View Full Version : To Give is to Recieve....(Blood Call)

H. A. Ferenczy
Dec 15th, 2002, 01:31:49 PM
Hannibal, after being led by Alana and Dalamar to the Shrine, was left alone to his own devices before he was to report to a room known as the "Grand Parlor." His footfalls resonated throughout the ancient stone halls and ceiliings. His nose smelt the centuries of air, water, and other elements and the scents that they left behind. He walked calmly and confidently down the halls, until he stopped at the doors of the Grand Parlor. He pulled on the latch and it opened, revealing....

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 16th, 2002, 09:22:07 AM
Alana sat curled up on a couch, her ever present journal in her lap. It lay forgotten there like an unwanted memory. Alana's eye's stared into the darkened night, through a shrouded window. Her smile was just as distant. The cavernous room, that housed an array of rare antiques, glimmered with the lit candles. There wavering light called the shadows from there familiar corners.

As the door opened, ALana's eyes flickered momentarily to it. Her smile lifted a little more at the sight the newly arrived Shrine member. "The night holds many things does it not? So many dreams lost out there, so many things revealed." Her soft voice was whimsical, lost in memory. "What brings you to me this night Hannibal?"

H. A. Ferenczy
Dec 17th, 2002, 07:46:41 PM
"Well, I'm beginning to think......this induction was much too easy.....this cannot possibly be all that needs to be done. There's more to this, is there not?"

Hannibal moved forward into the room, shutting the door behind him.

"I remember that way back in my time, when there was a Vampyre guild, they inducted people by sharing their Gift. They ritually bit each other, sharing their blood....do you not do that here?"

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 18th, 2002, 09:40:13 AM
Like a black storm Dalamar entered the room. "Of course there is more, there is always more." Dalamar said with a sinister smile his canines showing. Tossing his silver worked Katana's on the table he sat down and joined Alana and the new arrival.

Dec 19th, 2002, 12:26:16 AM
Whispers has come with Hannibal; he had called her his companion not too long ago afterall. However, while she was busy pacing around in his room, taking in the new scents-she growls lowly. Yes, the beast is restless and there is something making uneasy here.

Long, thick nails methodically click against the floor as she paces slowly back and forth with her blackened nose to the floor. Daylight would be upon them soon, thus the agonizing torture of the change would take place once again; leaving her weakened for a few hours time.

Cunning golden eyes remain on Hannibal as he departs to ... to... well, just as he departs. The tensing of her muscles shows she wants to go with him, alas, she keeps herself in his chambers. She'll go through the shifting alone, just as she has each month for the past who knows how many years.

Flickering the right ear a few times, she looks around the place, finding the best place to just lay and wait for the moment to come. Soon ... soon her cries of agony would echo throughout the vast halls .....

H. A. Ferenczy
Dec 19th, 2002, 12:34:43 PM
Noting Dalamar's entrance, he speaks.

"So what is there now?"

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 20th, 2002, 10:25:34 PM
Alana tilted her head to the side. A small smile curled the corners of her lips. She had watched Hannibal become accustomed to the Shrine and all of it's wonders. There had and always be so much more to discover in the Shrine of the Damned. In the cavernous halls and endless passages.

But what he was asking was something by far different. There was just one thing more that would make him a true brother of the Shrine. Alana's cool smile widened further. There was nothing as sweet as the sharing of blood between Vampir.

"There is one small thing left before you are truly a child of the Shrine Hannibal. The sharing of our blood, making us truly united as a family."

H. A. Ferenczy
Dec 22nd, 2002, 03:47:10 PM
"Oh, so this clan also indulges in the blood letting of their brothers and sisters......"

A wicked grin spread across his face.

"Where to begin?"

Dec 22nd, 2002, 05:20:07 PM
"HHHOWWWWWWWLLLLLL" The echoed pain racked howls of the white wolf soon reverberated throughout the seemingless endless passages; fading as if ghostly inhabitants were making their presence known. Soon, those howls would become merged with a female human voice.

