View Full Version : Another day in the dark(open)

Zatania Duvall
Dec 11th, 2002, 06:51:03 PM
Zatania was more well known for keeping to her room whenever she wasn't training than anything else. Mainly because she was also training herself mentally whenever she wasn't training with the force with Sasha. She had missed out on a lot these past decades, all adding up to about three centuries or so of unknown knowledge. If someone mentioned anything during that time, she would get a spaced out confused look on her face, which made her feel... out of place.

But, even so, she was beginning to get tired of studying history and art, even the new sciences that have been invented since her time. So, it was time for a little walk around the palace. This time she wouldn't go to the gardens, since that was yet another place that she spent most of her time. She'd have to explore the rest of the building, since she had only done it once before on a slight tour.

It didn't take too long for her to forget which hallways she had turned down, which was what she had planned on. She wanted to get lost for a little while, so that she wouldn't be tempted to get back to work. If she was tempted to, though, there was nothing stopping her from reaching out with the force to sense her neighbor's whereabouts. Usually there was one or two of them in their rooms around the same times she was. But if they weren't, she'd just have to find her way back the old fashioned way.

She stopped when she came across a set of windows looking out towards the horizon, several stories up from the ground. From there she could see the grand steps that she had first arrived on when she came here weeks before. Had it been that long ago already?

ra hath
Dec 12th, 2002, 11:31:04 AM
Ra was on way back from the dinneing hall with a cup of warm ginger al in hand walking down the to his room when saw his neibore zatania duvall the grile he was talking to in rast's room she was peering out the windo it looked like she was a deep state of thought ra wonder if he should go ober and say hi your leave her be.but taking his chanses he went to her (hay you okay you look kind of lost)

Zatania Duvall
Dec 12th, 2002, 11:38:58 AM
Zatania looked to her side, seeing Ra walking towards her just as he started speaking to her. She nodded and smiled faintly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just taking a break from my usual daily things."

Maybe talking to someone was better than taking a break alone. After all, it was when she was by herself that she thought way too much, and trying to solve problems that couldn't yet be solved was more tiring than reading books all day long.

ra hath
Dec 12th, 2002, 11:57:43 AM
taking a break my to I was just on my to room to read up on state of minde in battel thought i'ed strech my legs befor i got stared

Zatania Duvall
Dec 12th, 2002, 06:18:23 PM

Zatania leaned forward against the railing protecting any passerby from falling through the window, peering downwards as far as the eye could see.

"I was just reading on history, mostly of sith history during the past three or four centuries."

ra hath
Dec 13th, 2002, 11:53:03 AM
yeah sith histroy I started from the begening a short wall ago now I'am up to about the thrid centery.Is been go so far but kind of a dark story .

Zatania Duvall
Dec 13th, 2002, 01:34:17 PM
"Well, history can't always be cheerful and happy."

Zatania paused, wondering if that had truth to it. If she remembered her past, would it be pleasant or not?

ra hath
Dec 16th, 2002, 08:35:54 AM
Right that was a joke histroy of the sith ,dark side dark story. trying to lighten up the mood and i should stop.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:26:48 PM
Zatania blinked. "My God, I of all people should have understood a joke."

She looked away from the window. "I've been reading too much, am I starting to lose my humor?"

After a short pause, she shrugged and smiled. "Nah."

ra hath
Dec 17th, 2002, 01:19:39 PM
after that ra says (don't worry about it . it wasn't that good any way dut umm I just thought about taking a walk around the grounds want to come .

Judas Escariot
Dec 17th, 2002, 02:18:01 PM
Judas just exited the library finishing one whole shelf of information about Sith history and decided to stroll around the palace a while.

He mingled around until he found gorgeous woman sitting at a window.

"Ah, yes...," he thought.

If he was not mistaken he was looking at the lovely Zatania Duvall. Yes, Sasha's other student. He did watch her for sometime and was very curious about her.

Judas creeped behind her and in a gentle voice...

"Zatania, m'lady, I believe we've never aquainted..."

Zatania Duvall
Dec 17th, 2002, 02:21:18 PM
Zatania turned and smiled, chuckling faintly.

"Actually, we met in a bar once. But you got quiet and I never caught your name."

She shrugged and reached out her hand. "Nice to meet you again though."

She looked back to ra, suddenly recalling his offer to walk around the grounds. "Well, it couldn't hurt. Would it matter if the mystery man came along?"

Judas Escariot
Dec 17th, 2002, 02:29:08 PM
Judas held her hand ever so gently and kisses it with such warmth.

