View Full Version : When Jedi are away, Sith will play....

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:30:30 AM
The Sith walked in quietly, shrouded in black robes. hints of gunmetal greay could be seen at times, but other than that, no features of his form could be seen. He ordered himself 2/5th's of Jack Daniels and sat at a far table. A light swoosh was heard from under his hood, and he brought the drink to his lips.

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:41:45 AM
Alana wandered into the Cizerack bar. She had never been to the establishment and was curious about them. Her ever changing eyes scanned the room, cold and empty of all humanity. Her long cloak flared back as she made her way to a open table. Her black hair fell to the floor in a wild tumble of curls.

Alana called on the dark side and moved the chair out so she could sit. Her long legs stretched out in front of her. The feline creatures held her attention momentarily, until she spotted the Lupine. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she studied him. Something familiar. Not his figure but his scent.

Shrugging, Alana pulled her cloak off, revealing her bare shoulders, her black dress was cut low and clung to her small frame.

As a droid passed she ordered her drink. Hopefully the night would liven up before it was through...

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:59:26 AM
His gaze wandered toward Alana and if he could, he would have smiled. He took his drink, and sat rather quickly at her table. He pulled the black hood of his robes slowly, revealing the gunmeatal grey helmet with the sapphire blue visor built in. He nodded lightly

"Long time, Alana...."

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:10:55 AM
Alana's eyebrows rose slightly as the man sat down. A small smile crept to her lips. Her eyes remained cold and un fazed by his sudden appearance. "A long time? Time is not something I think on often." She raised her glass to her lips, her blue, green eyes shifting colors as she studied him.

"To what do I owe this pleasure... "Alana's eyes narrowed further and she leaned forward slightly. Her eyes brightening a bit. "Ket.... What a very pleasant surprise." Alana did not know how long it had been since she had last seen him. To her the passing days were nothing. Years were like Minutes.

Reaching out she tapped the back of his hand with her finger. Her eyes warming as she realized who was hidden behind the visor. " A very pleasant surprise." She repeated softly...

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:24:54 AM
Ket looked down at her tapping of the back of his hand and a small laugh emited from his lips and through the tiny portholes where his mouth would be in the faceplate of his helmet.

"Enjoy tapping metal, my dear Alana?"

He lifted a hand and lifted a plate on the forearm of the hand she had tapped lightly. He pressed on of three buttons and the sapphire blue visor plate over his eyes slid upward into the helmet, his blue eyes twinkling.

"Indeed, always a pleasure to enjoy your company...."

He slid a metallic finger across her cheek, and his eyes showed the emotion of playfull evils...

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:34:16 AM
Alana chuckled softly at his comment. Her eyes flashing slightly with mirth. "What lies under that metal Ket, is all to human. So tapping the metal, I am sure reaches further." Her grin grew broader at there playful banter. It had been some time since she had taken pleasure in the subtleties of mortals.

As his cold finger brushed across her cheek, she turned slightly into it. The darkness that surrounded them was utterly enticing to her. She had always been drawn to a dark heart. Though there still was nothing sweeter than a Nobel hearts last beating rhythm.

"What brings you here Ket?" She asked, her finger trailing over the rim of her cup, her crimson lips wearing a familiar grin. One that held as much promise as it did death...

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:41:36 AM
His eyes would show the rest of his face in a smile...but alas, nothing more was shown. He looked to her and spoke low.

"Ah, a ship and a star to sail her by, my dear..."

He would pour some of the Jack Daniels into the small portholes in the faceplate, and thanks to a few inovations, all the liquid made it into his mouth and down into his gut.

"I have been traveling abroad and finaly made it back to a system I knew of..."

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:49:03 AM
"I see, and did you find what you were looking for? Did the darkness call to you and lead you to where you needed to be?" Her laughter was soft like the tinkling of glass. She had heard the darkness call to her a long time ago, and she had answered. She had become one with it, and it suited her completely.

