View Full Version : Anyone else have really bad roommate stories?

Dec 12th, 2002, 03:07:43 PM
I was going to post this story of our quad mate here, the guy who lives in this shared quad and is next door to me, so I was hoping maybe other people had funny stories about their roommates or whatever from college.

Anyway, ok I'll keep this short because there's not much to say about this loser. So Ben and I move into the quad, we meet the other guy here besides Loser (you'll see why I am going to call him this) and his name is Brendon, he's a really cool guy. Brendon, Ben, and I talk a lot actually, I helped edit Brendon's New American Cinema paper. Anyway, we all tried to introduce ourselves to Loser, but he never once responded with anything but, "Whatever. Argg, bah" or some weird combination of moans and grunts. As in, NONE OF US know the guy's name! We have lived here with him for more than 10 weeks and don't know his name. He goes into his room, he blasts music incredibly loud, like at 1 a.m. two nights ago, and he makes no apologies for it. We tell him to be quiet because some of us are trying to sleep or study, and he is like, "Whatever" and turns it down a bit. Besides this, he steals shampoo from Brendon and doesn't use his own, when he finishes showering it looks like a Wookie just clipped his hair in the shower and he never cleans it out like the rest of us (this is a common courtesy -- I had maids back home and I still know better! Come on). Then he set off the fire alarm yesterday with his weird cooking, whatever the heck he was doing, didn't say sorry and when I walked out to see what was up he just grunted and walked into his room. He is the missing link, I swear to god. Then he throws his toilet paper rolls behind the toilet thinking the Toilet Fairy is going to take them away for him or something. When we first got in here, he was the only one using the main trash, we all have trash cans in our rooms, and he filled it up so Brendon left a note and told him it was getting disgusting, and it was, and he came out and started cussing at Brendon, "I didn't F****** leave the F******* stuff in the F****** trash man I F****** use my own F***** trash." That gives you the idea, he literally swears every other word. He sounds like trailer trash.

Ok so yesterday, Brendon and I just had it, after that whole music ordeal at 1 in the morning. We both went to Frank, the apartment manager, and told him that we had tried to reason with this guy and we've been courteous as we could be, but he doesn't respond to any of our requests to please keep the volume down or clean up after himself because we don't want to clean up after him. Frank told us that next time he blasts his music, we should just call the police. All well and good, but I still hate having to live with this guy.

So I go back and about an hour later, Ben gets home from a final and I start telling Ben what Frank told Brendon and I and guess what? Loser BURSTS out of his room, storms over into Ben's room where we are both talking, without permission I should stress, and starts yelling at me saying, "YOU WENT AND TOLD FRANK HUH? WHAT DID YOU TELL HIM?" I just said calmly, "I told him that you were creating problems for the rest of us and making it difficult for us to live here and your music is constantly so loud that it prevents us from sleeping or studying," and he put up his fists and said, "YOU WANT TO FIGHT?" I said, "Uhh, no actually I don't want to fight," and he says, "F*** YOU!" then he tries to reach for my neck, like he puts his hands out like he is going to strangle me or something, but I move away and he stops short anyway, then he swears a few more times and storms back into his room and SLAMS the door. Ben and I just stood there shocked for a few seconds, like what seemed like 5 seconds anyway, and I said, "I think we should go to the office again..." and Ben said, "Yeah, that is what we are going to do, because this is not acceptable to be threatened in our own living environment. This is just ridiculous." Brendon walked out about that time too, then we all three went to the office and told Frank about the whole thing and Ben re-iterated the points Brendon already made.

Anyway, Frank and his son (they both run this apartment place) were pretty pissed at Loser and said they'd had problems with him before. Frank said, "That's it, we'll just kick him out. I don't have any problems with that." His son said, when we walked out of the office and we told him briefly what happened, "Yeah we'll just evict him." So hopefully this guy will be gone before I get back from break. I really am worried even being around here with him, I mean I don't know this lunatic, how do I know whether he really is a violent person or not? If someone threatens you like that, it's a good idea to take it seriously to be on the safe side. The guy is just a menace.

