This was indeed strange. The Superior was in port on Orinocco for maintenance.

I told him so, "The repairs should be finished in another day or so. Then The Superior is returning here so Shadow Squadron can be transferred to The Draconian. After that it has a tour of the Balmorran Empire before returning again at the end of Spring."

I handed him the datapad, "That's all the information you need on our forces."

Used to Millard allowing me to speak freely I continued, "I would advise against trying to find Taylor though. He would not appreciate it."

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 17th, 2002, 07:59:36 PM
Vorrann snapped. How dare this little prat???

" Commodore, might I remind you that I am acting Supreme Commander, and your superior officer. You will dress up some respect into your tone or you will find a new profession wearing a black uniform and breaking larger rocks into smaller ones.

" I remind you, Taylor was my friend, I know his disappearence hurts. It pains me too. I wanted a promotion, yes, but not like this. But now that it is here, I will fulfill it to the best of my ability.

" Commodore, I will say this once. Overstep your bounds again, and I will have you arrested. I believe in discipline, now more than ever.

" I asked for a mainfest, not a curt response about what I need to know."

Vorrann raised his voice and took up a gaze to pierce durasteel. " I will tell you what I do and do not wish to know. The limits of what I need I shall tell you! You are a Commodore, and do not forget that!"

Dec 17th, 2002, 09:48:19 PM
How dare this...this...political fool! I scowled inwardly at Vorrann's arrogance.

Taylor might have been his friend, but where was he 30 years ago in the Unknown Regions, fighting the Templis Cult. Where was he when we beat Admiral Zaarin? Where was he when Taylor's brother Trent died? Where was he when Jaranda and I married? He was no where...I was.

"My apologies Admiral Vorrann...I meant no disrespect. You asked for the manifests and I gave them to you. If you wish I full report I can give it to you now."

This...removal from command stung. But I had a fairly good feeling it wasn't Taylor who made the change. The fiery Corellian in me wanted to make a biting remark but I held it back.

"I suppose you do not wish to know about your new bodyguard then either, Admiral, sir.

"I can give you a report now if you wish," my own eyes glared straight at Vorrann. He might have a durasteel stare...but I'd faced Grand Admiral Thrawn before. Those eyes...disturb me still.

"Or shall I wait until the morning and give it to you?"

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 17th, 2002, 10:09:55 PM
" I would like a full report. You may finish it at your leisure, so long as it is on my desk by the end of the week.

" Commodore, do not forget. I wear the Imperial Cross for Gallantry. I do not want Grand Admiral Millard's command. I serve him now, and I shall serve him still. Above all, I serve the Empire. As an officer, and a soldier. Most importantly as an Imperial. Remember your oath, Tomar. The Empire over all. I took the same you did."

Vorrann took a seat. An act, following his quickly subsided fit of rage which no doubt unnerved the Commodore.

" I do not know you well, that is to say I know your rank, file, and history. But I shall be making entreaties to all command level officers. I want to know the men under my command as more than names, ranks, and identifier codes. Tell me about yourself. Are you simply Tomar, or do you have a first name?"

Dec 17th, 2002, 11:53:20 PM
Do not want Taylor's command my.. I stifled my anger, wondering how Taylor did. He may flaunt his medals and tout his success, but I have had more success than he will ever know.

What's this about remembering my oath...since when have I not? Something's wrong...

I looked at his face and kept my steady gaze.

"Tomar is my full name, Admiral, as my parents did not believe a surname was needed. As for where I'm from, that would be Corellia although I grew up on Coruscant.

"I am unmarried," which wasn't quite a lie...my Imperial record said nothing about Jaranda, "And I've served with Millard for almost 30 years, most of them in the Unknown Regions.

"I suppose a lot of people thought I'd gotten it easy, being good friends with Grand Admiral Millard. He pushes me hard, making sure I'm at the top of my performace as a commander. I know I'll never be him...but that's fine with me.

