View Full Version : Your new Grandpa(Kwiet,Fiend)

Dec 14th, 2002, 11:21:25 PM
I walked down the hallway smiling with my son, Kwiet, on my shoulders. I was bouncing him on my shoulders, and listening as he laughed. Heck, I was laughing myself. I had brought him here to meet his new grandpa. I hoped Fiend would be alright with me having a son now. If he didn't then he would probably kill him. After all, he had my life in his hands...literally. I smiled carrying Kwiet on my shoulders. "Hold on tight Kwiet." I said. I waited until he got ahold of my shoulders, and then I grabbed his arms and flipped in the air. About twice, and then landed on my feet and kept walking. "Well what did you think of that?" I asked him laughing the whole time. Finally, after I finished laughing. I looked forward actually kind of worried. I was afraid Fiend might kill him. The three things I had ever wanted in life were power, which Fiend had given me, a class, which Fiend had given me, and a son, which I got for myself. Made me think if Fiend wanted me to have one he would have issued me one. I got a worried look on my face, and tried not to let Kwiet know it. "Ready to meet your Grandpa?" I said with a scared kind of tone. I hoped this would not be the last time I saw my son.

Kwiet Ideya
Dec 15th, 2002, 12:28:44 AM
"Grampy Friend!"

The child smiled and laughed, he had a new Grampa! The boy's age and learning prevents him from correctly pronouncing Fiend's name, and his father has not bothered to correct him over it. An innocent, 5 year old assassin could prove useful, after all.

Dec 15th, 2002, 07:05:56 AM
:: I heard them coming, I felt them coming... and I could've almost thrown up... in fact I did hit myself hard enough that a few chunks of some bloody leftovers of what breakfast had been were now in the plumbing system somewhere.
What Ansatsu was doing with a child, and why he had brought it here was beyond me but I only hoped it was worth it and I didn't even have to kill both of them... But maybe this was like another Lillian Snow issue?
I put a hand to my face and with a little stress and small face contortions, my face was now in the very welcoming smile of Dios Kane.The two entered into my office and I stood up as I heard the word... "Grampy FRIEND" ?!?! What the... ?!?! Little Kid... ?!?! Cuteness... must kill... ?!?! But I regained my composure and as the kid was dropped from Ansatsu's shoulders, he ran around my desk and hugged my leg. The kid was no older than 6 or something but I had no real sentiment for himand I was wondering why exactly children had this obsession with hugging people. While the kids face was buried in my leg, I looked up at Ansatsu and my eyes almost exploded in a red light only he could see. My face contorted from the warm smile to a look of frustrated murder... but then changed back again. I knelt down and looked into the kid's eyes.::

And what might your name be... grandson? I'm old and I forget things a lot. But I won't forget your name ever again, I promise, cuz you're my grandson and I love you!

:: The crap coming from my mouth was forced to the point of sick exageration. the kid wouldn't catch it but Ansatsu would and he would learn how much danger this kid was in from the moment he was shown to me.::

Dec 15th, 2002, 05:06:49 PM
I smiled seeing Kwiet was enjoying meeting Fiend. Then I saw Fiend look up at me. Ah crap! I was going to die. I knew I shouldn't jhave brought him here. You could tell Fiend was lying when he said I love you, but I guess, by the look on Kwiets face, he couldn't. I walked forward and looked down at Kwiet, "Hey Kwiet will you go play in that room over there, please. I need to talk to Grampy Fiend about...stuff." I waited until Kwiet went over into the room. It was basically another office. Nothing dead or rotting there. I didn't want to traumatize him. I looked up at Fiend, "Now before you even say something, I am already training him to be like me. Think about it, two assasins on your side. It could come to your advantage in battle. It all comes to help you out Fiend. After all, what could it hurt to let me have a son? I mean, after all you know my true loyalty lies with you." I bowed, waiting for Fiends judgement. It was up to him on the fact that my son lived or died.

