View Full Version : Official Declaration of Apology

Sage Hazzard
Dec 12th, 2002, 01:01:18 AM
For those that don't remember me (or chose not to), or for those who never got a chance to know me, howdy. I'm Sage Hazzard Jedi Master, AKA too many names to mention.

I'd like to start off this return announcement with an apology, as the title hints. While on the subject of my title let me say this, it's fitting. I've spent about two sleepless nights now trying to decide how I should announce my return. This is the best title I came up with. Because really, apologising is all I should be doing. Heck, maybe a little explaining too.



I bet I know what the first person who responds to this will say. Something akin to "Hey, it's just a game. Real life comes first." True, true. When Lucas came up with Star Wars I'm sure he didn't intend on people sacrificing their lives to pretend to be characters in it. However, whoever says those reassuring words will be one of the many hardworking, considerate people on this board. People who have a right to take a break from this. I on the otherhand have no real commitments to real life things. NO, I'm not saying this is my life, or that my life is less important than Sage's. I'm saying, I have no job, no real school work to speak of, no chores, no girlfriend(this one hurts the most :) ), and so on. Things that the person reassuring me will more than likely have (or boyfriend, whatever). Meaning, when I take a break from RPing, I sit on the couch, eat, and watch TV. Not really a real life that I'm needing to fix or monitor, huh? Actually most of the times I take one of these long breaks is in pursuit of a life. Thinking that this board is taking up the time I could be using to conquer the world. Even though 10:00 to 2:00 at night is not the place for a mid-teenage to conquer.

I'd like to apologise to the people that were starting to like me. Honestly, during the last stint here I felt like I started making real friends. Not saying everyone here isn't one. Just I started talking OOC to people more. Creating bonds about more than Star Wars.

I apologise to anybody I had a RP with, anybody that depended on me, anybody I let down. Really, everytime I come here I feel like I'm letting someone down. I don't take on Padawans, I don't help people with signatures, I don't coordinate RPs, I don't contribute. What do I do? I write some stupid stories than moan and complain in RL because no one is reading them. Really, I'm one of those people with so low of esteem that when twenty people tell me I'm good at writing, I think they're all conspiring to make me feel better. Like I have no talent. Something really bad when your goal in life is to be a screen writer. Of course this is no one's fault but my own. Lots of people tell me I'm good. Heck I got promoted to Master, the highest rank for a Jedi, I've been on the council, yet I always think people are just being nice to me.



The first month or so I was not here, I didn't have a choice. A lightning storm wreaked my modem when I was sleeping. So after a month of banging it and the like, it started working again. I don't know why. It makes no sense with the laws of reality. BANG BANG and it worked again. Although sparingly. It seems over time it warmed up or something. Now you guys and gals out there that know about the inner workings of the computer are pulling your hair out over my lunicy. There must be a logical explaination, right? Things don't fix themselves, right? Sorry, you're asking the wrong guy.

After that, I was actually not interested in the internet. I had started reading books again and other things. I started and still am drawing again. I once wanted to be a Comic Book artist, now I've picked it up again.

When I finally did get back on the internet, about a month ago, it was to find out about comic book coloring, I want to, after I get a scanner, draw, write, and color my own online comic. Heck, sounds fun right?

Also, I'm going into the field of web programmer. These guys get over $100 dollars an hour to design web sites for people. I figure I can get some local businesses and make some quick cash. Enough to buy a scanner and eventually a new computer, this one is begging to be let out to pasture. Plus a nice revenue source to dip into anything my heart desires. It isn't that hard, ya know. I'm pretty nifty at it now.

Anyway, in the last month or so I've wanted to come back. But I've felt sick everytime I thought about it. I didn't know how I'd be accepted. Since this is about the fourth time I've left without a single notice. Not a good trait for a Jedi Master. Leaving my buddies out in the cold. Plus, like I said before, I have self-esteem issues. Since this is a hobby where you really don't know how well you're doing, other than rank, it's kind of cruel to your ego. Since I'm a Master, I really have nothing to gauge my success by. Is this RP good? Is this post good? Am I good enough to be a screen writer? After reviewing my own stuff, I give myself a, "probably not chum. better luck next life".

