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View Full Version : Friend or Foe? (Closed to Telan Desaria)

Reysa Sashara
Dec 13th, 2002, 10:39:27 PM
Aboard the bridge of the great Viashino Command Galleon, The Fury, stood the fearsome creature named Sashara, a Viashino, a race that had kept quite ever since the attack from the Empire which did not go ahead after all but could have crushed the Viashino. A lucky escape some might say, a victory to Reysa However. Today it seemed the tables had turned against the Empire and it had disbanded into many segments and factions, one of which had contacted the gruesome and often heartless Viashino and asked Sashara for an audience, the Via had for but a moment come out from hiding.

The bridge was lit by few lights, a faint gloom of crimson red was that of which the crew could see by, but Reysa had no intention of making his ships look friendly and comfortable, even the metal was shown,the bulkheads and pipes were bare it could only be described as a prison, a solid mass of metal, the blood thirsty race of the Via called it home. The Viashino Command Galleon along with a fleet of Light Galleons had been patrolling the northern most border of which the Viashino ruled when they had been contacted by the Grand Admiral Telan Desaria, a man of few words and much power, when he had contacted the Viashino for reason unknown the man looked repulsed and horrified by the look and blood thirsty nature of the Viashino, but that was 2 hours ago...this was now.

The small contingent of Viashino ships have come to rest just outside the borders of Ambria, the Viashino Home world,a Mini Concrurant some might say, only with much more countryside and greenery. If a meeting with one of these Factions were to take place, it would take place in the heart of the Empire so that if anything happened they would not be allowed to escape and if need be, would be destroyed. The Viashino also requested that they bring just two warships into the Viashino Territory,after the Empires attack Sashara and his brethren would not take any chances.

'Master!' Growled a messenger as be bent down to one knee and lowered his head in respect before Sashara his dreadlocks covering the creatures helmet.

'What do you want Vantoer?...have those humannnnsss arrived yet?' Shouted Reysa his voice hard and cold towards the young Via.

' Yes master, he has just arrived upon our borders my sir, shall i give the word for them to be allowed through...' Said Vantoer visibly shaking with fear.

'You shall young one, and be quick about it, i have little time to spend with these....things...' Reysa said,again cold.

The Messenger nodded in reply got up strait and nodded again in respect before scurrying off out of the bridge. Reysa sat upon his throne situated on the bridge of the biggest ship in the Via fleet and watched the proceedings taking place.

Telan Desaria
Dec 14th, 2002, 10:47:38 PM
*Set Between the Operation Zitadelle Thread and the yet to be created Peace through War thread.*

" Admiral," reported Captain Voltaire, his head snapping up as a communique was handed to him.

" Yes, captain," the Grand Admiral replied, lifting his own head from a datapad he was working on. His uniform was neat and clean, his stance proud and almost haughty. Grand Admirals, however, had earned the right to be as such.

" We have arrived at the Via border. Our scanners indicate heavy HoloNet traffic and many warships."

" Threat assessment?"

The tactical officer rose and saluted. " Sir, we have several dozen ships on scanner, but all are under six hundred meters, and most average around half that. We could engage a sizeable force and expect victory. They do, however, have an extreme advantage in fighters."

" Very well-"

Before the Grand Admiral could continue, the Communications liaison officer approached and haded him a crystal sheet. The Grand Admiral arched an eyebrow after reading it and placed it aside.

" We have been invited in, and are ordered to meet an escort. Let us do so. Comm: relay the positions. Engage at full sublight. Let us show them what an ISD can do."

Reysa Sashara
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:04:23 PM
' Master, border patrol have reported that the Admirals ISD has passed without threat through the Ambrian Border Gate, i have on you behalf sent two sqaudrons of Tie Raptors to escort them in and towards Ambria...'

' Very well Skoth. Jerman, release the Stealth Clamps and reaveal our presence, i wish for them to see The Fury as they approach, perhaps they will think twice in double crossing us.'

