View Full Version : God, Divinity, and Blasphemey (turning of Sol)

Valirion Thorn
Dec 14th, 2002, 04:00:19 PM
:: I sat back in a glass chair and listened to the words that the shrine whispered to my ears. The darkness held onto my shoulders like hands reaching from prison bars. My armor stayed itself beneath my skin and my sword was unsheathed, writhing on the small table before me. He would be here and I already had the words of the shrine memorized. All he had to do was appear from the gates of hell and I would tell him about the fiery pits of hades.::

Sol Invictus
Dec 14th, 2002, 05:55:34 PM
Footsteps echo through the hall, compounded by the darkness enveloping all. Sol's silver spectacles reflect as usual, but today they seem not to reflect Sol's surroundings so much as his soul...


The vampire materializes from the darkness, seated in a glass chair. Sol grins madly. There is a spark of something in the air, an anticipation of sorts that fills his entire being. It is the sense of a goal soon to be achieved.

Valirion Thorn
Dec 14th, 2002, 06:44:54 PM
:: I sat up and the envious darkness crept away as I moved from the wall.::

The Shrine whispers rumours of your mortality Sol. Take a seat, enjoy some wine.

:: Another glass seat appears slowly as it slides out from the shadows and two chalices filled to the brim with a dark liquid slowly float to the table. I grabbed one slowly and placed one side to my lips. Letting the liquid slowly dribble across my lips before I just turned the whole cup upside down and then swallow it all in one draught.::

Taste it Sol, and know that being mortal, you are deprived of the truth within it. You are deprived of the true taste of blood, the truth of the flavor of the life water and the pain that was sacrificed to make it. What do you know of immortality Sol? Of the divine power that makes a god a god? And what do you know of the blasphemey that is required to become one?

Sol Invictus
Dec 14th, 2002, 09:10:02 PM
Sol sits and takes the chalice, but doesn't drink. He simply holds the cup, swirling the blood wine idly as he considers Valirion's questions.

"What do you know of immortality Sol?"

Immortality is a state of deathlessness, of eternal life. Usually equated with eternal bliss as well, though I speculate that immortality will bring its hardships as well.

"Of the divine power that makes a god a god?"

"Divine power that makes a god? To become God, one must simply become Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. That is all a god really is."

"And what do you know of the blasphemey that is required to become one?"

"To become a God, simply usurp the power of an existing one, or share in another god's power."

Valirion Thorn
Dec 14th, 2002, 10:14:54 PM
:: I watched the mortal pick up the chalice and watched as he idly swirled the cup in his hand.::

Know that immortality is just active death, not the absence but the eternal presence of it. You are dead to the living but alive to the dead. That is immortality of the darkness. There is no such other thing. Bliss and pain are what you decide, though even the blind can see pain as eternal as death.

Gods are imaginary, an ambition that people create, an excuse to blame things on when they can't be explained or other reasons aren't acceptable. They are the ideal perfection of a certain attribute. No gods exist right now because ideals are all they are. The only things we can consider ourselves are is demi-gods, the closest things that reach perfection of a certain attribute. Our attribute is death, a shared and common perfection that we have mastered to a fault. Myself, I am the embodiement of pain...

Blaphemey is the true god you speak of, the omnipotent, the omniscient, and the omnipresent. It is everything because it is the defection of the silence when someone speaks and it is the defection of noise when it is silent elsewhere. A living paradox and an endless stream of what ifs and never was'.

:: I looked at the ceiling for a moment as my tongue slowly liked the residue of the blood of my lips. I looked back at Valirion and my violet eyes changed hues to a blood red as I listened to the breathing of the human and watched the blood pump through the veins on his neck... I stood up and grasped my sword.::

Stand Sol...

Sol Invictus
Dec 15th, 2002, 05:53:57 PM
Sol raises a brow, but his face remains stoic. He stands and eyes Valirion dubiously from behind his silver eyeware.

Valirion Thorn
Dec 17th, 2002, 06:37:58 PM
:: I roll my eyes as the stupid human continues to stay where he is... I look away for a moment and lick my lips as I hope that when I turn back, the human is standing... I look back and of course, the blood of an idiot must course through this one. He would learn loyalty soon enough. He doubted me? So be it...
Sol was yanked out of his chair and thrown straight into my knee. I grabbed him by the back of his hair and put him on his knees.::

Listen to what I say because it will be the last thing you hear as a mortal! At least honor what little blood stays yours before it becomes naught!

