View Full Version : Broken Dreams

Kesh Kou
Dec 12th, 2002, 08:12:50 PM
" Broken dreams, with broken homes, chilling screams and broken bones"

Kesh opened her eyes and gazed around her sleazy room before rolling onto her back and looking up at the ceiling, trying to calm her breathing. The nightmares seemed to come v\evry night since crono had killed himself, they wouldnt go away no matter what Kesh tryed. She missed her friends, or actually she couldt stand their pitying looks or their whispered sympathies. Hell, Demon told her to get on with her life and find her nephew. but Kesh could'nt do it, not alone. she heaved a deep sigh before climbing out of her bed and walking over to the small window and looked out, lost in thought. " Seems like I won't be getting any sleep tonight.Might as well get dressed and finsh the paperwork."

Later on as she walked down to the jedi bar she smiled coldy and walked in. maybe, this time, someone will talk to her and not stare at her as if she was going to either kill them or rob them. She walked over to a table that had scars on the top and some names carved into it's wood. It had all their names in it, crono, tevit, bastion, hers,kira, and alphas along with demons. The serving droid came and took her order before it went off to get her drink. She leaned back in her seat and pondered what to do.

Zereth Lancer
Dec 12th, 2002, 08:43:20 PM
Zereth walked into the building pulling the hood of his black cloak off then he stood in the middle of the room looking for a table but they where all used then out of the corner of his eye he noticed a woman looking quite lonely

he walked up to her his blood red eyes resting on her "do you mind if I join you" Zereth's black hair was wet from the rain outside.

Kesh Kou
Dec 17th, 2002, 12:15:11 PM
ooc- my char looks exactly like felicia off night warriors/darkstalkers

ic- Kesh tilted her head back and and nodded before motioning him to a chair across from her. " Please do, might as well introduce myself. I am Keshia Kou but please call me Kesh. And you would be?" Kesh asked quietly while gazing around the room for anyone with badges or bounty hunters that were trailing her.

Dec 17th, 2002, 03:58:50 PM
*Walking into the building, Kariss squints her yellow eyes to adjust them to the darkened room and looks around at the patrons there. She lets out a sigh, having traveled so far to come to here. 'Guess it is as good a city as any to make my home now.' She thinks to herself. She spots the two at the table having a conversation and smiles, moving to the bar to sit by herself at the far end of it to watch everyone. Kariss orders a drink, reaching her hand down to her hip to make sure he saber is still there hidden under her trench coat. She lets out another sigh, smiling at the droid as it brings her the drink she ordered.

"Here's to a new life." She mutters to herself, taking a long drink of the burning liquid.*

Zereth Lancer
Dec 17th, 2002, 09:08:12 PM
"My name is Zereth Lancer its very nice to meet you Kesh" Zereth said with a smile

he looked around the room noticeing a woman with yellow eyes at the bar "you look lonely and sad whats troubling you" he said to Kesh silently.

Dec 17th, 2002, 10:13:57 PM
*Sitting back in her chair, Kariss nods to the man at the table as his eyes scan the room and land on her briefly. She stifles a yawn, feeling the affects of her long journey finally catching up to her. She finishes her drink and quickly orders another one, keeping her eyes on people in the bar and letting herself relax some. *

Kesh Kou
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:14:48 PM
Kesh smiled crookedly and tapped the tabletop with one of her claws. " see these names? They are the names of people I care about but ...I haven't seen them in a long time. But enough about me being sad, what are you out and about doing in the rain?" Kesh asked politely. the serving droid put her drink on the table she stopped and looked at him." would you like something to drink?"

Zereth Lancer
Dec 18th, 2002, 04:42:07 PM
"Yes I would a glass of scotch would be nice" Zereth said with a pleasent smile he leaned forward to read the names on the table

"I dont know any of these names but I can sence the sadness in you."

Kesh Kou
Dec 30th, 2002, 07:23:49 PM
Kesh gave his order to the droid and turned to face him.
"Maybe but then who knows?" She stated matter of factly as she sipped at her drink. This Zereth was a sith, by looks and by the aura surrounding him. She shrugged and tapped her claws on the table distarctedly.

Zereth Lancer
Dec 31st, 2002, 10:15:23 PM
"yes who knows" Zereth was silent.