"Welcome home Ket. I hope you find it just as pleasing here as what you found out there." She grinned at him over the rim of her glass. Her lips settling on the edge softly as she sipped.

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:52:40 AM
"Thank you for the 'warm' welcome, Alana. And yes, i found what i was looking for...I literaly found myself within the darkness. And I made it part of myself once again."

He laughed a bit lightly as he let his metal-cased index finger graze the top of her hand.

"But this armour...it's a bit more than just for show...it hides a few things I don't like to look at...."

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 16th, 2002, 02:00:32 AM
"You should never hide what you are Ket. Always make it a part of you and feed off what it has made you. I am sure the scars of a soul are by far worse than the scars of a body." She looked down at his trailing finger. As she lifted her eyes to his, staring at him from under her lowered lashes, her smile deepened.

It had been by far to long since she had played this game. Her ageless immortal beauty brought her what she wanted. Alana had found that when she had shed her humanity, it had taken a few of the pleasures she so enjoyed. Like the game of a man and a woman, with more on there minds then just the death of the other.

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 16th, 2002, 02:04:25 AM
He had to laugh just a wee bit.

"I feed of all my pain and anger, dear Alana. I hide it not for shame, but that I need not be reminded of it when not in battle. keeps the pain quite vivid when i dont see it as often, and I battle much harder as a result."

He too, had lost quite a bit of his humanity...enough to really appreciate the game of cat and mouse between the sexes. And He had been one too many times about to die, but always seemed to escape death's grasp each time...

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 16th, 2002, 10:42:49 AM
"Pain can give you an edge, just as hate can. That is why the darkside has so much power, it is truly fueled by the emotions we all harbor. No matter how deeply some bury them." Alana spoke of the Jedi and there self sacrificing hypocrisies. They tried to suppress there emotions, something that was not natural in the least.

She had delved into many things being what she was. Her embrace of the darkside was complete and without regret. The dark gift Master Saurron had given her, was just one step in the right direction. He had been right when he said, there was none such as they were.

"What is it you will do now Ket? What fulfillment will your dark hart look for?" Alana asked in a soft, husky voice. Her eyes captured his. She was fascinated with the doings of mortals. They seemed to strive for so much, in the short time offered to them.

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:40:42 PM
His eyes looked downward, as he softly uttered the single word that he barely used.


He wanted to find his family, which he had not seen in in ages. He needed to find that which spawned him. He needed to find this at one point, and find out exactly what he was. He knew who he was, and he knew why he was. He need to know truely though...what....

Taataani Meorrrei
Dec 16th, 2002, 11:09:42 PM

Taa entered the Cat Scratch Fever club, removing an ornate headdress and tossing it aside to an eager servant, as her blue eyes scanned for an open seat. Innately curious, her blue eyes sparkled when she saw two unusual visitors in the establishment. Forrda. Human Offworlders.


Not human. Taa crinkled her nose a bit, sniffing at the air. One smelled of vornskr. The other smelled of something else. Carrion. It was quite a conundrum, and one she couldn't resist. As the male server arrived with her brightly colored drink, Taataani pulled up a chair, her lithe tail wrapping around her lean midsection.

Well...jit cerrrtajinljy jisss unusssual to get tourrrjissstsss jin thjisss parrrt of Carrrssshouljisss, but jI welcome jyou nonethelessssss.

Taa smiled, ears rising slightly

Mjy name jisss Taataanji Meorrrrrrrrreji, and jI am a tourrrjisssm ssspecjialjissst herrre, ssso don't hesssjitate to asssk anjy quessstjionsss.

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 17th, 2002, 01:01:30 AM
Ket nodded to the Cizerack female. His eyes, unshielded by the sapphire blue visor of his helmet, conveyed a sense of a smile. Although, Cizerack males, from hs understanding, were not let off their leash, no pun intended.

"Well there...hello, Miss Meorrrei. I thank you for the rather warm welcome. I am known as Ket. My lovely companion here is Alana."

Ket then thought a moment...and asked a question he had been dying to know...

