View Full Version : So I was Wrong
Dec 15th, 2002, 02:07:23 PM
The last few day's they have been playing LOTR on starz. I have been watching it in piece's. I have sat watching it trying to be VERY open minded about watching something I really just plain did not like. Well have to say I was Wrong, It really is a good movie. I think the problems I had , had with the film was A. it was to dang long and B. to many boring drivel ridden parts. While all that STILL remains true (for me) It all makes Much more sense. Now. I still cannot find myself caring a bit for Froto(sp) and the Suspense parts still leave me cold(like when Froto was sick and him and Liv where being chased by the Wreth's (??) I felt No sense of Urgency , all the action is just some what dull, BUT nonetheless still a movie worth watching. So anyone I have ever Offended on my Views of LOTR I apologize.Still not anywhere near any top ten , but good.
But I will say Gandor(sp) and Stryker(sp) Bad ars MO FO"S . They Make the film what it is.
I do Need to ask exactly WHAT kind of power DOES the ring have for the one that posses it ??Or did I miis that, and second How much power does Gandor supposed to have??
Marcus Telcontar
Dec 15th, 2002, 03:16:07 PM
I do Need to ask exactly WHAT kind of power DOES the ring have for the one that posses it ??Or did I miis that, and second How much power does Gandor supposed to have??
Well, interesting to hear your view has changed. Just dont watch again or you might become a sad LOTR fanboy like I am.
Then again, that's probably not such a bad thing.
To answer your question, the ring gives to the wielder the power they can get out of it. It's more of a reflection of the person. For Gollum it was the power to be invisible, but also overpowering lust for his precccioousss. But the ring works in the other way - it dominates the person using it, if they are strong enough turning them into another Sauron. It's never really clear what the ring can do, from what I remember from ROTK, it held the foundations of Barad-dur together, helped breed monsters, kept Sauron alive, drove and dominated his minions and caused fear in his enemies. It also controlled all of the other Great Rings.
But at the root, it's about control of all others, hence the ring-verse
One Ring to rule them all
One ring to find them
One ring to bring them all
Now Galdalf is an Istari, or Maia. He is like a powerful angel I guess is the best way to define it. He is very powerful and described as the wisest. However he is forbidden to match Sauron power for power while in Middle Earth. He has power over fire most obviously.
Heh, hard to really define and explain just how powerful he is, for a Wizard in Tolkein are not the type that raise their hands and throw lightning bolts about, even if they well can do that.
and in the darkness, bind them.
Dae Jinn
Dec 15th, 2002, 06:07:39 PM
Yay Buff! :D Glad you liked it -- I thought it was a little long and a bit slow in some places too, but it was SO GOOD :) I'm not as big a fan as Marcus, but I did go to the TTT exhibit they had in T.O. From all I saw there (mini versions of sets, costumes, weapons, props from all three movies), the second movie should be awesome.
And I'm almost done reading the book, I'm on the second part and...I still lovesss Gollum :D :lol
Dec 15th, 2002, 10:23:56 PM
"One Ring to rule them all
One ring to find them
One ring to bring them all"
"...and in the darkness bind them." :)
Dec 15th, 2002, 10:28:15 PM
"Heh, hard to really define and explain just how powerful he is, for a Wizard in Tolkein are not the type that raise their hands and throw lightning bolts about, even if they well can do that. "
Yeah well I figured that part out from watching the WWF (WWE?) style Wizard battle. :(
Dae Jinn
Dec 15th, 2002, 10:40:53 PM
It was break dancing, not wrestling..... :p :lol
Dec 15th, 2002, 11:31:08 PM
Originally posted by Marcus Q'Dunn
Well, interesting to hear your view has changed. Just dont watch again or you might become a sad LOTR fanboy like I am.
Then again, that's probably not such a bad thing.
. I'm hard headed:\ I think I needed to be able to watch it at my own pace
I seen it twice in the theater. The first time I feel asleep. the second time I had a date. So neither viewing's really got a fair shake. I will be watching it agian(please do not let me become a fanboyO_o ) I think there is still alot I have missed. It seems I really Butchered there names:(
I Am now really looking forward to seeing TTT. But I will Hold out till all the REAL Fan boy's see it. I hate to think what would happen to me If I was to fall asleep during it:zzz . But from what previews I seen it does look more exciting??
I should have Listen To DOC MILO and finished reading the hole book:(
Doc Milo
Dec 15th, 2002, 11:44:30 PM
See what happens when you don't listen to me Buff? :cool
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:03:01 AM
I'm glad I read the book first. Now I can look forward to 2 incredible movies!
