View Full Version : I think I just stepped on the lightside! (challenge to a jedi)
Valirion Thorn
Dec 15th, 2002, 09:59:16 AM
:: I stepped out of my limo and looked around as I entered the club, Theatre de Vampyre. I entered the door and pulled a waitress to my side. I whispered a few things in her ear and she ran off with a smile on her face. I smiled as I rolled my shoulders and took of my cloak. The dark red silk slightly shimmering with the lights from the stage. I walked towards the stage and took a table near the front.
I sat down and leaned back, viewing all the teeming life around me. But others were there to, here and there. But I paid them no heed, not yet. I wanted to enjoy the show.
The huge stage was decorated like a temple and had statues and busts all over the place. The lights dimmed as the badn and singers took their places. The music started, all in some ancient sith language that seemed to pull emotions out of the air and twist the minds of mortals. The tunes were gothic yet modernized to the taste of the people and the instruments were considered archaic, that just mad them vintage.
The waitress I had spoken to before came to my table and handed me a wine glass and a wine bottle filled with a dark red liquid. It was only common sense of what the bottle contained. I filled my glass and took a drink, emptying it and then filling it again. The waitress waited for a moment and then I looked up, remembering that she was there, I reached into my coat and withdrew a large sized diamond and handed it to her. She reached out for it and then as she reached into my hand, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her in, slightly kissing her neck and then letting her go. She was stunned nonetheless but blushing, the blood rising to her face. She walked away slowly and I turned my attention back to my drink and the show that had kicked off now.::
Straffe Stormrider
Dec 16th, 2002, 11:09:29 AM
Straffe had been walking around the city when he saw a club that was to his likeing. He slowly walked in, the gothic music was harmonic to his hears. He entered the door and was greeted by two big body guards. They instructed him to leave his cloak at the door with his weapons. Of course Straffe didnt give up all his weapons. When he got his stub back so that he could retreave his belongings when he leaves, he opened the two giant doors and the music filled his ears. Women dancing everywhere and people at the bar. He could feel the pressence of death in the room. The bartender looked at him as he entered and so did many others. Straffe seemed to be the only one that was tanned in the club. He sat down at a table beside a big looking man, almost enormis to Straffe. He looked like a big authority in this place. Wondering if he could get a drink, he sat down and watched the people dance
Valirion Thorn
Dec 18th, 2002, 04:38:03 PM
:: A bigger smile crept across my face as I sensed a pathetic amont of lightside entering the club. My neck slowy turned and my face with it, my violet eyes watching the women dancing but slowly coming around to a human sitting at the table across from me. My armor stirred beneath my skin as the darkside swept across his mind like an invisible shadow. I laughed suddenly as the music hit a sharp note. GJO padawan? I would drink his light infested blood tonight and maybe make him into some morbid golem of mine and torture whoever else in the GJO cared about him. I stood up and headed for the back.
As I walked by, I tapped on the table and motioned for him to follow me. I didn't look back but continued on. I entered the backdoor and told the gaurd to let the kid in when he came. They odded and I took a seat in the darkness.::
Straffe Stormrider
Dec 22nd, 2002, 06:31:37 PM
The enormis figure taped on the table, almost cracking it in two. He noticed that he wanted him to fallow him. Straffe grinned and got up. He walked in the direction the man went and entered the same doorway as him. The two big guards snarled as he entered the dark room. It seemed like a V.I.P section but he wasnt certin. He sensed the man in the darkness and woundered what kind of darkness he was into
"Why have you called me into the back here?"
Valirion Thorn
Dec 23rd, 2002, 08:49:14 PM
:: The door closed and I smiled, my violet eyes reflecting in what little light was given from the lamp hanging from the ceiling.::
Did I say anything to you? Just know you were given the choice to follow me or not, is that understood?
:: This game was going to be fun.::
Straffe Stormrider
Dec 26th, 2002, 08:20:28 PM
Straffe chuckled to himself as the man thaught he could push him around
"I dont know who you think you are but dont go around thinking you can control me"
Straffe loved it when people pushed him around, they didnt know what they were getting into
Valirion Thorn
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:02:57 AM
:: I put my hands up to the kid and shrugged with an innocent look on my face.::
Contorl you? I said nothing of it, I merely asked you a question saying that it was your choice to follow me, was it not?
