View Full Version : Quite the Establishment.

Alan Joyce
Dec 11th, 2002, 06:32:07 PM
Alan casually entered the place told to him as "Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill", and gave only a shake of the head to the doorman when asked if he was carrying any weapons. He certainly didn't consider a Swiss Army Knife a real weapon. After all, the blade was duller than the screwdriver it bore.

His clothing made him stand out against the average patron; a tan tweed three-piece suit with leather patches at the elbows of his jacket, and a deep red and yellow striped tie accented the shade of brown quite well. His soft-soled shoes made little noise as he weaved through others up to the bar where he took a seat on a barstool and unbuttoned his jacket so it would not bunch up around his middle. Sweeping a strand of blonde hair back into place, Alan looked around and smiled. It was quite the busy place, though it did seem homey enough that he was comfortable.

Raising a hand lightly to gain the bartender's attention after he had finished serving another patron, Alan smiled and nodded hello to him before asking for a drink. "A glass of port, please, the older the better. And might I perchance to see a menu for the grill? Thank you."

The laminated menu was handed to him first, mainly because the bartender had to stop and look for some port. It was an uncommon request, but he knew he had some somewhere. Eventually the dark liqueur made its way into a short, rounded glass, and was set before Alan, who doled out the credits required, then went back to selecting what he wished for lunch that afternoon. It was his first day on Coruscant, so he wanted to make it a good meal.