View Full Version : You are already dead!(open challenge to a sith apprentice or padawan)
Dec 11th, 2002, 12:04:17 PM
I smiled looking around in this barren desert. There was nothing there. It all seemed so dead. I loved it. I smiled, where this desert was there had once been a village. I activated my new weapons. My lightsaber had been outdated. The jedi now had a new foe to deal with. I lifted my arm and on it sat a small device. About as long as my fist. It was connected and inside was an amzing amount of work. Three crystals and three magnetic fields. All very tightly squeezed together. The plasma flowed evenly through each crystal and its design was incredible. So many years of science. I clicked two buttons on the device and the blades hummed to life. Three orange fiery blades that emerged from the device. They were magnificent. My quadra-saber was at home. It recently had been malfunctioning. I would have to build a new one. As for my new weapon though I needed a name for it. I smiled and took the first thing that came to mind. My beautiful, precious, Shredders. They were claws, and only a few inches short of a lightsaber. Made for close combat, but could be used efficiently for far combat as well. One on each hand. I reached to my back and pulled my other weapon. A metal rod, but only one thing made it diffrent, it was covered in the lightsaber resistant material. There was only one last weapon, my sword. Covered in the same material and decorated ornately with bells and ninja weapons. I sheathed my bow and stood silently with my shredders. They were the only weapons not fused to my arm. They were removable, but they were hard to do so. I laughed, "Now I need to find someone to test them on."
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 14th, 2002, 07:20:16 PM
Wei pushed his glasses up and looked at his cousin. "Nice toys brother. But remember what Grandpa said. 'The one with the most toys doesn't always win.' I can't understand why you like to kill people so much."
Wei walked up to his cousin. "I suppose you want to fight me. It's always that way with Darksiders. Always wanting to fight and kill. If you guys weren;t like that, we Jedi would probably leave you alone."
Dec 14th, 2002, 07:28:38 PM
I turned to my cousin. He had no idea how wrong he was. I finally spoke watching him come closer, "You pour deluded soul. I do not fight and kill. I make art. I make so much beautiful stacks of dead bodies dont I?" I turned and walked away from him, "As for you, this fight dates back to our childhood. You always stood up for me. Why would you never let me fight my own battles?! You and my brother both, why?! Because of you two my father ejected me and threw me in the forest! Why?!" I turned to face him and showed him my shredders. "These are not mere toys Wei. They are your future. Your blood will spill upon them. I will scar you mentally and physically. And soon there will be another of me. Now then answer my question!" I snarled, waiting for his answer. My new bionic legs were somewhat phasing out, but I would try my best. He would pay.
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 14th, 2002, 07:43:01 PM
"Why?" Wei repeated.
"Let me ask you a question," Wei said, igniting his saber. "Why didn;t your father ever stick up for you? If he loved you, and I mean really loved you, he would have kept you despite my sticking up for you."
Wei held his saber in the ready position. "I don't see the problem, Satsa."
Dec 14th, 2002, 07:55:03 PM
I snarled, "Your little tricks won't work. He didn't love me and I accepted that. It was because he never saw me fight that he deserted me. I got along fine though. Look at me I am a God. You should bow when you see me." I laughed, "Now then enough babble...Have at you!" I jumped toward him coming down hard with my shredders.
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 14th, 2002, 08:04:28 PM
Wei blocked the saber claws and pushed his cousin away. Wei drew and ignited his other saber. "Now I think it's a little more even."
Wei cut at Ansatsu's chest while keeping his other saber ready to defend.
Dec 15th, 2002, 08:26:07 PM
I took the hit and flew back some. I shot off to darts and then ran forward. Wait a minute, no I didn't! Damn legs! They locked up on me. I had to wait till the nerves realigned. Would only take a minute or two. The doctor had given me new legs, but my body had not melded with them yet. I had to wait a few more days. I shot off a few darts and then some stars at Wei. I turned off my claws, drew my sword, and tried to intimidate Wei. "Come on cousin! I will prove my strength by fighting from the same spot." I could block from any position here as long as I kept my balance, and I could keep my senses on him. I stood there sword unsheathed waiting for him to attack. "Come on and fight me!"