But I've decided to go ahead and come back. Actually, I'm probably not going to be posting much in character until I get some confidence back. It's something I have to work at alone. No one can really help me just by saying "you're good ya dope." Once I get a scanner I'll probably be drawing all my characters. Which will add incentive to post. Think about it, I could post samples of my characters with every facial expression and post them for emphasis in stories.

Anyway, it's good to be back, and I'm really grateful to anything someone says to me. I hope you'll accept me back. If not, that's okay. Once the dog bites you twice, you should put him to sleep.

Also, if I am forgiven, can anyone fill me in on the happenings around here? I don't see Xazor anywhere. That girl reminds me so much of me, except she has confidence.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 12th, 2002, 02:52:37 AM
Dude, I sadly can't speak form personal experience, but, I know people here want you back.

I can't count how many times I've heard, "Man, I wish Sage was still here; he was an awesome writer", or, "Sage was so cool, I wish I knew where he went, and I hope he's not gone for good."

Face it, people here love you. And they've been talkign about you a lot, and for a long time. I don't think anybody will have a problem with your return.

Helenias Evenstar
Dec 12th, 2002, 03:23:59 AM
If you dont come back now, I shall personally kick your backside until you do.

What in Force name made you think you would not be welcome, because you are

Ishan Shade
Dec 12th, 2002, 11:49:17 AM
Hey Sage,

Im kinda new around here...(been here about 2 months), but I'd like to say welcome back, and if you ever wanna talk comics, Star Wars, or even girls :) Give me a PM.

Hope to see you around the boards.


Severen Morkonis
Dec 12th, 2002, 11:55:54 AM
W/B Sage :)

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 12th, 2002, 12:38:20 PM
Welcome back, superman :)

Ryla Relvinian
Dec 12th, 2002, 01:12:37 PM
Hey, yeah. I'd love to see your stuff, man. Post away. I think you're a great writer, heck, half of what makes a writer great is their willingness to put their art... themselves on the line for people to criticize. Keep it coming. :D

Dec 12th, 2002, 01:58:05 PM
As much as I dont want to sit here and try to simply say things to try and make you feel better about yourself, I cant say what ive got to say without doing it.

Ive missed you loads! Not really sure if you remember me at all. I was just a Padawan starting out when you were here. Id never done any roleplaying before and everything was very new to me. As I was told so many times, I found the best way to settle in was to read other peoples posts. To get a feel for the place. There were certain people I tried to focus on most. Mainly the Jedi Masters to begin with, then just anyone I reguarded as being a good writter. I remember reading one of your training posts. You were helping someone, cant remember who and I was inspired by your writting. Everything you put down was clear and precise. Your writting described anything that needed to be described and left everything else up to the imagination perfectly.

At the time, Verse Dawnstrider was my master but we werent really getting on. We had different ideas about how things should be done OOC reguarding training and whatnot. I remember thinking to myself, and wishing that id catch your eye and that you'd want to train me. At the time, I thought you were the best writter here. Eventually you fizzled out and stopped writting here and Helenias Q'Dunn took me under her wing but I still tried to post using everything id learnt from reading your posts.

Im not saying all of this to boost your ego or anything, im saying this because its the truth. Ive had many a chat with Sejah about good writters here and interesting stories that have come up and I know ive mentioned your name on several occasions. Not too long ago I set up a post called 'The Real Lost Jedi' or something and asking there if anyone knew what happend to you. Having you back here is only a good thing and im glad youve returned. I look forward to reading your posts again and im sure others will be inspired by you, as I have been.

