View Full Version : Masquerading as a Hoodlum

Syrius Cline
Dec 12th, 2002, 01:34:48 AM
Syrius didn't much like the way the locals looked at Jedi. Too much respect or too much repulsion. The latter usually by those directly violating the laws governed by the Jedi. Usually right as you set them straight. Being a lawman though, having to sometimes wear that blasted badge, he had gotten use to the derogatory comments made from the populace. Which was much, much fewer for Jedi than policemen. No, he hated the respect. Sometimes is was on the up and up. A honest soul truely revereing the work a Jedi does. Sometimes though, many times, you'd get those uneasy smiles as they saw that newly polished lightsabre. Syrius hadn't been handed one yet buy he always caught civilians looking to his hip, for that dangling weapon that might decapitate them if they're not careful. He didn't much like it. Out of poor good taste, he'd gotten to wearing his leather jacket over his Jedi robes. It added that unique flavor that everyone in the order seemed to look down apon. It also added the "narc" effect. Which added to the civilians: tendency to whistle a happy toon while walking by, tip their hat, offer a curtesy, and keep their hands as far away from their blasters when he neared.

As he neared the bar he tugged at his t-shirt. It had been sitting in a dusty locker since he arrived here. It didn't fit quite right now. It was tighter. Was it the dry cleaning service done on it when he arrived, or had he actually grown that much more bulkier. Funny, he felt lighter.

Pushing open the door to the bar, he came across that security gaurd. He ran through his speech of no weapons being allowed until he noticed Syrius didn't have any. The Padawan wasn't sure if the guard had gotten so used to confiscating weapons he didn't think to check first, or if the rebel look Syrius was sporting now led people to get the wrong idea. Either way, he made Syrius smile.

"No offense taken mate," he said as he walked away, through the metal detector and into the bar itself. Trying to console the guard if he felt embarressed at all. He didn't take the time to check his face.

"Beer, big pitcher, big glass, one with a overgrown handle, you know the one," Syrius ordered to the bartender on the job. "Big pitcher. The kind you give out to four or so business chums, just got off work, looking to get smashed. Big."

Syrius hadn't looked to see if Xazor was here. Sure, he'd dodged a few lessons. Not due to any of that psycology bull he copped to last time. Nah, he felt sore. He didn't have any under riding feelings of incompetance. Although he had been falling behind the other Padawans in the dorms. It doesn't bode well when a snivleing little punk, just turned 16, can bruise your rear end in a Force Push contest. One you started because you wanted to impress that pretty Master of yours.

OOC - Xazor, if you are about, let's pretend my character wasn't gone for so long, if you decide to post here. Just pick off his level of training from the last time the characters met.

Syrius Cline
Dec 14th, 2002, 02:05:26 AM
His order arrived.

"By the by, do you know who I am?"

The bartender shook his head. "Am I supposed to?"

Good, the bartender didn't know he was a Jedi. Since a bartender commonly remembers faces, he was a good benchmark for the rest of the bar's patrons. Except of course those bright eyed padawans that kicked his butt in Force training. Oh and those Knights and Masters that always liked to ask how his training was going. To whom he'd reply 'swimmingly chap!' and smile a reassuring smile, even though he just got electroshocked by a remote. Then of course was his Master, who he hoped was off meditating or god knows what.

"I would think not mate. You have one of those faces."

The bartender russled his pink, squid like facial features. Taking some passing offense before walking to the other end of the bar, to another payable customer.

Syrius went through the bother of pouring the beer into the glass from the pitcher. The thing the bartender selectively forgot to do right after the unintentional insult.

"I'll leave him a tip."

Dae Jinn
Dec 14th, 2002, 10:50:40 AM
<font size=2>ooc. hope you don't mind if I join you...</font>

Dae sidled up to the bar, next to a blond man in a leather trench. Not something she'd expected to see in the Jedi bar of all places. She had abandoned her Sith robes for a more "normal" look -- 3/4 lenght leather jacket, black tank and dark-red leather pants with her usual boots. She flashed a smile at the bar-man.
"Vodka, and leave the bottle. Please."
She gave the man next to her a quick a glance, before taking her glass from the alien tender. Dae raised her glass in his direction and smirked.
"Cheers" With that, she downed her drink in one gulp, reaching for her bottle. "So, you come here often?"

Syrius Cline
Dec 15th, 2002, 01:25:24 AM
Syrius lowered the glass down an inch from his lip, taking a short breath before talking. His eyes went from her head to her thighs than settled in between.

"Well love, that all depends. Do you favor a drunk or not?"

Syrius raised the glass back to his mouth. Drinking some before laying it on the counter and giving her more of his attention.