Dec 16th, 2002, 02:24:58 AM
I was wrong too -- they added midnight showings of TTT here, so yay! :)
Going Tuesday at midnight...
...Wednesay I'm going to Seattle to see Equilibrium.
Dec 16th, 2002, 04:45:58 AM
First time I watched LOTR I thought it was good. Very good. It seemed like the complete package. I didnt think it did anything spectacular and I dont think it did anything badly. It was just good. The second time I watched it I couldnt help but keep half an eye on my watch. It just seemed to drag on for me. Anoyingly I cant quite put my finger on what it is that bothers me about the film but I just feel it was lacking somewhere along the line.
Everyone else seems to think its the bees knees so its fustraiting for me to try and inderstand what it is that doesnt capture me about the film. I have to say though that the TTT trailer has got me very excited. Im really looking forward to it.
The one thing I can say I didnt like about LOTR was the ending. Now, I havent read the book (im doing it now) so I dont know where the first book ends but surly it must end better than the film did. There simply wasnt any ending what so ever.
Dae Jinn
Dec 16th, 2002, 09:53:05 AM
I think they did that on purpose, since this is basically one HUGE movie Ori. That's how I see it -- Three parts, one movie.
I really enjoyed it, and can't wait till I get my EE copy for Christmas :) But I found it a bit slow and long in parts as well. TTT looks more, actiony :lol
Dec 16th, 2002, 09:57:47 AM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
I was wrong too --
:eek :eek
Did the Earth just get REALLY cold ?????
Just kidding Jon, nothing but love:rollin
Dec 16th, 2002, 10:26:56 AM
The one thing I can say I didnt like about LOTR was the ending. Now, I havent read the book (im doing it now) so I dont know where the first book ends but surly it must end better than the film did. There simply wasnt any ending what so ever.
Well, I'm not a Tolkien expert by any means but I think Jackson did a good job with the ending. He juggled some events around to give FOTR a solid ending. If I remember right, in the novel Baromir doesn't die until the early stages of TTT. That whole battle got pushed back into FOTR and I think it helped give the film a stronger ending. Maybe I'm wrong, I've only read the novels once (I actually haven't finished ROTK yet) and the story does blend together for me so I could be off on my sequence of events. I find myself enjoying FOTR more with each viewing.
Glad you liked it buff!
Dec 16th, 2002, 10:28:09 AM
Originally posted by Dae Jinn
I think they did that on purpose, since this is basically one HUGE movie Ori. That's how I see it -- Three parts, one movie.
Yeah but I did hope that each film would at least have some conclusion. I mean, you couldnt leave a book the same way the film ended. No way. People simply wouldnt accept it. I cant belive the book FOTR has no ending. Im reading it now so I guess I'll find out soon enough.
Youve got to remember that there are three individual books, three individual films coming together to make one huge epic. Star Wars is based around 3 or 6 if you like films but each one has an ending. A conclusion. I just felt the ending seemed wrong.
Dae Jinn
Dec 16th, 2002, 10:35:42 AM
yeah, the film went into the first little bit of TTT at the ending. *digs out her copy of FOTR* FOTR ends just a bit before Boromirs' death.
I thought the end was okay, it makes you want to see the next film, really. Well, for me anyway. :lol
Sanis Prent
Dec 16th, 2002, 10:43:11 AM
I enjoyed the movie. The book, however, is really really dry in the beginning...and reads like the Scarlet Letter. There's so much to set up in the beginning, that it almost loses your interest in the first 50 pages, due to all the plodding and menial details.
Then again, I'm not really one for fantasy novels. The only fantasy author I can repeatedly read is Pratchett, and he is witty, not dry.
Dae Jinn
Dec 16th, 2002, 10:49:56 AM
FOTR was decent, it was kind of boring at parts. I liked the Tom Bombadli part (No one else seems to like that part ^_^; ) and it got better as it went along. I'm almost finished TTT, and I'd have to say I really liked the Ents (another part some people didn't like -- I must be weird or something. lol), and the battle at Helms Deep. I'm on the second half now :\
Dec 16th, 2002, 10:53:26 AM
If I remember correctly, the novel ends with Frodo and Sam heading off on their own after Baromir tries to get the ring from Frodo. That's pretty much it. The Orc battle has yet to begin I believe. So if Jackson had gone with that ending I think it would have left you even more dissatisfied Oriadin.
