View Full Version : Critisism (on the sig, not spelling) please :)

Jared Mriad
Dec 14th, 2002, 08:56:35 PM

A'right, First of all. It's a request from Kanji over Aim; who gave me two pics to work with ^^;;

Second: Text isn't there because I cannot find a sutiable font, if anyone thinks something would look good and know the link to the font: Post the link please!

Third: That is by no means the final image size.

Okay, Crit away!

Sage Hazzard
Dec 15th, 2002, 01:37:51 AM
I'd suggest taking away the grid first. It doesn't go well with a dragon character in my opinion. Too hi-tech. Unless of course this is a modern, sci-fi dragon or something. :D

Also, I'd consider colorizing the dragon on the left a different hue. Maybe just make it greyscale for the left pic. That way it fades into the BG better and you can put the text over that picture, without having as many readability problems. Or/And maybe lower the opacity.

Oh, and I'd desaturate the lens flare. It hurts the eyes a bit on my monitor. Not to big a deal though.

On the text font, I can't really say. Because it needs to match the character's personality, not the signature. Of course, the signature should match the personality as well.

Jared Mriad
Dec 15th, 2002, 07:18:18 PM
Critisim Taken, Thankie ^_^

The Grid -> The background seemed kinda blank with the starfeild and star/lensflare with the planet layer overtop.. Spiced it up with the grid for a kinda mappy techhy thing..

Attached, Current version, still in works.

Sage Hazzard
Dec 15th, 2002, 11:59:54 PM
Ah, very very good. With the grid blured, it works MUCH better. I also like what you did with the stars, makes it look like you're speeding through space.

Now, for the text, I'm sure you intend to spice it up. I have a few suggestions for when you get to that.

You could add a glow. I'd make it orangish like the dragon. Also, on top of the glow, I'd make a small black outline of the text itself. That brings it out more and makes the glow not interfer with the readablity. Although that's only if it looks unreadable after the glow.

If you do or don't add a glow (might not look good with a glow) you might want to make the text look more dynamic than plain white. You could add a gradient of your choice. Make a dark orange to a light orange, bottom to top. Or add some kind of texture.

Just some suggestions. It looks really slick so far. Really nice job. :)

Jared Mriad
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:32:18 PM
The orange outer glow really didn't look to well, guessing it was the shade o-o

Fixed the text up slightly on this revision.

Thanks too ^_^

Sage Hazzard
Dec 18th, 2002, 01:24:39 AM
Ooh, slick, very slick. I liked the way you made the planet bluer than matched the text to IT. Good thinking. Plus, the orange in the text is just subtle enough not to look goofy with the blue glow. I like it. :)