Dae Jinn
Dec 15th, 2002, 09:04:42 AM
She poured herself another drink, filling the glass right to the top.
"This is a bar, where people come to drink. Whether you get drunk or not doesn't bother me." She turned on her stool, crossing a leg over her knee. Dae trailed her fingertips along the rim of her glass.
"I'm guessing..Jedi. Padawan. With, shall we say, discipline problems?" She took another drink, half draining her glass. She give him a smile. "Do you really enjoy the Jedi life? Seems rather dull to me."

Syrius Cline
Dec 15th, 2002, 11:25:21 PM
Syrius chuckled at the fact she didn't catch his ommision. He was saying that he came here to get drunk often, in fact he was a small alcoholic. His question was saying if she didn't like that in a man, he would pretend he never came here before. Hinting of course towards the fact he was attracted to her, wanting to please her wants. Now though, he was glad she didn't get it after all. He shouldn't have copped to the fact he was a bit of a drunk, since she now was onto him for being a Jedi. Not a good trait for a Padawan.

"I'm just a lonely cop, love. My disipline is just fine for a flat foot too. Now on the subject of those peace lovin' blokes, sure, they're boring. Now what's your affixiation with 'em anyhow? Love a man in uniform I gather."

He wasn't going to drop his cover now. Although he did have to bite his tounge on the disipline lash. He just didn't have a knack for the Force razz matazz. His work ethic was harder than most. Working out everyday, hours a day, drenched in sweat. Of course the higher ranks always reminded him that physical fitness was only 5% of the Jedi life.

Aisha Klan Klan
Dec 15th, 2002, 11:38:25 PM
A cloaked figure wanders in, walking silent over to the two. She sits quietly by Syrius before speaking to him with the force.

(How does this apply to the work, boss?)

Dae Jinn
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:04:16 AM
Dae raised an eyebrow "Needs to work on his english...but not that I'd want him to "talk"...... A small smirk crossed her lips.
"Oh yes, I love a weak little Jedi....especially when I'm breaking his arms, or legs. Whatever." She thought as she forced a smile. "Hmmm, a cop? I guess that works... Still. Boring is boring. And I like fun."
She finished her drink, setting the glass on the counter. A claoked figure came over and sat next to the man. It had a strange scent - not "human" by a long shot, plus it stank of the Force. Dae made a face.
"I'd invite you to join me for the evening...but I see you prefer...a different type of company." She leaned over, running a soft finger down his cheek. Her breath smelled like vodka, and strawberries, her lips nearly brushed his. "Too bad, we could've had fun...."

Aisha Klan Klan
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:17:05 AM
Aisha growled lowly but said nothing, she could tell the woman was a Sith. She knew how they were and how Syrius probably wouldn't survive the encounter. She turned her head and glared at Dae with her ice blue eyes glowing in the recesses of her hood.

Syrius Cline
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:18:35 AM
He didn't know how to talk through the Force yet. Not at all. Though he assumed that she had a mental link established, most of the work done. So he just thought of some images. He couldn't speak mentally yet, he couldn't even send the images, he just hoped the link would allow her to read his surface thoughts if he left them vulnerable. They loosley translated, through jumbled images and motion imagination, to:

Not a lick.

The images used were, a rope knot, an old children's spelling block he remembered from childhood, and a memory of him doing a shot off of an attractive female from his college days. Although this could be interpeted as him wanting to do the same to this woman he was not talking to. Which wouldn't be far off.

The next images were:
"a stick, that same children's block, and a round circle."

Than came:
"the last memory of Dae's face, an old memory of him doing a stakeout with the RSC, a very bad memory of him being clubbed in the back of the head, a composite image of a Sith from the Jedi archives, an old HoloNet boxing match, and finally a large question mark that he wrote in the field box of a term paper in college."

All this loosely translated to:
Stick around. Watch my back. Might be a violent Sith.

If this woman had read his mind, or picked up on his aura(which was small indeed he surmised) she was quite powerful. Although she might of just guessed. If the first was true, she might be a potential enemy. One that skilled could beat Syrius easily. He'd need back-up, just in case.

Now, she seemed to want to leave. Sure she was probably a blood thristy Sith, but she was an attractive one. And tonight, wasn't he the old Syrius Cline? Plus she had just came onto him now hadn't she? He had to try...

"Now hold on now love, I haven't a clue what you're blabbering on about. Get it straight now, are you coming onto me or not?"

OOC - I didn't see you two's reply. Give me a sec to rewrite... EDIT: Done. Continue please. :)

Dae Jinn
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:42:03 AM
"Now hold on now love, I haven't a clue what you're blabbering on about. Get it straight now, are you coming onto me or not?"

"Oh my god......thicko!" She could barely contain her laughter. "What do you think, doll? And I never "blabber" on about anything."

She stood, tossing a few credits on the bar. "Now, you can come with me, have a fun evening or stay here. It's your choice." She stroked his cheek once again, and smiled softly. "What do you say, Mister Police man? Gonna protect me on my long walk home?"

