View Full Version : A week of Reflection

Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 15th, 2002, 12:02:45 AM
After the post I had made last Sunday, I decided not to post for a week, and let myself cool down. Yes, I was angered, yes, I was also sad. I am Bi-Polar, but it is not a bad case, and it goes through the cycles fast. In fact, it is so small that I don't even warrant Medication. The Doctor did say some lows might be as bad as someone with the normal syndromes, but it would only happen once in a long while. I guess last week was that once in a long while thing. I was feeling crappy all week. Taking my anger out in BF1949, and druding through school with a "Crap on this" Attitude. Luckly, some friends pulled me mostly out of my self-pity, anger, etc. about midweek. We hung out, ate food, watched Transformers: Second Season, and just relaxed. I had thought about posting, but I'm not really good at excepting help and well wishes from people, so I kinda got put off.
No offense, it is just my way not to except people's help. I don't count on it, so when I do get it, I am baffled.
After many more days of Battlefield 1942, where I mastered the Sniper Rifle skill. I begain to feel alot better. So I have returned to say Booyaka, and thanks for all the encouragement.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 15th, 2002, 12:18:13 AM
You're lucky it's only a touch of it, although it still sucks that you do. It could be worse and thats why it's the bright side! Anyways, have a good little break from posting. If you ever need to talk I'm almost always free on AIM or MSN. Even if you need to vent, I'll listen. Here's a huggle for the road. *huggle* :)

Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 15th, 2002, 01:20:13 AM
I'm already done with my break :)

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 15th, 2002, 01:40:05 AM
Glad to see ya back, Dyzm! :D