"Might I ask you...Why exactly is it that the Cizerack males are treated so...lowly? Not that I have a problem with it, you see. i am just ever so curious..."

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 17th, 2002, 11:45:11 AM
Alana thought about what Ket had said about family. She to had always put a lot of emphasis on knowing her family, and what they were about. She had thought at one time that her mother had died when she was very young. Her uncle Mockadane had raised her after that. She had, not to long ago, learned that it had all been a lie. Her family now resided at the Shrine and she contented herself with that.

As the Cizerack female walked up and greeted them, Alana put of a small smile of greeting. She did not know much about there species, other than the fact the woman were the rulers. Other than that they were an unknown. Alana bowed her head slightly, acknowledging Taa's offer to help.

"A pleasure to meet you Taa." Alana said as she sat back and listened to the conversation at hand, between the Cizerack and Ket.

Taataani Meorrrei
Dec 17th, 2002, 10:55:15 PM
Taataani was a bit nonplussed at the question. It was a routine question from Forrda, but one that she didn't particuarly like to talk about.

Thejy arrren't trrreated lowljy. We prrrovjide forrr them, and jin rrreturrrn, thejy do asss thejy arrre told. jIt jisss the wajy we have ljived forrr generrratjionsss.

Pressing her spectacles back up on her nose, she smiled to the server as he brought her drink. Reaching for the straw, she slurped it down a few levels, smacking at the tart potency.

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 18th, 2002, 11:12:29 AM
Ket chuckled lowly.

"Sorry if I have touched on a bad subject for you, but it does seem they are treated more like slaves than equals. I have never met a Cizerack male with a smile on his face."

Ket nodded lightly at that and then flashed Alana a look, not a bad one, mind you, and then sipped his Jack Daniels as he looked to Taa.

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 18th, 2002, 01:36:11 PM
Alana raised her eyebrows slightly at the discomfort she heard in the Cizeracks voice. She being what she was never felt discomfort at what her kind did. For generations the women of the Shrine always held more power than the males. Though the Males held a lot of standing, and were powerful in there own right. To feel... uncomfortable at what your race did was an alien concept to Alana.

She said not a word about what she was hearing. To Alana the issues of mortals were best left to them. She smiled slightly at the look Ket gave her. Her eyes appraising him and finding herself drawn to him...

Taataani Meorrrei
Dec 19th, 2002, 01:35:49 AM
Taa 'hmphed', and took a sip of her drink, fluttering her ears

Then jyou have obvjiousssljy met verrrjy few of them, and none of mjy own. Mjy malesss arrre well taken carrre of. Cjizerrrack hossspjitaljity jisss prrractjicalljy rrrenound thrrroughout the galaxjy!

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 19th, 2002, 02:46:16 AM
Ket nodded lightly to Taa. For once, he did not mean to offend, but had suceeded in doing so. Ket sipped his drink lightly.

"Well, I have been through this galaxy more times than the old Empire, and I have barely heard of it. But I tell you this. I shall spread the word."

Ket smiled and winked.

"Tell me, do you know how it came to be that your males became salves of sorts? I assure you, it is of pure thrist for knowledge that I ask."

Kajeela Tarruurri
Dec 21st, 2002, 09:30:05 PM
From her corner booth, Kajeela Tarruurri had been watching with interest the couple as they talked. They were outlanders - strange aberritions of humanoids, or so her sense of smell told her.

The arrival of Taataani was noted, as were all things large or small, by the Director of the Kei Ai' Reei. They were a curious trio, and she was content to just sit and observe. And make notes.

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 23rd, 2002, 11:33:40 AM
Alana's mind wandered from the conversation at hand. She had no concern as to why the men were slaves. The doings of Mortals never concerned a Vampyre. That was unless they crossed her path in the wrong way. She was more than interested in Ket. It had been a very long time since she had seen him. There were differences in him that fascinated her.

Alana motioned for a droid as her two table companions spoke. "You wouldn’t happen to carry blood wine?" Alana grew hungry as the hour grew later.