View Full Version : A quiet word (Malice Draclau)

Alera Starreyes
Dec 12th, 2002, 05:25:45 PM
Alera sat in a quiet corner in the bar. It was noon, the sun streaming in the front windows. The noise level was low, just a mild buzz - business wasn't exactly booming in the middle of the day. It was just the right noise level for a quiet talk without interruptions - not soft enough to be overheard easily, not too loud to hear yourself think.

Alera closed her eyes, reaching out with her senses. As far as she could tell, she and Malice were the only ones nearby who could use the Force, right now. Good.

-Malice... we need to talk.-

Malice Draclau
Dec 12th, 2002, 05:44:52 PM
Malice had been close the the other side of the town they were in. He was doing some business with others that would later help him greatly. They were stopped aburptly however, as Malic recived the message from Alera. He left the meeting instantly, making his way towards where he felt her. Why he had not sensed her before was unknown to him.

It took about 15 minutes, but he had made it. Walking inside, his white robes flowed around him,contrastig the rather darkening room as the sun began to set. Contrasting even more with the darkness that flowed within him. Not eve needing to look around, he found Alera. Sitting down across from her, Malice studied her face trying to see what it was she wanted to talk about.

*I am here Alera. What is it you wish to talk about?

He reached out his hands, grabbing hers and holding them. It had been alongtime since he wa able to show such feelings, and in a sense it felt good to be able to let these feelings out.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 12th, 2002, 08:32:14 PM
She held his hands tightly. "Malice... I'm a little... worried." She let out a breath, took a moment to organize her thoughts.

"Lately I've been thinking a lot about things. About what would happen if we were found out. Malice, I'm scared for you. What if..." Alera sighed, starting again. "We can't hide it forever. One day soon we won't be able to, and I don't know what will happen then. I think... I don't know what I think. I just know I'm afraid. I don't want you to get hurt."

Dec 13th, 2002, 04:04:55 AM
Silence was heard, but soon accompanied by laughter. Laughter which came from Malice, though he could sense Alera's surprise at this answer to her words. After he composed himself, he stared at Alera, thinking about what she had said before saying his own.

*It mattersnt Alera....i am a sith, and as such i accept all pain thrown at me. It makes me stronger. From those that wish to hurt me, solely because they have found us out, i shall welcome them. Welcome them into my ever embracing arms of darkness and death*

Remembering the batle with Grev, he grinned at Alera.

*In time i feel, we might not have to hide it much longer. We will be able to expose ourselves, and none woud care*

With this, he sent her images of that battle. Of her when her anger began to rise. And then of her when she used force lightning to put Grev down. Without waiting for her reply, Malice continued.

*I have become stronger since we first met, i will not be so easily defeated. And with you by my side, nothing will stop us....nor our feelings*

His eyes suddenly changed. The expression on his face tured pleading.

*Please Alera, do not leave me. The last time a woman left me, it broke me. Shattered my world all around me. I lost all sense of control, and became a ravaging killer. For months i cared for nothing or no one, not even my fellow members of TSO. I only wnted to cause pain to anyone that came in my path. I was being eaten up inside.......it felt as if my sould had died right then and there*

His grip around her hands tightened.

*But when i met you, it felt as if my soul was reborn. You had reawakened the feelings in me i thought were long dead. If you leave me, i fear i will not be able to handle the emotions which come after that a second time*

Alera Starreyes
Dec 13th, 2002, 04:25:33 PM
"I know." Alera gave his hands a gentle squeeze, and smiled slightly at him, briefly. "God... it would tear my heart in pieces to leave you behind.

"But Malice..." She thought back to the images he'd sent her, shuddered slightly. "...I couldn't join the dark side. Never. Not unless..." Alera trailed off. Not unless there was no other choice, unless he was in great and immediate danger. "I'm not so sure if I should have done that, with Grev... but it was all I could think of at the time. Feeling anger is fine, it's normal, but... using it to hurt people..."