:: The eyes of my armor flared blood red and my sword hissed at the predestined intentions of the moment. This was fate... had it been like this for me?::

Sol Invictus
Dec 21st, 2002, 05:22:44 AM
The sudden movement catches Sol off guard and he finds himself looking into Vailirion's eyes from the ground. What does the vampire plan?

"Speak, devil."

Valirion Thorn
Dec 23rd, 2002, 08:29:28 PM
It is not I that you shall hear now but your own beating heart. You call me devil now and command me to speak? I shall show you devilry in its best and you will have to listen to my commands very carefully or I shall watch you bleed and savor the taste of what you once were.

:: In that moment I decided, it was a choice between quick or slow. He could take the turning fast and gory or slowly drain, knowing what it is like to die old. But a slow death was not my style, I would not want to die slow, I would not want to be turned slow either, but that was just me.::


:: I moved alowly as I pulled the sword to his neck, the quivering tongue like blade quivering as it was placed against the neck of the mortal. I could see it in his eyes... he knew, I could just kill him and let him bleed dry like everyone else, or I could turn him... and he would learn everything in that instant, as if he was being born again.
The blade snapped and a huge gash was drawn across his neck. I moved fast, liftinng the body up and placing my mouth to the wound, not losing a single drop of it. My mouth held tight, my fangs dug into his neck muscles as I drunk his life blood until his skin seemed to drain back.
I finished and held his body. The wound didn't bleed brecause there was no blood left. The humans eyes were like wells, sucking in the light that he would not be able to stand once changing. My armor opened on the top of my shoulder and it drew back. It cut my flesh as it drew back and my full veins bled my blood and the humans back.
I placed his head to my shoulder and held him their, my armor whispering into the human's ear.::

Drink mortal and know divinity, blasphemey, and of god. Drink before the darkness draws you in and we leave you to dry...

Sol Invictus
Jan 1st, 2003, 10:21:03 PM
Drink? Insanity! But then...what did he have to lose? His own blood supply may as well be non existant, and he cannot achieve the height of knowledge if he is dead. He drinks the blood, wincing at the metallic taste of it. But he continues. He won't be prevented from his goal. Not now....

Valirion Thorn
Jan 2nd, 2003, 07:47:46 PM
:: As Sol takes his share of the blood I merely stare off into the night of the Shrine. He takes enough to fill him barely and then I toss the dry carcass away from me.
It hits the ground like a doll and I stand up and watch as my armor spreads over it and I feel it working on the wound slowly.::

Welcome to the life of the moon Sol. But don't speak, you are merely a Wraith right now, you need to realize your the sight you own now and the feeling of the undead. Get used to it while you follow me, you need more blood than what I have left you. You need to know he pleasures of the best wine in Heaven and Hell.

:: I turned and waited for the noise of the fledgling to stand. He would be starving right now and the beating of a heart would sustain his hunger for knowledge for now. His sentience woould be at a low level soon unless properly fed. But I had other ideas for this one also. I would twist him into something else other than just some bookmongering fool searching for the knowledge unattainable. I would teach him a different way of life after he was fed.::

Come Sol...

Sol Invictus
Jan 3rd, 2003, 07:12:50 PM
Sol stands shakily, like a child learning to walk for the first time. He feels oddly empty, as if his body contains no organs, no bones, no muscle. He staggers slowly after Valirion, his mind shrouded in a thick haze.

Valirion Thorn
Jan 5th, 2003, 05:27:05 PM
:: I lead him into a room where a enormous coffin made out of some strange metal awaits Sol. I gesture to the coffin and the lid slides off. A human girl is unconcious inside and she his bound, her fleshy neck exposed to the light and her head tilted slightly.::

Do you see her veins Sol? Her blood, as it pumps back and forth through her body? Do you see it? But it is not her blood by right Sol, know that it is yours, all blood is ours, life is ours to govern because we stand outside of the cycle of life, we push the cycle! Now turn the cycle and take what is yours...