Dae Jinn
Dec 16th, 2002, 10:55:35 AM
yeah, i didn't wanna give it away for anyone who hadn't read the book, guess it doesn't matter :lol
The novel ends with Sam and Frodo leaving -- that's it. No Urkhai battle, and they find Boromir dead at the begining of TTT.
Dec 16th, 2002, 11:01:35 AM
Yeah, that does sound more anoying than the film. Ah, well. I'll read it for myself if I ever get it finished. This is my fourth attempt.
Dae Jinn
Dec 16th, 2002, 11:20:01 AM
It took me a couple of months to finish it, I read it a little at a time. Good luck Ori. :)
Dec 16th, 2002, 11:49:57 AM
Did you read the Hobbit? I found reading that helped set up LOTR for me. Also, once you get through the first you get hooked on the story. But to be honest, I started ROTK and then just dropped it after 40 pages because I got swamped with work and the move. So I know what it's like to drop one of these books once you start it. Now I think I'll just wait until after I see TTT. I'll probably try to get back into ROTK during the winter break.
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:40:44 PM
Originally posted by Doc Milo
See what happens when you don't listen to me Buff? :cool yes Doc:cry I'll know better next time :)
Marcus Telcontar
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:31:44 PM
Annnnnnd.... Jedieb is correct. The death of Boromir is the beginning of TTT. FOTR ends almost exactly as the book does, Frodo and Sam leaving for Mordor.
You also have to remember LOTR is one huge novel and that was the intention of Tolkein all along. That's why FOTR does not have a real ending - it's not meant to ever stand by itself as a book, it is always to be a part of something bigger.
Only thing that annoyed me about the movie ending was realising I had to wait to see more.
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:38:51 PM
That is what I hated about it Marcus had to wait another year, will feel the same thing after TTT.
Sanis Prent
Dec 16th, 2002, 03:01:22 PM
The Hobbit was an easy, interesting read. The transition between the Hobbit and the first 50 pages of FotR are a rude, unpleasant awakening. Its like if you read Genesis, and it talks about the geneology from Adam to Noah. Bor-ring!
Dec 16th, 2002, 04:41:30 PM
Well, thats good news. Ive passed the first 50 pages so hopefully this time I can keep it going. Im just interested to read how Tolkin manages to write about the battles and stuff.
Trouble with me is, im a pretty slow reader. I get bored easily when I read. I think the chapters in LOTR are huge and it can take me a few days to read the chapter and thats when I begin to lose interest. I find it easier to read, now that ive seen the film. Its easier to picture the characters in your head. You dont have to try and remember whos who everytime you read someones name.
Marcus Telcontar
Dec 16th, 2002, 04:45:15 PM
Took me... three days to read the whole thing at last read.
/me makes note to read again before TTT comes out
Dec 16th, 2002, 07:56:31 PM
Some huge scholarly library organization or something, I forget, chose Lord of the Rings (the three book saga) as the greatest literary work of the 20th century.
IMO, current fantasy authors like Rowling could learn a lot from J. R. R. Tolkien.
Dec 16th, 2002, 09:13:52 PM
Fellowship did take me more than a month to read. It is tedious at parts, and did not like Bombadill that much.
But TTT and ROTK are another thing entirely. I read them both the same weekend.
Maybe on my secon reading I will enjoy FOTR more, I think I have grown a lot since I first read it. Also I read the Hobbit and more Tolkien literature, so I have a better grasp of the whole world, it's geography, history and politics.
Dae Jinn
Dec 16th, 2002, 09:49:03 PM
See? I must be weird, cos I liked that part...Kinda reminded me of the begining of the Hobbit in a way -- with the dwarves coming and "wrecking" Bilbos house :lol
I remember watching the cartoon movie of the Hobbit in grade school. :)
Dec 16th, 2002, 11:32:40 PM
The book took me about 6 months to read. But once I got halfway through TTT, I zipped through the rest. I couldn't put it down!
Marcus Telcontar
Dec 17th, 2002, 12:17:02 AM
Well considering I was 5 when I first read LOTR.....
I've actually always found The Hobbit not quite as good a read. The Silmarilllion - well, if you think LOTR is a hard, read, the Silmarillion is positively evil.
Figrin D'an
Dec 17th, 2002, 12:20:39 AM
Less than 24 hours until TTT opens... :crack
Dae Jinn
Dec 17th, 2002, 01:16:41 PM
Yay! :crack
Oh wait, I'm not going :cry
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Dec 17th, 2002, 01:31:02 PM
I'm going tomorrow, if I manage to get off my duff today and pre-purchase tickets.
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