"With you, it would be quite the honor," he said in a passionate tone.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 17th, 2002, 02:35:41 PM
Zatania's attention turned back to Judas when she felt him kissing her hand. She blinked for a moment, suddenly recalled an awkward moment just like this, before she got some of her memories back. Back then she had reacted totally on instinct, and had smacked Garmollo. At this moment, she didn't know how to react, so she just started talking, and didn't smack Judas.

"Uhh.. What was your name again?"

Judas Escariot
Dec 17th, 2002, 02:42:06 PM
Judas bowed to her and then stood up again meeting her eyes.

"You could call me whatever you like, but most people call me Judas...Judas Escariot at your service, m'lady.

ra hath
Dec 17th, 2002, 02:42:38 PM
watching this ra could not help but the feel awkwardess of the momnet. And the fact that this guy acted as if ra was not even there. But he has been wanting to talk to him so ra sayed (sure why not

Zatania Duvall
Dec 17th, 2002, 02:45:50 PM
"Alright, Judas."

She looked towards ra, hoping he wasn't feeling out of place. She didn't know what she did to cause the situation to turn this way, but hopefully it'd smooth out.

"Well, why don't we get going on that walk, huh?"

Judas Escariot
Dec 17th, 2002, 02:51:49 PM
Judas nods and looked overhead.

"After you m'lady," he said with a warm smile.

ra hath
Dec 17th, 2002, 02:52:10 PM
ra see how flostered what this judas doing kind of made zatania (says sure lets go) trying to do his part in smothing things out with slight chukle

Zatania Duvall
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:00:05 PM
Zatania walked ahead of Judas as he had asked, joining ra by his side, but slowed down so that Judas could catch up.

"Who is your master, Judas?"

ra hath
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:01:33 PM
ra truned his hed to hear

Judas Escariot
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:06:32 PM
Judas continued next to her admiring her delicate personality. He never felt for someone like this. What was this feeling, these thoughts of her.

"Am I in...love," he thought.

Then he heard her beautiful voice again.

"Who is your master, Judas?"

"I guess Sasha never told you of me, well, we are not far off m'lady. Your master is an old good friend and the same as I," he replied a tender manner.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:09:29 PM
"He might have." She laughed faintly. "But with how much work I've been doing trying to remember my past, I forget some things."

She looked at him and nodded. "He's a good teacher, I've been learning a lot from him."

ra hath
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:15:04 PM
while they where talking ra wonder what was wrong with this guy. He must be falling hard for this grile

Judas Escariot
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:15:22 PM
" Yes he is, what lesson are you on now, love," he said softly.

Judas adjusted his cloak an removed his hood so he can view her better. He was in awe of her appearance, but he was very confident to speak to her. He waited patiently for her reply. Ha, patiently...maybe it was the first time he ever was. This wasn't his best quality.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:19:16 PM
She was about to answer him, then realized what he just called her.


She blinked, wondering how someone she barely knew could call her something like that after such a short amount of time.

"Well.. He just taught me how to sense life forces."

She looked at ra, trying to think of a way to keep this from getting stranger.

"And your master is Malice, right?"

Judas Escariot
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:22:36 PM
"No, no, I said it was Sasha also," he reminded her.

He was also a student to Sasha for sometime too, but he never had a chance to meet her. So, this was his only opportunity.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:24:53 PM
"Oh, I know, I was asking Ra about Malice."

She shrugged and smiled. "Sorry, I guess I should have made it more clear. No harm done though."

Judas Escariot
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:27:46 PM
"It's quite alright," he said.

He looked at Ra and recalled him quickly. He remembered him once in a bar and also in a hall next to his quarters. He waited for Ra's reply to his recent question.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:00:39 PM
Zatania's attention turned back to ra after she nodded to Judas, waiting for an answer. She knew she was right, but then again, her memory after so much studying was not as good as she thought at times.

Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:11:23 PM
"So, what brought you here to this faction, m'lady," he inquired to a polite tone.

He turned into a lounge led her in.

"Would you like anything in particular," he said as he led her to a table quiet table.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:26:02 PM
"So, what brought you here to this faction, m'lady?" Judas asked her, having a rather gentlemanly tone to his voice.

"I came here in hopes to get my memories back." She said, knowing that he'd probably not understand fully. "It's a long story."

"Would you like anything in particular?" He said as he led her to a table.

She looked around for ra, hoping he wasn't feeling left out from this. She'd owe him a walk around the grounds.

