View Full Version : College Football Fans...

Dec 12th, 2002, 05:53:06 PM
School with the the coolest traditions....

Best Tradtions....

You could fill many pages with this kind of stuff. Alot of schools have great traditions. I just want other people's opnions.

I figure Figrin and I can post 40 things back and forth if no one else joins in. ;)

Figrin D'an
Dec 12th, 2002, 06:06:45 PM
oh boy... this thread could get long winded... :lol

Dec 12th, 2002, 07:06:00 PM
So are you or I gonna kick this off? ;)

Figrin D'an
Dec 12th, 2002, 08:01:17 PM
well... a few of my favorites...

- The Cadet and Midshipmen march-in at the annual Army-Navy game. A sight to behold, to say the least.

- The dotting of the "i" in the script Ohio by The Ohio State Marching Band.

- Midnight "Yell Practice" at Texas A&M

- The "American the Beautiful" shield formation and "I Am An American" speech by the Purdue University "All-American" Marching Band

... I'll leave some for later... :)

Dec 12th, 2002, 08:07:02 PM
You mentioned a few of the ones I was gonna do(I attended a Midnight Yell when NT played A&M back in '98...wow). Here's some others...

Chief Oceola throwing down the spear at Florioda State. I love it because not only is it traditional in the football sense, but the it's the actual way Seminoles declare war. That's AWESOME.

The Amy/ Navy players singing each others alma maters side by side at the end of the game. Gives ya chills...

North Texas - the march and lighting the Administration tower GREEN after home victories. :D

More to come...


Just got this off of an A&M website. Midnight Yell is incredible Figrin..good choice!

Yell Practice

At precisely 12am before every Aggie football game, Aggies gather for Midnight Yell Practice. Yell Practice is a long-standing tradition of enthusiasm and Aggie spirit. The story goes that the first Yell Practice was held in 1932 when a few fish in the Cadet Corps had the idea that the students should gather together in order to motivate everyone for the upcoming football game. The seniors, as well as the Yell Leaders, couldn’t officially recognize the event, but they hinted that they would be present if such an event took place. In the end, the Yell Leaders, the Aggie Band and the Cadet Corps showed up at the YMCA Building on campus for the first ever Midnight Yell Practice.

When the Ags play at home, Yell Practice is at Kyle Field. If the Ags play on the road, Yell Practice takes place at a designated location in the town or area where the game is played. Yell Practice begins when the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band marches into Kyle Field, with the Yell Leaders carrying flaming torches. Thousands of students, former students, and fans make their way to Kyle Field where they gather together and "practice" yells and enjoy the camaraderie that Aggies hold so dear. During Midnight Yell, the crowd also sings The Aggie War Hymn and The Spirit of Aggieland. During Yell Practice, both a junior and senior Yell Leader tell a traditional Aggie fable (usually a good-natured jab directed at the opposing team and their fans) that fire up the Aggie faithful.

[B]If the Aggie football team is outscored or runs out of time, fans remain in their seats at the stadium for a post-game Yell Practice. Tradition holds that a reason the team was unable to triumph on the turf was because the 12th Man may not have been loud enough in the stands and consequently need more "practice." Symbolically, the 12th Man remains for Yell Practice as a display of solidarity, as well as to show their support for the team. [\B]

At the end of Yell Practice, the lights dim at Kyle and fans "practice" kissing their dates. This prepares the 12th Man for the upcoming game and the time-honored tradition of kissing your date after every Aggie score. As the Aggie saying goes, "When the team scores, we score!" What a deal!

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 12th, 2002, 09:18:29 PM
Alabama (yes, I am PARTIAL)

The Big Bama Spellout -
Million Dollar Band sprints into formation to spell "BAMA", one letter at a time. (not much, but I like it)

Rammer Jammer -
Rudest official cheer in college sports. One of our past athletic directors tried to ban it. They gave him his walking papers. Goes a little like this:

"Hey (Insert opposing team name)!
Hey (Insert opposing team name)!
Hey (Insert opposing team name)!
We're gonna beat the hell outta you!
Rammer Jammer Yellowhammer
Give em' Hell, Alabama!"

And when we win, it is repeated, but instead of "we're gonna" we shout "we just". Its mean in Bryant Denny, and the reverb will shake your boots.

The Tradition Jumbotron -
Before every game, shows clips from all 12 national championship teams, with voiceovers by the "Bear" himself. Last clip is George Teague chasing down whats-his-name from Miami, and tearing the ball away from him, mid-stride.

Dec 12th, 2002, 09:20:28 PM
Notre Dame...

Painting the helmets with Gold paint...

Touchdown Jesus...

Play Like a Champion today....