:: I nodded to the two gaurds and they stepped outside. This sleezy mortal could say whatever he wanted and beleive whatever he wanted, it was so easy to read off of him, a mere padawan of the GJO, he had stepped into a blood bath, unknowingly.::
So Straffe, why so much on the offensive? I mean, why not chat for a little bit.
:: I sat down in a chair and motioned for the human to do the same. I hoped even Jedi were good enough to have some common courtisies.::
Straffe Stormrider
Dec 27th, 2002, 01:33:27 PM
Straffe noticed the guards leaving the room which made him feel more comfortable. He knew that now the guards were gone that he wouldnt have to worry about being jumped from behind. When they left he sat down in a chair near the dark man, curious of his origens
"Im always on the offensive because I can sense the darkness within you. The darkness is what is deceptfull in you that is why I can not trust you."
Valirion Thorn
Dec 29th, 2002, 04:25:20 PM
:: I rolled my eyes and stared at the youthful mortal. So naive! He seemed to know everything about the force didn't he? What a smart little jedi!::
That's really sad you know? I was hoping, you being the only other force user in the club at the moment, that we could just talk, it's just not the same when I talk to normal people, they don't seem the same. Do you agree Stormrider?
:: He had cooled down a bit after the gaurds had left and that was good. But it didn't matter, I didn't need gaurds in the first place, they were just for looks.::
Straffe Stormrider
Dec 29th, 2002, 06:10:46 PM
Straffe releaxed a bit and felt more comfortable. He still kept his guard up just in case though
"I agree with you on that but you will realize that we are alot different but the same in some parts"
He wanted this thing to know that he may be small but could pack a punch just the same. Straffe was starting to feel a bit thursty
"Do you mind if I get a drink?"
Valirion Thorn
Dec 29th, 2002, 09:56:12 PM
:: A wine glass seemed to appear out of the shadows before Straffe, the dark red liquid slowly stirring as it it was set down with an invisble hand. I smiled at the small frame of the human.::
Not at all, and it is not blood, but a very potent drink called jawa juice. And we are different, but at the same time not. I used to think like you, thinking I was invincible. I'd say the difference now is that I AM invincible. A god so to speak.
:: I reached for my own wine glass and drank it down, the hot liquid steaming down my throat. I licked my lips and my violet gaze returned to the human.::
Straffe Stormrider
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:54:14 AM
Straffe picked up the glass and stirred the liquid. He chuckled a bit because how could he be a god
"How can you be a god? If you are so powerfull...why not take over the universe?"
Straffe took a small sip of the drink, it had a bizzar taste to it
Valirion Thorn
Dec 30th, 2002, 10:09:09 AM
:: I rolled my eyes.::
It would depend on your beliefs of a god. Did I say I was omnipotent and all powerful. No, I said I was a god, an immortal, an invincible that the lightside or the mortal hand could never conquer. And take over the universe, why? Why not just subdue the lightside where I feel like it an then toy with it because it doesn't have enough will to fight back AND do damage. Why not just enslave everything I feel like instead ofdestroying it all. You see, the darkness practically needs the light as a lapdog, nothing else. The Light practically needs the dark or over population and endless creation would becomes its own darkness. A cycle you see, but I stand out of it and I take my time just tipping the scale in the side of darkness.
:: I hoped this human was at least smart enough to catch a few ideas of that. But all I needed was resistance. I just needed the human to put up more defensives and then he would be right in the middle of the trap.::
Straffe Stormrider
Dec 30th, 2002, 10:20:16 AM
Like he thinks he could take over the light when ever he wanted
"I understand you need the light side to balance out everything. If you truely are immortal and invincible to the light...then show me"
Straffe craked a smile to see what this thing was capible of doing
Valirion Thorn
Dec 30th, 2002, 11:27:31 PM
:: I stood up and rolled my eyes. I didn't have to show this kid anything but killing him felt like the right thing to do now. He was boring and offered nothing but hot air.