The sleek and agile form of the white wolf now writhes, twists and flops on the cold stone floor; a loud crack is heard as the muzzle hits the wall. Its good that she is shifting; for if she hadn't been, her snout may have been fractured or broken by that.

The cracking of bones as they contort to support a human form, the twisting and stretching of muscles and a deep arching of the back ... all of this causes Whisper agonizing pain. Now, as the sounds die in the halls; the female voice is only a whisper once again, thus her shrieks of unimaginable searing, piercing pains go unheard by those who's hearing isn't heightened.


Breathless, the naked woman lays upon the stone, panting heavily. Blood trickles from the left nostril, to stain the concrete beneath her. This changing has been harsher than the ones before it; an urgent need for sleep overcomes the weakened woman. No matter how much she forces her eyes to remain open, they slowly succumb to the peace-filled slumber that the darkness subliminally promises to her subconcious.




And that is where she remains as Hannibal is with the Queen of Vamps; enjoying the lust-filled passage of exchanging blood.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 22nd, 2002, 09:25:13 PM
Dalamar pulls off his cloak and covers the woman. The black velvet covering her and keeping her warm from the cold tile floor. Lifting his small silver worked dagger he pulled forward a golden chalice with ornate carving and red rubie's around the top. Slicing his wrist he let the crimson blood fille the cup. Clapping Ferenzy on the back he handed it to him. "Welcome to the Shrine may the brotherhood between us grow into a strong bond that can never be broken." Dalamar chanted as Ferenzy took the glass.......

Dec 22nd, 2002, 10:03:08 PM
"Noooo..." she whispers, reaching up weakly from where she lays on the floor. "Don't... dr--drink.... " Too tired to continue, her hand falls to the floor and she closes her eyes. She was grateful for the warm cloak that was draped atop of her prone form. Soon, she is silent .. except for the gentle sound of her breathing. She's drifted off into a deep sleep that was forced upon her mind by her own body. She needs this, as her time of being able to revert back to a human form is growing shorter by the day.

H. A. Ferenczy
Dec 23rd, 2002, 02:30:45 PM
Seeing Whisper's reversion back to human form, he sent her a message telepathically. It was between him and her, and even a severely Force-sensitive individual couldn't hear it.

"Whisper, I'm sorry, but I want to join this......brotherhood...I hope you understand.....this is the best way for me to regain my power...and perhaps later, things will change a little..."

As Dalamar spoke, "Welcome to the Shrine may the brotherhood between us grow into a strong bond that can never be broken," Hannibal took the chalice from his hands, and went to drink it.....but something stopped him. Why was he drinking from just Dalamar? After all, Alana did have a large part in this as well.....Taking the dagger from Dalamar's hands so quickly that he didn't even have time to register it, he spun it around and grabbed the blade with his fingertips as to throw it. He brought the handle within reach of Alana. He also offered up the rubied chalice. His words rang throughout the still silence.

"Now it is your turn, Alana."

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 27th, 2002, 11:45:34 AM
Alana stood up from the couch she had been curled up in. Her blood red dress settling around her legs as she smoothed her hands over her hips. A soft smile tilted the corners of her lips up as she approached Hannibal. Alana's ever changing eyes cold, and unyielding.

She extended her hand, her finger running over the length of the saber hilt, before taking it. She had not planned to bleed into a chalice, nor did she plan to take his blood like that. Blood became cold swiftly and it did not agree with her tastes in the least. Running the silver Knife across her wrist, a thin line of blood appeared. It was as crimson as her blood stained lips.

She held her slender arm out, not a drop spilling. He could put the chalice under it and collect what she allowed to fall or bring it to his own lips. It was his choice. "Welcome to the family..." Alana whispered softly. Her eyes on his pulsing vein, that would soon slack her thirst...