"There are worse things to be. A traitor for one. Or a politician."

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 18th, 2002, 07:38:35 AM
Vorrann allowed a thin liped, almost ominous smile crease his scared face.

" You, Commodore, have no idea how much I agree."

The Admiral adjusted his tunic, and put on a lightened face. He was certainly going to learn about Tomar this way. Whether he told him nothing but lies, his actions and mannerisms would be as plain as transparisteel.

A traitor, definitely, having tried to contact the Republic for asylum and defection. But un Imperial, he would have to learn that for himself. For the Admiral's part, he did not trust Kiterix implicitly, that is to say much. But he had acted Imperially and possessed a firey loyalty Vorrann needed in a commander.

" Did you know I served with the Remnant Fleet during the first Unification? I was a Commodore myself, directly under Admiral Lebron. Grand Moff Radon Mont was my political superior, a man since disappeared. After the Remnant was made part of the Empire, I was commissioned a Rear Admiral and given a division in the Bastion Sector Fleet. Those were some good days.

" I remember one officer I had posted ot my flagship, an Army liaison, supposed to be my surface warfare specialist. The problem was, he was stil new to a Fleet posting. Everytime he was spoken to, he would shout out orders like he was on the parade ground. Drove us mad. We ran a test once to see how far he could be heard, and with the bulkhead blastdoors open, he could be heard four levels from the bridge!"

Dec 18th, 2002, 12:08:29 PM
Lebron...another politician pretending to be military. I could've sworn they all spawned on the floor of a gym locker room when no one was looking. Against I kept my poise and anger in check.

I laughed though at the story about the army liason, "Army tends to have the most problems. They think there're problems when everything is silent.

"So tell me Admiral, did you ever fly fighters or were you just an officer?"

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 18th, 2002, 01:14:55 PM
" In the beginning of my career, of so long ago, when my Academy days were still fresh in my mind, I was posted to command a squadron of Customs frigates on the rim. My command ship was a refitted Corellian corvette, able to carry a flight of TIE Advanceds. We were stationed in the Rim, five systems from the Corporate Sector border. Life there was far from boring.

" One day we came on a pirate fleet we had been sent to dispatch. We found they had stolen and refitted an Invinicble-class Cruiser for the Espos. That thing was mammoth compared to the force I had, five customs ships and corvette. We couldn't launch the fighters, as we had to get out, regroup, and call for support. We were coming back on our exit vector when some of the pirate ships came in behind us and blasted apart the corvette. I ordered the abandon ship, and most made it to the escape pods. I ran aft to where the command pod was, so all of our files could be downloaded and erased, lest they board us.

" The pod was gone. I made it into the cramped launch bay to see all but two of the TIEs smashed. I hoped in one and tried to remember my training. I made it out and took down two Z-95s. A VSD made a punctual arrival and saved us. The pirates were gone, and we were saved, albeit at the loss of half my command. I got a medal and was booted up the ladder. I have stayed on ship ever since. To quote a smuggler-business man, they're too small."

Dec 18th, 2002, 02:13:39 PM
"I was in officer's corp too, when I first joined the military," I said, "But when Millard made me his number 2 he required I learn how to flight TIEs. I've learned to enjoy them.

"It's interesting how Millard rose through the ranks by just doing his job," I said, hoping his search for s'Ilancy was going well. Balmorra was becoming a dangerous place...a very dangerous place.

"I admire him, greatly."

I paused a bit, then continued, "You will begin receiving daily reports from our director of Intel in the morning. The Director knows their stuff...they're quite good at what they do.

"How're you going to find the Grand Admiral?"

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 18th, 2002, 04:32:06 PM
The new Admiral had already prepared a response to that, for he had been working on a plan since hw as informed of the Grand Admiral's disappearence.

" I believe that he was coerced, blackmailed, or forced into leaving, or he was abducted. I plan to divert almost all our Intelligence assets to find him. I have as well planned a strike to draw him out.