I cracked my fingers just by putting them into a fist and then walked to the door. My hand passed before it and the door disappeared.::
That was not it. The true demonstration would be if you were wise enough to draw your weapon and try to cut me down before I even bother.
Straffe Stormrider
Jan 1st, 2003, 04:49:22 PM
Straffe watched as the man got up. He felt a bit worried as the door disappeared. This was getting a little to hot for him. He decided to stay and keep his cool so that he could learn what a vampire like himself could do. Straffe slowly stood up and eyed the vampire
"Why draw my weapon when there is no reason to"
Valirion Thorn
Jan 2nd, 2003, 07:42:07 PM
:: Straffe blinked and when his eyes opened I was holding his lightsaber.::
you should not let yourself worry at ALL my young Stormrider, your thoughts betray you and open your closet doors to the darkside.
:: A simple trick really, once you found the way in, simply pausing the human senses for a moment while they blinked and they would have thought that time had been stopped. Unfortunately I had simply walked to him and taken the saber while his senses were paused, and then returned to where I had been.::
Lightsabers are wonderful toys but more than often you find that they brake very easily.
:: I grasped the lightsaber in my hand and then didn't even look at it when my gaze turned to Straffe and a small cracking noise was heard from the handle. I tossed it back to him and smiled.::
Go ahead, try activating the saber. I split the gem inside and fractured the stabilizer. Activate it and watch your hand be blown off. You are still a padawan, nothing more. Prove yourself otherwise before you become my snack. For such a small frame I wouldn't put much into the fact of how much blood you carry in your body. I could find a woman and more blood in her breast than in your body it appears.
:: My violet eyes burned with their own fire as they looked into the shadows. I was actually starting to get hungry but I wanted to play with the jedi a bit more.::
Straffe Stormrider
Jan 3rd, 2003, 05:39:57 PM
Straffes face had no expression. In his mind he was smileing because he only broke his spare saber
"You truely are foolish. Never try anything with me"
Straffe pulled out his sword on his back. The metal was bright enough to make the slightest light in the room become brighter. It looked like a normal sword but only to the untrained eye. He flicked a little switch on the handle and it was soon ingulfed by a blue flame. It turned into his own sabar
"I told you I wasnt like any other Jedi. Let me introduce you to my Sabar/Sword"
It was a primitive weapon compared to the sabers the other Jedis use. It was once used for evil but Straffe uses it for good. This thing had to realize that Straffe didnt rely on his saber skills but his own sword skills as well.
The Force started to flow around him. His eyes burned as he was prepared to fight this thing. His aura started to glow as a gold flame faintly surrounded him
"Im not just only a Jedi...I am also a Strider"
The serious expression stayed on his face. He would not let this being get the best of him
Xazor Elessar
Jan 3rd, 2003, 06:12:11 PM
Silently in the shadows another waited and watched. Suddenly a deep, low growl passed by her lips as she stepped forward and allowed the light to bathe her figure. It was a Jedi Knight, and not just any Jedi Knight, it was Xazor Dawnstrider of the Garou race....a Warrior.....a member of The Lost Jedi. She continued growling, baring her elongated canines as she gripped the silver long and wide bladed sword in her hand. Holding it out in a defensive stance, her cyan eyes met those of Val and she stood as still as stone......breathing silently. Her every sense was aware and alert.....ready for action at any second.
Valirion Thorn
Jan 5th, 2003, 05:22:40 PM
:: I smiled as the jedi knight stepped in. How she got in the room without a door, I didn't care. But the irony that she had stepped out of the shadows was amusing nonetheless. I sighed at the stupid human. Who took the time to say "saber/Sword"? What an amature... I rolled my eyes as he drew a weapon and then watched as his pathetic force powers "engulfed" him. I laughed at that point though enough that the two jedi could hear the same laugh echoed from the shadows that were so apparent in the small room.::
Welcome Xazor, Knight of the Jedi, have you come to save the child from the shadow? Save him from his own naivete? You should just stop him where he is now. Activating his lightside presence only helps me I assure the both of you. The club is a puit of darkness and the more you feed it, the bigger it grows. I feed off the pit and your usage, Straffe, is only making the pit grow larger. So if you want to leave here alive with your mommy...