Chin up and no disapearing acts, you here me :)

Maia Tharrinn
Dec 12th, 2002, 02:00:46 PM
Huggles :) Welcome back Sage.... And yes you do write awesome :p

Sage Hazzard
Dec 13th, 2002, 01:42:04 AM
Well shucks, look at all the love I'm gettin'! Makes me feel like a bit of a dope. Since I don't want Helenias to get my butt, I guess I'll have to go ahead and come back. :D

Thank you guys. Next time I'm feeling blue, I'll just check this thread.

Oriadin - Dude, why didn't you tell me? I had my eye on you. I remember you stating your problems with Verse's style. It conflicting with your want to train and him wanting you to gain in-field experience, correct? I was watching that debate. However, since it would of been poor taste to openly declare I would be your Master, when Verse still wanted to be, I didn't speak up. I really thought you were one of the top three Padawans at the time. Since I usually take Padawans that show promise (I've had some bad experiences) I would have enjoyed that. Sorry I didn't take strides to take you under my wing. Helenias is a terrific Master though, especially at teaching from what I've obsearved, so you're lucky. :)

Helenias - What's with the name change? You and Q'Dunn hit the rocks IC?

Ishan - I might take you up on that offer one day buddy. By the way, good choice with Prince Xizor. :)

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 02:23:04 AM
Nope, not in the slightest. Now quit whining and get back to roleplaying :D

Oh, and check out the latest in Q'Dunn sigs :D

Morgan Evanar
Dec 13th, 2002, 02:24:19 AM
Also, I'm going into the field of web programmer. These guys get over $100 dollars an hour to design web sites for people. I figure I can get some local businesses and make some quick cash. Enough to buy a scanner and eventually a new computer, this one is begging to be let out to pasture. Plus a nice revenue source to dip into anything my heart desires. It isn't that hard, ya know. I'm pretty nifty at it now.

Web programing is frelling dead right now. I know some people that can program ASP and PHP in thier sleep, and they're out of jobs. Seriously, there are people who know far more about this field than I would ever want to.

I have no idea who quoted you the $100/hr figure, but you're being really blind to economic realities.

If you need a new modem, I have four or five floating around in my bedroom. I'll never use the damn things. VIVA LA BROADBAND!

Dec 13th, 2002, 03:01:46 AM
If only id known Sage! Yeah, thats exactly right about me and verse. Just a difference of opinion I guess. Ah well. Im proud that you thought I was one of the better padawans though. Helenias did a great job and everything worked out well for me in the end. Shes a very talented writter and ive learnt much from her.

Leeloo Mina
Dec 13th, 2002, 05:26:00 AM

*gives him a big hug*

Dec 13th, 2002, 12:30:13 PM
Hey Sage :) Hmm, I think I'd be interested in learning about the basics in web programming. Maybe I'll take a course on it one year if they offer it at my university.

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 13th, 2002, 10:30:25 PM

*clings onto Sage's leg*

I was wondering where you went off too...

Syrius Cline
Dec 14th, 2002, 01:52:47 AM
(this is me BTW. Different name)

Morgan, I got that figure off a design firm's site. They charged like 400 bucks than 100 for every hour. Plus, I've already got one project lined up. I'll take a hundred for a whole site. Heck, I just want some mad money. It's not a career. I'm not saving up for a car or anything. I can probably underbid most anyone. Especially since the local businesses in my town would just want simple sites for dirt cheap prices. No E-Commerce or anything. Just directions to thier stores and stuff. I'll go way below the bar if I have to. I'm also designing the sites, making the graphics, making the html, coming up with logos, etc. Is a hundred bucks an hour too much? When it doesn't take me more than about ten hours? Also, I'm not going over the internet or anything. I'm just going to hand out business cards and flyers. I'll take what I can get. It's better than being a bag boy at Albertson's.

Oh and no thanks to the modem offer. I'm saving up all my money to get a new computer and maybe a broad band modem myself. Plus my pop would probably raise an eyebrow if a free modem came in the mail. :lol

Yo Hart! Check out <a href=http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/>Webmonkey</a>. Free tutorials for everything evolved in web designing.

Leeloo!!!!! Gosh, I thought you were gone for good girly.