:: Of course Sol would have to climb inside the coffin and then he would take his time. He had barely any blood in him and he would need everything from her. But I just wanted him inside the coffin. I had plans for Sol Invictus, fledgling of the shrine...::

Sol Invictus
Jan 6th, 2003, 09:07:24 AM
Sol's head rolls, orienting itself toward the girl. Slowly, he begins to see...he tries to speak, to voice the sheer ecstasy he feels at the sight of the blood, but can manage nothing more than a rasping hiss. He staggers and falls to one knee, trembling, reaching for the girl's neck. He drags himself in next to her. He's unsure what to do, but a new instinct takes hold. One vein, larger than the others, becomes painfully visible. It's all he sees, it's maddening. Shaking, he takes her head and shoulder in his hands, too stupified to realize she won't resist him, and bites.

Valirion Thorn
Jan 6th, 2003, 04:53:30 PM
:: I laugh silently, my broad shoulders shifting as I laugh. I approach the huge sarcophagi and grab the lid with both hands. The lid was hard for me to lift even with the enhanced strength of Roon. My white muscles strain as I lif it and place it over the opening, sealing Sol and his meal inside the tomb. Sol wouldn't know until he awoke from his hunger and lust.
This is what I wnted to see happen, Sol would awake later in the darkness and not know where he is. He would start calling out and then scream for anyone but this was my personal chamber and I had asked the Shrine to hide it once I left. The walls knew what I planned and had made it so. He would scream and scram until he felt the bloodlust begin once again. But there would be no meal, no blood, for quite some time.
Two weeks, for two weeks Sol would starve inside the coffin. And when I lifted the coffin, his urge to learn would be beaten by his thirst for blood.
And the Shrine would whisper into his ears into the darkness... It would whisper what I had told it to, the Shrine darkness and I had made plans of this together, to twist the soul of Sol, hehe, and to burn itn theblight of the vampiric world. He would emerge a new being, bloodthirsty and craving the life sound of the heart. And the Shrine would have whispered words of his loyalty to me and the Shrine that he would know no other master. He would learn the secrets of the darkness in his own pain... in Two weeks...::

Sleep well Sol Invictus

Sol Invictus
Jan 12th, 2003, 01:16:57 PM
The girl awakes as he begins to feed, she screams and struggles, begs for mercy, but Sol's bloodlust is so great he doesn't even register her movment. By the time his civility returns to him, she's dead. Sol pushes his glasses up and wipes his mouth. He's in a coffin. Odd. He pushes against the lid. It doesn't move. He summons the Force to him, but Force Boost isn't one of his strong suits. He's trapped. Sol remains calm. Someone will come for him. He passes the time with ease, patiently waiting...until hunger comes upon him. At first he resists it easily, but as time wears on, it returns...the maddening feeling of the bloodlust hunger. It drives him to insanity, he mangles the dead, rotting body he must share this coffin with. He beats on the lid, loosing a howl of rage and torment at his lack of blood.

Valirion Thorn
Jan 12th, 2003, 05:25:04 PM
**Two Weeks later**

The shadow spawn moved away from the coffin as I entered the room. They melded back with the darkness in the shadows and my thin lips turned upwards in a small smile. I approached the enormous metal coffin and put my ear to the lid. I heard breathing for a moment and then almost laughed but I didn't want him to know I was there yet. I stepped back and the shadow creatures were given the signal to douse the lamp in the room. The room was spread into the darkness and I stood where the lid would open and he wouldn't be able to see me.
I focused for a moment and the shadow spawn moved forward, I helped them open the lid with the force. The shadows dispersed but I sat there in the darkness, Sol had been turned only a short time ago and he had been in a dark box the whole time, he would be very sensitive to the light for a little while. I heard him begin to move as he realized that the darkness was farther than in his arm reach, as the lid had been. I stepped out and smiled.::

Welcome to the new universe Sol. Know the blasphemy and the divinity intertwined in this realm. Because you are the source of it. I have blood for you... but first, who do you serve?

Sol Invictus
Jan 12th, 2003, 05:29:08 PM
Valirion's answer is an angry, rasping hiss, the result of having shouted himself hoarse. Sol's posture is all wrong; the coffin has left him with a seemingly permanent flaw in his back, forcing the man to lean back and to his right. Sol looks to wear he thinks the voice is, seeks Valirion with the Force, and jacks him up on the wall, squeezing one fist in an attempt to choke him. Sol is delirious, mad with hunger. Valirion won't get a clear answer until he's been fed.