Aisha Klan Klan
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:45:37 AM
She failed to supress another growl, the cat-type didn't like the Sith one bit. But Syrius had told her to watch not to do anything as far as she could tell so Aisha was stuck on what to do. At any rate, her tail swished back and forth a bit.

Syrius Cline
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:17:08 AM
His charmed seemed to have worked. But what was Aisha so livid about? He knew her well enough to interpet the growl as a growing temper. A temper not to be taken lightly. Wait a minute. What had she said? "A different kind of company?" Was she refering to Aisha? Honestly, as soon as she had refered to inviting him to join her for the evening, he had pretty much blocked out the rest of what she said. Until she said started saying things like "too bad" and talking past tense about fun, he snapped to and started trying to win her back. Although his attempts weren't that sauve , they had worked. Now, he pieced it together, she had insulted Aisha. But why? He had made no advances towards his partner. Nor did he even look at her. He knew her presence by now and the feeling of her inside his head, so he didn't take his eyes off Dae. Wait! She was a Sith!

"Woah, bird. You're singing too fast."

He had to investigate farther. To do that, he had to keep her here. If she panned out as being nothing more than a warm blooded, curvy human than she was good to go. But if she was a Sith, could he really go to bed with her? He could right? No laws agaist that. Well, he never really checked the books for that rule, but his selective memory surmised it would be okay. Wait, no, he was a Jedi. No matter how much was trying to hide it tonight, he couldn't go through with it. That was of course if she was a Sith. He would be willing to violate any Jedi rule against sleeping with ordinary woman. Especially this one.

"Now tell me about yourself. I'm not a piece o' meat you know."

Lie. But he had to investigate/

Dae Jinn
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:31:35 AM
"I'm just your average girl...I have a little bit of that, special something, that allows me to sense the Force in others."

She wouldn't go into how she was Saiya-jinn, how she could "smell" Force energies on others. Just playing it cool....

"But, I try to stay out of trouble." Her glossed lips formed a perfect little pout. "Why? Do you think I'm some kind of trouble maker?"
Her lower lip quivered. "I was just suggesting we go out, get to know each other. You're a very attractive and intelligent man...but if you don't think you can trust me...I understand. There are a lot of dangerous Sith in this city."

"And the Oscar goes to.....

Aisha Klan Klan
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:37:39 AM
Aisha growled once more, the drinks seemed to be dulling Syrius' senses more than normal.

(Feel free to to hurt me later for this but I'm doing it anyway)

She sent through the force to Syrius before she sat down in his lap and smiled up at him.

"Sure you wouldn't rather spend some time with a real woman?"

She asked as she leaned in close and fiddled with his hair.

(You may not see this now but you'll thank me for this later, the Sith will kill you as soon as she gets you outside.)

She knew it probably looked over the top but she didn't care.

::Can't believe I'm doing this!:: She thought to herself as she continued to act similair to her cousins the Cizerack.

Syrius Cline
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:54:50 AM
What the heck! Sensory overload! One woman doing the innocent pouty mouthed girl ruitine, which turned Syrius on. The other one playing with his hair? Since Syrius didn't that long of hair, it felt extra nice. The fingers touching his head. Though it was his partner and that was a bit gross... but also taboo... Which was good.

Wait a minute, he had just felt Aisha in his mind. The assualt of hormones in his blood had blured his attention to it. He caught "Sith will kill you" and darted up in his chair. Which was very odd indeed since it flung Aisha onto the ground.

His detective skills kicked in. Dae had mentioned dangerous Sith in the city. He had never mentioned Sith. Why would a girl like her, full legged and filled out, think a guy like Syrius would think her a Sith? The mixture of beer and him thinking with the opposite of his mind had dulled his senses until now. His eyes locked onto Dae's with that same look he gave the suspects to murder cases when interrogating.

Wait a minute, play it cool. She can kill you, no matter how harmless she may look.

"Get your hands off me you filthy scum!"

Syrius yelled at Aisha, to cover his tracks after spilling her onto the floor. He thought up an imaginary image of him handing her box. When the thought continued to her opening it, inside was a card that read: WHATEVER YOU WANT IN HERE. A promise to make up for saying that to her.

"Now, you love... Go wait outside. I have to pop into the little Sailiors lavatory to wash up... Just... Wait outside."

Syrius gave Aisha a stern look before starting towards the bathroom, indicating to follow. Even if Dae didn't wait outside, he could talk to Aisha in the loo. He didn't take time to check with Dae for a response. A blunder which might have looked suspicious. No. Most certainly it looked suspicious. Especially if this gal was of the "I love Dark Side" kind.

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 16th, 2002, 02:08:27 AM
The Sith chuckled as he watched the three do their thing at the bar. He had picked up on their little conversation through the force and oh my, He just could not help himself. His weapons were in a safe place, but he would not need them if the need for battle arose. For now, he was just ever so intent on checking this all out. He sent a little message through the force directed at Dae Jinn.