H. A. Ferenczy
Dec 27th, 2002, 03:47:22 PM
Hannibal, seeing her blood flow, became rather.....thirsty. He took Alana's wrist in his hand and lifted it up high above his and her heads. He also raised the chalice to about the same height. As he tipped the chalice, his finger dug into the wound, making it wider, and he turned the cut downward. The blood leaked, both did, in a medium-sized trickle, all running down his throat. The mixing of the hot and cold blood made him shiver, and he liked it. He was able to determine whose blood was whose: Dalamar's, cold to the touch, had a robust flavor, much like his "self-acclaimed" fighting skills; Alana's, hot and with a stronger bite, it was lighter, yet it's potency was much more powerful than it appeared to be..... it probably signified something more, such as being the underling of the most powerful here at the Shrine, or something completely different.....he knew not.

When he was done drinking, he gently but swiftly brought Alana's wrist down, and handed the chalice back to Dalamar. As Dalamar took it, Hannibal looked into the eyes of both Vampyres; Dalamar's was cool and calm, much like his blood; Alana's burned with a passion, as they seemed fixated on him.....no wait.....it was the.....vein in his neck....Hannibal knew then how she would take her blood....straight from the tap....but as to Dalamar, he wasn't sure, so he asked.

"I already know how Lady Alana wants her blood. How do you want your's?"

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 27th, 2002, 07:25:22 PM
Smiling Dalamar asked him to extend his arm. Sliding his silver worked dagger out of its sheathe he sliced open his main vein. Ferenzy grimaced at the sharp bite of the Vampyre's blade. His blood flowed thickly into the chalice mixing with the residue of Dalamars own. Chanting calmly he stopped and drank deeply a small trickle of blood flowed down the side of his face. Suddenly Ferenzy could feel it a bonding a blood call was now upon him. Any of the Shrine could call to him from across space and he would know about it. He felt the bonds of brotherhood and servitude to the Shrine fall upon him. Something all of the Vampyres accepted binded to the Shrine and the Mother for all time.

H. A. Ferenczy
Dec 27th, 2002, 07:47:00 PM
Wincing slightly at the pain, Hannibal clenched his fist to let the blood flow better. He could feel something strange; like as if he had been linked to Dalamar somehow. This was probably the reason for the Blood Call. To link him to Dalamar and Alana, and also to the rest of the Shrine. This could be deemed necessary, should they need to contact him over any distances...or for other various things. Noting that Dalamar was finished, Hannibal stepped close to Alana, craning his head sideways so that she could gain better access to the vein in his neck.

"Go ahead. Take your fill, but leave me some, please..."

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 29th, 2002, 12:36:34 PM
Alana nodded and stepped up to Hannibal. Her eyes glinting softly in the candle light, the flickering shadows playing across her face. Alana's eye teeth extended, piercing the tender flesh of her bottom lip. With the sharing of there blood the link between the two would be complete. If either found themselves in danger they would be able to feel it, such was the link of the Damned.

Alana's arms snaked around his shoulders, her dress rustled softly as she pressed her lithe form to his. Her long hair covered there shoulders as her head tilted and she placed her mouth against his pulsing vein. The tiny pin pricks were painless to Hannibal but the sound of his splitting skin was loud in his ears. Alana took very little but the soft moan that escaped her throat told the story of the pleasure all Vampyres took at sharing one another’s blood.

Releasing him she smiled and placed a small kiss on his cheek. Her blood stained lips leaving not a mark. "It is done Hannibal. Welcome to the Shrine brother of the Damned..."

H. A. Ferenczy
Dec 31st, 2002, 11:49:53 AM
Trembling slightly at the bite of Alana, he had to admit, it felt rather nice, although it did feel very unnatural to him. As she spoke the words "Welcome to the Shrine," Hannibal focused on the wound, letting it heal. Once done, he spoke.

"Thank you both. Now, if you will excuse me, I have someone I must tend to."

With the commencement of his words, he took Dalamar's cloak off of Whisper, and flung it to him. Taking his own longcoat off, he wrapped her in it, and scooped her off of the floor. Cradling her in his arms, he simply excused himself, walking out of the room and into the small bedroom that he had chosen.