I was going to just tell Frank that if he didn't take care of the problem, then I'd file assault charges on this guy and unlawful entry into Ben's apartment for instance, then get a restraining order and force him to move myself. It's just not cool to get threatened like that in your own apartment when you haven't done anything wrong whatsoever. If he didn't want us telling Frank about his antics, then maybe he could have listened one of the millions of times we nicely asked him to please keep it down and please not steal our stuff and please clean up the darn bathroom.

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 12th, 2002, 03:29:15 PM
Funny stuff. I know how crazy roommates can be. My current one isn't as nuts as yours, but he's close.

First - the guy has the most convolutedly confusing entertainment center I've ever seen. I have no idea how to even watch TV in my own room, so he pretty much has a monopoly on TV, DVD, VCR, Console games, and music player. That leaves me with my computer, which I'm fine with, for the most part. Also, he has really really bad taste in movies (to me, at least. You'd probably like his collection, Jon ;)). So he's watching Fortress 1 and 2, and his Dolph Lundgren section of DVD's, with the sound jacked. I am using headphones on my computer. I ask him to turn it down, and he acts like I'm being a major inconvenience...as he sits his punk <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> on the couch (which he has also got a monopoly on) and watches his craptastic movies. Then, he proceeds to flip it onto Cartoon Network, for bad anime. I can do DB and DBZ, but the rest is just blarg. After that its Law and Order, Jag, and Babylon 5, none of which I really am into. Oh well, I will stay in my corner of the room.

Thats the persistent, minor stuff. Now for the rest:

I'm a realist, ok. People masturbate. If you say you don't, you're a damned liar. But we do it in our own time, and do it when nobody is in the room! For God sakes...when you're alone!!! He has this quilt, and he'll be watching HBO soft porn or some Skinemax, and I'll hear sheets moving. Sure, I can't see it, but c'mon...the quilt is moving up and down...right there. I didn't really know how to address the situation, and I let it go. So naturally, it got worse...until I just blurted out "Quit your whackin' and do it on your own damn time." Haven't had any trouble since, but I've noticed he takes 30 minute bathroom visits now. Oh well, I have lysol.

One night, he came in after having about a half liter of beam. Whiskey affects people differently. I can handle it with no trouble. He passed out, and I figured he was good for the night. So I go to bed. In the middle of the night, I hear him spitting. Not throwing up, just spitting in his sleep, and making smacking noises. I try to wake him up, and he totally yammies all over himself, his bed, and the floor around his side of the room. It was nothing but Jim Beam Kentucky Bourbon and Arby's curly fries. And there weren't that many curly fries at that. So my room stank like whiskey, as I went for the mop and bucket. I drug his punk <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> into the bathroom, and tied him to the toilet, so he wouldn't slide off.

The really annoying thing, is that he talks to his video games. ALOT. Like, he's some kind of psychologically deprived only child, and he's subconciously yearning for a friend. I just want to turn around, slap him, and say "The game can't hear you, you ignorant mongoloid!" But I am a nice guy, and hold my tongue.

Next...he's having such a difficult time paying his fraternity dues...which if that was the whole story, I would be sympathetic. But, he's on the GI bill. Tuition is free. Room and board are free. Books are free. He doesn't work, and whatever money he has, he blows on games and DVD's. He has a major priorities issue.

In saying all this, I am not the perfect roommate by far. I am somewhat messy, and on occasion, I will eat his food (which I remember to restock on my grocery trips though). Yet, my transgressions aside...I do not deserve such a waste of egg and sperm as a roommate.

Dae Jinn
Dec 12th, 2002, 03:40:47 PM

I'm actually comtemplating getting a room mate so I can move out of my teeny apartment, but the only person I know who I could possibly live with is my friend Khriss. This girl spends all her money on useless crap, or her "fiancee" who lives in NYC. She doesn't even spend money on new cat litter for her cat :x But, the main reason why I would NEVER have her for a room-mate is that she is the biggest slut I have ever met.
True story : I was at her old apartment, and she and her now ex were in the kitchen. I didn't know it at the time, but they had sex in there while I was in the other room >_< I wouldn't want her screwing around on all my stuff :lol
Luckily, when I was in college, I lived at home, so no bad room-mates for me :lol

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 12th, 2002, 03:41:30 PM
Bad roommates? I've shared an apartment with three other girls at one point in time.