:: I gestured to Xazor::
Then I suggest you not use your powers and save me from utterly obliterating you. And Strider? What do I care about your made up titles. You are nothing more than a boy with a stick to me. Do not waste your time. I have not even drawn a weapon, my armor has not even been introduced, look, I'm not even wearing it, and yet you draw a weapon on me Xazor. How unjedilike.
:: My thin lips arced in a tight smile as I leaned against the wall. They both stood in my domain and I had more things than they could imagine already stacked against them in a battle of odds.::
come at me then, save yourselves from the night...
ooc- welcome Xazor, glad you could attend, you have a few other things to remember about Val also too :D
Straffe Stormrider
Jan 6th, 2003, 03:53:50 PM
Taking the mans insentive, Straffe unignighted his Saber/Sword and hilted it on his back. He put his hand on his Strider blade instead. He didnt draw it just yet for he wanted to know if he was actually telling the truth. Straffe turned to Xazor and spoke in a low tone
"Is he telling the truth Xazor? Or do I have to actually waste my Strider skills on him?"
Valirion Thorn
Jan 6th, 2003, 05:05:25 PM
:: I rolled my eyes. This one will die tonight... My hand barel lifted and the youn padawan was slammed against the wall and spread out acrss it, white hands seeming to form from the shadows and hold his arms and legs apart. One hand reached out and grasped his face and turned his head to the side.::
You waste nothing tonight but my time boy.
:: I was still staring at Xazor though. I didn't even need to look at the young man for much longer to know that he white hand wrapped about his face could break his neck if I wanted. Xazor had better move fast if she wanted to save him. But I looke to the ceiling and motioned for Xazor to do the same. I pointed to the ceiling with my middle finger, letting her have both gestures of me taunting her and then pointing upwards.::
Those hands come from the souls fo the lost, I have had many a mortal fall by the darknes in here. You both would be wise to be wary here, you are not welcome...
:: The darkness wrapped about the room seemed to dissipate on the ceiling and it came visible that the ceiling was adorned wih uncountable boies of torn and dead people but yet they still moved. Their eyes rolled and their mouths opened, blood seeped from wounds and their rotten tongues lolled about, maggots crawled from their nostrils and their ears hung by small flaps of skin.
Vomit and blood began to fall on the floor as the shield the darkness created was pulled away. The darkness behind Straffe withdrew and the zombie like bodies holing him to the wall were seen. Blood and vomit spewed all over the padawan and I smiled.::
Aww... they like you Straffe, welcome to my little back room of horrors? Xazor, would you think you could ever escape here now? They don't want you to leave you know, they think they coul become quit attached!
Xazor Elessar
Jan 6th, 2003, 05:24:20 PM
Xazor's eyes shot upward to the disgusting sight...but it was not as impressive as other grotesque things she had seen in her entire life. She wore a stone cold expression as she moved forward, keeping her sword low but close in case she needed to defend. The Jedi Knight was going into this with a clear head and a new vision.....she had been released from the hate and darkness in her heart and now walked a true path, though she was still not frightened to kill. She was untouched by the Darkness though she walked the path of the Warriors and belonged to The Lost Jedi. Her eyes went to Straffe and she sighed.
"Yes indeed, young Padawan....he speaks the truth. You must learn your place Straffe...what were you thinking? Watch your tongue and mind your actions or they will deceive you."
Her attention was drawn then to the Vampire and she quickly made a decision in her heart.
"Take me instead of the boy....he has much before him and if he is such a waste of your time, perhaps you shall like to take me in his place. Please, I beg this one thing of you....if you have any sense of honor then take me instead."
The words fell from her lips like water running over smooth rocks. The edges were pointed slightly, but the meaning and the essence surrounding the words were heartfelt and truthful. She glanced over at the student before her eyes were drawn back to Valirion's.
She persisted, her concern truly for the young Jedi. Her hand loosened slightly upon her sword as she held it at her side. She was not afraid for fear was the path of the Darkside....she was not angry nor aggressive. Instead, she was concerned and was on her guard at all times.....
