View Full Version : Trails of the RSN

Cmdr. Castles
Dec 15th, 2002, 05:03:31 AM
This story takes place during the times after Return of the Jedi. A fair while after.

Luke Skywalker has had a good life and died in piece on his home planet of Tatooine. At this present time, Jan and Jason (Han Solo's children for those who don't know) are Jedi Masters. They lead an eliete force. This force is known only throughout the universe as the RSN (Rebel Spy Network).

I Cmdr. Castles, am one of that team. I may not have mass knowledge of the force (barely any) but i know enough to be able to wield a lightsaber [OOC:- Hope that's allowed].

My area of expertise is Engineering. I can open most locks, re-write some of the codes once used by the empire with ease. I handle a blaster rifle fairly well.

But on this I don't count. I have spent most of my life learning as many languages as i can, and am fairly sure I can talk almost any you ask me to.

My mission at this moment is to find others to join. The RSN will need to be good, as there are many "unsolved" mysteries out there.

Cmdr. Castles,
Over and Out.

[OOC:- Hope that was alright. Can i get a few people to help me, or correct me in roleplaying? I will be waiting. Thnx for reading my first post here.]

Taylor Millard
Dec 15th, 2002, 05:24:14 AM
OOC- I have Private Messaged you about your idea...Plus I am moving this thread to the Out of Character Forum as it fits there a bit better than here in RP Forums :)