View Full Version : Busride to Nowhere (open)

Dios Kane
Dec 15th, 2002, 04:35:07 PM
:: I sat on the bus, reloading and stocking all my ammuntion. It'd been a while since I'd had this many weapons on me but I was looking for a good time and I had a long night ahead of me. I didn't plan on running short on much of anything either. I stopped for a moment and reached into my jacket. I pulled out my flask and took a sip of the potent drink before going back to my revolver.
I looked up and out the window. We were crossing a bridge and heading into the industrial zone. There was nothing industrial about it now, I could feel something there. My force sense was shot down the hole but I knew when something bad was happening there.
I final checked the revolver before returning it to the holster and retrieving my shotgun. I began to review it as the bus made a few stops before heading into the heart of the area.::

Clay Dennatta
Dec 15th, 2002, 11:50:27 PM
Clay could feel the disturbance in the force that was leading to the industrial area. Bad things were happening and Clay didn't like it. He didn't like it at all. He ran through the streets with great ease as he searched out the origin of the disturbance, but he could feel the presence of another Jedi. He was heading the same was Clay was and wasn't stopping either. Clay wondered who it could be, so he kept going in hopes he would end up in the same place as this other Jedi.......

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:18:02 AM
The Sith was making his way through the industrial section, his mind lurking on things other than business he had here. He felt a surge in the force...of the light side.


He looked up, pulling the hood of his black robes back a bit. The gunmetal grey helmet glinted in the myriad lights as he saw the bus pass by. He doubted they would get off anywhere near him, so he went about his business of trechery and deciet unfaltered.

Dios Kane
Dec 17th, 2002, 07:07:44 PM
:: I looked up suddenly as I picked up something straight ahead if me... well behind me now. I stood up and reholstered my weapons and pulled on the break. The bus stopped and I quickly got out. I closed my eyes and tried to sense whatever it was... I sucked at this force sense thing... I felt light and dark emanations in the force, but I couldn't really find a source. What the? This didn't make any sense! Could anything make both sides of the force? I didn't think so...
I drew my revolver and placed my sunglasses on. The infrared sensors kicked in and a background x-ray sensoy picked up also. I had a reading on something, and that was all I could work with for the moment. I casually crossed the old street and started to walk down the brown colored sidewalk, whistling slowly.::

Clay Dennatta
Dec 17th, 2002, 11:10:29 PM
Clay continued on his journey, coming closer and closer to the force he felt. But he could now feel the presence of another. It was a darksider. He wasnt too far from the lightsider he could feel. He decided to continue down alleys and streets as he came closer to the feeling. If the darksider wished to battle, both of them would have a better chance fighting together.....

Eluna Thals
Dec 17th, 2002, 11:21:29 PM
A voice could be heard behind Dios.

"Krasst, I think I got off at the wrong stop."

The slender blonde sighed, tossing curly tresses away from her face as she adjusted her backpack. Her blue eyes squinted against the sun, and she bit on her lower lip in frustration.

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 18th, 2002, 11:04:17 AM
Ket felt the surge of light within the force. And now, another. He tryed to sense what kind being, but it was unclear. Using his nano-link to the armour, He gave it a command to scan for life signs and any synthetics. it reported indeed,there was a biosigniture that corrosondped to human female, and there were traces of synthetic parts. He figured it was most likely just battle scars that needed replacment parts. Unclear as to which side she was loyal to. But no matter. If the Jedi found him, then they found him. But finding a man like Ket was a hard feat to do indeed. He flipped up a panel on his right forearm and pressed two of 8 buttons. One masked his form from any type of vision other than the normal light band (ie: x-ray, infrared, ultraviolet, radiowave, microwave). The other deadend sound around him for a 2 foot radius, effectivly silencing his movments. True, he could have used the force to to the last one, but it was much less time consuming this way.

And thus the Sith went about his business, and a grin crept across his face under that helmst as he looked up to the building he finaly reached.

Mr. Happy
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:23:20 PM
I heard the pitter patter of footsteps approaching, and tried to shout out to the red-headed man as he ran ever closer, but no words came from my mouth. I was trapped. Trapped in an invisible prison. One by one, I raised my gloved hands to press against the invisible wall that fenced me in. There was no opening in sight. Well...there was nothing in sight at all, but thats beside the point.

Wait...what's this? A rope! Maybe I can just pull on it, and climb out of here. I tug, again, and again...but it breaks. Oh well! Back to the wall again...

Dios Kane
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:13:21 PM
:: I stopped walking when the signal infront of me suddenly shut off and disappeared. whoever had just left was good but stupid. They would've been better off just leaving what litle signal they had on instead of just cutting it short. But I guess that was all if you knew that I could see all that huh? All I had to do was run to the place where the signal had stopped but then there was that noise behind me. I sighed and trned around to the voice of a woman and when I turned arond I was not the least surprised to find the voice belonging to a beautiful woman nonetheless.
But as temptings it was, it really wasn't. Nobody had anthing on Maia and that was that. And she had no force sig, a little weird I'd have to say. But maybe that was just something wrong with my force sense again. I really didn't want to turn down whatever that first thing had been but I'd deal with this first.::

Good evening... Anything I could help you with Miss?

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:38:41 PM
Ket took a moment to think as he looked to the building in front of him. Perhaps cutting off his signal might have been a hasty error on his part. Jedi might not be as stupid as his last encounter with them. He noticed a rat-looking creature scurrying about at a walking pace and with the aide of the force, scooped it up quickly. He attached a small peice of metal to it's back and set it down, letting go scurry. Thankfully, it went about it's own business at that same walking pace.


Ket chuckled lightly. In case any of the Jedi had some bright idea about tracking him, the small chip now on that creature had the same bio and machinery signitures he carried. With his own shielded, and the small doppelganger transmitter in place, It would buy him time just case someone decided to come a lookin' for him.

Ket walked in the the building, and proceeded to look for what it was he came for in the first place.

Eluna Thals
Dec 18th, 2002, 04:44:38 PM
"Other than helping me figure out exactly where I am, I guess not. I know nothing about this city."

Of course, she knew precisely where she was, but feigning ignorance was easy enough, as she fiddled with a map in her hands.

Dios Kane
Dec 18th, 2002, 04:55:47 PM
:: I scatched my head for a moment but got sidetracked as the sensor beeped as the former signature was picked up again.::

Uhhh... I really don't know where I am either, but I do know that a bus stop is little ways away and uhhh... I'm sure the busdriver could tell you. anything else?

Clay Dennatta
Dec 19th, 2002, 11:36:33 PM
Clay noticed that the Jedi he had been tracking was stopped. He started to run faster so that he could get to him before he started to move again. After a couple minutes of running he got very close. As he rounded the corner he noticed that there was a man talking with a woman on the sidewalk. He identified the man as the jedi and the woman, as well, someone not attuned to the force. He walked up to them and wited till they were done talking before he started a conversation with them.

Dios Kane
Dec 23rd, 2002, 07:43:53 PM
:: I turned to the lightsider I just now picked uip as he came within visible range. I bet if I had better sensing skills, I would've seen him a lot longer before he had actually came. Oh well... I raised my eyebrows in acknoledgement and smiled.::

How do you do?

:: I was still sorta puzzled about what to do with the chick but I figured she could really just wait till the bus came back right?::