"Not rreally.. I guess a glass of water."

Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:38:36 PM
Judas helped her to her sit and waved to a waiter. Judas sat across her and admired her. Soon the waiter returned with a bottle of the finest wine and two chalices.

"I only treat beautiful woman with the best," he said with a genuine smile as he waved away the pitcher of water that another waiter was offering.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:46:26 PM
Zatania raised a brow, not sure what the say. Wine? Now she knew for sure this fellow apprentice to Sasha was hitting on her.

The waiter filled the two chalices with the wine, then picked up the pitcher of water and walked away.

Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:48:42 PM
Judas looked at her and lifted his chalice.

"To our future, our training of course," he said as he peered at her with a devilish smile.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 18th, 2002, 12:55:59 PM
She picked up her glass, keeping back a chuckle because she wasn't too out of the times to know that he also meant that in another way, just secretly. No matter, she'd play dumb just to get to know him better. As was said in one of her training sessions, if she couldn't remember her past then she might as well move on.

"To the future of our training." She said as she held up her glass for the toast.

Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 01:03:39 PM
They tapped there chalices and Judas conforted himself.

"So tell me something Zatania, why are you so...so...," he said looking around, waving his hand, thinking a good word," Beautiful."

He leaned toward her waiting for an answer.

"Has anyone ever told you that," he added.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 18th, 2002, 01:07:31 PM
"A lot, but I could care less about how I look."

She laughed faintly, explaining. "This body isn't really mine, thats the long story I was telling you about. It used to belong to a Jedi girl. I don't know how it happened, but thats what I'm trying to find out."

She paused and looked up at him. "Thats why I dont dwell on beauty, because I don't know if my old face was prettier or not. But I guess this face is mine now, huh?"

After taking a sip, she thought it best not to get into the long story, since it would take away from getting to know him.

"Why did you come here to train? Any special reason?"

Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 01:12:49 PM
Judas smiled.

"Either way I wouldn't care, I would always think of you as a beautiful girl," he said in a warm tone.

"Why did you come here to train? Any special reason?"

"I'm a man of knowledge and always ready to learn new things everyday, I was seeking to train and learn of the force through the Sith. So, I came here to see what I would find, besides I love power, I guess the Sith can give me that," he replied.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 18th, 2002, 01:41:27 PM
"You like to learn new things? So do I, only I don't stop at just learning through fighting and training with Sasha. I tend to read up on a lot of things to see if I can learn something new from there."

She sipped her wine, then set it down as she waited for him to answer.

Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 01:51:02 PM
"Oh, so you like books," he said," so do I."

Judas took a sip of his beverage and kept his eye contact wiht her.

"If your not too busy, maybe you can join me in the library, or the gardens perhaps," he suggested.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 18th, 2002, 01:56:43 PM
"Sure, might as well get to know eachother since we both have the same master."

She smiled and crossed one leg over the other.

"I forgot to ask you what lesson you're on. You asked me just a few minutes ago."

Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 02:02:10 PM
"Lesson, ah, yes, well you already answered it. You said he was teaching you how to feel life forces," he reminded.

He waved in graditude to the waiters and help Zatania out of her chair.

"Well shall we," he offered," Gardens or library, love?"

Zatania Duvall
Dec 18th, 2002, 02:11:45 PM
As she stood up, he said it again. Love. It didn't phase her as much this time, though, for some reason.

"Surprise me."

Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 02:15:19 PM
"Surprise me."

Judas was suprised by this. He smiled and held his hand out.

"Do you trust me...," he said in a friendly voice.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 18th, 2002, 02:18:38 PM
"As long as it doesn't involve anything that might hurt." She joked.

She smiled and held her hand out, then slowly took his hand, not too sure what he was planning to do.

Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 02:22:17 PM
Judas smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't let nothing happen to you....yet," he returned the joke.

He led her out to the halls and on a far side of the palace there was a staircase. From there, he brought her to the top into an open balcony. The sun was just setting and the stars began to appear.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 18th, 2002, 02:27:10 PM
When he returned the joke, she felt more relaxed and not as nervous as she was. She didn't know why she was so uneasy, but now she was feeling a lot better.

Upon setting foot on the balcony, her eyes set immediatly on the horizon since the colors were so bright from it setting.


Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 02:33:22 PM
"What a place, huh," he inquired," Beautiful, but not as remarkable as you, Zatania."

He led her to the edge.

