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View Full Version : Petals in the Wind , a Fallen Flower (Turning)

Dec 14th, 2002, 09:56:40 PM
Samantha sat on the floor in her room, humming softly to herself. She had been here for a little while, a few days, with no sign of her parents return. Not that she cared, she loved being here. Mister Dalamar was very nice, and so were all the other vampires.
She got up, still humming softly, walking out of her room and down the long hallway. She liked exploring, even though she wasn't supposed to touch anything...

She wandered for what to her was a long while, stopping a large heavy looking door. She pushed on it, and it opened a little. She slipped into the darkened room -- it was filled with strange things. Statues, swords, things she hadn't seen in the other rooms. And a mirror.

She walked up to it, it was shiny, light. She smiled as she reached out, touching the glass. Her face changed as her fingers slipped through the mirror, a look of shock crossed her face. Only to be replaced by a look of fear as she was pulled inside. She screamed loudly and was gone.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 14th, 2002, 10:41:26 PM
Dalamar let the body fall soundlessly to the floor unconcious. He couldn't go through with it not with a child in the house. Seeing as how he couldn't feed he went to check on Samantha. Her younth and innocence was refreshing to Dalamar who was constantly surrounded by death and destruction. The Plots within and without for power where what his life had become.

The Child had made him forget all that for a while with her simple needs for comforting and food. If her family was found she would be returned. As long as Ashiva doesn't learn of her prescense there should be no trouble.

Dalamar walked down the hall looking at the rare art that hung there some from centuries passed. Rare Porcelain from the Miarra, Tiny crystal figurine's from Talmone, A black Onyx ball the color of marble on a wooden stand carved in oak. The vampyre's surrounded themselve's wtih beauty but it seemed to have no heart to it dead and lifeless like himself. Arriving at his door the Vampyre turned the large brass handle that lead to his master bedroom. Immediately the Lord of the Dark knew something was wrong. Samantha was gone. Grabbing his sword he ran down the hall. "Samanthaaaaaa" he growled deep in his throat if something had happened to the female child there would be hell to pay! "Samantha!!"

Dec 14th, 2002, 11:06:57 PM
She keot screaming, banging hard on the glass, trying to get back.
"Help! Help!" She cried, tears starting to run down her cheeks. She didn't like it in here, it was strange. Darker, no light at all, it smelled like burning, and there were strange shadows that kept clawing at her.
She heard Dalamars voice yelling to her. She banged on the mirror harder.
"Help! Mister Dalamar! Help me! Please!"

The shadows grabbed her, starting to pull her in deeper, away from the mirror. She screamed louder, struggling to get away.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:20:41 PM
Dalamar heard 'something' he went to the artifact's room where it seemed that something was out of place." Samantha?" Dalamar called to the little girl. "Are you in here?" Looking around he didn't see her. Then he heard it again softly,someone was calling his name. A small light seemed to refract off the mirror of the Damned an old relic kept here by the Queen Mother. The old crystals and rubies lined the walls ancient things, forgotten things even to a vampyre. Knick knacks gathered over the Millenia. The Warlord was about to leave the room when he saw something that froze his undead heart. There at the base of the mirror was a flower petal like the one that adorned Samatha's hair. His heart wrenched inside of him Sam was in a portal to hell!

Dec 14th, 2002, 11:31:46 PM
Sam could barely move, hardly breath now. The shadows were enveloping her fast, her little hand reached out towards him.

"Dal-amar!!! He-lp! Help!!!" She struggled hard against the shadows that held her tight. "Help me Dalamar!!!"

She was starting to feel sleepy, starting to weaken. "D...ala...mar..."

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 15th, 2002, 10:41:01 PM
Dalamar ran quickly to his room grabbing all the weapons he could. "Memnoch.! Dalamar yelled for his servant. "Where is he and why didn't he protect Sam." Finding no answers to his questions he ran back to the mirror sliding across the smooth floor as he ran at vampyre speed. Not even stopping he dove into the mirror. With a tuck and a roll he entered the shadow realm swords drawn. Sam....! Where are you SAMMMMM.....! Only Silence answered. A fiery path lit up in front of the Dark Lord with bottomless drops on both side's. His eye's flashed a blood neon red as he followed the trail.

