View Full Version : I'm starting to get pissed...

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 13th, 2002, 05:57:12 AM
OK, I kinda need to vent now...


I'm serious, I'm really starting to get pissed off. Some of them just leave because they haven't been assigned a master, others leave because they think it'll will "develop" their character...erm, no...

It doesn't really work. It makes the GJO look like we're boring. We have a steady stream of padawans running out of our doors to join some other side...you know what that looks like? Really, it's almost a joke. Many of them never even complete their training.

I'm really sorry, and I know that there's a ton of really cool people out there, but I think this is beginning to become an issue. The other thing is that, once they've left, they turn aroun and challenge everybody that they knew here. I want to know if this issue is disturbing others as much as its disturbing me.


Dec 13th, 2002, 06:11:43 AM
To be honest, I hadnt really noticed. I wouldnt let it bother you too much. It can be very fustraiting if your new here and not sure how things work if you dont get a master, and a good one at that to look after you and to help you. I know I had a fair bit of trouble 'cracking in' when I first came here but im one of those people who dont quit. We should be patient with these people and see if we can help them to settle.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:14:26 AM
Same old story mate. Never changed.

Jedi training in RP and Jedi RP'ing take patience and I would dare say more skill.

The good writers dont do that - if they want to play baddies, they invent a new character. And hinesty, it's not our fault if they think RP of a certain order is boring - RP is what YOU make of it and if you think it's broing.... it's your own bloody fault. Neither I nor GJO owe it to anyone to make their experience better. it's up to them.

I would also point out the ME!! ME!! ME!!! ME!!! attention whores who leap around liek crazy tend to leave anyway. If you want to get noticed the secret is to RP well, consistently and for a resonable amount. Real Bad Attention whores get nowhere. They either learn what to do (which is really good when that happens - I really like seeing awful players improve and become recognised and skilled), or they linger by themselves or leave.

Dec 13th, 2002, 06:33:27 AM
Same old story mate. Never changed. Just ask Alpha. ;)

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:36:24 AM
:lol..I was going to mention him, but didn't he go through training like, 3 times?

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:45:42 AM
But he finally gained Jedi Master after three years cause he settled down and got on with it.

And this place, you dont get given Jedi Master for nothing. You earn it by loyaltily, RP skill and willingness to participate in a positive manner. And I mean earn it. By the time I put a vote for a Jedi Master, it's going to be self evidnet the person in question deserves it 100%

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:50:48 AM
Ya, Marcus, I've seen. Anybody you ever put up for promotion I pretty much agreed on 100%. Still, I'm saying. What about Tomak? He left, came back, and then left as Ansatsu...is something wrong here?

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:52:37 AM
* Dumb look *

He did?

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:59:34 AM
Well, Tomak is Ansatsu, I believe. And Tomak left, pretty much caused Azhure to leave, then came back, an then booted his interim GJO character out. This is driving me nuts.

...and Ange Tot, too...:lol

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 07:10:30 AM
Well, in the end it's up to them how they play. Not you or I. You can only really control what you do, so I would advice you to simply make sure you RP as well as you know how to. Dont let it worry you, just concentrate on yourself.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 13th, 2002, 07:16:54 AM
Ok...thanks Marcus, and Shawn, and Oriadin!

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 07:29:37 AM
n/p - I can also guarenttee you follow what I said you will gaiin respect.

Which I might add cant be bought in this place. You really have to earn it and theyre are a lot of us who are pretty picky whom we give respect to.

But if you deserve it, you'll get your props in this place. HAve to rememebr there are people like me who have been around for such a long time, we've seen peopel come and go, seen the shit ones and also the gold ones. We're not being cliquely or nasty - we just dont waste time anymore.

Dec 13th, 2002, 09:07:01 AM
Ive noticed that around here. Lion, as Marcus said, if someone is anoying you its best just to leave them alone to get on with what they want to do. If you dont like RPing with them then dont. Its pretty simple. In many cases I think a lot of not so good posters are probably younger and just need to gain experience and need to learn to settle somewhat. You'll probably find that people make friends with people here around the same age or writting ability. Its just a natural occurance I think.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Dec 13th, 2002, 12:00:31 PM
Actaully I don't think GJO training would be boring no the boring part is waiting for a master to teach you. I was a baddy first then I made a new charcter to come here because I actaully am excited to see the diffrences between the to types of training.

Ryla Relvinian
Dec 13th, 2002, 02:51:17 PM
So much of Jedi training, IMHO, is boring... Boring for a reason. other groups get those folks because they are impatient. Patience is, quite possibly, the greatest skill you can have, IC or OOC. I've had my share of padawans who just... vanish. They can't wait and want it now. On the other hand, I've got 2 padawans right now who are immensely patient and great to work with. It's all in the luck of the draw, really. So much of this is simply patience and thick skin.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 14th, 2002, 04:08:17 AM
:lol...I understand. I actually think that the training is rather entertaining. It's a good place to build up character...such as when Lion ran into a wall when he was trying to do a backflip...

I don't have a problem with the padawans that leave personally...it's just starting to get on my nerves. Tomak and Ange are both really cool people.