Just a little of the darkside in you, isn't there, my dear?

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 16th, 2002, 02:08:41 AM
*Self Deleted. Accidental Double Post*

Aisha Klan Klan
Dec 16th, 2002, 02:09:29 AM
::Hmm, don't think I can have what I want:: She thought to herself before she faked an embarrassed look which was only half faked in truth. Pretending to be overwhelmed by her embarrassment, she walked quickly over to bathroom as if to wash up as well but accidentally going into the men's room. Once there, she scanned the place for him, thankfully there was no one else there.

"You really can be quite an idiot when you're drunk...."

There were two meanings to what she said but she knew he probably wouldn't pick up on it. She looked up at him once before looking at the floor, somewhat angry and somewhat embarrassed over what she had just done.

Syrius Cline
Dec 16th, 2002, 02:54:04 AM
Syrius lighted up a long overdue cigarette.

"I thought we were just friends, lover," he winked and chuckled.

He walked towards one of the stalls.

"Come into my office."

He closed the door in the stall behind her, so no one coming in would see them. Although the two murmurs and pairs of feet might be a tip-off.

He sat down on the toilet, looking up at her.

"You tell me, what the bloody hell is she? She called me intelligent, Aisha. Now that right there is a dead give away she's a Sith," Syrius put away the thought he just insulted himself. "Now you might want to claw her bloody eyes out, yeah I heard the growls, but she'll kill me. You know this. Now you know I don't carry a weapon and you couldn't have gotton through those weapons detectors with anything. Now as I see it, she hasn't tried to kill me yet. So there's nothing we have to arrest her for. Meaning, we don't have a reason for fighting her if we wanted to. Which I don't, because like I said, I bloody suck at this Force nonsense," Syrius slammed the side of the stall. "Now I'm too wide to squeeze out the local bathroom window. And if I scamper out of the bar like a right good chicken, than I'm a sod awful Jedi now aren't I? Not that I have a good rep so far. Kid's that would be serving me chips at the local burger joint are pitying me and calling me sir! Not the good sir, the bad sir. The sir little punks give you when they know they'll get spanked for not saying it."

Syrius knew he was ranting. For so long in fact that his time for being in the bathrooml without attracting attention was growing slim.

"Alright, I'm out of ideas. What do you've got?"

Dae Jinn
Dec 16th, 2002, 09:38:52 AM
Just a little of the darkside in you, isn't there, my dear?

The voice went off in her head, and she flashed a cold glance at the owner. She grabbed her bottle and poured herself a drink, mulling over what to do next in her head.

ooc. btw, no weapons in the Jedi bar, just an FYI :)

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:47:29 PM
The Sith laughed lightly to himself.

Oh come now, my dear...your interest in Syrius, homicidal or purely sexual? Inquiring minds must know

Aisha Klan Klan
Dec 16th, 2002, 05:17:17 PM
Aisha shut her eyes for moment, trying to gather her thoughts.

"Well if you had gone along with my plan, you could have gotten out of there but you had to overreact....btw, call me something like that again and I'll tear out your heart and make you eat it..."

She chuckled softly, indicating that she only half meant it. She unsheathed her claws for a moment before drawing them back in.

"In a way, I am never disarmed really....but as for what to do, I don't know, she may be on to us now...."

She idly fingered the ring on the end of her braid which made the hidden spikes jut out before pushing the button again to make them go back in as she did when she thought.

"That woman has power but still seems to be in lower levels of it, all I know is she reeks of blood and her aura says Sith, even if you had went with her, she would have killed you without a thought. People like her won't tell you anything truthful about them so it's no use trying to get her to confess anything."

Dae Jinn
Dec 16th, 2002, 08:37:17 PM
Oh come now, my dear...your interest in Syrius, homicidal or purely sexual? Inquiring minds must know

Her eyes narrowed. Then she suddenly smiled brightly at him, walking over to where he sat. She leaned down, smiling sweetly right in his cloaked face, and her voice was disgustingly cheerful.
"How I decide to have fun is MY business....So, please, mind your own."

Syrius Cline
Dec 17th, 2002, 12:37:58 AM
Syrius flushes his cigarette down the toilet as he stood up and pushes the stall door open.


He squeezed past her to the sink and turned it on. Rinsing his face off he made a visual with Aisha in the mirror, still continuing conversation with her.

"If you fight this battle for me, bird, you might as well castrate me on the steps of the Jedi Temple. Because from what I heard, Jedi pertect people and so on and so on. Meaning ordering or letting you claw her a new skin would only put you in danger."

He turned off the facet.

"I don't know though. I haven't that big of a hold on the Jedi mantra. It's hard ya know..."

Syrius punched the hand dryer on and turned the nozzle to blow on his face.