My roommate (who was in my ROOM and we had...BUNK BEDS) would always put a glass of water on the floor when she was sleeping, and then knock it over in the morning. We had an icky musty mildewy smell in the room because she'd never clean it up and would just let it dry by itself.

She also would leave clothes all over the floor. I didn't have an opportunity to be messy, because as a survival instinct I kept everything put away. She also bleached one of my towels when she was dying her hair. Had another roommate who made a fish and broccoli dinner and left everything out over night. Next door and upstairs neighbors thought our toilet had backed up, it smelled so bad. :x

After I got rid of roommate number 1 I got a new roommate. Still a bunk bed, still the small room...she had a boyfriend who never left and I swear he was our 5th roommate. Luckily he didn't stay the night. >_< HOWEVER sometimes they'd come in the room and wouldn't realize that I was napping on the top bunk, and would start making out on her bed. Gross. Plus she was really really really messy, and sometimes I had to crawl over 3 ft high piles of clothes, dirty or otherwise, just to get to my bed.

My current roommate is much better. Yay! Plus, separate bathrooms and bedrooms. :D

Dec 12th, 2002, 03:46:11 PM
Don't have any bad roomie stories of my own..but yalls have made me laugh BIG TIME.


imported_Terran Starek
Dec 12th, 2002, 03:55:58 PM
Being a Resident Assistant (RA) has its perks... a.ka.


I had one last year, but he wasn't too bad. The only real thing he would do that bothered me was sleeping with the overhead light on. At night, 90% of the time, he would turn the light off. On occassion, I would come back to the room after work, late, and he would be asleep with the light on. Don't know if he had a phobia or what. I hope not...cuz I always turned it off!! :D

Dae Jinn
Dec 12th, 2002, 04:09:07 PM
I bet you traumatized that poor boy Terran ;) :lol

Dec 12th, 2002, 04:46:07 PM
"she is the biggest slut I have ever met."

Wait where does she live again? ;)

Diego, lol, I do not think anyone would say I have bad taste in movies. I appreciate most of the recognized greatest films of all time:


Everyone likes SOME movies that are not popular, though, or that only a small group of people really enjoys. Your story was really funny, though. My god that guy sounds like a loser.

Actually, he sounds like Pat, who is the roommate of one of my other friends, Erik. Pat is like 25, he is a freshman in college, and he brought his ENTIRE comic book collection to the dorm with him and he continually locks himself out of the room wearing just his underwear and then runs around screaming like a mad man for Erik to let him in if he can't find him. Then he makes weird noises in his sleep and is just disgusting in general.

I would never actually be able to tolerate a "roommate" in the literaly sense, i.e. same room. I need my own room. That's just that, because I end up doing a lot of hard work and I simply cannot focus with other people in my room. It is a major annoyance, I become distracted just by the presence of another person. I like to be able to be alone in a room to work. I could do a two-bedroom apartment thing with Ben next year, though, so long as we have a nice common living area, two full rooms, etc. That'd be ok.

Dae Jinn
Dec 12th, 2002, 04:49:41 PM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
"she is the biggest slut I have ever met."

Wait where does she live again? ;)

Ummmm, Sorry, I wouldn't want you to catch anything ;) lol.

Dec 12th, 2002, 04:54:07 PM
Good point. But still...