Straffe Stormrider
Jan 7th, 2003, 07:21:33 PM
The stench was unbearable. The vomat seeped into his clothing where it left a rechid stench. The fumes were so bad that it left a gaging sensation in the back of his throat. Straffe could feel the arms of the zombies holding him to the wall. He struggled his hardest to free himself but it was no use. His attention was drawn to Xazor when she spoke those words. He thaught to himself why sacrifice hersellf for his puny life, she sould get out while she still could
"Xazor...Get out while you can...Save yourself...Arggg"
One of the zombies started to chew at his leg where the flesh slowly started to be riped off
Valirion Thorn
Jan 8th, 2003, 04:39:43 PM
:: I snapped and the zombies dropped the pathetic wretch to the ground. I was a blood red blur before the two. Xazorcould've kept track of my movements but this padawan had seemed to never have faced my kind before. I flew at him and in one quick motion, my marble white hand held the human in the air. My finger tips were dug deep into his rib cage and I held him by strength alone.
My hand was not turned upwards, it was as if I was palming the rib cage of the human. My fingers had dug between the ribs and I could feel the blood slowly seeping past my fingernails. My face twisted into slight concentration and the human sreamed as searing pain was blasted into his body. I had not maimed him but made sure he would never forget this lesson. The wounds wuld never heal, never. The force wouldn't even come near the wound now, I had festered it with the darkside, it would not do much to the boy but make sure it never really healed. I stared at him for a moment and then tossed him across it. He landed, sprawled across the floor, trickles of blood coming through his shirt.::
Never forget the darkness child, it comes when you sleep and when you are weak. If you stand against it and prevail, its wounds will only anger it and it will return for you tenfold. Do not return to the shadows unless you believe yourself better than now or I will appear and tear the rest of your soul out!
:: I flexed my hand and my violet stare turned to Xazor. She pleaded mercy under the call of honor? And she lowered her weapon? I would almost call it an insult to me! My noble blood was not even my own anymore and she asked for what little honor was left in me?! My eyes seemed to rotate, the irises seemed to rotate and the pupils withdrew asideas flased throug my head.
Like lightning, my mouth quirked and then returned to the snarl. I moved like a blur to the wall and the shadows covered the room again, the sound of the zombies muted and the room becoming quiet except for the breathing of the young padawan. The door that had disappeared returned and the gaurds silently came in and picked up the padawan.::
Drop him in the streets and call a taxi to take him to a hospital. Let them try to diagnose his wounds and see that they are rotten to the core and will never heal. He will carry the weight of his wound until the doom of mortality catches up with him!
:: The door closed ad the shadow enveloped it, making it disappear once again.::
The night is still young and yet you yield to me Jedi? You know what I would do with you? I can hear your strong heart beat and I hear the smaller one too... but not yours. I am surprised you step before me with your little bundle of joy so close to the darkside.
You shall not leave here unharmed and neither shall your child. Cringe away from me Xazor for when I come near, so shall death. To either one, you or your child unborn. Like a coin toss I shall decide, which one to kill, and if I kill you, your child won't die, I'll rip it from your body and make sure it lives. I will raise the wretch and make it my hound, my servant who will bow before me and slowly rot in mortality. I would be sure to share his past and his pitiful mother to his mind. He would learn and cry, and then he would die. Slowly...
:: I slowly circled Xazor now, my hands slowly swaying at my sides with each stride. I slowly put images into her well gaurded mind, not in it but n the surface, she could always ignore them but if she stared anywhere but in my eyes, she woud seeit in the shadows. The pictures of her child being raised in the shadow and led by a leash by one of the many mistresses of the Shrine. Pictures of torture and death and many more things that only theshadow coud tell her...::
You warranted my honor jedi, I will make you pay... Now speak or I shall make you.
