View Full Version : My.... god...

Dec 16th, 2002, 02:29:15 AM
I just watched Bonnie and Clyde and the ending to that movie is extremely disturbing!!! What is this with new movies being so violent and how old movies weren't like that?! This film isn't exactly new and honestly that is one of the most disturbing endings I have ever seen to a movie...

My god. Now I know where Quetin Tarantino got the idea for Natural Born Killers.

Funny that this was Gene Wilder's first appearance, lol, and then seeing Hackman in the film when he just appeared in Heist is funny too, IMO.

It was a great movie, but jeez, what an ending.

Dec 16th, 2002, 09:10:04 AM
That movie premiered in my hometown. It was mostly shot in Denton county(my old stomping grounds).

As for the ending, apparently it's really close to how it really was. My Mom watched real film shot by one of the Texas Rangers who photographed the shootout in school(the reason her class got to see it, is Mom had a classmate whose father was involved in the shootout). She's still haunted by it.

Sanis Prent
Dec 16th, 2002, 10:34:24 AM
I've seen footage of the car, after the shootout. They turned it, and both passengers to swiss cheese. They had to plug a few hundred bullet holes in the bodies, just to get to show them on film. I'd say that Natural Born Killers didn't take the inspiration from this, but more likely that Copola used the scene to depict Sonny's Death in the Godfather. Either that, or the St. Valentine's Day Massacre.

Dae Jinn
Dec 16th, 2002, 10:52:27 AM
I think what makes the ending of "B&C" more disturbing is the fact that it actually happened :x NBK is just a film, but that was real life.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:27:41 PM
I don't find it disturbing because they were cold blooded murders who killed innocent people, the police had to or they could have been killed them selves.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 16th, 2002, 03:32:17 PM
I believe the term "Overkill" is appropriate at SOME point, however.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 16th, 2002, 03:36:53 PM
I guess they got carried away. :p Really I think the cops hated them because some of their own officers were killed by them. I also remembered that Dillenger meant with a similar fate though he was shot as many times as Bonny and Clyde.

Dec 16th, 2002, 08:01:00 PM
"I believe the term "Overkill" is appropriate at SOME point, however."

LOL. Yes. :)

Carr, yes, you are very right. Once you kill a cop and are now a "cop killer" instead of just a normal murderer, wow... you are screwed! Your chances of being caught alive are, well, not so good. :)

Bonnie and Clyde, though, like many modern movies have been accused of doing, does somewhat glamorize the violence and the lifestyle these characters lead. Or should I say these real-life people lived. Now there are hints of how they all want out, sure, but a lot of the film shows you what big "stars" they are and how famous they have become...

Speaking of fame, I just watched All About Eve, the story of a very obsessed and ambitious young theater actress, the AFI Top 100 film. I was very impressed! I was kind of not as much looking forward to seeing it as other AFI films because I wasn't sure if it would be my type of movie and it is 140 minutes long, which is no problem except that I was tired and hoping I could make it through without pausing. Anyway, it was great! The screenplay is just fantastic with lots of memorable quotes and the ending is perfect. I can find so much interesting social commentary and themes in that film. I like it a lot.

Next on the viewing list is "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?"

Dec 17th, 2002, 05:17:24 PM
All about Eve is a little gem, oft forgotten nowadays. :)

Dec 17th, 2002, 05:48:20 PM
Which is too bad, because it's such a good film.

I ended my DVD review of Bonnie and Clyde like so:

"Police records indicate that authorities used more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition to annihilate Bonnie and Clyde before they could even reach for their weapons. Can anyone say overkill? O-V-E-R-K-I-L-L."

lol, sometimes I have to throw in the occassional bit of humor.