Valirion Thorn
Jan 13th, 2003, 03:13:43 PM
:: I smile, Sol' strengh had been reborn in the darkness, exactly as I had planned, even in the pitch black shadow I could see the fire in his eyes.The natural night vision vampyres had gave me the view of what Sol had emeged as. He was starven, no doubt, I could see the dry veins pulsing, the now white skin on Sol had drawn in and his eyes seemed deep set, perfect. Btheshadow wn had whispered loyalty not only to the Shrine but to me, his master as well, he would be faced with which was more important, loyalty or blood.::

Know that through me you will recieve your blood that you lust for.

:: I rasped for a moment, the armor underneath my skinpushed outwards on my marble face and the demonic visage seemed to scream at the drained fledgling.::

You are what you are through the darkness of the shrine and my own blood. I won't even bother holding a long chat with you, I have a gift for you Sol.

:: The door opened three bound women were brought inside, handled by two other vampyres that had wanted to see the results of my experiment. They had wanted to bet on the results but I had no meaning to bet on my apprentice. He had learned his first lesson and now he would earn his just rewards for not wasting away. The women were hung by their hands on a hook on the opposite wall and their drowsy eyes shifted in the darkness.::

There they are Sol, women hold so much more blood than human men do, they are vessels unto themselves. Take their blood and claim it unto yourself, then return to me and I will explain more.

Sol Invictus
Jan 13th, 2003, 06:28:15 PM
Sol clenches both fists, and the vampires who brought the women in find their bodies shattered, useless to them. Sol gestures aside, flinging them from the three girls. His message is clear: These are MY meals. He bites the one on the left first, the hail of screams from the women is music. Once she's done he staggers backward, tearing the head from the body, his head rolling loosely on his neck before he attacks the next. So it goes...he drains all three and turns to look at Valirion.

"Don't ever...EVER...do that again..."

In his heart he feels no fear from Valirion, just as before his turning. But his heart skips at the thought of his torture...to be without blood, slave to his lust for the red wine of life. He shudders, an imperceptible tremble. He has had his fill, and still he craves more blood...

Valirion Thorn
Jan 14th, 2003, 04:01:33 PM
:: I step closer to Sol now, only a few paces away from him. The smile on my face disappeared as the armor burst through my skin. Enormous spikes flew from my body and platered Sol to thewal, not puncturing him but holding him there. I walked to the bodies of the other vampyres and spit on them.::

A fledgling beat you? Pathetic...

:: They opened their mouths to say something but both stopped at once, they knew they were no longer important to me. The shadow spawn moved from the darkness and the vampyres were heard being drug out the door. I moved t the corpses of the ladies and tore an arm off, blood still flowing.::

You didn't even finish fledgling, you turn your spite to me and you yet take granted for what I lay before you?

:: I put the limb to the lips of my helmet and the metal face moved, the mouth of the demon visage bit down and began to drink, it's tongue slipping into the wound and around the exposd bone. I sighed as I tossed the arm on the ground. My face turned to Sol and the voice that came rom the metallic mouth was not my own. Sol had three masters, myself and my symbiotes. He would learn from all of us.::

Don't ever do what again Sol? You are turned are not? You are our apprentice and we decided you needed a lesson that would turn you from your own human ambitions of knowledge and teach you what it is to no longer be mortal. How many times did you lay in the darkness thinking you would die? Yet you are still here? You cannot die but by extreme damage, beheading or fatalities leavng you highly incapable of anything, or exposure to sunlight.

:: The armor pressed harder against Sol, holding him there as small tendrils spread out and stabbed at Sol, showing him that his skin as now harder than human flesh, not by much, but enough. My own voice returned as I finished the lesson.::

You are on your way to becoming a god Sol, whether you want it or not. Through my blood, you have gained innate abilities that will bloom as you train. Mind weaving and raising dead are the skills you shall find in ease, the latter more than the former. Not to mention a few slight tricks I'll let you enjoy to learn by yourself. But know your loyalties before yourself Sol, I am your master and I will break you time and time again until you are perfect, you are yet still more human than you would think fledgling.

Happy hunting.

:: The armor dropped him and when Sol turned to look, Valirion was gone and there was no sign of the shadows moving anywhere.::

Sol Invictus
Jan 14th, 2003, 08:22:17 PM
Sol stands, adjusting his trenchcoat, glasses, and hat with a nonchalance that belies his true emotion. A...God? There's something he never bought into, the existence of a God...but if he should be that God? There is an interesting concept to him...