Xazor Elessar
Jan 8th, 2003, 07:19:30 PM
Xazor grinned to herself. It had all been an act. Suddenly she raised her sword and sliced it across his chest, drawing a great deal of blood. She spun around and smashed her foot into his solarplexis, sending him falling backwards. Just as he did so, she constructed a Force Wall beneath him and the Vampire fell onto it. A loud series of cracks and pops were heard as he plummeted to the floor when she let the Force wall drop. A smile crossed the woman's lips as she ran over and jumped atop the man and let out a series of furious slashes. With her sword in hand, the woman left the mutilated Vampire and bolted for the side of the room where she felt with the Force, allowing her mind's eye to see it for her. Placing a hand on the nob, she twisted it and it opened, light flooding in. Before she left though, from her belt she took a thermal detonator and activated it, then threw it right at Valirion. It landed right beside him and soon after she left, it exploded, taking out a large chunk of the floor and the walls around him fell atop the Vampire in a large heap. The Garou Jedi escaped to safety where she smiled upon the safety of herself and the Padawan Straffe Stormrider. She remembered all that had happened and she smiled. The day indeed had been good.
Straffe Stormrider
Jan 8th, 2003, 09:06:42 PM
Straffe woke in a cab, blood seeping through his cloths. He felt dizzy but took what little strength he had left and reached out to Xazor
"Thank you Master Dawnstrider...I will repay you some day"
He fainted within the cab, not knowing where he was headed
Xazor Elessar
Jan 8th, 2003, 09:10:23 PM
Xazor smiled as she received Straffe's message.
"You're welcome young one.....peace be to you for I seek nothing else."
She spoke softly in his mind before turning and heading back to the Greater Jedi Order, knowing Straffe would safely arrive there for she had put that in the mind of the cab driver.
Valirion Thorn
Jan 9th, 2003, 05:31:28 PM
:: The cab suddenly stopped and screams were heard from along the street. A shudder was felt in the air as people went flying over the cab and landed on the hood. The door opened and a metallic face of a demon appeared there. The face contorted into a snarl and the metal plates on the armor shifted like water and spikes formed across the span of them.
This jedi was moronic, she didn't know who she dealt with. I had already warned her what it meant to use the force there in that pit of darkness. Her saber had done naught to my armor that usually rested underneath my skin, to be called upon whenever. She had mutilated my marble white layer but had barely scratched the living metal underneath. We had long ago adapted to the blazing power of lightsabers, no to mention steel and such obsolete weapons.
As for the explosive she had used, containing the orb of mass destruction had been a simple feat. I had faught much stronger forces of destruction than that and the boost in the darkside made it even more so. The memory of Malice, the demon lord, came to my mind but I pushed it away.
I hadn't even drawn my sword yet, but would be sure to finish her now. I grabbed the jedi and squeezed, the living gauntlet bearing spikes into her skin. It would take very long for my skin to heal but she would never heal. I would be sure of it. I tore her out of the car, ignoring the fainted padawan, who still bled from my "gift." I brought the fleshy face of the woman up to my eight foot height and the demon face gnashed its large teeth.::
Whatever hope the light has given you, you will not live to see it again!
:: My blood red armor twisted from my shouder blades, snake-like limbs twisting off my body an make small stab at the body of the jedi.
I squeezed my hand on her face until I slammed her into the ground and my hand went to my neck. A handle seemed to sprout from the opposing bones from my spine. I grasped it and drew the hilt of my sword, the blade slowly unwinding from underneah my armor and spine until the blade that was almost as tall as I was took a breath and acidic saliva dripped from the faged hilt. An enormous eye with a protective lid blinked as it swiveled bout an took in the view of the victim. A high pitched squeal was heard from the sword and my shoulders shook with laughter. I loved my armor and my sword, my brothers, my partners, my family.::
Xazor, you have nothing to live for without life, I assure you, neither do I.
:: My armor wrapped small tendrils about her limbs, holding her still, and I use the force to hold back her own force powers, wrapping he in a shroud of the darkside as I held my sword to her soft neck.::
Fake innocence again Xazor! Fake it! Fake it! You're going to die anyways! Just do it!
:: The tongue of my armor slipped from the face on my helmet and licked the twin edge of my sword, the twisted sword curved and screamed again as it tasted blood, my armor's tongue slipped back into the open mouth, blood on the top of the mouth.::
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