20 years old, I better catch someone in this decade, lol. ;)

Figrin D'an
Dec 12th, 2002, 05:24:30 PM
Most of my roommates in college were pretty cool. I kind of lucked out my freshman year, going to a college out of state and knowing no one until I got there, and ended up with a very cool roommate. We got along quite well, which was important since our dorm room was about the size of a crackerjack box. My final years of college, I had an apartment with a friend I met my freshman year, and it worked out well. He was a little messy at times, but since we had seperate bedrooms and bathrooms, it wasn't a problem most of the time. I had to get on his case a little about cleaning up in the kitchen and rinsing off dishes before stuff dried and became more difficult to clean. That was about it, though.

My roommate my sophomore year provided for my worst experience, though. He was a total slob. He was a pretty nice guy, and he was a ChE major and had many of the same classes, but he was just insanely messy. At any given time, it looked like a tornado had selectively targeted his half of the our dorm room. He had so much useless crap stored in his closet, too. He thought that he was a mac-daddy, too, and that he had impeccable fashion sense. I just laughed to myself, and let him look like a walking Gap advertisement.

And Jon... if that guy should present any problems in the future, even after he gets evicted, don't hesitate to take legal action against him. My freshman year, a very disturbed student killed his RA, then himself, after the RA discovered cocaine in the student's room. I won't go into the details, because it still freaks me out a little, but just remember that just because someone is in college, doesn't mean that they can't potentially be seriously mentally unbalanced. Any kind of threat, report it to the police immediately.

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 12th, 2002, 06:06:06 PM
My room mate? Ugh! Horrid slob. Our floor is always covered with clothing and whathave you, and the computer room is even worse. It's like a file cabinet for all your papers, without the cabinet. That, and all of these bottles of water and coke cans and Wendy's cups... some glasses and whatnot.

A total pig stine!!

It's amazing one can still see the floor...

Heh, though I guess one doesn't learn to clean when they don't have much time, live at home with their parents, and have the entire upstairs to themselves. I'm my own worse roomate. ^_^

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 12th, 2002, 06:10:56 PM
Firsl place I lived after I left home... well.... I WAS the bad room mate. The next place I was in, the whole lot of us were slobs adnd the huse was a mess. Coolest place I've ever been in :D

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 12th, 2002, 06:14:36 PM
Figrin-- :( :(

You got me worried now...

Dae Jinn
Dec 12th, 2002, 06:18:48 PM
Don't worry Terran :( *hugs* Nothing bad will happen, no worries.

And...Marcus, that really doesn't surprise me....:lol I don't see how people can be overly slovenly though >_< But that's the OCD talking.

Dec 12th, 2002, 06:20:42 PM
I had the best roommate freshman year - no roommate... :) Actually I had one for the first week, and he was really cool, but he moved in with a buddy of his after that week. Technically, I could have been assigned another one at any time, but I ended up for the whole year with a double room all to myself... :)

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 12th, 2002, 06:26:09 PM
The best roommate I ever had, is Akrabbim :) We were like Ozzie and Harriet...very cool semester. I wish he was still in school, so we could still be roomies.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 12th, 2002, 06:26:54 PM
It's alright, Terran...we won't let anything happen to you...:)

Since I'm still in high-school, I have no funny stories...but I think I laughed up a lung...:lol

Dec 12th, 2002, 06:46:29 PM
That is scary, Figrin!

Good advice.

This guy isn't even a college student, which is another problem, because he doesn't understand the rest of us need to study and have a lot of work to do and don't want to be cleaning up after him and putting up with his noise.

I'm just worried because the guy doesn't seem very logical anyway, he MUST have some mental problems, I'm not saying he's crazy but he is disturbed, like there has to be some sort of problem with someone who is so anti-social and rude to everyone. I don't know what his deal is, but I just worry like if he lost his job or something then they evicted him, who knows what he'd do. We already sorta think he DID lose his dead-end, loser job because he is around here all of the time it seems like. He used to leave from midnight to 8 a.m. for work, night shift, but he doesn't do that anymore.

Dec 12th, 2002, 09:21:47 PM
I have the best roommate....me!
I'm friggin SO perfect and SO cool! :lol

Dec 12th, 2002, 09:35:15 PM
Amen JMK. :)

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 12th, 2002, 09:37:46 PM
Nobody starts anything in my room. From where I sit, I have arms reach access to 4 knives, a kris, a gladius, 4 shuriken, and 4 razor throwing cards.