"Always second guessing your actions. You know we're not supposed to have fear? Fear! One of the first lessons they taught me at the academy was that fear was your ally. That you had to use it to keep yourself out of danger. It was healthy for you! Now it leads to suffering and bollocks."

Syrius turned around, his hairline partially damp. He ripped off his jacket and threw it on the ground.

"To bloody hell with it. We're handling this like the RSC. My Master can reem me later."

Of course Syrius wasn't sure of the rules of the Jedi completely. He wasn't much of a bedside reader. Where as all the other clean faced boys and girls would study hard and get gold stars. Maybe he wasn't going to be violating any? Heck, he wasn't even sure what he was intending on doing. Which is how he usually operated. His seat of the pants had more air miles than Wedge Antilles.

"Okay, girl, here's how it's going down. I'm walking out there first. I'll make contact with her and lead her outside. All the while playing the horny toad bit. You, are a shadow, get me? Not to be seen, not to be heard, not to be smelt. You keep a visually on me at all times."

Syrius started towards the bathroom exit.

"Once we get her and me outside of the bar, out of the way from innocent bystanders, I'm making a move on her."

Syrius reached for his cigarette and lighted it.

"No not a violent move, a... the kind of move I'd make on her if she wasn't a Sith. That's push her hand. She could kill me then and there, outside the bar. Plus, if she's using her sexuaity as bait than I'm going to bite like hell and make her reel me in, so advert your eyes if you have to. If she does anything, than you pounce and I pull out the cuffs. If we can get her into partial custody, the NRSF can handle it from there."

Syrius put his hand on the exit door.

"However, if she doesn't try and kill me after that, we're probably screwed love. Because if she intended to do it eventually, than she's waiting to get me nice and private. So if she doesn't turn all evil immediantly, you still come out and we confront her on her intentions. From there, we'd have to play it by ear."

Of course, in the back of his mind, Syrius was considering the third variable. What if she was a Sith, but was just looking for a good time? Then, he'd probably be the laughing stock of the schoolyard.

Aisha Klan Klan
Dec 17th, 2002, 01:50:34 AM
Aisha shook her head before she looked up and as usual, her glowing eyes in the darkness made by her hood were all that could be seen from a distance.

"She can sense me with the force, despite how I lower my power, I still give off a high one. Why is this one worth the time? She is just like any other of them, they kill for the hell of it, they all don't care for life..."

She looked towards the door before averting her eyes again, wondering if what she thought in the back of her mind was the true reason.

"Besides she won't be stupid enough to fall for it, as soon as she notices me even from afar, she will sense something is up."

Syrius Cline
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:23:32 AM
Syrius stopped cold and turned around slower than a snail.

"It just doesn't get any easier."

Syrius turned back around quickly and punched the door. It's a pull not push, so the pain was not pleasant.

"Well I'm just the worst Jedi in history now aren't I? You remember before I became a Jedi? I was the best damn cop there ever bloody was! Hell, maybe I wasn't, but atleast I had some idea of what to do."

Part of Syrius wished he had never joined the Jedi. The other part wanted to beat the other half up for thinking that. Didn't he join the Jedi to be the ultimate cop? To save lives and right wrongs on the ultimate level? He wasn't doing so well. Part of that reason was he was panicing. It wasn't real life anymore, it was a game. How did he make himself look like the good Jedi? It wasn't about being a good cop, or a good Jedi for that matter, it was showing off. If he could do this right, maybe it meant he wasn't a failure.

Syrius looked at Aisha. She was the only sane person in the room, unless of course there was someone in the back stall. Syrius wasn't himself right now but he felt he could count on her to be the voice of reason.

"Have I ever looked more pathetic, Aisha?" Syrius chuckled. "Bollocks. Well, what's your plan? I obviously have no clue."

Aisha Klan Klan
Dec 17th, 2002, 02:33:12 PM
"Well there isn't too many options for this matter, but I have one trick that she wouldn't recognize as me, my aura changes completely under it but there's always the risk of me going feral. I could follow you in that state without her knowing it's me but still I may lose control."

She said quietly, her eyes still on the floor, she was of course speaking of her transformed were-cat state but it was unstable one.

Syrius Cline
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:52:06 AM
"Great, so my idea pans out. Good, still a part of the ol' boy inside of me."

Syrius discounted the fact she might feel uncomfortable with being prone to turning into something she obviously wasn't proud of. He was still thinking selfishly.

"Come on then."

Syrius pushed open the door and headed out.

Aisha Klan Klan
Dec 18th, 2002, 01:49:29 AM
Aisha sighed before going back to the stall, she wasn't about to do it in front of anyone since her clothing ripped off during the transformation. She took off her cloak and let her hair down before putting the ring around her wrist.