She stopped, not sure if he would understand. After all, he was a Sith... there was no reason he should think using anger to cause pain purposely, and taking joy from it, feeding off it, was wrong. She wasn't necessarily trying to change his mind about that... but she needed to know he understood how she felt.

"These people, here, with us, that can't use the Force... how do feel about them? How do you see them?"

Dec 13th, 2002, 09:49:08 PM
Malice took a moment to look around at the forceless beings sitting at the tables and bar counter. Sure each of them had the force within, but not to a degree where they could use it like him or Alera. Studying them, and thinking of what hethought of them, he looked back at Alera. A look of uncertainty on his face.

*Do you.....really wn to kow what i think of them?*

He already knew what he thought, but he did not know how Alera would take to it. His feelings about them were none to good, or pretty for that matter.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:57:30 AM
Alera nodded. She thought she already knew, but she wanted to hear it from Malice.

Dec 14th, 2002, 09:01:34 PM
Malice nodded. Taking in a deep breath before speaking.

*Ok. The truth is, i don't think anything of them. To me, they are nothing. They are but pawns, toys used to greater my strength. They are instruments of which through them, through their deaths, i shall cause fear to drown the other's like them*

He looked down a he table, his eyes purposefully avoiding Alera's. He knew not what was going through her mind as he sid these things. Come to think of it, he didn't even want to know.

*They are also ways in which for me to release anger. Killing them, watching them die slowly and very painfully, eases the anger, the pain within myself*

He stopped there. Looking back up into her eyes, he wanted to know what was racing through her mind as he said what he said. is eyes showed these questions burning within him. Should she think he a monster, he would no care. It wouldn't be the first time someone he cared about thought of him as such or called him one.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 15th, 2002, 10:11:03 AM
Alera nodded slightly again. She'd expected as much. She sighed.

"Do you see what I'm trying to say? It's my duty to defend those people." She paused, looking around at all of them. "I see them as people with their own lives, their own hopes and dreams. Someone has to protect those hopes and dreams. That's what I do."

She looked back at Malice, meeting his eyes. "You'd have no qualms about killing any of these people." Her tone was soft, not judging, only a little sad. "I don't think any less of you." She said gently. "I just don't think I could live like that."

Dec 15th, 2002, 04:00:40 PM
Malice simply shook his head at her last statement.

*Then what do you siggest we do. I cannot turn away from the darkside.....i have been with it for far to long now. My body would not survive the change*

He to turned and looked once more at the beings around him.

*Besides you know i am not human. The jedi would never accept a demon into their ranks. The darkside, and it's ways are my only home*

Malice then turned and stared into her eyes. He would try once again to get her to join him. If not, then there was nothing else he could do.

*Why wont you give the darkside a chance. You have proven that you have anger within you. You have used that anger on a few occasions i'm sure. As such i know you have felt the power of the darkside. And yet you refuse to go to it. Coe with me Alera, lt me guide you through the darkside*

Alera Starreyes
Dec 15th, 2002, 04:17:33 PM
Alera shook her head slowly, hesitating to speak. Finally, she said, "If we're found out... I'll have to make that decision. It won't be a decision I'll like, but I will."

She sighed. Maybe he's right... maybe one of the reasons I have so many problems with control is because I was really meant for the dark side...

But in the end, she had to do what she felt was right.

"I just... can't."

She then smiled a little, a rueful edge to it. "Besides, I'd have way too much of a conscience to be a Sith."

Dec 15th, 2002, 05:57:55 PM
Malice laughed at her joke. Standing up, he walked aroud to her side, picking her up to her feet.

*Well then, i must be off. We wouldn't want anyone else to find us out now would we*

Pulling her close,Malice gave her a long passionate kiss. He didn't want to pull back, but alas he had no choice. Letting her go, Malice turned and made his way out. He still had that business deal to go through. He grinned at the thought of how mad they were going to be at him. Anger was such a wonderful thing to toy with.