Dec 15th, 2002, 10:53:44 PM
Samantha couldn't answer, she was unconcious, surrounded by living shadows. They carried her further and further into the mirror "world"...

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 15th, 2002, 11:38:20 PM
Memnoch came out from behind the mirror rubbing his long spectral fingers together. Dalamar had been in to much of a hurry to even question why the protective warding was off the Rune mirror. "At last I will be free of you my Master." The spectre touched the soft glass and it billowed life water rippling out from the ghostly touch. "Farewell Dalamar." Words where spoken in the high toungue as Memnoch began to chant replacing the Warding back upon the mirror.

..........Meanwhile Dalamar had reached the end of the fiery path. Two stone gargoyle's stood at the end of the trail. Behind them two doors made out what appeared to be human bone's dipped in gold. The blood red doorknobs glowed like crystal. The doors the path and the gargoyles floated in the darkness. Dalamar could not see beyond what was in front of him even with his vampyre eye's. Cautiously he pushed the door open. To his horror he saw Sam being carried by two rather large shadow demon's. The Dark Lord cried out "Sam." her eye's flickered open at the call of her name. Seeing the fear that rested there he ran to her rescue. To his horror the black wall's came alive as demon's of every size and shape attacked him. He could not see her any longer but her small terrified voice propelled him on..........

Dec 16th, 2002, 09:18:48 PM

Her little voice was faint, she was trapped in the Shadows, and could barely see or hear anything.
"Dalamar!" She tried to scream to him, but her voice was quickly silenced by the demons that surrounded her.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 18th, 2002, 11:37:41 PM
Words of Sith Magic where on Dalamar's lips as he hacked and slashed at the shadow demon's before him. Everytime one went down 3 more would take its place. Time had a different meaning here than outside so the Dark Lord did not know how long he had fought. A week it had seemed or an hour he was not sure. Finnally a voice that dripped acid spoke "Enough". A large figure dressed in red sat on a throne made of more of those golden bone's.
He sat to the left as if to hide something. His left hand rested on a ornate sword that was propped up in front of him. "What do you seek? If you have come for the child I have bartered for her fairly and have met the Assryian's price." The warlord sheathed his silver worked swords as the shadow demons backed away at the word from there master. "She is under my protection and no one may make a stronger claim than that."

Belos smiled "You Vampyre's think you rule everything? Not so here my friend do not tempt me or I will take your spirit also." Dalamar spoke calmly trying to control his temper. "She is under the protection of the Shrine. So don't dare to threaten me! Your a Paltry shadow demon in some pocket realm of hell. Do you think we do not have the mean's to deal with one such as you."
The Vampyre leaped to the Dias as shadow demon's surrounded there master in Defense. Dalamar grabbed Sam's hand and placed it on the medallion that was given to her by Pandora. "Pandora Master of the Shrine I call you we need your help." The Shadow demons pulled the Vampyre back but before they did the Warlord kicked Belos in the face.

Back he went where the crash of steel would endure for an eternity unless help arrived. Dalamar on hoped that Pandora had received his message. Belos wiped the black blood from his mouth as he cursed Dalamar. "You will pay for your insult vampyre no one touches Belos." The blackness surrounded Dalamar until only the flashes of silver could be seen in the inky blackness the Dark Lord fought valiantly for Samantha's life.

Dec 19th, 2002, 10:01:31 AM
Sam grabbed the medalliion and squeezed it tightly in her hand. She closed her eyes tight, not wanting to see the violence that was occuring all around her.
"Stop stop! Leave him alone!" She screamed, the shadows, still enveloping her once again.