::You soooo owe me for this::

She thought to herself before she triggered the spot in her mind that made her change. She growled in pain breifly since the shift did hurt a bit but it wasn't long before the process was over. After messing with the lock a little, what looked like a large white tiger with longer ears poked its head out of the stall. She sniffed the air for a moment before stepping out cautiously. It wore a rather curious looking collar around its neck but it wasn't really, it was her cloak wrapped around it so she had something to throw on once she changed back. The tiger growled a little at yet another door but again figured it out. Once out, it sat down where she could still see her partner but no one else could see her to wait for the right time.

Syrius Cline
Dec 18th, 2002, 02:47:42 AM
Syrius didn't look back. He trusted her to go through with it, whatever "it" was. He never thought to ask what it involved or what took place.

"Fresh as a daisy now. Let's depart. Lead the way" he said to Dae all a little too quickly.

Dae Jinn
Dec 18th, 2002, 09:10:37 AM
She raised a brow. Something didn't quite smell right here...but she forced that smile back onto her face. "Alright."

They headed towards the door, she stopped to pick up her saber. She clipped it to her belt, and smirked a little...Okay, maybe that would give her away.

Aisha Klan Klan
Dec 18th, 2002, 10:30:24 AM
Aisha watched for a moment before heading silently out the back way. Once out, she crouched down then leapt up to the fire escape. After a quick stalk up that, she took to the roof where she watched from high above and would jump from rooftop to rooftop when the need arose.

Syrius Cline
Dec 19th, 2002, 12:38:56 AM
Syrius' eyes dilated after seeing the lightsabre. He hadn't been trained enough to carry one, if he indeed decided to carry a weapon when he was a Jedi, so that must mean she was skilled. Either in the Jedi or Sith ways. Or perhaps she was just a woman who needed a good tool to ward off the men in dark alleys. It doesn't take much skill to poke a mugger with one. He trusted Aisha's instincts but he couldn't take action anyhow, so he let himself wonder if she was innocent after all.

"Down here love. Shortcut to my speeder."

He didn't have a speeder, it was a lie. The way he indicated though was a dark alley. Hopefully not too dark for Aisha to see in. It was the perfect place to massacre him. He couldn't help feeling odd that he had just picked out the spot for him to be killed.

Dae Jinn
Dec 19th, 2002, 12:49:54 AM
"Do you think....we could stick to the road? I'd hate for something to happen to you..." She stroked his arm and smiled. She had seen the look on his face when he saw the saber she now had clipped to her belt. Dae wasn't going to let him get her alone in some dark alley for a Jedi ambush....Not that this one would be a problem...Seh could smell something different in the air...

Syrius Cline
Dec 19th, 2002, 01:25:44 AM
"What?" Syrius let slip out but quickly recovered. "I-I can handle myself pet."

Damn. So much for that idea. What the heck was she thinking? Didn't she want to kill him and put him on an alter or something?

"Let's just go wherver you want to love. Where to?"

Aisha Klan Klan
Dec 19th, 2002, 03:12:24 AM
Aisha narrowed her eyes briefly and bared her teeth in a silent snarl. She coiled up her body before making a leap to the next rooftop. Her ice blue eyes took in everything but she was careful to close them whenever Dae looked back so the glow wouldn't give away her position. Padding forward in the slinking stalk of a tiger, Aisha was noiseless and stealthy and even with Dae's force skills, the Ctarl Ctarl was hard to keep track of. The key to Aisha's staying unnoticed was in her constantly changing force signature, it changed at random and registered no higher than a mouse. But lurking in the shadows of the roofs, Aisha lay in wait for her moment, she knew like all Sith, Dae would make a wrong move all the tigeress had to do was be patient. Her chance would come all in good time.

Dae Jinn
Dec 19th, 2002, 09:52:12 AM
<font size=1>ooc. I'd like to point out, Dae has little to NO Force skills. She does ( as part of her being a saiya-jinn (okay, i made up most of this, so it would fit better with SW ^_^; ) ) have the ability to "smell" most force signatures. Just an FYI :)</font>

"Let's just...walk...get to know one another better." She took his hand and stroked it softly. "But...If you really want to go down the alley..."
She laughed and turned so she was facing him, pulling him quickly down into the dark of the alley. " I have a feeling you already know what I am." She smirked, giving him a hard shove into the brick wall. "Now, I'd like to know a little more about you."

Syrius Cline
Dec 19th, 2002, 11:46:18 PM
Syrius chuckled. The adreniline made him think clearer than before. When fear and doubt had taken over him.

"I'm a Jedi love. A Jedi Master. Now take your damn hands off me and tell me your intentions."

Okay, so it was deviating from the plan a bit. Now she would either reveal herself and attack or buy into Jedi Master lie and back off.

