View Full Version : Fall Away From the Light

Enigma Celes
Dec 15th, 2002, 04:11:08 PM
Enigma was instructed to find a vacant room in the Palace after being accepted into the evergrowing ranks of the Order. Having no belongings to carry with her, the young woman swung her arms back and forth as she hummed a light melody in an attempt to cheer herself up in the foreboding place.

The Palace was huge, and the shadows that lurked around every corner weren't helping her feel "comfortable". However, she was still in awe at how huge everything was after being used to ditched boxes or in someone's cupboard.

"Hello ...?" She had come to the end of the hallway and knocked timidly on the last door on the left. Hopefully it wasn't taken ....

Dec 16th, 2002, 12:10:02 PM
The room wasn’t taken. At least, not anymore. Sasha came to the door carrying the last of his things. Having been promoted to knight some time ago, he had only recently gotten around to selecting his new room on one of the upper floors. It didn’t take much for him to move – he’d never really settled into the room in the first place. E’d only come with a bag of belongings – clothing mostly.

“Hi…” He said in greeting, his voice carrying perhaps a hint of confusion to it.

“Can I help you with something?” He asked, his violet eyes looking to Enigma, and a somewhat friendly expression crossing his youthful features.

Enigma Celes
Dec 17th, 2002, 08:48:29 PM
“Oh, uhm ...”

Not sure how to react, she dug her fingernails into her palms, leaving crescent marks. The young man that came out was carrying a box, and she presumed that it was full of his stuff.

“I just came to find a room, being newly accepted as an Apprentice ...”

Had she been hungry, Enigma would have surely been on the edge being in the dark with another human, but the cannibal had already eaten her full before coming to the Order. The traces of evidence had been carefully removed, though, and now she looked like the average person you pass on your way to the market. If only they knew ....

“I'm not disrupting anything, am I?”

Dec 18th, 2002, 02:42:35 PM
Oh, uhm ...

She looked mildly flustered, and so he waited with uncharacteristic patience for her to respond.

[I]I just came to find a room, being newly accepted as an Apprentice. I'm not disrupting anything, am I?[/]

At this, he grinned and shook his head. He was a relatively easygoing kid, though he could be, from time to time, impatient and quick to anger. It was a trait of many Sith, and nothing unexpected, realy.

“No, not at all.” He replied.

“This used to be my room…I was just getting the last of my stuff out…” He added in explanation.

He set the box down, using it to prop the door open and gestured her inside. He followed her in, moving past her to brush the curtains aside. It was dark outside, but the lights down below in the harbor twinkled in the distance.

“It’s a great room…” He stated, his violet eyes glancing at her for a moment.

“Its got a view of the ocean if you look hard enough…” He added, his eyes beginning to sparkle with life. And in that moment, his cheeks flushed slightly as he realized he hadnt even introduced himself.

“Im Sasha, by the way….” He said as he offered his hand.

Enigma Celes
Dec 18th, 2002, 08:52:59 PM
As she followed him into the room, Enigma gazed in awe as she glanced around the room. It was ... clean - without pesky insects scittering across the room to find an even darker place to hide and breed.

As she heard the curtains being pulled, the woman looked towards the window curiously. The stars in the sky seemed to shine brighter tonight than in the past week, as if sharing some sort of devious secret.

“The ... ocean?”

Pity she never learned how to swim. Maybe it was the fact that the village she had lived in as a child taught that whoever swam was a witch, or maybe the fact that they tried to drown her. Ever since then, she tried to stay clear away from large bodies of water - except baths, of course.

As he offered Enigma his hand to shake, he told her his name.

“Pleasure to meet you, Sasha,” she said, shaking his hand.

“I'm Enigma.”

Dec 20th, 2002, 08:39:27 AM
“Welcome to the Order, then, Enigma.” He replied easily. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back casually against the stone wall of the room.

“Just so you know, theres a branch that taps on the window when the wind blows hard enough…” He added, nodding towards the window.

“Eventually you get used it…”

He was just nineteen years of age, though years older in maturity. He had seen and experienced too much for him to go back to being the carefree kid that most kids his age were. This hardly bothered him, for he took it in stride. Perhaps even took pride in it, to some degree.

“Do you need help moving anything in…?” He asked.

Enigma Celes
Dec 20th, 2002, 06:59:18 PM
“No, I don't have anything,” she replied rather cheerily.

Giving one last look outside the window, Enigma turned and glanced at Sasha. It was nice of him warning her about the branch, something she hadn't expected.

“If you don't mind my asking, how long have you lived here?”

Dec 31st, 2002, 11:53:42 AM
“If you don't mind my asking, how long have you lived here?

His eyes rolled upward for a brief moment in thought and then he looked back to her.

“Two years now…” He replied, thinking briefly of how quickly those two years had passed. He would hit twenty years of age before too long, though there were few who would know this fact. Not because he kept it a secret, but because birthdays werent a big deal to him. So much about his childhood was cloudy and unknown to him that it wouldn’t have surprised him in the least to learn one day that the birthday he’d always believed was his was not.

In those two years, he’d seen various members leave the order, join the order, die, or disappear altogether. Such was the way of the Sith, and it surprised him briefly to realize that besides Lady Vader, Lord Dyzm, Malice, Darth Dark Cloak, and the newly returned Live Wire, he was among those who had actually remained around for what apparently was quite a long period of time.

“Where are you coming here from?” He asked, wondering in a friendly, conversational sort of way about her. It was not unlike him, for he was a relatively social kid, but it was, perhaps, straying a bit from the typically reserved or typically evil manners of a Sith.