Jerman nodded and tapped a few button to his left, at the moment in time a huge clang rumbled through the ship, but did not stir any crew as they were used to the normality of the sound. Outside however something more strange had happened, the ships with quite invisible, but as the clamps were released the ship seemed to melt into view, like a grand bucket of water had washed away the cloak and showed the Viashinos finest ship armed to the teeth and battle ready.

'Jerman, have all Orca Gunship crew standing by aboard The Fury i don't wish to take any chances, also please have a team of Stealth Warriors assembled and battle ready to greet Mr. Desaria at the bay, i want no gaps left unblocked..'

Jermans quickly jumped to and arrange what Sashara had ordered without question.

Telan Desaria
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:10:44 PM
" Admiral!!! Warship off the port bow!"

" Type?"

" Unknown. Definitely Via in origin. We read fifteen hundred meters in length. Weapons are not comparable to ours, but she appears to have a larger fighter bay."

" Appearences can be deceiving, Commander. Captain," Desaria said, turning to face Voltaire. " Send the greetings."

Viashino command vessel. I am Grand Admiral Telan Desaria, Military Commander of the Imperial Sovereignty, Supreme Commander of the Thyferra Sector Fleet. I have come with a request and parley. If there is a place we could meet, face to face, then name it. If not, the HoloNet frequency my flagship is using is on Encryption Band Delta XV. I believe you intercetped and decoded that during a previous Imperial conflict. I await your reply.

Reysa Sashara
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:22:38 PM
'I as you know Admiral, am Warlord Reysa Sashara Supreme Overlord of the Viashino Empire. Welcome to Viashino Empire i trust your journey was fruitful. You may find our customs rather strange as i do your launguage but i hope you appreciate the ritualistic propities to our ways of life. As for the meeting The Furt is a sutable meeting place,please bring as many guards as you wish and let my personal hand Vantoer know if you would like any human touches to your qaurters, we shall meet at you lesure as soon as you arrive....'

Then without warning the communication was cut and Reysa rose from his throne and as a custom it was the crew on the bridge stood and bowed there heads till he left the bridge. Reysa was headed to his suite to put on a more suitable robe to cover his battle dress.

Telan Desaria
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:28:52 PM
" Send an acknowledgement. Reply that my shuttle departs in five minutes."

" Sir?"

" We will not get what we want through Intimidation. These people know it all too well. I am not here to play psychological games."

* * * * *

The Shuttle Imperium seemed to glide into the Viashino landing bay, where several guards and officers had gathred. The bone white Imperial shuttle contrasted starkly with its surroundings, as did the Grand Admiral's uniform.

Behind him strode one green tuniced officer, Brigadier General Maxim, his Chieft of Staff, and Malek, the Grand Admiral's personal guard.

That was all the Grand Admiral deemed neccesary. That and the fact that the entirety of the shuttle had been wired with Syntrex, a highly explove material that would take a sizeable chunk out of a Super-class Star Destroyer was rumored to be able to puncture quantum armor. If the Grand Admiral experienced any physical harm, the shuttle would detonate, taking almost all of the Via command ship with it.

The Grand Admiral also wore his customary armor below his uniform, and had a blaster in his holster, and five vibroblades throughtout the rest of his uniform. His was not a combat apathetic personality.

Reysa Sashara
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:49:54 PM
The shuttle bay that the Admiral arrived in was of course much larger than most Imperial Warships, the Viashino Vessels were built for war not pleasure. The bay was dark and gloomy, only a grim red gloom hung to light the visitors way from the shuttle which of course clashed with its surroundings. The catwalks above the shuttle bay which looked from below a maze of complex walk ways housed a full platoon of Viashino Warriors stood to full attention and eatch brandishing a fully automatic tesla cannon, a weapon to rekoned with.

From the left a large staircase stretched down from two huge double doors which 3 more guards and a very well dressed Viashino were walking down, the First Viashino that looked of importance was actually Reysas personal hand Vantoer but he wore his most best garb, a red cloak with the Viashino symbol weaved in gold thread upon the back and a bright silver suit of armour which in fact was very light. Vantoer walked towards the Admiral and his crew and stepped in front of the man, his mask on to hide his ugly features as all Via did.