Marcus, I love all your sigs dude. Would you mind if I helped you out with sigs for people here? To lighten the load? Or do you want to fly solo?

Snack, get off my dang leg! :lol

Dec 14th, 2002, 07:59:56 AM
If you look round, they'll be websites. The other week I was looking for job info, and kept finding adverts on online job sites requesting a website made for money. Was someone to get themselves a steady but non-taxing job, they could duel wield them, and make a tidy packet.

Xazor Elessar
Dec 14th, 2002, 02:52:47 PM


OMG! I'm so glad to see you back! WOW! It's been such a long time and now you're here! HEHEHEHE!

Dude, you are an awesome writer and I'd love to do some more stuff with you when you begin writing again! Xaz is very grateful to Sage for all he's done for her (and she still has the saber he gave her..... ;))

I'm still here buddy, I haven't gone anywhere! Just been busy as of late and not posting IC much, but I'm making my rounds during my weekends and soon Christmas vacation! :D


This is soooooooo cool! I mentioned in "The Real Lost Jedi" list that I missed you and then all of a sudden you appear! :D Hehehe, that's so awesome!

Yeah, I'm a Knight still and I'm working on a few things.....I've been on the Council and stuff and doing a ton of RPs. Xazor is pregnant, in case you didn't know. She and Terran Starek are going to get married.....(very long story while you were gone, :lol)

There is so much going on it's hard to even conceive putting it all in one post! But it's so good to have you back! Hope you'll want to keep training with Syrius....I miss him, love! ;) Hehee.....

Take care, ::huggles::


Salemn Lysce
Dec 14th, 2002, 04:24:41 PM
Sage ! Wow, when you suddenly disappeared I remember reading posts here and there about people wondering where you went off to, or how you'd know how to do this or that, or that your presence was just missed. I guess all I can say is welcome back. I remember when I was a padawan I read your posts and thought, "If only I could write like that. It should would save alot of trouble in Literature class."

As for Xazor being Terran, maybe I'll send you a p.m. about the neverending soap opera her lovelife has created ... "GJO: The Time of Our Lives". :mneh

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 14th, 2002, 05:48:22 PM
Sage, there aint no officail sig maker around here, you wanna do em, go right ahead. I only make em when I feel like it.

Rognan Dar
Dec 14th, 2002, 06:26:32 PM
:lol Thats a good one Salemn

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:09:18 PM
Bah, fine. :p

*scampers off*

Sage Hazzard
Dec 16th, 2002, 02:32:14 AM
::Tosses Snack a plastic replica of his leg::

There, ya sicko! :lol

Wow, can you feel the love? Can you feel it? Can you?! So warm, so toasty, so frosty! :lol Thanks guys. You're making me blush reading this junk. :) Good slap on the head to get writing again. :D

Xazor - LOOOOOOOVE!!!!! Hey, notice that's the name of the lightsabre I gave you as well? Weird. Well it's good you're here. That's a relief. I would miss you a lot otherwise girl. :) Thanks for the compliments and stuff. OF COURSE I want to practice as Syrius more! As soon as you can! Just PM Syrius' account when a thread is up, I'll post right quick. Oooh, look at the post with him in the B&G. :D It might be a good post to show his progression into thinking like a Jedi. Heck, maybe not. :lol I'd rather you not jump in, because I want Syrius to kind of handle this on his own. If there is indeed something to handle.

I'll start posting as Sage as soon as I can think of what to do with him. I think I told you what I had planned, didn't I? I'm not sure if I should do that now. It's a bit outdated. Although, I think the time I wanted him gone IC would kind of relate to how long I've been gone OOC. Though I'm not sure ol' Gav will want to do that storyline still.

Cool Reaperfett. I'm looking at making some pretty nice pocket change with this. Especially for a first job. So any money I make would be really nice. Since it's got flexible hours so I can fit my fun activities in. Plus, I find that work fun as well! So the money's really not a factor, as long as I make SOME.