" It is my belief that the New Republic was behind it, no matter the cause. As such, I plan to take Bilbringi, and move the Fleet there. Such a display of force so close to their borders, they will have to respond. And when they do, we shall send in an infiltration team to Coruscant and raid the Republic High Command. Whatever they have done, will be there in detail. A Destroyer will leap in, pick them up, slag some of the planet, and be gone. Their defense fleet will be unable to intervene.

" I know it is risky, and a lot for one man. But he was my friend, and a Commander of this Fleet. This will as well give me a chance to sort out some sordid happenings within the Empire."

Dec 18th, 2002, 04:47:06 PM
Lord what a fool, I thought as I listened to his plan. Even Taylor wouldn't do that sort of plan. Taking Bilbringi was not a bad idea...but striking at Coruscant? With the divisions occuring in the fleet it would be madness to do so. Was Vorrann even sane?

"Permission to speak frankly, Admiral?" I asked, feeling it was time to let Vorrann in on Millard's disappearance.

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 18th, 2002, 07:11:53 PM
Vorrann smiled, anticipating his objections.

" Before you do, I do not plan to attack Coruscant. I want to gather information forcefully. A raid by commandoes, not Army or Fleet personnel. Taking the planet would be madness when we are still ironing out the differences in ruling this sector.

" My plan to take Bilbringi is solid, and the plan implementable. I need your help, however. But, as you are a member of the High Command and General Staff, you may speak you mind. Do so."

Silus Xilarian
Dec 18th, 2002, 07:13:21 PM
Before Vorrann could answer, an unchiming door flew open. Silus wasnt one for knocking, asking permission, or for following orders for that matter, so it came as no surprise that he chose to ignore the guards at the door as he made his entrance.

Silus was surprised upon entering the room to see the newly promoted Admiral Vorrann chatting away with Commodore Tomar. The meeting itself seemed a bit suspicious...

Tomar....Where the frell is my squadron, I need to get them to the Draconian asap so we can start running through our exercises. You know as well as I do that defending a ship that big will be extremely different than defending the Superior

Silus spoke with an annoyed tone. Vorrann acted as if he were about to say something, but was somewhat rudely interupted by Silus, who motioned a hand toward him and began speaking again....

Also, I'd like to know how adequate your forces on the Superior will be with all the squadron shifting going on. I dont wanna have to come drag you out of a tight spot cause all of your squadrons are dead.....

Having said what he needed to, Silus shot a look over towards Vorrann....

You were gonna say something...?

Dec 18th, 2002, 07:20:57 PM
I answered quickly before Vorrann could make a remark.

"Admiral Vorrann this is Flight Commander Silus Xilarian. He is the commander of Shadow Squadron over on the Superior."

I looked at Silus, "We will be fine Commander, Ned Stark is the commander of the Flight Crew, he'll do well working with the younger pilots in training them.

"You do not have to worry about the Superior. He survived with you and he'll survive without you."

Silus Xilarian
Dec 18th, 2002, 07:58:18 PM
Before Vorrann could speak, Silus snapped in once again...

General Xilarian, ive been promoted...I want Stark on the Draconian also. We'll have far more rookies there and im not as patient a teacher as he is...Consider this a formal request...You're in charge over this stuff....make it happen...

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 19th, 2002, 11:11:12 AM
The Admiral smiled as the two shot back and forth their small yet piercing dialogue.

" Gentlemen, if you please."

Vorrann stood, asserting his vertical dominance over the standing Xilarian, somewhat shorter than his new commander, and Tomar, still seated behind his desk.

" For the general public, I shall be moving my flag to the Draconian. The Vengeance, our second largest ship, shall be moved to command over the 2nd Flotilla, a formation I am creating for the newly planned assault.

" General Xilarian, I trust you have made arrangements to take command of the 1st Fighter Wing, of which Shadow Squadron shall lead. I cannot have the Colonel currently in command ordering about a General.