' I am Gerhard Vantoer personal hand to Master Sashara, i hope you can understand what lengths we have gone to make ourselves safe and of course your personal safety while you are abord The Fury, as you know the two factions past is of course grim.' Vantoer said in his best human tounge. Vantoers four fingered hand gestured towards the metal staircase so that they would talk as they walked.

'Your quarters i shall be directing you to is the visitors suite, quite a large and luxurious apartment equip with many human capabilities and technology we hope you shall enjoy, however we must say that our gally is not fully stocked on humans foods so if you wish to endulge in Viashino delicacy you are free to do so. You also by the order of Sashara himself have the full ability to roam the ships decks under my supervision.' Vantoer said as the two large double doors opened and revealed a metal corridor.

Telan Desaria
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:54:09 PM
The Admiral nodded.

" I appreciate your kindess and generosity, but time is of the essence. I cannot afford to remain unaccounted for long. I must return to my Fleet as soon as possible. I have a war awaiting my arrival.

" If possible, I wish to see the Supreme Overlord now, or at his earliest convenience. If that is not soon, then I shall like to take you up on your offer of a tour. I should like to see your port gun wales."

Reysa Sashara
Dec 15th, 2002, 01:37:28 AM
'Of course Admiral, of course you may not ask confidential question about or weapons due to number one i know little about warfere and number two its classified as you can very well understand. Its right this way....'

After quite a long journey along the ship talking and discussing such matters as the Viashino custom the small gathering reached a large dommed shaped room built purely of what lookedlike pilons and large metal rods where many of the ships defences and attacks would be from, 8 o 10 gun ports alone allighned the dome and there were more around the ship, this of course was the ships armument nerve center a mass of large odd looking pannels coverd the north and west sides of the dome.

' This as you can see Admiral is where our arms are controlled from, sorry i do not know much about Viashino weaponry it isnot my department..but im sure you can guess what it is all about....'

Telan Desaria
Dec 16th, 2002, 10:16:28 PM
" Yes, i think I can."

The Admiral enjoyed the tour, literally drinking in his surroundings. Nothing would give the Empire an edge in battle.

The Grand Admiral's purpose, however, was not to see what the Via could do against the Empire in battle, but rather what they could do with them...

" I mean no disrespect, but I must say that billions of lives hang in the balance. You have been most helpful, but I must ask when will the Supreme Overlord be available to speak? Or can you do so on the Via's behalf?"

Reysa Sashara
Dec 16th, 2002, 10:27:11 PM
' I am ready Admiral ' Said a voice almost in a growel behind the well dressed human. Reysa had substitued his war armour for a dark blue comfitable looking gown with gold trims, his helmet however was left on along with the Via ritual dreadlocks as they normaly were. The Viashino stood only at about 6'1 but as the race was he was rather big built but also very agile. Of course as the Overlord entered the room the whole of the Via droped to one knee and bowed there heads, silence struck the room quickly.

'Please, Admiral join me within our master breifing room i trust you have come to see me about something rather important, please..come.' The creature beckoned the Admiral towards him before he turned and left the station.

Telan Desaria
Dec 17th, 2002, 01:12:48 PM
The Grand Admiral was pleased to see that the Supreme Overlord ws not indisposed. His Fleet was as he waited mustering for war. Time was of the essence.

" Certainly," Desaria replied, following the warlord into a briefing chamber. His chief of staff sat next to him with the Grand Admiral at one end of a table, and the Overlord and his aide at the not too distant other.

" You are no doubt wondering why I am here. I shall make my request simple and plain. I need your ships. You have an untapped power source in your war fleets and armies that would allow the Empire to unify again and regain its status as matriarch of the galaxy.

" Victory shall come one way or another, either order or chaos shall reign.

" I think you would not want to see the Republic in power: it was they who reduced the Yevetha...and they consider you the same.