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 16th, 2002, 11:36:14 AM
Wei neatly dodged the two darts, but the shurikens cut Wei on both cheeks. Wei wiped the blood from his face with his thumb, then looked at his red-tinged digit.
"If that's what you want."
Wei slowly advanced on Ansatsu, keeping watch for more projectiles. "That sword won't hold up to a lightsaber, I'm afraid," Wei commented and struck at the sword with his saber.
Dec 16th, 2002, 03:12:42 PM
The cortosis in the sword held pretty well. I kept in a sword lock with Wei. I let my mind guide me, and then got out of the lock sending his blade down, and swinging my blade at his stomach. My legs were still locked up. Dammitt! Huryy up!
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 16th, 2002, 09:45:07 PM
Wei's saber was hit down and it shorted. Wei leaned forward, stuck out his rear to try to avoid the cut to his stomach, but it was not going to work. Wei quickly put an arm to his stomach to hold his guts inside. Wei retreated and fished out some bacta patches from a small satchel on his side. Wei tore his shirt off and put the first aid on his stomach. The Jedi grit his teeth. and his eye was shut tightly as he tried to ignore the pain. The game would have to be a defensive one for now, but that was a game that Wei was good at playing. At least, as long as he didn't do much to mess with his abdomen.
Dec 16th, 2002, 09:51:36 PM
I stood for a moment. Watching him put his patch on. Then finnaly my legs unlocked, and I flipped behind Wei. I took my sword and slashed down his back. "Wow Wei, you really should learn to pay attention." I jumped back and stood in a defensive position with my blade. I sheathed it and then reactivated my claws. It was time to win.
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 2nd, 2003, 10:31:52 AM
Wei pancaked onto the ground to dodge the sword, and scuttled away on all fours so he could regain a defensive posture.
"I'm aware of more than I let on, you know."
Wei activated his saber and tried his hardest not to move his abdomen too much.
Jan 8th, 2003, 07:32:03 PM
I smiled. "So the great Wei is hurt. Poor thing. Oh well, just makes it easier for me to kill you!" I screamed. I leapt forward at him and as I jumped I activated the boosters on my legs. I doged over to the side and brought my sword down upon his arm.
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 8th, 2003, 08:09:09 PM
Wei snatched his arm out of the way of the sword and brought up his knee. Wei had seen everal enemies perfrom jumping attacks before. Wei knew that if he could get out of the way, gravity would do the damage for him if he set it up right. But those rockets Satsa had bothered him.
Jan 8th, 2003, 08:47:29 PM
I let the knee hit my stomach. I folded over and looked back up at him. I laughed and told him, "Time to bow at my feet. It is time for you to lose your life!" I snuck the gas mask over my face and under the cloth of my sash. I pulled a small pack from my vest and threw it out. The small stars began to float in the air, and they would soon infest Wei's lungs. He would soon not be able to breath. "Ready?" I said smiling. I activcated the boosters again and dashed to his side, dashed again, and then behind him and swung my blade. My sash and myself creating a double image. He would never find me, or so I hoped.
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 8th, 2003, 08:52:34 PM
Wei covered his face with his hand, coughing a little bit as he did so. What were those things? That and Satsa sudden;y became harder to track down. It would take some concentration, but he could probably find him. Wei backed away from where the spores had been released and coughed a little more. Then he gained control of himself and reached out to Ansatsu's mind with the intention of making him itch. It worked on Xazor, so it could work on him too.