Kwiet Ideya
Dec 15th, 2002, 05:46:22 PM
Kwiet released his "grandpa" and went to the next room. He was fully dressed in the Fuma uniform, with a small exception. He wore his throwing stars and darts in a belt around his waist. They weren't sharp, merely practice tools. He picked a spot on the wall and started throwing idly while the grown ups talked.

Dec 18th, 2002, 03:47:37 PM
:: I stood back and laughed at Ansatsu.::

Did I create a Hell ninja or a mommy?!

:: I laughed more and reached into my desk and withdrew an injection gun. The needle was long and exceptionally sharp, probably very painful to a child such as Kwiet. I stepped over to Ansatsu and stabbed the needle into his chest, straight into the heart. I pulled the trigger and the blood came straightfrom antsu's heart. I withdrew the gun and laughed at the slight amount of shock on the ninja's face.::

Ansatsu, you become weak to me and I will kill you if yu become useless to me. The same with your "son." You would not want to becoe a burden to me and the same to him. But I will insure this. Go now, to your "son" and inject your blood into him. Your blood is saturated wth Fiend cells so it might as well be fate that your Fiend cells will soon be his. Do so and then don't bring Kwiet into my sight until he is better than you are. Make him cold, I do not need an innocent under my services. The Fiend cells will take their toll but only uder your tutelage will his Fuma training fuse with the darkside.
But remember who is your master, I am, the darkside is. Do not put this thing before me or I will kill it and make you pay with your soul. I could always make you mindless canno fodder for the jedi. I'm sure they would enjoy cutting up a useless traitor for me.

::I sat down in the chair and stared at Ansatsu before looking to the door hat would open to Kwiet.::


Dec 18th, 2002, 04:06:09 PM
I bowed and said, "Yes sir. I am sorry for becoming weak. I will go kill in your name sir. As for my son, I will make him as strong as me. Thank you for allowing me to keep him. As for the Fuma school, I have two new students. New assasins. They have already been injected. Thank you for your kindness sir." I stood and walked over to the room Kwiet was in. I put on a smiling face and went up to Kwiet. "Okay, Kwiet I need to give you this shot." I held up the injection gun and rolled up his sleeve. "It will keep you from getting sick, and it will make you as strong as me." I hated to give him the shot. I took the gun, "This gonna hurt. I am really sorry." I put it into his arm and felt him jerk. I had no choice. I had to be loyal to my master. He started crying and I pushed the trigger. The blood went straight into his veins, and I knew it burned. I pulled the empty gun out, and but a bacta bandage on his arm. He was still crying. I really couldn't blame him. That must have hurt like hell. I rolled his sleeve down, and walked back into Fiend's office Kwiet close behind. I threw him the gun, "Here you go sir. Once again I am sorry. Thank you for your kindness." I placed Kwiet on my shoulders, "I am very sorry Kwiet. I had too, and you want to be as strong as me, don't you?" I looked up at him, "Tell your grandpa bye." I waited for him to say bye and once again bowed to Fiend. I had to go wipe out a few villages to clear up the whole idea of Fiend thinking me weak. Well now that I thought about it, all the villages were destroyed. Oh well, then it was time for a city.

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:02:38 AM
He doesn't scream at all. Kwiet just shuts his eyes and looks away, sniffling a little. The bandage seems to make it better, he stops sniffling when it's put on, but the tears still flow. He feels funny, like he's real hot, but only inside.

"Feels funny."

His father didn't hear it seemed, so he walked in to where Fiend was sitting and gave the man another hug.

"Bye, Grampy Friend."

His father was already halfway out the door by the time the boy was caught up.

"Where are we goin'?"

His eyes are stinging now and his muscles ache. But he won't complain. Daddy wouldn't complain! Grampy Friend might, but he's old, so he gets away with it.

Jan 5th, 2003, 04:57:46 PM
:: I smiled lightly as I watched the two leave and then began to quiver slightly. I closed my eyes and when they opened, blacka nd red lightning flew from them and the whole room seemed to explode. I hissed as the skin on my face began to boil and sizzle. I walked into the other room and retrieved bacta packs... That kid better be worth my time...::