" The Empire has no wish to take your planets, wealth, or culture. When returned to power, we shall see you rise above those who have wronged you. In order to do that, we need your help. My fleet is as powerful as yours, and in terms of numbers, more powerful than those of the other petty fueding Imperials.

" With your help, we can bring them together under a resurrected Imperial Banner that will fly from Rim to Core."

Reysa Sashara
Dec 17th, 2002, 01:21:13 PM
Reysa had already sat at the giant briefing table just before the Admiral spoke, and of course was quite annoyed at the proposal.

'You wish my fleet to aid you in your conquest even after your faction as a unison some months ago wanted to take my Empire?...i think not sir...' Reysa said waving his hands at the chef to go off and cook the two leaders a meal.

Telan Desaria
Dec 17th, 2002, 01:35:44 PM
" I might add, Overlord, that the Thyferra Sector Fleet never participated or contributed ships to that campaign. I did not ships in that action.

" The Empire I am asking you to help me build is not one based on toppling its allies. There are enough enemies to keep us busy. Understand, I was not in a position of power then.

" The Empire that assaulted you was under the Lord Diktat, Viscera. I am not he. I would never become he. He had a mind for politics but not military affairs. He tried to use the Fleet as leverage, and it went too far. make no mistake, I am no politician, I shall let their wars of words remain so. I am a man of action. So long as my command exists and the title of Grand Admiral still carries fear and weight with its use, than you may rest assured of my word.

" I see, however, I must sweeten the deal for you, as the politicians say. The Sector I propose to use your fleet in is vast and rich in resources and material. The planets you take there would greatly out do the territory you hold now. I require only to remove Imperial warlords from their positions of ill gotten power and secure my flanks, the rest is yours. In Sunex is a hive of greed and villany wearing Imperial green. I want that hive stamped out.

" You may think of it this way: the men you kill will be Imperials. Every one you eliminate brings you closer to the fruition of your vengeance."

Reysa Sashara
Dec 17th, 2002, 02:29:07 PM
'What stops me from wreaking revenge here and now hmm?...your ship inside my Empire, you the leader of a major faction in my ship surrounded by my troopes..the only thing stoping me is your shuttle of course, armed to the teeth to blow...you think im stupid Admiral?...you think i did not see that one coming?...what honestly stops me from ridding one more follower of the Diktat right here....right now hmm?' Reysa said leaning foward in his chair.

The silence was then broken by the Viahino with two huge plates full with a food that the admiral had never seen before, it was Mousarmeat...a very royal food in the Empire...

Telan Desaria
Dec 17th, 2002, 07:35:05 PM
The Grand Admiral smiled. Perhaps I should consider politics after retirement.

" The Empire has no wish to attack or even have hostile relations with you. As far as my shuttle, it was a precaution. I have never had any contact with the Via, as I said. I do not know what your society is like. I have no idea as to your duplicity, your loyalty, your honour, or your courage. I know only that you have a fleet, un committed in battle and for the most part untested.

" I am offering you the chance to bring glory to your people in an era when complacency reigns and dignity is a commodity to be traded like Spice.

" The Empire would not do well to attack you. I am would be thrust into a two front war. On one front, I run counter intelligence and do my best to stop an attack on me by the other Imperial powerfuls. An assault on the Via and their reprisal strikes, while easily defeatable, are not to be dismissed. Attacking you would transfer resources needed to combat other enemies.

" Before I am Imperial, I am Centaurian. A noble, by blood and birth. My word is my honor, to break is social death. I have given you, and give you again, my word. The Empire shall not attack you.

" During this grand campaign I envisage, thousands of worlds will fall and millions will die. The attacks willbe mounted my Imperial troops, Via soldiers, and a combination of Imperials and Viashino warriors. To attack you would be against all military logic. If the timing was right, and I had the might of the old Thyferra Sector behind me, I would consider the option. But I have neither the power, nor the inclanation.

" I have given you my word. I can offer you no more. The decision relies on you: do you want territory and glory? Or do you wish to wallow in seclusion???"