Jan 8th, 2003, 09:07:17 PM
I felt a small itch on my arm, but I tried my best to ignore me. I could feel it grow, and looked over to Wei. "Your little tricks again Wei? You should know better." I smiled and charged at him again. Instead of swinging my sword though I decided to throw my leg out and go for a flying side kick. I charged up the energy of the planet, and then released it through my foot. My foot caught flame and I screamed, "Flaming side kick!" I knew this would catch him off guard.
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 8th, 2003, 09:13:35 PM
Wei watched Ansatsu's foot burst into flame. "What the?"
Wei ducked, but his shirt caught fire. The padawan quickly removed it and stamped out the flame. "HEY! Grandmother made me that shirt!"
Wei's grandmother had made all of his clothes, but that was besides the point. "And besides, since when did you go around announcing your attacks like the cheesy kung fu fighters in the movies?"
Jan 9th, 2003, 07:00:41 PM
"Cheesy?!" I was infuriated. How dare he insult me. I looked around and smiled at him. I let the planets power build inside me and laughed, "Now I will show you true power!" I tightened up my hand and threw out my fist, followed by another, and another. I continued to throw my fists out creating a wave of wind as they flew. I waited for about thirty seconds and then put my energy into my foot. I stopped punching and spun my body bringing my foot up. It spun through creating a whirlwwind of sand to not only blind the opponet, but let me get in some cheap shots. I walked into the tornado and hid from Wei. It came towards him closer and closer. I laughed and threw out some kicks to his sides, and then followed with a punch to his abdomen.
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 10th, 2003, 09:32:50 AM
Wei switched to the most solid stance he knew and was pusehd back by the wind, creating small troughs where his feet had dug into the ground. When the tornado came, Wei closed his eyes and used the Force to sense his cousin. Wei foud the over confident feeling well enough and and batted the kicks away. The punch was fast and strong. Wei smiled and stepped inside the punch and grabbed his cousin's wrist. Wei bent Satsa's wrist as far inwards as he could, took a step back and tugged on his cousin's arm. Wei loved practicing the maneuver as a kid. When performed correctly The opponent would fall onto their sides and sometimes spin like a top. Then Wei would smash in their ribs with his heel. Wei knew Satsa's arms were mechanical, so he didn't know if bending his cousin's wrist would cause the paralyzing pain needed to weaken his stance.
Jan 10th, 2003, 11:35:02 AM
I felt him disabilize my arm. Then I fell onto my side and looked up at him. "Fool." I reached behind me with my good hand, and pulled out my small mechanical rod. I pressed the button and swept it under his legs as it extended.
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 10th, 2003, 02:46:26 PM
Wei jumped over the rod and positioned one of his feet over Satsa's ribcage.
"What made you turn to the Darkside anyway? I doesn't make any sense."
Jan 11th, 2003, 08:00:17 PM
I rolled away from the oncoming foot and stood. "I am not evil, nor am I good Wei. I am the feelings of all living things." I smiled, "As well as their evil intentions." I leapt forward and let my form catch fire with the planets energy. "Now witness the power of my...BURNING ATTACK!" I screamed as I flew closer. I extended my legs, and arms and prepared to make contact. My body was truly burning, but the only thing hurting was my back. It was the only real part of me anymore.
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 11th, 2003, 08:13:32 PM
Wei moved out of the way, and felt the heat of the attack. It was like a raging fire. Wei felt his face and head to make sure his eyebrows or hair had not caught fire from the heat.
Wei reached out and Force pushed his cousin while he was in the air. As long as he was on fire, Wei couldn't touch him. Then he remembered his saber and drew it agian.
Jan 11th, 2003, 08:32:21 PM
I felt the push and after the flame set out I landed. I rolled across the ground and then stood up. I smiled and activated one of my claws again. "You know Wei, there is another like me. You are what some might call an uncle now. I have a son Wei. His name is Kwiet. He has already learned some of my ways. You should meet him sometime." I smiled, "However, you might be in pieces when you do!" I said. I activated my dashers and dashed over to his side and slashed with my claws.
