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Dec 14th, 2002, 09:16:59 PM
The red scaled dragon stood up on its hind legs, ignoring the screams of the petrified citizens of Coruscant. His obsidian, black eyes seemed like two endless pits as they glanced over everyone, seeming to pierce their souls.

Jarrred ... I know you're here.

Going back on all four legs (much to the dismay of some crushed unfortunates), the Old Tongue began to trudge forward.

I can sssmell you, despicable human.

Being eight feet tall with a wingspan of 40 feet, the dragon still was just a "child" in human terms. Not like anyone who didn't know much about his species knew that, though. A puff of smoke escaped its nostrils as he continued to search for Jared, his tail crashing into buildings and destroying them.

Come to me, boy.

Jared Mriad
Dec 14th, 2002, 09:26:51 PM
Jared had took his time to personally reflect on his martial skills before Fallon's rampage; Inside a private gym, in one of the many rooms where a punching bag hung from the celing.

Athletic tape covered his hands, and dribbled blood from harsh and repeated strikes to the bag. Normally nothing of such would be seen, but the Sith had refitted the bag with a metal plate which showed dents in various places.

Striking twice with forward 'gut strikes' and finalising the run with a backwards snap kick, Jared received the first of the Dragon's taunts.

Jarrred ... I know you're here.

Damn, Fallon had followed him. Halting the personal training, the Sith's eyes diliated for the breifest of moments; seeing through the dragon's eyes.

Hordes of pedestrians fled from a thing hovering above..

Come to me, boy.

His eyes shot to another person entering the gym, in running regime. Narrowing, the eyes followed the runner's movements before relaxing. Jared exited the gym out into the pest infested streets, his golden eyes peircing each being.

'No. You come tome.' Jared sent over the blood, a relay machine...

Dec 14th, 2002, 10:11:19 PM

As soon as Jared sent his thought, Fallon spread his elegant black wings, flapping them as he flew up into the air. This caused more screams from pedestrians as the wind forced from his wings caused them to smash into buildings or one another, crushing more than you could count. However, instead of flying to where Jared was, Fallon was hovering dangerously close to the citizens ...

With sadistic glee, the dragon scooped up several citizens and then glided towards the gym, looking down at the red-haired man.

I've brought presents for you.

A chuckle followed this statement as it threw the people down towards the ground. A few survived the fall, but the rest had their skulls cracked with their brains spilling out on the pavement, along with broken limbs, or their torso's torn apart.

Go on, cannibal .. Eat your fill. Doesn't this look .. "appetizing"?

Jared Mriad
Dec 14th, 2002, 10:18:24 PM
'I like my own kills, thank you.' Jared scowled, watching the dragon pass. He kicked at the closest corpse, disgusted at the offering from the plauge. Something, that thing, tingled in his body; coercing him to feed upon the dead victims to become revived, but went on ignored.

Jared turned stiffly on his right heel and began to travel away from the corpses, a feeble attempt to escape the insanity. In a way, it seemed the dragon was mocking him.. taunting...

Dec 14th, 2002, 10:22:01 PM
Not so fast.

The dragon flew next to Jared's side, its tail lashing out and wrapping itself around the man's waist, squeezing, crushing ...

If you're not hungry, then I'm sure you won't mind hanging around for some games.

Jared Mriad
Dec 14th, 2002, 10:27:34 PM
The sudden lurch and pressure around his torso surprised Jared, his back slammed against the durasteel pavement and he was drug along. Jostled while trying to keep his head from being smashed apart, Jared's anger flared and a massive turbulence of wind ripped into Fallon...

Dec 14th, 2002, 10:35:20 PM
Letting out a deranged shriek, Fallon wrapped its tail tighter around Jared while slamming into a building. Brick and glass shattered on the dragon and Jared, starting to bury them in a pile of debris if it weren't for Fallon crawling out. One of its wings had become damaged, hindering his flight.

Letting out another roar, he threw Jared on the pavement and opened its jaws, breathing out fire due to his napalm glands.

Jared Mriad
Dec 14th, 2002, 10:41:32 PM
Amaized by the fact that his pelvis wasn't crushed by the amount of pressure the dragon placed on his torso as well as few bones being broken from the toss, Jared pushed himself to his feet just as Fallon reared back to breath fire.

Eyes widing, Jared lept behind a slab of concrete building just miliseconds before being fried asylum material. It was quite obvious that Fallon was pissed, very pissed. Unfortunatly for Jared, it wasn't a eclipse for another year..

Which meant he had to improvise to keep from being dinner..

Dec 14th, 2002, 10:49:54 PM
Jared was very, very lucky he hadn't become burned to a crisp. However, that didn't mean he was lucky Fallon had become angered.

The dragon's tail whipped back and forth as he reached out and threw aside the slab of concrete Jared was hiding behind, and took a step forward. With eyes burning with malicious intentions, Fallon breathed out another stream of fire.

Jared Mriad
Dec 14th, 2002, 10:53:15 PM
"Oh <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>!" Jared growled, flipping around to face the dragon as his 'sheild' was thrown aside. Summoning the Darkness within, Jared sent it as a cascading sheild right at Fallon; thus blocking the columb of fire raining down.

Again, the blood tingled within... just as it did on the eclipses.. But there was none for days and days! Narrowing his eyes, Jared let a trademark grin cross his face..

"Bring it, Lizard."

Dec 14th, 2002, 10:59:40 PM
Lizard? LIZARD?!

This made Fallon pause and take a step back, before a heartily chuckle filled Jared's head.

Ah, my boy. You're my preciousss, can't kill you now, can I? Come now, Jarrred. You know that you can't possibly defeat me, anywaysss.

The Old Tongue gave a yawn as to emphasize its words before craning its neck to peer at the onlookers, then decided that they were all useless. The flames that came out of its jaws licked greedily as their skin as their flesh was charred and they became nothing but ash.

Pity that the galaxy is filled with your kind.

Jared Mriad
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:07:55 PM
Now it was Jared's turn.

"My kind? Tch, They are nothing but cattle, not of my kind." The stench of burnt flesh and seared hair floated down like a death shroud upon a mortally wounded. Wrinkling his face, Jared adverted his eyes to the roasting corpses before back at Fallon,

"And don't you underestimate for a breifest of moments that I can not kill you."