" Commodore Tomar, I trust you shall see that the weapons and munitions needed for the new fighters aboard the Super Star Destroyer shall be handled. In addition, I shall need her stocked with a thousand proton warheads. I trust it will be taken care of. General, if you would please."

Vorrann motioned to the door, insinuatting he wished to speak with him...privately.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 19th, 2002, 09:05:06 PM
Silus shot an interested look towards Tomar...

If you'll excuse me Commodore, I'll be leaving now...

Silus nodded his head slightly and leaned back up from Tomar's desk. He glanced back toward Vorrann once more then left the room.....

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 20th, 2002, 12:13:51 PM
Admiral Vorrann followed the young and very brash General out of the room, leaving Commodore Tomar to remain at his desk, knowing the pangs of mystery must be gnawing at the very fiber of his being.

A perfect fate for a traitor, the Admiral though, as the door closed and the two flag officers strode down the hall.

Vorrann had no intention of stringing the General along, knowing he had been informed as he had about the disappearence of Admiral Millard and the traitorious actions of other officers. In case, he would ask nonetheless.

" General, let us dispense with the ion exhaust. I have no time for small talk or pleasantries...the war outside and inside the Balmorran Empire is at a fevered pitch.

" What do you know of Commodore Tomar? As to where Grand Admiral Millard has been taken? What have you been told? I am the new Supreme Commander, until Millard is returned, so my clearence is omniscient. Tell me all."

Silus Xilarian
Dec 20th, 2002, 05:09:53 PM
Silus braced his hands behind his back, as he'd seen the other officers do from time to time. He motioned for Vorrann to follow down the hall. As the two walked side by side, Silus began speaking...

The first thing I know about Tomar, is the man has incredible hearing....

Silus glanced over for a second and continued...

He's a good leader. The pilots respect him alot. I do find it a bit strange that he carries only one name, but he was brought up in a different culture than people such as us. Taylor seems to hold him in high regard though, as Tomar does Taylor.

Silus looked over toward Vorrann again....

Im not sure if you have been informed yet, as you have been newly assigned, but it isnt something that would be kept from our supreme commander...

For the past few months, we have been researching Quantum Metal, the alloy that was used to armor the Sun Crusher, im sure you're familiar with it....

I recently, under Tomar's supervision, obtained a piece of this metal and returned it to Balmorra labs. Nothing is for certain, but our scientists seem confident that they will be able to get enough information from it to once again be able to produce Quantum, as most of our former research was destroyed....

Tomar told me that he thinks Emperor Kiterix will be very pleased with our findings.....

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 20th, 2002, 06:43:52 PM
Vorrann was already pleased by the versatile demeanor of the newly appointed General.

" General, what do you think of Tomar himself? What do you know about him..and his recent...intrigues?"

Silus Xilarian
Dec 20th, 2002, 08:03:40 PM
Silus glanced over momentarily...

Aside from the qualities I mentioned before, Tomar is as dull as the rest of the officers around here, and has had little success in finding the Grand Admiral, though to his credit, he seems more empassioned than most in his search....

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 20th, 2002, 11:16:27 PM
Vorrann grimaced. So he had not been told. If he is to be part of the pure cadre we are to build, then he must.

" General, I will forewarn you, I have many friends in Intelligence, not all on Balmorra. If what I tell you is used in a context contradictory to what was intended, you will be executed. Summarily, and without trail. I need no response, because as an officer, loyalty is a guaranteed bond.

" General, Commodore Tomar is more than what he appears. He is efficient, and loyal. But his loyalty is misplaced. He has placed his loyalties to people he does not know and abandoned the Empire. He has sought refuge in the arms of our mortal enemy.

" It cannot be brought to light yet, but when it does, he and his co conspirators will indeed reach the New Republic, but it shall be in thousands of molecular parts, each scattered about a sector by a torpedo.

" General, the man we just spoke to...is a traitor. And he must be brought to justice. I am counting on you to aide me in this purge of the unloyal."