And my arsenal is very modest, compared to Akrabbim's.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 12th, 2002, 11:15:33 PM
Wow, I don't have any major horror stories, I had two roomates, in college, one I got along with pretty well the other well we argued a lot, he was a big debater he loved debating everything, and sometimes I wished I had never opened my mouth because I would be there an hour debating with him. Still, I guess now I consider myself lucky, my roomates were both pretty decent, neither one tried to kill me in my sleep or play music till 4am or whatever.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 12th, 2002, 11:31:51 PM
My first roommate was bad. I'm a decent guy, and he was more of your Gangsat Rapper wannabe. He had a different girl over every night, played the same 2 songs every single day, was obsesses with Pornography. he even asked girls to come to his room to watch with him. The guy had sex with one girl in the room while I was in the room. He never listened to me. I'd have to go to the RA every week. And the RA would tell me later that he had things straightened out, but they never were. He even had a bag of creatin(sp?) and told me it was ilegal drugs. He was pretty neat, but he was so morally wrong.

I hated to be in that room with him. I didn;t want to invite anyone to my room. I was afraid people would see him looking at his porn, or if I asked a girl over he would ask me if I was going to have sex with her, or ask her to stay and watch porn. I did not want to be associated with him at all. You think for an Air Force guy, he'd be a little cleaner in his responsibilities.

My new roommate is great. He's one heck of a lot more decent than the last guy. We have not had a single problem.

Dec 13th, 2002, 04:05:54 PM
I've had 2...both were cool. First one stayed out til all hours, so I basically lived alone, and 2nd one was quiet and didn't always have people knocking on the walls or coming in to see if he was there, and he LEFT ME ALONE ABOUT POSTING!

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:32:33 PM
Wei - military guys generally are similar. When they're off duty, all that "military responsibility" goes out the window.

Not all, mind you, but lots are like that. Not surprising at all is your story.

Dec 16th, 2002, 07:10:20 AM
The first roommate I ever had in college was a real <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>. During orientation weekend the turd actually had the nerve to hit on my sister and cousin who came up with me to visit the school. They never told me about it until I got a new roommate because they knew I'd probably try to pummel him. I almost did a couple of times that semester because he was so annoying at times. I was just out of Basic Training and in decent shape so a pummeling would not have been a problem. Plus, he was actually smaller than I was which is a rare event.

All of my roommates after that were generally cool. Some were a bit anal about cleanliness. Some learned the hard way that you should always KNOCK before you enter your roommate's room and his girlfriend is over. And one had to have his gun taken away from him because he was feeling a bit suicidal. But aside from that, no problems.:smokin

Dec 16th, 2002, 08:45:02 AM
Originally posted by Diego Van Derveld
Also, he has really really bad taste in movies (to me, at least. You'd probably like his collection, Jon ;))


Dec 17th, 2002, 06:10:34 PM
Dutchy maybe you two could get together and share a cry fest for the wussy films you seem to like ;)

My taste in classic film, though, differs little from any other great critic. My AFI reviews prove that. I happen not to appreciate a lot of the modern trash, actually, but if anything that makes me a more picky critic.

My dad has a lot of horrible roommate stories, but in general my dad got the best of all of them. One guy kept on walking in late at like 3 in the morning and making a ton of noise when my dad was trying to sleep because he had early classes and 19 credits (he was pre-med as a dentist). Anyway, after a lot of occurrences of this and my dad telling this guy he needed to stop making so much noise when he came in late, my dad finally just punched the guy out one night. He walked in late, started making noise, my dad took his fist and slammed the guy against the wall. He never pulled that crap again.

Another time my dad WAS the bad roommate and he was kinda drunk I guess and he went to go to the bathroom because they always just pissed right out the window and instead of the window he started pissing in his roommate's ear! His roommate started shouting, "WINDOW! WINDOW! WINDOW!" My dad was half-asleep but he finished at the window, haha. That guy requested to be switched very shortly afterwards, as you can imagine, LOL. That is frickin' hilarious though.

