View Full Version : The bachelor thread to end all bachelor threads

Dec 12th, 2002, 03:35:30 PM
OOC: There's been so many advertisements of guys needin' girls and girls needin' guys, I'ma end it all right here, right now! Come and seek your fortune, single RPers!

IC: Zeke's been advertising this across the universe. On Coruscant, in the biggest building Zeke could get a hold of, he has set up a sound booth. There are disco balls, strobe lights, all the makings of night club-ism. And all of this is for one single, solitary purpose: To hook people up with other people and provide ample opportunity to mack on those that are attractive. The room's crowded already, and he just opened the doors five minutes ago. Here's hopin' for success.

"Good luck guys and girls! May the Force and the fates assist in your noble quests for love!"

Sure it sounded cheesy, but in the end, that's what they were there for. Besides, even if they couldn't find love in a place like this, they can all still have fun.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 12th, 2002, 09:09:10 PM
Of course, Kindo was probably one of the first people in the doors. He had been scanning the Greater Jedi Order for a woman for sometime, hoping to find him a lovely yet single young lady. A small bead of sweat ran down his forehead from the nervousness that was already swelling within him. He got shaky around women, that is until he finally settled down and relaxed. Ladies had always admired his elegance and manners, obviously some of the advantages of once being a Count.

He was dressed in a stylish gray suit, with a blue button-up shirt under it. His black hair was combed right in place, something it hadn't been in several months. He shaved, put on expensive cologne, and his teeth shone ivory-white. He was indeed prepared for this special event, in hopes he might happen to find a decent girl, or so he hoped.