Pandora Damaris
Dec 21st, 2002, 12:52:20 PM
No sooner had Samantha clutched at the enchanted medallion, a large rift opened at the mouth of the mirror. The central stone that Pandora had given the little girl ebbed with a warm illuminating light that spilled between both Samantha's and Dalamar hand's. The strange shadow world that Dalamar and the small girl had entered began to shift and contort. A single glossy black blade that the Ancient wielded protruded first, followed by Pandora herself. The emergence of the handmaiden sent visual waves of disturbance throughout the massive chamber like when a stone is cast upon a peaceful pond. Pandora's ebony bastard sword cast an erie glow about the room as it came into full view of those who were present. Midnight blue flames caressed the whole length of it's serrated body as smooth wisp's of black smoke emitted from it.

Pandora's narrowed eye's fell on Belos, it had not been the first time she had encountered the foul arch fiend. Without hesitation, Belos commanded his shadow servant's to attack with a simple wave of his gnarled hand. Pandora's reaction was almost instantaneous as the inky form's began to fall on her. Pandora shot Dalamar and Samantha a stern glance as her firm word's echoed throughout their mind's. "Drop to the floor...Now!"

There was a tremendous ear piercing noise as the Ancient's emerald eye's blazed an unholy color, the black fiend's were ripped asunder as a force wave tore and easily penetrated through their translucent bodies. Belos reacted before the wave hit him, erecting a force barrier at the last possible moment. Shard's of spark's cascaded around the shadow demon as Pandora moved towards him with her sword out stretched in front of her.

"Know this Pandora, you and your pathetic family will not escape this time so easily." Snapped the Arch-Demon, his mouth dripping with an acidic saliva that scorched the floor as soon as it hit.

Once again, Dalamar and Samantha heard the undeniable word's of the Ancient. Her fierce glowing eye's were now locked with that of Belos as the two confronted one another.

"Run you two...Run for the path in which you've come!" Pandora word's carried an urgency that demanded their attention.

Belos slung his right hand to the side as he stood to his full posture of twelve feet. A fiery whip coiled and snaked to the ground at his side. Reeling his black scaly hand behind him, Belos lashed pout at Pandora with the all the fury of hell he could mustered. There was a snapping hiss as his fiery whip lassoed around the thin waist of Pandora. She screamed in agony as the unforgiving flame's scorched her unprotected mid section. Countless shadow fiend's quickly took the place of the other's that Pandora had dispatched. Their red eye's looked on in anticipation as Belos their master yanked Pandora to the sooty floor.

"Now I will destroy you...Sister of Blood!" Belos word's dripped with death as he outstretched his left talon hand in the Ancient's direction. But before Belos could let off his desired spell, Pandora buried her ebony blade into the floor some ten feet from Belos. A jagged crack split the floor to the throne area were the Arch Demon stood, toppling him from a moment and giving Pandora the time she needed to gather her wit's about her.

The fateful word's still rang in their mind's as they headed for the closing portal not far from them.


Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 22nd, 2002, 09:02:52 PM
Dalamar scooped up Samantha and started for the portal. The darkened throneroom shook with power as Pandora struck the floor with her sword cracks appeared in every direction. Struck from behind Dalamar was knocked to the ground. Samantha was taken as the Warlord was surrounded. Her screams filled his head as he faded from conciousness from the multipule blows of the Shadow demons.

Dec 27th, 2002, 09:53:50 AM
Sam screamed as the shadows attacked Dalamar, dragging her away towards Belos. The demon grabbed her, holding her in front of him, speaking in a language she had never ever heard. Her head started to pound, and she felt dizzy. She started to struggle weakly, crying.

<font size=1>ooc.dalamar, hope that works for you, if not, pm me and i will edit.</font>

Pandora Damaris
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:58:16 AM
The Ancient shot a cold and hateful stare over to were Samantha and Dalamar had tried in vain to make their escape, but was quickly thwarted by multiple flanking demon's. Shriek's of glee admitted from some of the shadow minion as they taunted the little girl, one snatching her from the protecting grasp of Dalamar as he fought in desperation. However, their relentless attack's was precisely intentional, distracting the warrior vampyre for the very purpose of abducting the small child.