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 11th, 2003, 08:35:51 PM
Wei parried the claws and made a cut at the long scarf Ansatsu had around his neck.
"Ansatsu, are you sure you are ready to be a parent?"
Wei wasn;t so sure. Satsa had a technique that set himself on fire. Wei would never teach his children that. He just had a thing against teaching children techniques that could possibly lead to permanent injury or death.
Jan 11th, 2003, 08:42:05 PM
I smiled, "I am more ready than you ever were. The Order was going allow you to teach! When were they going to let me! You were always more liked. Living such a sheltered life. When was it going to be my turn? I have suffered since the beggining. You were always so great. E-e-ven when we were children. You were always more appreciated. I was always shunned by my father, he never loved me. Then I lost my brother. All I had left was you." My emotions battled within me, and the fiend cells subsided for a moment. My old self came out for a minute. It was enough time for him to speak to Wei, "Please save me Wei. You and my son are the only family I have left." I switched over once again. My evil side showing once more. "What just happened?" I felt so odd. My sides were switching. Something was not right. I looked to Wei, "No matter time for your move."
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 11th, 2003, 08:58:15 PM
Wei decided raised an eyebrow. "I was, and still am more liked because I am patient. I take my time. Ever seen me sitting down in the middle of hallways, or on sidewalks? It's cause I'm waiting. And I actually took the council's advice when it was given to me."
Wei shut off his lightsaber and began to a walk a circle around his cousin. It was a cocky sort of swagger, but that was merely to keep his cousin's attention.
"You never were open with your feelings. You always bottle them up inside until you either broke down, or blew up. Did you know that I was once upset with the council because I thought they had kidnapped my wife, Ange, and were keeping her hostage for some underhanded purpose? I walked right into that council chamber and I told them how I felt and why I felt that way. I lost my temper in the process, but the point is I didn't let that anger fester inside me. That's how I have avoided the Darkside."
Wei continued his parade around Satsa. "You want to be saved from the torture of the Darkside? Then you need to be honest with yourself and others about your feelings. And always try to express how you feel in a calm, polite manner."
Wei stopped in front of his cousin. "Fighting like this is stupid. I will have no part of it anymore. You can be mad if you want. If you feel like you want to continue to fight, then be my guest. But you will get no resistance from me."
Wei sat down where he was and waited on his cousin. Wei would trust his ability in the Force to shield him from his cousin if he attacked. Wei was determined not to lift a finger against his family anymore.
Jan 11th, 2003, 09:08:00 PM
I smiled, "I can not hurt my family. You are defenseless. I can not strike. It would be dishonorable. I know I have usually kept my feelings bottled. My father or my master never let me speak. They said it made you build weakness. As for the darkside I had no choice. Either Fiend would kill me, or I came to his side. I was not going to die. I have unfinished buissness." I walked over to Wei and placed my hand on his shoulder, "As you have done I refuse to fight you anymore. I will still attack others, but you are family. I can no longer hurt family." I smiled, "I am sorry for all the torment I caused you." I removed one of the stars from my arm and placed it beside him. "Take this. Maybe one day you and I can fight side by side. As a family once again." He was the closest thing I had to a brother. I walked away and deactivated my claws, "Until we meet again. Until we meet again." I picked up the broken sash and reattached it. I leapt away into the spinning sand and smiled. My emotions were getting in the way of work. What is wrong with me? Maybe I am developing my emotions again? I would know soon enough. Now I felt I had to go home and see my son.
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 11th, 2003, 09:13:16 PM
Wei took the star in his hand and turned it over in his palm.
"Satsa...Your dad and teacher were both fooling themselves. Admitting your feelings, getting upset, crying...all of that is normal. If only you could see that it takes a truly strong person to come out and admit their feelings and frustrations. Keeping them hidden and running from them is cowardly. Maybe that's another reason why people liked me more than you."
Wei put the star in his pocket and headed home. He was hungry.
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