Wait, back to Xazor. You're pregnant and getting married again?! I really need the details, otherwise I'm floored. Now, is this one going to work? Maybe you can stay together for the kids. :lol I'm teasing. :)

Dec 16th, 2002, 03:39:22 AM
You need the details? I hope you havent got anything planned for like the next month if you want to hear it all! :lol

Helenias Evenstar
Dec 16th, 2002, 06:02:47 AM
Look up a plot for an episode of Days of our Lives.

Zasz Grimm
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:24:42 PM
Sage! You are back! This is the <smallfont color=#33CCFF>-Censored-</smallfont>!

:) :) :)

I guess me and you kinda had a bond before you left last time, it was OOC-ness and more to web images and the like. I was wanting to do some RP's with you as Zasz and such, but you dissappeared.

I myself am subject to not being here due to lack of self esteem (I also have the same problem) and my addiction for games. But right now, I am getting back in the saddle and taking the bull by the horns! >=D Glad to see you! Drop me a PM man, or if you ever get AIM, SN is still the same. Unheard Dilemma.

Also, I recently started a Jedi Character, Aejin Rahn, maybe you could RP with him or something, I kinda took Michael Rosenbaum as the picture, I knew you changed the picture. Don't kill me!

Hope we can RP sometime man, it's great seeing you.

Sage Hazzard
Dec 17th, 2002, 12:01:42 AM
Xazor is just a hopeless romantic. :) If it doesn't have drama, what good is it? :lol I'd still like to know. Heck, I might have to perform the wedding. :lol

Yo Zasz! Man, I'm feeling bad about leaving your board out in the cold. With that side menu thing, updating it without the source code would be almost impossible. The reason I didn't give you the stuff for it before was because I wasn't that sure how. Since the javascript code was hosted on my clanpages account and the links are handled in that. If you need any changes though, I can try and handle it. I know you didn't mention it, but I've been feeling crummy about it since I've been off the internet. Yeah man, you and I were clickin' like chickens. Still are though dude! Sure, let's RP sometime! PM me or something to set it up, whenever you feel like it. :) BTW, that signature is wicked awesome! :D

Oh, and go ahead Rosenbaum. :) Like you said, I was/am in the process of changing the character's face to Jude Law. Didn't I tell you what I had planned for Sage? I think I did... Hmm, maybe not.

Actually, instead of making a new post, if anyone is reading this with admin status, who can I talk to in private about something? I need to get permission on something I want to do. Since I'm not sure it belongs in the admin forum, and everytime I post there and it the post doesn't belong I feel like a dope, can I have a PM conversation with a Jedi Master? I know I am one, etc. etc. but I need someone else's opinion on the matter. And someone who can tell me if I have to tell all the other admins about it, or if the thing I want to do isn't that big to have to announce widely. I want it as secret as possible before the RP is unraveled. I was thinking someone with a bit of seniority, who knew his/her way around the Jedi OOC/IC laws and rules about stuff. Can anybody please help me?

Oh, and I just want to take the time to say that I love you all. In the family sense of the word. You guys and gals really are a hoot and you have been my friends for two years now and I just wanted to say thank you. :)

Zasz Grimm
Dec 17th, 2002, 07:46:28 AM
Pah! Worry not my friend! It's not like anybody actually went to my board anyway, I'm not that important. ;) . And thanks about the sig, had a friend make it, though he's dropped off the radar (I know he is going through the stages of hooking up a DSL connection) And hopefully he will come back.

No, you didn't tell me what you had planned for Sage! :shootin

He loves us! He really loves us!!!


Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 17th, 2002, 08:28:02 PM
*beats the leg on the ground*

But I don't like plastic! :cry

Sanis Prent
Dec 21st, 2002, 01:20:10 AM
Good to see your back, Sage. I don't have anything to report on my side of things, so I'll just leave it at that.

Sage Hazzard
Dec 22nd, 2002, 09:21:15 AM
Well than Zasz, you'll have to be suprised like everyone else. Mwahahaha!

Howdy Sanis. :)