View Full Version : Let's Get It! (open)

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 11th, 2002, 08:51:33 PM
Lion paced around the edge of the square, circling his adversary. His target, a modified ASP droid, stood in the center of the mat, blue lightsaber in hand. It shifted slightly to compensate for Lion's move, but by then it was too late.

Lion charged, a smile creeping onto his face as he lifted the saber to deliver a killing blow. The smile disappeared when he noticed the droid holding its saber perpendicular to his.

With a curse, he slid down, sliding under the lethal droid. A half second later, the ASP droid's saber cut into the mat right behind Lion, leaving a deep brown gash in the stone floor.

"Damn!" he said, as he threw his hand out to brake himself and then flipped onto his feet. The ASP droid was charging, and Lion wouldn't lose to it. He shrugged off his cloak, and reignited his saber. Its brilliant immense blade shot out, and Lion charged again. There was a flurry of sparks as Lion met the droid's saber with his own.

The two combatants swung at each other again and again, neither of them gaining the upper hand. Concentrating into the force, Lion gave a subtle pull and a bench tore itself free from the floor and came soaring towards the droid. With a *crunch* it collided with the ASP.

The droid stood still, momentarily disoriented from the hit, but Lion didn't give it enough time to get ready. He swung a powerful sidearm blow that crashed through the droid in a flurry of sparks. The machine tottered forwards, but Lion stabbed his saber through the training droid, before yanking it out and watching the machine topple forward to land on the stone floor.

He smiled, took a moment to wipe his forehead, and then turned off his saber.

"Simulation terminated...Simulation terminated"

The computer spoke into his ear, and around him, the scene in the park dissolved, and Lion was left in the training holoroom, pondering what to next. Maybe a higher difficulty level...