I could not tolerate a roommate. I personally think it is the lowest possible standard of living. Nobody with any amount of money in the U.S. should be sharing ONE ROOM with someone else, especially a room that has no bathroom, even. It's one thing to share a quad where you at least have your own ROOM and sink and then you share 2 bathrooms with 4 other people, because that has never been any problem as far as needing to use the bathroom. But to have people walking into your room and literally living in your room so that you don't have a single room in all of the world to yourself?! Jesus. I wouldn't do that for anything. I'd rather work at McDonalds and have my own crappy apartment than be stuck with a roommate. I think every college should have an entire dorm facility with single dorm rooms. That would be fun, then you could meet a lot of people and have your own room still, but otherwise, forget it.

Also, you can't say any kind of crap like, "Well SOME people don't have the money for their own apartments, ok?!" No, not ok. Nobody on campus pays less than I do. NOBODY! Dorms are at least $500 per month and Bryan pays $800 per month. I pay $310 -- I am living FAR cheaper than anyone else who is using university housing because there is no such thing as a dorm at OSU that costs less than what I pay per month. It's not a money issue, it's a common sense issue. If you live off campus in an apartment, you SAVE money AND you get your own room. Not to mention that anyone who isn't a freshman and is still in the dorms is often made fun of. Ben and I joke about Bryan all of the time because he's the only one still in a dorm that I know. Everyone else got a house with other guys or an apartment. That's what independent people do, not wussy little dorms with RAs and 24 hour quiet periods, LOL, that are never enforced well enough, no less.

I would never get anything done in a dorm. I guarantee I'd probably live at the library or flunk out of college, one of the two.

As it is, I got my first 4.0 in 2.5 years this last term! Finally! I've always been just 1 class away or within a couple of points. I had two A- grades at LMU (for a 93.8% and a 96.7%!) that kept me to a 3.85, but this time finally I got that 4.0. OSU, and college in general, is incredibly easy if you know what classes to take.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 17th, 2002, 06:35:30 PM

The same. My post was out of line. Please excuse my immaturity and accept my apology.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:26:50 AM

Was hot headed at the time I made this post. Shoudln't have said what I did here.

Gurney Devries
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:34:36 AM
I happen not to appreciate a lot of the modern trash, actually, but if anything that makes me a more picky critic.Uh huh. If you say so. (http://www.jlbmovies.com/TheOne.shtml) ;)

Sanis Prent
Dec 18th, 2002, 11:47:54 AM
HAHAHAHA!!! Four stars??? More like two, at best!

Sejah Haversh
Dec 18th, 2002, 08:28:03 PM
Not only was the plot terribly thin, and the character development on the level of an after-school special, the whole premise for the movie was flawed!

I mean, sure, you can go around killing yourself, but the whole "one" thing has this problem. What heppens when you're the last one of yourself because of natural causes? I highly doubt all of you happen to die of natural causes at one split second across all the universes. Therein lies the problem. There would logically have been "ones" before, and it would be attained by you doing nothing but letting all the other yous die.

And, The One paled in comparison to Black Mask, not to mention Twin Warriors.

Dec 18th, 2002, 11:18:02 PM
Or my last trip to the bathroom. :x

Dec 19th, 2002, 10:29:34 AM
Actually the worst roommate I ever had was my best friend's GF. She moved in while I was on active duty. My slovenly habits had driven another roommate mad. I came back and my best friend disappeared right before my eyes. She was CONSTANTLY there. We never had time to hang out anymore. I was out of there when the lease expired, I just couldn't take it anymore. But we were still friends. We were all in each other's wedding parties so we parted as friends.

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 19th, 2002, 01:35:45 PM
I'll disagree on the Black Mask. That was hands down, Jet Li's worst movie ever.

Dec 19th, 2002, 01:50:18 PM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
My taste in classic film, though, differs little from any other great critic.

You mean you're a great critic then? Just curious. :)