Pandora's demeanor was almost stoic as Belos attention fell on her once more...His eye's blazed an amber hue that burned within them, seething with a hate and contempt as he bore his razor sharp teeth at her in defiance. With an arrogant slow stride, the arch demon descended the broken stair's below him, his cold unfeeling marble like eye's met with the Ancient's as she turned to face him.

Dislodging her ebony sword, "Blood Bane" from the stone floor with a sudden jerk, Pandora welled the hate she was feeling. She focused it completely on the Dark Side of the force, pooling it's harbored power's to her as she concentrated on a lethal spell that would end Belos once and for all. Tendril's of black and violet lighting began to course around her delicate armored hand's as she held the serrated bastard sword towards the approaching demon. A simple whispered word from Pandora's lip's triggered the intended spell of power, immediately unleashing numerous blackish bolt's of thin lighting. At that moment, the room was filled with the high volume of crackling searing noise's that admitted from Pandora's blade. Each lashing bolt hit it's mark true, engulfing Belos in an arc of brilliancy as soon as they made contact with his evil flesh. The demon howled in pain for a moment, then the spell ceased from Pandora's blade. Belos paused for a brief moment as if he was unaffected by the spell at all. A wicked smile etched it's way across Belos face as he looked on the Ancient in disgust.

"Your feeble power's Pandora have no validity here, I can assure you of that!" Belos replied mockingly as he drew closer.

As the mammoth demon took his last step to the floor level with Pandora, he paused once more. A look of horror replaced the crooked evil smile that was there just second's before. Belos eye's widened as his stare trailed down to his gnarled left hand. His once darkened green hide from the tip's of his talon hand's began to turn a white ashen color. Quickly the discoloration took it's hold, traveling up the length's of his arm's, his flesh rotting and falling to the floor at his feet as the spell ran it's course.

"Wha,...What sorcery is this!" Belos shrieked, his booming voice drawing the attention of the lower demon's to him.

"It's the kind that kill's!" Pandora uttered as she stepped in on the demon, her movement's almost to fast for the naked eye to keep up with.

Cleanly the ebony blade past through Belos, cutting him in two as his monstrous form evaporated into ash with Pandora's side way's slash. The shadow demon's screamed upon seeing their overlord defeated in such a manner, cringing and cowering to the dark recess's that bore them haven.

"Run while you have the chance Dalamar, I'll take care of the girl from here!" Pandora had not finished the last of her word's when her blade past through the captor's neck that held the little girl. The shadow demon's body almost instantly dissipated, releasing Samantha from his once iron grip. The Ancient swept the child up in one arm, walking backwards with her sword out stretched in front of her as they made their way to the portal.

"There will be more!...Get out!" *

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 29th, 2002, 09:02:00 AM
Dalamar pierced the inky veil of the mirror. Falling down he sensed there had been some incantation in place around the mirror. Something that had caused his earlier exit to become impossibility. He would have to look into it at a later date as more pressing matters where upon him. Standing in place Dalamar was a little weak the non stop fighting had taken his toll on him. Time in the mirror was different from time in the real world. What could be seconds out here could be years on the inside or vice versa.

Extending his twin silver worked Katana's out Dalamar used the force. It flowed along the length of the blade's to hold the portal open until Pandora and Samantha could exit safely. Beads of sweat and concentration formed on Dalamar's face, all concern for himself left him. Something quite unnatural, for a Vampyre Lord of the Shrine. "Come on Sam you have to make it, I'll never forgive myself if something should happen to you." Blood red tears of regret already formed in Dalamar's eyes. "This is no place for a child I thought I could protect you but there is too much blood in these grand halls even for my power."

Time passed and Dalamar's arms grew weak. How long had he been holding the portal open he did not know? It seemed like weeks. "Hurry Pandora." he spoke weakly. Fatigue was showing heavily on his face. The Marble resolve of the Warlord was beginning to fade but still he held. The Dark Lord dropped to his knee's his arms shook. Sweat poured down his face in great drops of blood now. A great pain started to seize him in his chest but he held his arms aloft focusing only on the portals shimmering surface.

