View Full Version : Femme Fatale

Dec 13th, 2002, 09:22:50 PM
Anyone see it(Jonathan I'm sure you did)? In fact, skip that...for some reason I have a feeling Jonathan hated it. ;) I saw it today and kinda liked it for the most part(up until the false ending anyways). I was pleasantly surprised to be honest. I hadn't heard much positive(or negative to be honest...I hadn't heard much period), and since it tanked at the box office I really didn't know anyone that saw it(thus word of mouth didn't enter into the equation).

It's not a great movie or anything(I'm only slightly recommending it), but it didn't deserve it's cruel death at the BO(at least not IMHO). I thought parts of the film were ingenius...up until the gimmick ending which did "kinda" ruin the film for me. Since I was expecting next to nothing though, I was rather entertained throughout. Anyways, if it comes to your discount theatre check it out. Or rent it. :)

Dec 13th, 2002, 09:28:06 PM
Harry at AICN said it was the best film this year. I'm temted to see it when it appears.

Figrin D'an
Dec 13th, 2002, 09:43:15 PM
Harry at AICN says that everything is "the best film of the year." He's the king of hyperbole.

Dec 13th, 2002, 09:44:17 PM
I disagree. He says more is terrible than is good :)

Dec 13th, 2002, 09:52:49 PM
Harry used to be the king of hyperbole. I quit reading his reviews for that very reason. Based on Reapers comment though I did read his review about "Femme". He was ecstatic about it.

I then checked rottentomatoes. The reviews were split pretty evenly -slightly towards negative(I think it was 46% positive). The ones who liked it though were for the most part big names in the critic biz...or whey wrote for respected publications.

This seemed to be a very divisive flick. Actually in just the time I've gotten home it's impact has grown on me.

Dec 13th, 2002, 10:00:22 PM
Hey, if you take the site down to Gunn Shots and reviews by Harry, Moriaty et al, you get a reliable site ;)

The way I see RT is that anything 40-60% is divided. It's not fresh, it's not rotten. It is too close :)

Dec 13th, 2002, 10:43:26 PM
I wanted to see it, but then I saw 2 reviews that rated it as a bomb, so I let it go, but I'll rent it.

Dec 14th, 2002, 03:48:31 AM
It was horrible. The lesbian scene at the start is worth getting if you can find it on Kazaa, though! :) That other chick was frickin' hot as hell and so is Rebecca Romijn-Stamos.

Actually that detracted from my rating of the movie, so I'm just kidding, but it would be good if it were in a soft porn flick.

The false ending was the biggest copout in film history. I don't mean this single specific one, I'm talking about THAT particular style of ending that I thought died long ago. It was horrible, I can't believe anyone would be such a hack director that they'd rely on that. My god.

The movie was boring, useless, stupid, and had a horrible ending. For whatever else I said, it's in my review -- BLAH!

I gave it 1 star.

Ebert loved it too, but he loved Frailty, so whatever. There are two 1 star films he both gave 4 stars. He is an easy critic. I've given like 10 four star ratings this year, he has given 20 or something and only seen a couple of extra movies that I guarantee won't come close to 4 for me. He's a pushover.

I still think Ebert is in the top 20% of critics. The rest are so pathetic and useless to me that I can't stand reading their moronic opinions. All that film knowledge, all that studying, and they still don't know a good movie from a pile of dung. Depressing. Ebert most of the time is pretty good. I've even given the exact same rating as him a surprising number of times this year. But when he is wrong, he is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY WRONG! Spider-Man, Gladiator, AOTC, Frailty, and Femme Fatale come to mind.