View Full Version : A tour of the tourable parts of the palace (Sori, Gouyen, open, (no Licentia))

Dec 14th, 2002, 12:28:15 PM
OOC: I had some free time...

Tunaris Sori
Dec 14th, 2002, 02:49:28 PM
Sori looked around for some of the local Sith as he walked through the Palace
"Is there anyone else here?"

ra hath
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:00:00 PM
ra hereing somone calling out he truned the corner and resoned (YO am here what up)

Dec 17th, 2002, 04:14:15 PM
Robi had been patrolling the corridors of the Sith Palace, and had just sat down to scratch an itch behind her right ear when she heard a familiar voice. Familiar not because it was often heard, but familiar from something Gouyen had "told" her -- she had a new apprentice. Tunaris Sori, if memory served her right, and the voice she heard matched up with the one she "heard" from Gouyen.

She righted herself after tending to her itch and trotted up to the newcomer.

You must be Mistress Gouyen's new apprentice, sounded a voice in his head. She locked eyes with him briefly, golden eyes gazing into blue, then looked away. It was just enough to let him know that she was the speaker, but not so much as to be threatening.

I'm Robi, Mistress Gouyen's Cybernian wolf-dog companion, and if you'll follow me, I'll take you on a tour of the palace.

Tunaris Sori
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:35:28 PM
Odd sensation Sori felt, he hadn't heard a voice in his head like that ever. Very strange.
"As you wish"
He followed the dog through the corridor........

Dec 19th, 2002, 03:34:40 PM
She led the way, her white-tipped tail acting as a beacon for Sori to follow.

This is the ground floor, she began, where most of the public halls of the order are located. She trotted down the hall to a pair of massive doors. This is the reception hall, where those desiring to join the order come and are tested. This is where you would have come had you not met Mistress Gouyen in the city.

She turned and retraced her steps, then continued down the hall in the opposite direction. Now here's a place you should definitely know about -- the library. A soft light streamed out through the partialy opened doors, which swung fully open with a touch. They entered a vast chamber with vaulted ceilings and walls that were lined with row upon row of books. Comfortable chairs were scattered around the open area, and long tables piled with books stood just outside the main stacks. Here you will find just about anything to do with the dark side and Sith magic --grimoires, primers, books of acrane lore in ancient tongues. She noticed a look of consternation on Sori's face. Don't worry, she "said," there are translator droids set up to help with that.

She then led him over to a dimly lit corner of the room where the Sith holocron floated mysteriously, radiating its own bluish light. This is the holiest of holies, the Sith holocron. I wouldn't recommend using it unless Lady Vader is present. It can be quite dangerous to the unskilled.

Tunaris Sori
Dec 19th, 2002, 04:55:14 PM
Now here's a place you should definitely know about -- the library Tunaris looked around the room at the books and then turned back to Robi......

Don't worry, she "said," there are translator droids set up to help with that.
"Ah good......" He breathed a sigh of relief.

I wouldn't recommend using it unless Lady Vader is present. It can be quite dangerous to the unskilled.

Sori looked slightly confused and for the first time in a while, though of loosing his life.
"What do you mean 'dangerous'? What would happen to me?"