Finally Pandora broke through with Samantha in her arms. Her great blade flashed with combat fight those behind her as she left the shimmering world. A large demonic hand appeared through the shimmer. Gnarled and sharp it stabbed out trying to capture them. Dalamar withdrew the blade's ending the spell that kept the portal open. Like a razor sharp guillotine the shadow of the mirror came down upon the demons neatly severed arm. The Warlord watched as it thrashed on the parlor floor refusing to die.

With obvious relief he walked on wobbly legs to Samantha and Pandora. But something was wrong. Samantha looked pale and withdrawn she had an ashen quality about her like one courting death. "No, no, no." Dalamar cursed himself for a fool. Belo's must have cut her infecting her with a demonic virus. Pandora scooped her up an Incantation already on her lips. It was something Dalamar had never heard before and quite honestly beyond his experience. But Pandora was trusted so the Warlord followed intently maybe she could be saved from the demonic influence. Belo's curse was worse than Vampyrism those that where doomed to serve him where never themselves again. Lost in there minds they where mere puppets of the foul demon. All had been children at one time. For the seduction of the innocent is all Belo's craved.

Dec 29th, 2002, 09:43:50 AM
Sam looked up weakly at Pandora; her head was spinning and she felt...like she was dying. Tears rolled softly down her cheeks, and a little whimper came from her lips.
"I'm sorry..."

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 2nd, 2003, 08:22:24 PM
Dalamar covered her quickly with a blanket. Her body was like ice to the touch. Pandora shook her head she knew that the little girl had been infected. The Warlord also knew once infected by the shadow demons the victim would grow weaker and weaker until they passed from this life. There bodily form would first pale then darken becoming colder and more imaterial as the time passed. Until she was altered into a human shadow forever lost to this world. She would be another of Belo's shadow demons, serving him for all eternity.

Pandora full of grace and age extended her blade to Dalamar. "You know what must be done." The Vampyre Warlords tears fell for he knew full well what he had to do. Taking her to his room he layed her down gently.

"Samantha can you hear me, Its Dalamar we need to talk honey wake up please, please wake up."

Jan 2nd, 2003, 08:43:07 PM
Sams eyelids fluttered open. "Dalamar? What's happening?"
She felt so weak, so strange. She didn't know what was going on.
"What is it Dalamar?" She started to cry softly.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 8th, 2003, 09:10:33 PM
"Honey Im sorry you have been infected by a shadow Virus. There is no cure for the disease. Soon you will fade from this existence and you will be the servant of Belo's. The Vampyre Lord clutched her close and they cried together. For a long time they just sat there as Dalamar rocked Samantha back and forth softly. "I will do what I can for you Samantha I promise."

"Is there no way to save me?" her little face marred with tears asked. "Yes, there is a way but it involve's becoming one of us." The Vampyre said through his own. Her small hand in Dalamar she looked him in the eye's "I know you wont hurt me Mister Dalamar." The words of the child where like daggers in his twice cursed heart.

"No just your soul." the warlord muttered under his breath. Waving his hand over her eye's he used an old trick to make her sleep. Pulling her hair from her neck he hesitated. His tears stained her dress as the sorrow became almost to much to bear. "Why must death follow me everywhere I go. Damn this curse," Already Samanatha began to fade in and out. Dalamar was left with no choice bending over softly he fed......"Forgive me Samantha please forgive me..."

Jan 8th, 2003, 10:16:19 PM
"Hmmmmm...." She was already half asleep, she didn't know what Mister Dalamar was talking about, but she knew he would make things alright again.....

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:53:25 PM
She awoke later to a gift the room was filled with dolls of every description and size. Dalamar sat in a high back chair waiting for her to awake. "Samanatha good you are awake I want you to take this." Dalamar pulled out a small silver dagger in a black sheath along with a ring. "This is my sigil and my dagger these tell all that you are under my training and protection. Show these whenever needed. I will always be there if you need me the Dagger forge's a link with my Apprentice's. May you find happiness in your new life. I wish you only the best....

The vampyre turned abruptly to hide the emotion on his face. Then just as quickly he left the room. It would not do to let Samanatha see the turmoil that the Dark Lord was going thru for having had to turn her...