Aisha Klan Klan
Dec 20th, 2002, 03:24:21 AM
Aisha crouched down but her ears were still perked up to what was going on, she was to wait until Dae said something or made a move, shoving Syrius into the wall wasn't enough for now. She bared her teeth as she listened, she would strike before anything bad happened.

Dae Jinn
Dec 20th, 2002, 07:09:49 PM
"I'm a Jedi love. A Jedi Master. Now take your damn hands off me and tell me your intentions."

She laughed out loud. "You??? A Jedi master??? I doubt that..."

She rested a hand on her hip, running the other through her hair, and grinned at him. "Okay, Jedi Master, If you really are one, you should know my intentions, and know what I am."

Syrius Cline
Dec 20th, 2002, 11:39:27 PM
"You're a Sith. As for your intentions, Jedi Masters can't read minds so readily love. We all have our own knacks. Mine aren't of that genre. My skills lean more towards the butt kicking, as I stated previously. Now, why don't you tell me your intentions before I dispense of you with my before mentioned skills."

Syrius grabbed her wrist, the one running through her hair. This would drive his words more and it would be good for when he intended on slapping the cuffs on. The pair he always had with him was in his back pocket. He layed his other hand on them, without revealing them.

Dae Jinn
Dec 20th, 2002, 11:47:22 PM
A low growl rose in her throat, and her other hand came flying up to his head, in the form of a fist. She hit him hard enough to loosen his grip, and she followed up with an even harder kick to the stomach.
She stepped back, and smirked. " Come on now, show me those incredible butt kicking skills."

Aisha Klan Klan
Dec 21st, 2002, 12:33:00 AM
Aisha laced her ears back as her teeth were bared, she had had enough of this. With a quick pounce, she was at the edge before leaping again down. She made no sound to announce her presence so Dae was mostly caught by surprise as the tiger bashed into her, knocking her away from her partner. She growled lowly as she stood in front of Syrius. Her tail lashed back and forth as she snarled venemently.

(Care to just tell us or would you rather I slash you to learn what I want?)

Aisha said through the force to Dae as she tried not to lose control, she knew she was very close to feral since another part of her mind was wanting blood to be shed.

Syrius Cline
Dec 22nd, 2002, 08:31:32 AM
Syrius ran his mouth on his arm. He than wiped his arm off on his shirt. The blood showed up well on his white t-shirt.

"Once we bag this one, get ready to run down the closest NRSF soldier, aye?"

Dae Jinn
Dec 22nd, 2002, 10:32:50 AM
<font size=1>ooc.thanks</font>

Dae sat on the cold cement and laughed. She rose to her feet slowly, wiping the dirt from her butt.
"Bag this one? What am I? A fish or something?"
She laughed again, placing her hands in her pockets. "I haven't really done anything wrong, have I? Roughed you up a tiny bit, and then you go whining to the NRSF. So sad..."
She sighed. "A real man would fight his own battles -- not have a soldier or an over-grown kitty cat fight them for him."

Syrius Cline
Dec 22nd, 2002, 10:58:52 AM
Syrius' eyes squinted. He stepped infront of Aisha.

"You want to go pet? You and me? Right now, right here, barenuckle? Let's do it than."

He ran the reasons why he did this through his mind. 1, it would prove his Jedi abilities. 2, it would prove he wasn't a nancy. 3, she insulted him. Plus his partner had his back in the event of a trainwreck.

Also, the fact came to mind that he did put his hands on her. A NRSF soldier could see that as self defense on her part. So assualt charges were out of the question. Now Aisha's cover had been blown. It was going to come to bloodshed weither or not he fought, as he could see in Aisha's eyes..

Aisha Klan Klan
Dec 22nd, 2002, 01:39:48 PM
Aisha snarled at her mention, her ears flattening back to her head as the claws on her front paws dug into the dirt at her feet. The feral in her aching to shed blood, she knew the Sith's strength and she didn't like the fact that Syrius was going to fight her, the woman was dangerous afterall. Still she waited and watched, at any rate, she would help when she felt the need to.

Dae Jinn
Dec 22nd, 2002, 01:52:47 PM
Dae took her hands from her pockets and grinned, raising her fists in front of her and getting into a defensive position.
"Well, come on then, Jedi."
She swung at him, catching him in the head with a left hook, then hitting him with the right, before moving back slightly.

Syrius Cline
Dec 23rd, 2002, 01:27:51 AM
Syrius stumbled back. He let himself hit the wall, so he could use it's support to right himself. He took his t-shirt off over his head. Wrapping an end around both hands he brought his hands apart, snapping the cloth tight.

"You hit like a girl."

He stalked around her in a circle, looking for an opening or a weakness. He raised the cloth out in front of him waiting for her to let her guard down.

Dae Jinn
Dec 23rd, 2002, 09:28:30 AM
She sighed, and snapped a hand out to grab the t-shirt he now held between his hands. She yanked on it hard, pulling his face into yet another fist. Dae smirked.