"I always come here when I think and read sometimes, ya know, just to relax," he said looking towards the horizon," There are so many things to learn...see out there. Do you ever wander?"

Zatania Duvall
Dec 18th, 2002, 02:38:47 PM
"I can understand how it would be to study up here, it's very soothing."

She leaned her elbows on the railing. "It's been a long time since I've watched a sunset.. Even longer since I watched a sunrise."

"There are so many things to learn...see out there. Do you ever wander?" Judas said.


Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 02:44:39 PM
Judas carefully stood behind her and puts his arms around her. He reached over to her ear.

"Do you ever wander in destiny, Zatania," he whispered to her.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 18th, 2002, 02:50:02 PM
She felt his arm go around her, and when he whispered to her, she was silent. Something about that seemed... familiar.

She realized that she was quiet and finally looked at him and shook her head. "Not that often."

Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 02:55:22 PM
"Not that often."

"Well, I do, sometimes," he continued," You know...I don't think I would ever wish upon a star anymore...because...you...came...true."

As he ended this he began to draw his face towards her.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:04:53 PM
Her mind went blank, well blank on what was going on right here right now. Something seemed so oddly familiar about this, and it.. kind of scared her for some reason, and yet she wanted to embrace the moment, or even cry. But why?

By time she had asked herself all of the possible questions, she realized that he was just inches away from kissing her, or closer than that. She turned her head, not too sure what to do. She wasn't pulling away entirely, since he was able to kiss her cheek.

Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:10:58 PM
Judas paused for moment. He felt Zatania was a little nervous. So he held back.

"Are we doing something wrong, Zatania," he asked her in the most quietest and tender voice.

He held her face towards his and gently stroked her hair.....and kisses her warmly.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:15:38 PM
"This just seems familiar, like I've done this before..."

Her tone sounded dazed, like she had just returned from a daydream.

"Just slow down we just met." She said, knowing that it almost sounded childish.

Now that she had come back from whatever memory she had, she was relaxing again.

Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:22:12 PM
Judas turned her around and they were now face to face. They continued to kiss as the sun setted and a star shot across the sky.

It was obvious, he had feelings for Zatania, but how would she react to such a man of his qualities?

Zatania Duvall
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:29:15 PM
The sudden surprise kiss caused a reaction within her that even she didn't expect. She heard someone calling her name, within her head, a familiar voice. This caused a sudden stabbing pain in her temples, something that always happened whenever she had a memory of her lost past.

When she winced and became aware of her surroundings again, she realized that she had not pulled away from Judas. In fact, she was hugging him to keep her balance from fainting from the shock.

Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:34:33 PM
After a moment he released the kiss. His heart was racing and he was breathing heavily. He looked into her eyes as she was slowly opening them again.

"Are you all right, Zatania," he whispered to her.

He held his hands around her face and softly touched her delicate face.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:38:50 PM
When she felt that she could keep her balance, she held her hand to her forehead for a moment, that little pain stopping.

"Yeah, I'm alright."

She lowered her hand when he put his hands on her face. She was still shakey from what she remembered, almost.. sad? But when his hands comforted her, his voice as well.

Judas Escariot
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:45:30 PM
Judas held one of her hands and lead her to the staircase.

"May I assist you to your room, Zatania," he offered," You look a bit tired....my love."

He gently helped her walk down the stairs.

Riley Chambers
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:55:49 PM
Zatania nodded faintly, thinking that maybe that was a good idea.


EDIT Crap, wrong name! >.< LOL Pretend that was Zatania..

Judas Escariot
Dec 19th, 2002, 07:59:20 AM
(ooc: that's alright)

Judas carried Zatania in his arms down the the stairs all the way to Zatania's private room. He observed Zatania's eyes closed and smiled. He opened her door and took her to her bed. He carefully let her down comfortably. He stroked her hair lightly with his right hand and smiled.

"Goodnight....my sweet Zatania," he said as he stood beside her.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 19th, 2002, 11:38:46 AM
Whatever had happened exhausted her, and she had already fallen asleep before they even got into her quarters. She was still a little shakey, even in her sleep, from whatever had gone through her head, but calmed by a voice that was more tender than the ones that ran through her mind. Judas.

Judas Escariot
Dec 19th, 2002, 04:34:27 PM
Judas stayed by her side for a few minutes. Then, he touched her face one last time and kissed her lightly.

He stood up and went to Zatania's front door. He opened the door and went half way out looking back at Zatania. He smiled.

"Goodnight, my sweet Zatania," he said as he closed the door behind him.