Silus Xilarian
Dec 21st, 2002, 05:35:03 PM
Silus' eyes narrowed as Vorrann spoke. It was apparant that anger was being brought forth, and that Silus was having a bit of difficulty dealing with it...

Admiral, with all due respect...What proof do we have on Tomar's disloyalties....

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 21st, 2002, 10:16:00 PM
" Enough to bury him, but not enough to topple him. I was shown a dossier containing a letter written by Tomar to a member of the New Republic military. He is asking for an asylum. He wants to take some of our assets with him. And I believe he either has aided in the kidnapping of Grand Admiral Millard, or knows his location and has done nothing about it.

" Either way, even with only the first true, he is a traitor. At best, a defeatist. I need more than that, however, to eliminate his co conspirators.

" Believe me, General, I think Emperor Kiterix is a snivleing politician. But he is an Imperial politician, and the legitmate head of this government. He may scheme, but his scheming is Imperial, and to further the Empire's glory, along with his own.

" We are Imperial officers, General. We must defend the Empire from enemies outside, as well as in, our own borders."

Silus Xilarian
Dec 21st, 2002, 10:30:21 PM
Unfortunately Admiral, Im not a politician. Im a soldier. I give my orders, my orders are obeyed, and the battle is won. Plotting and scheming isnt my forte. If Tomar steps out of line, I will arrest him myself. But im afraid its beyond my conscience to bury him. No offense Admiral, but leaders can be decieved, and I want to be 100% sure that the Commodore wasnt setup...

Sarin Vorrann
Dec 21st, 2002, 11:49:35 PM
" As do I, General. I do not scheme outside of the realm of military tactics. However, I will make an exception here. I do not want to remove Tomar from command; it would be a waste of materiale and training.

" I agree that we must find out. That is why I wished to speak to you. I think that you, General, as a young officer, respected and brash, you can find a loophole and all clues either to his innocence or guilt. You, General. will be the key.

" In two weeks, I shall take the Fleet to Bilbringi, whee we shall wrest it from the control of Vice Admiral Troller, a small petty warlord with a thousand battlations and four corvettes to his name. The production yards there are in working order, but have not been used due to a lack of resources.

" Your Shadow Squadron will lead the fighter command from the Draconian. Until that time, I want your every effort on this matter. It is a request from a fellow officer, and an order. But do not do it because of a command. Do it because you want to root out the treason or lack thereof as I do."

Silus Xilarian
Dec 22nd, 2002, 12:12:00 AM
Well, to be honest, I had full intention of investigating this on my own, but since it is now an order, I'll have more resources available to me...

Silus glanced over again. A slight amount of discomfort shown on his face. It was appartant that running an investigation on a superior was something he didnt want to do, but it was necessary...

Is there anything else you wish of me?

Sarin Vorrann
Jan 29th, 2003, 04:18:51 PM
Vorrann paused, thinking a bit.

"Yes, inform me if you find anything suspicious at all. On anyone."

Silus Xilarian
Feb 7th, 2003, 11:24:44 PM
"Will do..."

Silus glanced back over towards Vorrann

"Oh, and can I ask a favor, sir"

Sarin Vorrann
Feb 7th, 2003, 11:26:23 PM
"Yes of course, General," he smiled, "Whatever you want...ask it."

Silus Xilarian
Feb 7th, 2003, 11:29:48 PM
"Dont get cocky...."

With his last statement, Silus nodded to the Admiral, and turned down a hallway and made his way off, leaving no explaination or reason for his comment...

Sarin Vorrann
Feb 7th, 2003, 11:34:01 PM
Vorrann paused, a cold expression on his face.

It appeared his new flight commander was going to be a bit difficult to get along with than he thought.

A clash of egos? A clash of wills. But mine is indeed stronger, Vorrann thought as he started to walk back to his office.

I will root out the traitors within this Empire and destroy them!