"At least I can hit..."

Syrius Cline
Dec 24th, 2002, 01:47:51 AM
So she wasn't using her voodoo powers or that sabre, brought the fighting more down to his level. Syrius wasn't completely inept. He had years of police combat training on Alderaan, where he grew up. Weapons were banned there so he learned to use his hands as weapons early on. He didn't know a perticular style or martial arts but he knew something about balance and good old street fighting. It just so happened they were in the streets.

Syrius fell to his knees purposely after the punch, letting go of his shirt. With the momentum of her pulling him he was in extreme close range, no more than a foot away from her. Even though she had punched him, his body still went forward.

He wrapped his arms around her waist. Pulling up and towards him, arching his back until it almost came into contact with the ground as well, he let go, sending her over him and tumbling. With the close proximity to the wall she rammed into it hard. Syrius flexibility was the key to this move. He trained everyday to maintain a lean, strong body. If she wasn't using the force, than he had more of a chance than he previously thought.

OOC - I'm assuming you grabbed the shirt with your left hand and punched with your right. Since if you were right handed, that'd be the logical choice for power and balance. Correct me though, if I'm wrong.

Dae Jinn
Dec 27th, 2002, 09:21:25 AM
"Ooof!" Dae's back slammed hard into the wall. She grumbled as she got to her feet, her hand going for the saber on her belt. She unclipped the silver hilt and with a snap-hiss it flashed to life. The orange blade shone bright in the darkness of the alley and Dae smirked.
"Alright, Jedi Master. Show me what you can do."

<font size=1>ooc. perfect, don't change a thing :Dol</font>

Aisha Klan Klan
Dec 31st, 2002, 12:18:53 AM
Aisha growled lowly at the saber being ignited, her tail lashing back and forth as her claws dug into the ground. She was having a harder and harder time controlling her feral urges. Did Syrius need her help or not? Either way the demon cat wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.

Syrius Cline
Dec 31st, 2002, 02:09:07 AM
Syrius got to his feet.

"Alright love. You're not playing nice now! I'm defenseless!"

Syrius grabbed behind him for a garbage can. The alley was littered with one here and there. He swung it at her, releasing it in a throw. He was far enough that the lid opened and the contents flew out ahead of the container. She was drenched and smothered in ungodly substances that no man or women would dare want to touch. He was deep down hoping she was the dainty type.

"Infernal beast!" He proclaimed, feeling a bit bookish as he did. Had to play the Jedi Master right? He felt like throwing in a 'forsooth' but decided against it.

ooc - up to you if you want to just slice the trashcan in half. I wasn't sure of your sabre abilities.

Dae Jinn
Dec 31st, 2002, 09:12:20 AM
Dae slashed through the can easily, and ended up sloshed with more garbage.
"GUARGH!" She wiped her face with a semi-clean hand and growled. She charged at him, saber ready, slashing him across the chest and then stomach. She took a step back, glaring at him.
"I hope you know a good dry cleaner, Jedi."

Syrius Cline
Dec 31st, 2002, 11:43:05 PM
Syrius bent his knees from the blow, acting like that was the only reason he did so. He main objective was to lunge at her knees, which he did. He tackled them, pulling them towards his chest as he did. The natural quickness and agility Syrius possesed, from his physical fitness, allowed him to do this fast enough so his spine wasn't severed by a possible downward swing of an orange lightsabre. Gravity and momentum made Dae's sabre wielding hand, her shoulders, and the rest of her upper body slam onto the ground as Syrius still held her ankles/knees.

Syrius whipped out his handcuffs and slapped them on her ankle, springing back and holding onto the other end. He walked backwards strongly, dragging her along the ground centimeter by centimeter. She could possible cleave him in half, yes. But that'd mean having to sit up straight, and lean forward, while being dragged, not an easy task. Also, if she slashed the handcuffs off, she'd be open to a well placed kick to the head. Not the best of plans but it was about all Syrius had at the moment.

Dae Jinn
Dec 31st, 2002, 11:57:38 PM
She hit the ground hard, growling even more.
"GO AWAY!" She screamed at him, her anger reaching it's peak. Dae wasn't the most adept with the Force, but being connected to the Darkside even a little had it's advantages. He was slammed backwards by a hard Force push. He let go of her, giving Dae enough time to get to her knees. She crawled over to him, grabbing him by the throat.

Syrius Cline
Jan 1st, 2003, 12:42:17 AM
Syrius grabbed her choking hand's wrist, then did the same for her sabre hand. He pulled her towards him enough to headbutt her in the nose twice. After the second headbutt he had enough breathing room to raise one leg up and place it on her chest, pushing back, trying to break her grip on his throat, still playing tug-of-war with her sabre hand.

"By the--by, I'll have to... cut back on the.. wit-witty banter," he managed to say, his throat tightening over each word he squeezed out.